Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
A: The same way we took over the American Indians' land here. Call them savages, kill them, and it's okay to kill them. Too bad.
Q: Well, you'll be happy to know I attended an FDA seminar about supplement regulations, which started last June. And they're going to come down on supplements like, you know, they better make them like pharmaceuticals or else... Shut them down. Which is good in some respects because now they'll be from truth and whether or not the ingredients are what they say on the label.
A: Yeah.
Q: Basically.
A: But the problem is, if they're treated chemically, especially with kerosene derivatives, then they're not going to be active.
Q: Yeah, they won't say that. They'll never know how their process is, but that's [unintelligible]. Thank you, Joe.
A: Well, about two and a half weeks ago, I got a call while I was in Washington, D.C. Oh, I went to see... I don't know how many people got my email yesterday. Jeff Slay and I and Christine Chesson from San Francisco and Jeff Slay from St. Louis. Well, I went to Washington, D.C. and met with Dr. Ron Paul, Congressman Ron Paul, to finish the raw milk bill, to make raw milk legal to transport beyond, you know, through interstate. And I was supposed to... I worked very hard at getting that meeting together. Scott, who's down here, Scott Robinson, he and I worked two and a half months getting this meeting together. And Ralph Nader and his people were supposed to show, and none of them showed, except for some attorney who said he wasn't there representing Ralph Nader. Why the hell would he show up, except to say he was going to fight the bill? So, that didn't get anywhere, but Ron Paul did submit the bill to the House of Representatives on Wednesday. So, the bill is HR 778. So, I'll be sending out emails in the next week, so, to, you know, contact your representatives. And just, you know, you have to really try to get in to talk to somebody. And to get my, you know, Dr. Douglas' and my report on raw milk, try to get somebody to read it in each office. So, anybody who wants to volunteer to do that. A year and a half ago, Jeff Slay and I and four other people went to Washington, D.C. and we went to 535 offices, congressmen and all the congresspeople there. And we visited every office in a little over two and a half months and gave them the report. And we got about 78 people who were going to support the bill. Those 78 could pick up others. A year and a half now, because Sally Fallon held the whole bill up for over a year. Her and her attorneys, so I got really pissed off about that. So, I don't know how much my work is going to count, you know, a year and a half ago for now, because now we have all these new senators and representatives in office. So, I'm not going to be able to do it on my own. And we're going to need as much help as possible for that. About two and a half weeks ago, I was in Washington, D.C. for that. And the Doctors TV talk show called me. They flew me back to L.A. and they flew me back to, I said you had to buy me a ticket for both D.C. because I may have to go back to D.C. or may have to go visit my parents in Dayton. So, they said okay. So, anyway, it aired on Monday. They let more in than any other show is allowed. I got to challenge the doctors. They were saying, oh, nobody should eat raw meat out there. And I said, how many people have you observed eating raw meat that you can make such a statement? Because there were four MDs on that show. And you've got one person like me combating it. So, I said I've observed 25,000 people, but nobody's gotten sick on it. So, you know, it's a myth as far as I'm concerned. But they cut out about five minutes of my retorts on what they had to say. But they left some good stuff in there.
Q: So, they weren't convinced?
A: Well, I think three of them and three of the doctors were a little bit considerate about it. But the young one, Dr. Stork, he's kind of a chauvinist.
Q: When did it air?
A: It aired Monday. It aired in ten days. Shot it on a Friday and aired it on a Monday. Ten days later. That quick. I was surprised. They did let me, they did keep in the part about milk. They said, well, you know, milk is dangerous. Salmonella is a bacteria. And I said, well, at UC Davis a couple of years ago, they spiked the raw milk with five bacteria that are believed to contaminate raw milk. And they found that because the lactic acid was raw in the raw milk, that the bacteria wouldn't grow. But when they spiked the same bacteria into pasteurized milk, it grew in a flash. So I said, it's dangerous in pasteurized milk. Nobody had any comments about anything that I said beyond that. Except, no, raw meat is dangerous. And that's all they could retort. Or the one fellow, Dr. Stork. At least it got on the air. And they let me say some viable things that they allowed to stay in. When I shut them up, about the 25,000 people that I observed, and he just mouth dropped, I went into a whole five minute, or four or five minutes, talking with the audience. So they would understand how the bacteria works, how you've got digestive juices which fractionates your food molecules, into smaller particles so that the bacteria can eat. And that's how we thrive. If we don't have good bacteria, we don't have good digestion. So the bacteria's waste product, or produce, their byproduct, is our food. That's how we feed ourselves. So, I mean, nobody knew that's how it worked. What did they think the intestinal bacteria was all about?
Q: So the audience reception was okay?
A: Well, they were, ugh, ugh, because I was sitting here nibbling. Because they had a plate of raw meat there. They had chicken leg with some chopped chicken, raw meat, some raw milk. And they told me I was going to eat. Now I did a show with a famous comedian, a talk show, back in the early 90s. And we sat down, she ate a pizza, and I ate my raw chicken in front of the audience while we talked. And I thought that's what it was going to be. But no, here I was standing up, this really tall guy, and I'm looking up this high, you know, at that doctor. And all this, you know, table of food, small little bitty table of food, was sitting there. So I was nibbling, because I got hungry, because I thought, right, I took an egg, and I sucked it out from the audience. I took the chicken leg and ripped it off, and picked it.
Q: Do you have a copy?
A: I don't have a copy, I taped it on my [unintelligible].
Q: I can't find it online.
A: So, anyway, it was an episode called the 10 most bizarre health modalities, or something like that.
Q: So you were only a portion of it?
A: Yeah, I was number 9 of 10.
Q: Who else did they have on?
A: They had, you know, talked about people who lived on IVs, and they showed a couple of these skinny models, that looked like they came out of Auschwitz. They live on IVs, give them energy. One guy was drinking some kind of liquid water and amino acid combination for 15 days as a detox routine. And then they had these guys who were out there, you know, how they brought this into health, I don't know. But, you know, they had those squirrel suits where they're flying.
