Bad And Good Parasites, And Malaria?

If I understand you correctly, you say that there are no bad parasites, bacteria or fungus. Yet, you ate a deadly mushroom and there is falaria that cause Malaria. Can you reconcile those for me?

More specifically, my experience and experiments proved to me that there are no dangerous microbes or fungi that naturally live in our bodies. However, there may be some very toxic man-made and/or genetically modified microbes that enter and live in our bodies through medical and environ- mental pollution. In healthy bodies, those man-made microbes are not likely to survive.

Our natural friends, such as whipworms (trichinosis and trichuriasis are misnomers), giardia, campylobacter, salmonella, listeria species, E.coli, gangrene, candida and many other microbes and fungi, are all indigenous to humans. Most of those are janitors. Whipworm, campylobacter and E.coli are digestive organisms. In fact, E.coli are responsible for the final stages of digestion of protein and fats to finite forms that feed our brains and nervous systems. Plus, E.coli release 90% of B Vitamins from our food for us to enjoy better mental functions and more energy. Like all digestive bacteria, they eat our food and their wastes are our nutrients. It is the way of nature no matter how disgusting health-representatives and media describe it.

Malaria is a detoxification through every part of our body because it is a cleansing of the blood stream. Malarial falaria (plasmodium parasites) are most often generated in humid climates rich in oxygen. They are natural to ill health of severely contaminated red blood cells. Those parasites are janitors within blood cells and blood stream. Too frequently, people on high-carbohydrate diets develop malaria. Their diets do not help their bodies cleanse waste, so their bodies enlist exceptional microbes to help remove toxins/waste. Those microbes do not put the wastes/toxins that are red blood cells' problems into sufferers' bodies; natural microbes simply remove organic waste. Why would you blame those microbes for the resultant toxic symptoms?

Byproducts from people's stored cellular wastes cause malaria. Would people suffer more if people detoxified those wastes without plasmodium parasites? Could it be that if the plasmodium parasites did not help them remove those wastes/toxins that people would get more serious diseases such as anemia or leukemia? Plasmodium parasites may enter liver, kidneys and/or brain because toxic red bloods cells are in those tissues. If they enter the brain, delirium or coma may result. If cared for properly without medical procedures, people will recover completely.

There are several malarial parasites to help us clean red blood cells when we haven't cleansed in another way. Plasmodium falciparum detoxification usually takes 7 to 14 days to run their course. Plasmodium vivax and ovale usually take 8 to 14 days (in a few cases it took several months). Plasmodium malariae usually takes 7 to 30 days. Those figures are somewhat arbitrary and detoxification varies with each person. Symptoms of malaria infection usually are not dramatic, and can easily be dismissed as unim- portant. They are unimportant if people who develop one of those detoxifications eat properly. Those who do not eat a proper diet of healthful raw nutrients that includes lots of raw fat and some raw protein may suffer dramatic symptoms including tremors, delirium and coma.

Usually, malaria symptoms are flu-like and include: rigors, headaches, sweat, tiredness, myalgia of limbs and back, abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, orthostatic hypotension, nausea, slight jaundice, cough, enlarged liver and spleen (sometimes not palpable), and vomit. Fever in the first week of travel in a humid area rich in oxygen is unlikely to be a malaria detoxification. Fever is always the body reducing detoxification and initializing a healing cycle. A healing cycle usually requires much rest and relaxation. That is the reason why so many people are lethargic during and following fevers for 1-20 weeks.

If experiencing detoxification symptoms, eating no-salt added raw cheese and/or clay will help draw poisons from blood into stomach and intestines rather than into liver, kidneys and brain. Eating plenty of raw fats - such as coconut (especially coconut cream), eggs, dairy cream, butter, butter and honey mixture, and avocados - will help neutralize the heavy wastes that occur during heavy detoxifications. Drinking 2 ounces of beet juice can help neutralize toxins by stimulating increased hydrochloric acid production. Eating some or plenty of raw eggs will help maintain protein levels without overloading the body with intense digestive processes, allowing the body more time, focus and energy to cleanse and heal. Eggs are the easiest food to eat; they digest in about 27 minutes.