Q: That's hilarious.
A: So that was one of the things. I left before any of the others, so I don't know. I was number 3 up there, even though I was number 9. So I thought it was very good that they left that much in. I was impressed that they left that much in. Planting that seed that, you know, wait a minute, this guy who was dying of cancer, blood, bone, stomach and limb, ate raw meat and got well.
Q: So the world's going to have to wait for a pandemic or an epidemic before they start looking around for another answer.
A: Who knows. Okay, I'm going to start with Q&A. Do you have any questions?
Q: I've been on this diet for 8 to 10 months, and I got a, not too long ago, a little skin cancer, a little basal one. Is that something that would be affected by the diet eventually, or would the detox make that more possible?
A: It is a detox. Cancer is the inability to dissolve and discard dead cells, so they collect in tumors. A wart is a tumor, a mole is a type of tumor. Any kind of fibroid, fibrous tumor or cancerous tumor is a collection of dead cells. Your body can't dissolve them and get rid of them. And the skin cancer is very easy to get rid of. You just put some raw apple cider vinegar on it once or twice a day. It will just keep peeling away. Or you can put some fecal matter on it. The same thing. Fecal matter. E. coli will eat it up. They feed on it.
Q: Would a bone marrow be good for that?
A: Not for it to break down a cancer. You put that on after you dissolve the tumor to help heal it.
Q: When you say stuff like that, are you talking about human or does it matter? Human fecal matter?
A: No. I don't know any human that has healthy shit. I don't know any healthy human. I finally met some, apart from the 70s, in the Philippines. I finally met some indigenous tribes that still live primitively. What a life. All they did was go fishing once a day, catching the fish. They ate the fish. They climbed the palms, got some coconuts off. The women ate about a half a coconut a day. The mature meat. They didn't eat the young meat. And the males ate from three quarters to a whole, depending upon their size. They ate about one to two pounds of fish a day. Maybe a banana or a mango. That was it. All they did was sit around, enjoy the sunshine, maybe go swimming. That was their life.
Q: No vegetable things?
A: No.
Q: How old were they?
A: The ones I got to meet with were from 60 to 80. The 80-year-old man who seemed to be the leader of that group, the elders, they wouldn't let me back into the tribe. These came out to meet me. These people were brought out to meet me. The way that I got that, I've been trying for three weeks, almost four weeks, with the authorities because you have to have permission. They wouldn't even rent me a car. Burr Budget wouldn't even rent me a car when I told him where I was going to go. They said, you can't go back there. They'll kill you. There's cannibals. The only cannibals I know are still in... That's what they said. They were cannibals. They have people terrified to go back where these tribes are. So I went for a massage at a health spa, and the receptionist there had a little baby that was about five and a half months old, almost six months old, and the baby was white. White as her pants or as her shorts. The mother was dark brown and the father was black. This baby was so anemic, so leukemic, that the baby was white and very weak. There was a nearby island, on Samal Island, where I had made a contact with a dairy. They were selling me raw dairy milk. They would feed it, like they would feed each cow during milkings. They were grazed cows, but at milking time, they ate probably about ten pounds of green bananas. That was what they were fed for milking time. So I smelled like unripe bananas after a few weeks of drinking that milk. You know, kind of the alamy that smells, you know, that peels on them.
Q: Did you like that stuff?
A: Not really, but it was better than a foul odor. It was still an unusual alamy odor or fragrance, whatever you want to call it.
Q: Banana split.
A: Pardon?
Q: Banana split.
A: Banana split, yeah. So I got some raw milk, took it to the mother, and she fed it to the baby. In three days, the baby's color came out. The baby was fine. The grandfather, who was about 53 years old, was so happy and so elated that he had left his tribe 33 years before when he was 20 years old, and the tribe around the Mati area of that island, just off from the Mindanao. So he said, well, I work for the government. I'll give you permission. He couldn't even get permission to get me back there. He says, I'm going to take you back anyway. So we took a four-wheel drive way back, and then we had to boat it across, and we had to hike many miles back. And then he had a cousin that had only left the tribe about nine or ten years earlier. So he had him go to the tribe and say that I wanted to talk to them and ask them questions about health and diet and their lifestyles and stuff like that, and would they be willing to do it. So then four, five people came back with him, and three were women and two were men, and they were all from, I would say, 58 to 80 years old. And the 80-year-old man looked like he was about 48 to 50. Great teeth. I mean, can you imagine being 80 years old? Thick, beautiful, white teeth. No dental caries, cavities, no discoloration of the teeth, anything. And he just ate those three foods.
Q: Pardon me, what were they eating, now?
A: Fish, raw fish, all raw. Fish and coconut meat, and sometimes they would grate it and wring it to just get a little extra fat, but not very often. They mostly ate the coconut.
Q: Were they able to chew that?
A: Pardon?
Q: Were they able to chew that?
A: They had incredible teeth, that's what I'm saying. They could chew on bones. Yeah, one was chewing on a vertebrae bone from a tuna, a big tuna, this big around.
Q: Wow.
Q: What was that third food, coconut, fish?
A: And then it was a fruit, either mango or banana was the fruit that they ate. But they didn't eat the fruit every day, except for the coconut.
Q: You don't think that diet would work for us, do you?
A: Well, we'd eat more nutrients because we're so toxic. It works for them.
Q: Was their air quality really good?
A: No pollution anywhere. There was no industry on that island. There's no houses, there's no electricity, there's nothing. They lived primitively.
Q: No fire?
Q: No fire.
Q: The cancer that you mentioned, how much apple cider vinegar on this nodule or whatever it is?
A: Just rub it on.
Q: Just rub it on.
A: Just rub it on for a couple of minutes until it dries.
Q: How many times a day?
A: Twice a day. And what'll happen is it'll dry and each day you'll just be able to peel a layer off.
Q: I live in a senior community and there's a lot of people with cancer on their face. And I just roll my eyes and they're going for medication and all kinds of crap. So they don't know about this.
A: I don't know how many of you remember, but remember this mole? It was twice this size and was black. And my mother was always worried when I was a child. She wanted to have it removed. But she had 15 of them removed on me, but not this one. And then it turned very inflamed and red last year. So I just put the vinegar on it, peeled a few layers off, and there it is. Half the color it used to be and half the size. And the irritation around it disappeared. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. When I first hurt my feet, I developed lymphedema right away. I think that's one of the reasons I'm still stuck in this chair is that my feet, I have lymphedema pretty bad in my feet.
A: Do you perspire in your feet?
Q: No.
A: That's your problem. See, when the lymph system cleans, it cleans all byproducts. It dissolves them and neutralizes them, dumps it into the connective tissue to be perspired out of the body. If you don't perspire, it just keeps collecting and collecting and then you have edema. So you've got to perspire. You've got to put your feet in a hot tub or something like that until they perspire enough. If you've got it that bad, what you can do is take a hot water bottle, put it between your legs and wrap towels around it so your feet perspire for several hours during the night.
Q: My feet get, you know, when this acts up, my feet get terribly hot. They turn bright red and they're like super hot.
A: They're trying to perspire. Yep, trying to perspire. If you give them the heat, they won't have to heat it on their own. When your body heats itself, when you've got accurate solutions in the connective tissue, you usually cause a rash and then caustic substances will start damaging the connective tissue and you end up with lupus or MS. So not a good thing. So it would be better to use a hot bath, a foot bath, or as long as there's no electrical field in it, or your hot water bottles with towels wrapped around it.
Q: Could you put meat on that and would that suck?
A: If you have a bruise, it works pretty well that way, but not for that kind of a solution.
Q: With clay? Would clay help with that?
A: No, clay would have a tendency to dry your skin, so when the caustic substance came out, you know, moves through the skin, it would damage your skin, you'd have a worse rash. Underneath the third layer, first two layers it would protect, but the third layer wouldn't. That would be damaging. If that gets damaged, you don't reproduce cells, and then you end up with either eczema or psoriasis.
Q: So using that therapy, put coconut cream on it after you're done?
A: Sure, that's fine. Coconut cream while you're doing it could be okay too. Not coconut oil, that'll choke it. But coconut cream is full of water and fat-soluble vitamins and enzymes.
Q: You could put that into hot water.
A: You could do that if you want. Max, do you have a question?
Q: Not right now, I'm sorry.
A: Okay. Do you have a question?
Q: You don't have a question?
Q: I do, but I don't know what to ask right now.
A: I'll come back.
Q: Yeah, sure, thanks.
Q: One quick one and then another one. I've been on a diet for a couple months, as I saw you, which I've gained like three pounds, which is great.
A: Congratulations.
Q: And your rice with the cheese doesn't bother my stomach at all. It's taken away every bit of nausea that the butter sometimes gives me from dumping it into my stomach.
A: Perfect.
Q: And I can have yogurt and milk, which I haven't had in 15 years. That's been amazing.
A: Congratulations.
Q: I've been eating a lot of beef as opposed to chicken, like very, very little chicken, but I feel good eating it. Like I crave it. I really don't crave chicken.
A: You don't get irritable?
Q: Not really.
A: Fine, until you do, be okay.
Q: Okay.
A: When you start getting irritable or your tongue starts getting too acidic where it's bleeding or blistering, your mouth gets too red, it gets blistered and, you know, rash, then you're getting too acidic and you need to back off of the red meat.
Q: Okay. Another question we have is in the news, there was the actor who had that mercury poisoning. Jeremy Fitts.
A: It's a hoax.
Q: Okay.
Q: He supposedly had high mercury levels when he tested his blood.
A: Yeah, but he could have high, you know, a lot of your actors, and you'll notice that when they say it, children and travelers have your high ratio of mercury. Why? Vaccines. Vaccinating children, travelers are getting vaccines all the time because somebody tells them they're going to get yellow fever or some other kind of disease. So they get a bunch of vaccines before they do it. So the mercury level is off the chart. And, of course, he had a high mercury level. He had just gone to India or somewhere like that. So he had these vaccines. But they're going to blame it on what? They're not going to blame it on their vaccines because what is the result of that? Lawsuits. So they blame it on the fish. But how many people in Japan, in Japanese, and all the people who eat sushi all over the world, why aren't they getting mercury poisoning? Why aren't they getting reactions like that? They eat a lot more sushi than he does. So that's the scapegoat. Any kind of natural organism is blamed when it's really the medical profession and industry which are poisoning.
Q: The vaccines in California, I had a friend who was in college and they said, you're in your second year now and you need all the vaccines. And I said, I don't think so in California. I know for the public schools you're allowed to take the waivers, but I don't know about college. Are you allowed to?
A: Absolutely.
Q: And what is it? They don't tell you about it.
A: No, they won't. It's on the back side of the form.
Q: I said, I think you're crazy. I said, you need to ask.
A: No, they don't.
Q: And what is it?
A: There's a form that I helped write, which is an acceptance of responsibility. And in it I say, according to the Geneva Convention, no one can force you to contaminate your body with any kind of medication or vaccines. If they do, they are liable. What are they liable for? To take care of you the rest of your life if anything happens. They have to, you know, up to $2 million, something like that. They're responsible for a lawsuit. So when they read that, and it says all of the side effects that can happen, so they sign it along with you. You're not going to get anybody to sign it. Even the countries, like if you're going to Brazil from Peru, they won't let you go without a yellow fever vaccine. However, if you go with this form and you cite the Geneva Convention law, they'll keep you for like 10 to 12 hours and then let you go. And I don't mind 10 to 12 hours being held up.
Q: They'll keep you at the airport?
A: Yeah.
Q: Because you don't have your vaccine?
A: In the customs areas.
Q: How can you get a paper like that?
A: Well, just email me.
Q: So if you want to go to another country or if you go to school in another state, is that only for California that they have a waiver for a policy?
A: Well, you have to go to Sherry Penny's, Tenpenny, Sherry Tenpenny's website. She lists the states where you have to, there's no escape for vaccines for your children or anybody. And she says if you live in one of the states, leave. That's your only option, leave the state. However, nobody's challenged it with the Geneva Convention. I'm the only one so far.
Q: You've traveled everywhere.
A: I've traveled everywhere and I don't take any vaccine.
Q: No.
A: So it isn't necessary. You just have to know how to argue from a legal standpoint. Scare the shit out of them. Because it says right there in the Geneva Convention that anybody who forces another person against their will to contaminate their blood with any medication, experimental or accepted, they have to take full responsibility for the consequences of contaminating your blood with that. So when they read that, they don't do it. They just say, oh, screw you, get out of here. Get away from me. Go. Go your way. Allison, do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, I've noticed I've probably been doing a diet for a month. And I noticed that my breath smells bad. And I'm just wondering how long I have to deal with it.
A: Usually that kind of thing can last up to about a year and a half. Most often it only lasts three to five months. But what happens is when that is happening, you've had a very thin mucous lining, like in Crohn's. So what happens is your body has had a lot of rot in the intestinal tract. So you start breaking down your own tissue. And it's the old bacteria in there, so it's like old high-rotten meat. And that's in your intestine. So that outgasses and you expel some of those gases out the lungs, in your mouth. And that's what creates the odor. And it isn't something local in the mouth. If you had tooth problems, if you had teeth that were black and decaying, yes, you could have that same odor in the mouth.
Q: I feel like it's coming more from my stomach.
A: Yeah, it's from your intestines. It's not your stomach, your intestine.
Q: Can I grab you a baseball cap with a bill?
A: No, no, no. I want the sun. It's just these two people, they've got the sun so much directly. So the only way you can mitigate it is to put a little bit more, you could put like a little pineapple in your vegetable juice, like 5% pineapple or eat a couple of chunks of pineapple throughout the day, like little half-inch by half-inch cubes every two hours, and that will help reduce that. You could also chew on some mint leaves, because when you breathe the mint oils, they will help neutralize those gases coming out of the lungs.
Q: And in your book you say yogurt.
A: Not for that particular condition. Sometimes kefir will make it worse.
Q: Oh really?
A: Yeah.
Q: But you said that you wanted me to do three ounces of kefir a day.
A: Yeah.
Q: Okay.
A: But I mean if you do a lot of it.
Q: Yeah, no, I'm just doing what you said. And then I had really bad acne for a while, I was doing a lot of the ice cream.
A: In that one month?
Q: No, no, this was before, and then I had to stop because it was so bad, and I had to do reshoots for a movie, and then I stopped, and I didn't break out because I wasn't doing the dairy. But then I started again after I was done with the movie, and I started doing what you told me to do, which was maybe a few teaspoons a day of cream. And that really helped, and I don't really have as much acne.
A: Just remember, 90% of the toxins in the body leads to the skin. You're going to have rashes, you're going to have acne. Like every time I drink apple cider vinegar, it creates a metallic detox. So I scratched my scalp up there, and I found a scab, diluted it in some distilled water, and it had the same texture. And through my microscope, it was AZT. I hadn't had AZT in 41 years. That was the chemotherapy they gave me. It was the chemotherapy that was so toxic that they banned it in use in even cancer in humans the year later. And they brought it out of the vaults because they had $200 million of it in the vaults for AIDS. And that's why most of your AIDS patients died, because they were getting the AZT. So that's coming out. So every time I have them, I start breaking out in spots somewhere on my body, and it's that. So you can induce that kind of a detox. I try to control it, like I'll eat cheese before I eat the juice with the vinegar in it, and maybe have a little coconut cream or dairy cream in it to mitigate it. Otherwise, these sores would be huge.
Q: This has to do with bad breath. My dog has bad breath. I forgot all about it. Ron, I don't mind it. He's 16. You told me to do honey, and I do honey, and I do cheese. I don't know when he gets it. Ron is very sensitive to it.
A: Pretty nasty. I have it, you know, about every few years I go through it.
Q: But this is a dog, and he's on your diet.
A: Just give him a few pieces. Yeah, but that dog has been on a crappy diet all of its life.
Q: I'm sure. I do give him cheese with honey.
A: No, give him little cubes of pineapple.
Q: Pineapple for dog?
A: Dogs are scavengers.
Q: I know, but pineapple? All right, thank you.
Q: Yeah, but anything we give him, he just trips all over the place.
A: Well, that's a way of getting rid of it.
Q: It's not true.
A: Toxins. Shitting is good.
Q: I put so much butter in his food, and God, I was embarrassed.
Q: We do the same thing, too, when we detox, don't we?
A: Lorraine, do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. I was wondering, I think I saw you just getting all the food in all day. I wondered if you could give us some tips as far as making everything ahead of time. If all of this, when is it made?
A: Well, what I do is I make everything in the morning between the juice and the meat. Everything is prepared. There's no excuses. I don't have to run back. I don't have to get wet and dirty and dirty the dishes. It's all done for the day.
Q: I know, like for your, let's say, the fruit meals. Can you make that the night before?
A: No, I always make it that morning. I don't like anything except my meat prepared the day before that I'm going to have in the morning. But my fruit, the only thing I usually use is peel like a pear right now and have my cheese and pear together. So that's my fruit meal. What I'll do is I get my cheese sliced in a little four-ounce jar, and my pear is there to be, you know, I wash that in the morning and then peel it.
Q: You don't eat the skin of the pears, do you?
A: They put that, they're allowed 15% petroleum wax.
Q: Even in organic?
A: Even on the organic. James didn't believe me until he went and looked at the box.
Q: On the pears?
A: Pardon? On the pears, on the apples, almost everything. Awful, awful feeling oily wax on them. It's horrible. Yeah. So everybody's supposed to peel all those.
Q: Oh my God, [unintelligible].
A: No, it isn't. If you're an herbivore, you can digest that, otherwise the cellulose is too complicated. If it were raw and untreated and you juiced it, you would get some nutrients from the peel. Otherwise, we as humans don't get nutrients from peels. It takes a cow, a pig, I mean a cow, horse, a sheep, goat, elephant, giraffe, you know, to get nutrients out of a peel. The cellulose is too complex for our digestive tract.
Q: Can you just touch on what you said about the lupus and the MS? Would a person get that just on a regular diet versus let's say they're on your diet? Where does that come into play if you don't have, let's say she doesn't take the bath with her feet or whatever, and you're saying that it builds up in your body?
A: Well, just remember, this diet never puts any toxins into your body. All the toxins you've accumulated to your lifetime up to the point where you go on this diet. However, you're receiving enough nutrients, and now that you're no longer consuming toxicity, your body's going to start removing some of that waste product. Depending on what you eat now, there's a lot of people that go gung-ho, want to detox heavily, don't eat a tremendous amount of, let's say, cilantro juice, and they'll eat a lot of vinegar, a lot of fermented foods to start detoxifying.
Q: Yeah, but if they don't get it out through skin, like let's say Alicia never takes the bath for the rest of her life.
A: I would say that she would probably end up with lupus or MS by the time she's 40, from the looks of her skin right now. She's an athlete and has no tone, muscle tone. She's dumping all of that stuff into the connective tissue, it's just bloating there.
Q: And all she needs is a short bath.
A: Yeah, but it doesn't look like her lymph system's jammed. She doesn't have that appearance, it's just jamming up in the connective tissue. Yeah. Did you have a question, Joseph?
Q: Yeah. There's a farmer that's coming to the Hillcrest Market now, that's slaughtering 60 chickens a week now. It's a small operation, and he does everything perfect as far as letting the chickens be free-range. He's got a large pasture and he cordons off certain areas, and he moves them to another one, to another one, to another one. And the chickens are totally fresh when they come. They were slaughtered the day before and they look beautiful. The only thing I find wrong with it is the feed that he's using starts out with corn and then soy milk.
A: How much soy in it?
Q: Who knows?
A: I was going to say, anybody that's using over 25, 30% soy is way too much.
Q: How much soy is in the Rocky Junior chickens?
A: The Rocky Junior, about 25 to 30%. The rest is corn.
Q: Do you know that you keep up with them? Or have you noticed, I mean, is that some way back when that you started using Rocky Junior?
A: Well, the last time I spoke with them was probably two and a half years ago. But I eat it on a pretty regular basis and the taste hasn't changed.
Q: Rosie had the higher content of soy.
A: Rosie was 75 to 85% soy. And, you know, they call it Rosie organic. It's complete fraud and I brought that up to them. I talked to the executives of the company and said, wait a minute. You feed soy to a, raw soy to a fowl and it will kill them, just like it will a human. So it has to be chemically processed and heat processed. So if you're taking a soybean that's been grown organic and you're putting kerosene derivative to process it, it's no longer organic. He said, well, the FDA says we can have it. I said, but you're defrauding your customers. He said, the FDA protects us. You got that? The FDA protects us. And that's what he's saying. Not protecting the customer, the persons eating it. Protecting the producer. And that's why the Rosie tastes like cardboard.
Q: Is there any soy that's acceptable? How about those beans they give in the Japanese restaurants, you know, the little potted beans?
A: They process it. If it were just fermented, it would be okay and just as a sauce. But they're always putting salt in it. So it's not good. But cows, your herbivores can eat raw soy. It's just the meat doesn't taste very good.
Q: I bought a Rocky Junior two days ago and took it out of the bag from [unintelligible]. I took it out of the bag, I believe that day, and cut it all up. And it did not smell good at all. It smelled like what they were using to remove the feathers, that chemical or whatever they were doing. The meat didn't smell bad, but the skin did.
A: Well, the skin, they dip it in.
Q: I mean, I'm not eating it, but I mean, I just, to me, I don't have a good feeling when I open up the bag of chicken right off the bat, it smells bad.
A: All chicken are handled in the same way. They dip them in boiling water for one to two seconds.
Q: What?
A: Because the feathers come right off when it happens. So your skin is cooked, so of course it's going to rot.
Q: Okay, well that's what I was smelling.
A: It's going to stink very quickly.
Q: Okay, that's what I was smelling.
A: So you just rip the skin off right away.
Q: The caps that we get on the coconut cream jars, they look like they have a mylar coating underneath them, they're brown. They're not as good as the ball jars, are they?
A: James doesn't believe me.
Q: Pardon me?
A: James called the company and said, oh, they're the same as a ball jar. And I said, wait a minute, you've got enamel in one, and you've got a plastic coating over an electrolyte metal.
Q: Yeah, and also a lot of the ball jars...
A: Everybody has to call him and complain.
Q: Yeah, to me I don't want to use those caps ever again because I don't think they're any good. But then another thing, the ball jars that come on the four-ounce jars, they're painted. They've got a white paint and a pretty flower pattern on them, and also on the quilted jars the same thing. And you keep using these over and over again, and you notice the paint's coming off.
A: That's not paint.
Q: What is it?
A: It's a very thin enamel.
Q: So that's okay if it goes in the dishwater? I mean, it's going to come off.
A: Yeah, I mean, it just comes off.
Q: It's coming off because I can see the metal underneath it.
Q: I thought it was rust, because I have that too.
A: No, the rust will come through. Once the enamel's off, then you're going to have rust on the metal underneath.
Q: So should we throw it away then?
A: Throw it away. Any time rust will touch my food, it goes in the garbage. Recycle.
Q: What do you say about paint going in the dishwater and all that?
A: It's not paint. It's enamel. So you'll never digest it. You can't break it down. If it gets into your system.
Q: What's the difference between paint and enamel? There's enamel paint, you know.
A: Well, the enamel's fired.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: Yeah, it's like coating on a car. You put it in an oven, it bakes it in, so it won't dissolve.
Q: You don't have to throw those caps off when it's done, [unintelligible]?
A: Yeah. But I don't like the paint. I still don't like the enamel chips in my food.
Q: Yeah, I prefer the ball jars that aren't painted than caps that are kind of low-quality.
Q: Is it too expensive for James to get the ball jars?
A: What?
Q: The ball caps from James?
A: James has his excuses, I don't know.
Q: Are they cheaper?
A: The curd jars are cheaper than balls.
Q: Because when you use the coconut cream, I mean, that dissolves everything. If you leave that on this, then this is what you get.
A: Yeah, but you have to stand the oil seals on it, so when I take it off, I wash it off right away and then use my other lids with it.
Q: Pick that lid up. Which lids are you talking about?
Q: These are ball jar lids right here.
Q: Okay, so that is the less toxic lid, is that what you're saying, Aajonus?
A: That's an enameled, fired enamel lid.
Q: Aajonus, I'm talking about this part. It's also white on the lid.
A: It's not paint, it's enamel.
Q: It's like this?
Q: Is this the one you're talking about is bad?
A: No, no, this is fine.
Q: It's like this, but it's like a clear paint.
A: Yeah, it's a metallic.
Q: Okay, I know what you're talking about.
A: It's a metal.
Q: So this was fine?
A: That's enamel also.
Q: These are the ones I got from James.
A: Fired enamel.
Q: Oh, but these are okay. These are the ones you're talking about.
Q: It looks like a shiny copper.
A: Yeah, copper. Well, not a copper, but similar.
Q: Like the band?
A: Yes, just like that band, yes.
Q: This isn't what you're getting on your coconut cream?
Q: This is what's not good.
Q: No, that's okay, right?
A: That's enamel. Fired enamel.
Q: This is what we're getting on our coconut cream.
Q: Where do you get your coconut cream from, James?
Q: This is what I'm talking about. Is that enamel?
A: Yeah, that's enamel. That's fired on enamel.
Q: On the coconut cream jar?
A: Yeah.
Q: That's okay?
A: That, but I mean, sometimes he uses the other ones for the coconut cream.
Q: Which other ones? This is what he's using.
A: They're shiny, they look like gold. They're very metallic.
Q: No, he's been using those.
Q: Maybe he switched.
Q: Yeah, from the Amish, they come just like that, except they're white instead of brown.
A: Right, and those are enamel.
Q: Those are okay, too?
A: Not paint, it's enamel. Well, it's enamel paint that's baked on.
Q: Okay, all right, then I don't have to throw those away.
A: When they start chipping off, I still throw them away, because I still don't want that going through my body. But I take care of them, so, you know, I have, I bought these enamel. Alva Adder, you know, they got that, what do they call that pattern, that plaid pattern?
Q: Quilted.
A: No, they're called, it starts with a B. He was a certain name for that pattern, and I just take care of mine, and mine lasts years.
Q: I take mine out of the dishwasher, I just lay it on a towel. So, I wait until the rust dries off, so is it time to throw those out, or what?
A: Absolutely, they got rust on.
Q: Just the outside, the inside.
A: It doesn't matter, it's going to get rust dust in your food.
Q: I've had it on here, and then I've gone for a drink, and it's in the metallic taste is in your mouth, and you can't get it out.
A: Absolutely, yep. It's horrible. It gets right in your mouth, your lips.
Q: Well, I dry the glizz, it's really easy to dry.
Q: I should dry them right after, yeah. It just takes a second to dry them.
A: I know, a lot of people don't take the time to do things like that.
Q: And then you take the rings and you shake them. They dry quick when you do that.
A: I still dry them. It just takes a few seconds.
Q: Aajonus, have you ever heard, he said that he gets coconut cream from where?
Q: Nature's Juice Co-op.
A: That's in Chicago, she makes it in Chicago.
Q: And they ship all over UPS.
Q: I didn't know there was another source, so that was my first.
A: There are two other sources. There's one in Arizona, and this one here. But let me tell you, James is, after you pay for shipping, James is cheaper. When I'm in Thailand, I pay $2 a quart. When I'm in the Philippines, I pay $1.25 a quart.
Q: They all have those machines?
A: Yeah.
Q: That's incredible.
A: A lot of them. Some of those restaurants in Thailand use five gallons a day.
Q: Do you think their people would be healthier?
A: Oh, they are. A lot healthier than the Americans.
Q: They have a lot of processed food too.
A: Oh yeah, well, those people eating that way. But there's a lot of people who can't afford to eat prepackaged foods. They go to the market and buy all fresh food. There's very few people that make it. They make like $4 a day. You can't afford to buy prepackaged food and chips and crap like that. You have to buy your basics and put your food together. Do you have a question, Lisa?
Q: I do. Amber has one too.
A: Okay.
Q: She got really toxic. I got toxic too. [unintelligible]
A: That's a fungus. Put lime juice on it. On the reddened area. And then put coconut cream mixed with some honey. Eight coconut cream to one honey. As a ratio. Just rub that on. Rub the lime juice on for maybe three minutes. Until it's dry. And then rub the coconut cream and honey on until it's dry.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Nothing she can do unless you're going to give her a little bit more cheese. But remember, cheese is grown with mold. Just one mold adding to another. Butter is probably a good thing.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Ant poison?
Q: Yeah. That's because why would everything dry out like that? That's what I forgot. Why would the tears have to come back down?
A: Well, all of your mucous membranes in your throat, your nose, even in your eyes, they were poisoned to death. Ant poison kills human cells just like it kills ant cells.
Q: So will the moisture come back? I mean it's coming back from, but will that come back off?
A: As your scar tissue is removed.
Q: What?
A: As scar tissue is removed.
Q: That comes back.
Q: In her eyes?
A: Even in the eyes.
Q: [unintelligible] Does the gland have to regenerate?
A: Absolutely.
Q: Do they have to regenerate the protein and fat?
A: Everything. It's got to be a balanced diet. Of course you have to remove the poisons too. I had chemotherapy 41 years ago and I'm still detoxifying.
Q: You can tell when it's coming out.
A: You just need a balanced diet to make sure you keep on top of everything. A lot of people will go on seesaws, on the seesaw diets, pig out on one thing and then go to another thing. On the seesaw diets they never stay balanced, so when toxins come out they do a lot more damage.
Q: Do you mean like a lot of fruit?
A: Yeah, they'll eat too much fruit. At particular times they're not getting enough fats and proteins. Or they'll eat too much protein, get too acidic.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I can't hear you with the plane. Probably Tom Cruise. He's got the loudest planes in the world.
Q: When you get too acidic, [unintelligible].
A: It's not a good idea to eat red meat when you've been poisoned.
Q: It seems like there's, like I also have [unintelligible] where like my legs, my body, my muscles.
A: Well, that's because poison's got in there and too much acidity. It isn't because you're not eating the red meat. If you were an athlete, red meat would probably be important for your muscle mass.
Q: So, would chicken [unintelligible]?
A: Yeah.
Q: And fish will?
A: Fish will, absolutely. The tribe that I met, you know, they only eat fish. And this 80-year-old guy was, nobody here is as big as he was. Put about 20 pounds on his torso up here, and that's how big this guy was, and he only ate fish. All of them were real strong, even the women. None of them were thin. They were all good and strong.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, it won't stimulate your adrenals like red meat will.
Q: But I can eat red meat if I want.
A: Too acidic, you might eat fish with your red meat.
Q: And you don't have to be concerned about the mercury at all?
A: Not as long as it's raw.
Q: As long as it's raw and still fresh.
A: I mean, unless you've been given a piece of fish that's been ejected directly with mercury. But I mean the amount of mercury that the fish absorbs in its natural eating process, the fats chelate with it. And in my laboratory tests with feces, found that the mercury was attached to the fish fats relatively unetched. So your body, because it was raw and because your body is healthier, can say, Hey, I don't want to digest this because it's not good. But when you cook things, you fractionate that. You destroy all the bonds and it releases the poison. They must be re-routing for Arizona.
Q: It sounds like the coyotes I was with in the desert the past couple weeks. They scream just like that.
Q: These are Arizona coyotes.
Q: Do you dry out from chemo?
A: Pardon?
Q: Do you dry out from chemo?
A: Oh, I still dry out when it comes out. You can see how I've got it coming out of my scalp. See how dry my neck is. Drying a little bit here. Coming out the gums. I'm not home very much, so I'll push my detoxes a little bit. Like right now I'm eating, I push my healing and detoxification. So I'm having two packages of bone marrow a day. Because I don't get home very much. So I'm eating a tremendous amount of bone marrow to do healing and regeneration. But other times I'll go months without it.
Q: Are you losing your hair? I heard that it's very balding back there.
A: Oh, lucky I got it back after chemo. I lost all my hair after chemo and it came back in little patches of gray. It was gray for about a year and a half.
Q: So how much is it? Look at her hair, it's getting darker.
Q: I'm a star, a beautiful star.
Q: So what's with hair?
A: My hair just keeps going back and forth. You see this little gray here? Sometimes they come up with big patches of gray and then the color comes back again. So it fluctuates as the poisons come out.
Q: Oh, is that what it is?
A: Yeah, and I'll lose my hair. My hair will go thin as the chemo is coming out. And then it will get thick again.
Q: So it comes and it goes.
A: It comes and it goes. The problem is when I start detoxing AZT, it can run up to two years. AZT was the most toxic medication ever created in ministry. That's why it killed 90% of your homosexuals who had AIDS, treated them with AZT. They got rid of their $200 million in vaults with AZT.
Q: Oh, my God.
A: That was their sole interest.
Q: I was interviewing Genentech that makes the live cell stuff.
A: Is that any better?
Q: Live cell vaccines are better?
A: Every one of, if you ever studied Pasteur, every animal he ever injected with a live vaccine died. Not one of his animals ever lived. So they put aluminum, high doses of aluminum, now that they've reduced or eliminated mercury in some of them, they put high doses of aluminum, liquid aluminum, along with formaldehyde and ether. They found that when they put a toxin in with the bacteria or the virus or whatever they call them, the disease, that it prevents anaphylactic shock. It poisons the body. The body's worried about the poisoning rather than the degree of disease. Any animal that registers a high amount of disease in the blood thinks it's dying. It'll go into anaphylactic shock and die. That's why Pasteur's animals never lived. And that's why the pharmaceutical houses put poisons in there to confuse the body.
Q: Well, you know, being an engineer in pharmaceuticals. I manufacture a bioreactor that grows skin for foot ulcers. Now, I'm in charge of all that. I've got to be careful that contamination doesn't get in there.
A: Absolutely.
Q: But it's done in plastic, EVA, ethylene vinyl acetate, which is fairly stable. It doesn't have outgas, doesn't, you know. Because the cells know. It's really amazing. The cells know. I mean, if I change one thing, the cells die. Or they tell me they don't. I'm just the engineer [unintelligible]. Bioreactor. So when you talk about this stuff, you know, I try to go in my head and see why it doesn't make any sense to me when I know the process of how life cells grow in a fermenter.
A: Yes, but you're talking about an unnatural environment for those cells. They're no longer natural. They really aren't anything like the human body.
Q: That's absolutely true. The feed of nutrients that are all artificial.
A: Everything's artificial. Nothing's natural and bioactive.
Q: So even that future, I mean, going from regular medicines to life cell medicines is not going to happen.
A: Doesn't make any difference. Elaine, do you have a question?
Q: Ron said I should ask you about my hearing. If somebody talks to me, I can...
A: What did you say?
Q: For years I knew I couldn't hear out of my left ear. If I'm in a group of people, I can't hear what everybody is saying unless somebody's looking straight at me. He says I'm getting worse, but he mumbles a lot to me.
A: He does mumble a lot. I have to ask him.
Q: You see, I think he mumbles a lot, and then he says I can't hear what he's saying. I'm always saying what, what, what, what, what. I just wondered if you have any of your magic potions of aura.
A: Well, my father broke both of my eardrums when I was about 10 years old.
Q: I remember you mentioned that.
A: You know, I was autistic, so I never, rarely understood what he was talking about. I understood his vehemence and anger and frustration with me. And he just said, he said listen to me, and he popped both eardrums. I lost 60% hearing in one ear and 80% in the other. And then, you know, I always had to be a lip reader, and then I didn't know language anyway, so it didn't help. But I learned the same sounds that would come. So I just repeated them, mimicked them like a parrot. But when I got into the raw foods, they eventually got better. Now I have 80% hearing in this ear and 60% in this ear. I started using bone marrow. Started putting it on my finger, and I couldn't get it deep enough, so I rubbed the moisture bone marrow, the one that has more oil to it, this little oil here, put it on a q-tip and got it very oily. And that's when you leave the bone marrow out at room temperature long enough to get really soft.
Q: I've never seen bone marrow. It comes in a jar, you get it at Rawesome?
A: You get it in the bone and you poke it out of the bone.
Q: Where do you get this?
A: It's in a bone. It's the center of the bone.
Q: You buy it in the supermarket or what?
A: No, no, no, at Rawesome.
Q: You want to get one of the femur bones of a big cow, a big, thick bone.
Q: Oh, that's how they sell it? Okay.
Q: It's going to be too hard to find in a rib or, you know what I mean?
A: Yeah, there's not enough bone marrow in there. We get it from the buffalo, the North Star bison buffalo. Anyway, you put that on the q-tip and you put it deep into the ear and you rub it around. That will improve your hearing. I noticed that when I do it, my hearing improves like in 20 minutes.
Q: I use q-tips every night to clean my ears, but I've always done it.
A: Yeah, but that's just cleaning [unintelligible]. You're putting the oil, the bone marrow, which has stem cells, which increases rapidly cellular production. The cells divide, so all of a sudden the hearing is better.
Q: Is there anything else you can use instead of bone marrow?
A: Only thing, well, sperm. The only thing that has intense bone stem cells. You have to cultivate your husband.
Q: Is it the sperm or the semen?
A: The sperm. No, the sperm contains the more, the high…
[audio cuts out]
A: ...manufacture something. I would say they're having a terrible time with dropping it. Twelve hundred to twelve thousand times is what they mark up.
Q: That's why they pay me so much.
A: Yeah, absolutely. Do you have a question, Steve?
Q: Yeah, sometimes I have.
A: Wait a minute, young man, do you have a question?
Q: Any questions for him?
Q: No.
Q: Yeah, sure.
Q: Sometimes there's parts of my skin that are just intensely itchy, and it feels like it's really deep within my skin, and I just don't know. Sometimes I put a primal facial cream in it. It alleviates me scratching it so I don't bleed. I haven't found anything that really takes that away or sucks whatever it is there.
A: Well, usually when you have toxins stored in the tissues, like the muscles in your calves, and a lot of people have a lot of insulin, poor insulin development, poorly produced insulin that stores in the legs, especially from the knees down, causes a lot of dryness. And as that seeps through the skin, it dries the skin. But that can be a 40-year process. So you just have to take care of it every time.
Q: So what do you put on it? Or do you not put anything on it?
A: Coconut cream is good. Primal facial body care cream is on. If a fungus erupts along with it, if it has a little odd musty odor to it, then a fungus is involved. Then put some lime juice on it, and then the coconut cream or primal facial on top of that.
Q: Is there anything that's more effective for the actual itchiness? Because sometimes it's like uncontrollable itchiness.
A: What you can do is take a cold slice of cucumber and just massage the area, then put the coconut cream or primal facial on top of that. Because the collagen precursors and the silica in the cucumber will soothe it nicely. Anybody have a raw egg I can suck?
Q: I do. I feel so funny bringing this wherever I go. I look around to make sure nobody's looking at me.
A: Oh, when I did it on TV, when I did it on TV, they went bananas. All these voices, eww, eww.
Q: I couldn't do that in front of people. They think I'm a nut anyway.
A: I do it on airplanes.
Q: I know.
A: One time, I was going through a TSA, about to go to Chicago, and I had my half dozen of eggs that was taking with me. And they said, oh, you can't take the eggs, they're liquid, unless you've hard boiled them. And I said, well, if you're not going to let me, I'm going to eat them. So I started eating them right there. They freaked. They thought they were going to get salmonella or something. So they called the police on me. So the police came, so I had like two more eggs to go. I had a whole dozen, so I had about six by this point. I had six to go. I was going to eat all of them. And the police said, you have to leave here, you have to go out. I said, I'm not going to get in a line and go all the way out. They're not going to let me take these through here. I'm going to say, no, we're going to arrest you. And I said, what is that going to look like in court, that I got arrested for eating eggs? I said, what jury do you think that's going to pass by?So they just walked away and left me alone. I ate my eggs and went through. None of them would get near me. All of them backed off as I walked through. I thought they were going to get some salmonella for me.
Q: Have you ever opened a high meat in the airport?
Q: Oh, my God.
A: I love to do it in a movie theater. These people, they wear all this cologne and this perfume, and it gives me a headache. There's tons of formaldehyde in these colognes and perfumes, and I get headaches. So I'll take my very high chicken, and you have a stinky chicken, a foul chicken. So I'll sit right in the center where I want, and it will clear two rows in front and two rows in back. And it's funny, they don't go back or forward. They go off to the side.
Q: Oh, that's a good idea.
A: But while they're getting up, I said, if you didn't wear the perfume, I wouldn't bring my odorific food here for you. They don't get it.
Q: Before I go on the airline, I get a place in the back so nobody sees me. I eat my food, and then I go on the airline. What happened?
A: Whoa! He tripped over the cord. I think he cracked his chin. Do you have a question?
Q: Well, I'm not 100% on the primal diet yet, and I haven't read the book.
A: You're not allowed to be here. Get out.
Q: But I just have a comment, actually. I just think what you said about the red meat is completely spot on because I've been adding raw meat to my diet over the last few months, and it's been red meat only. And I've also been trying around with, you know, experimenting with cutting carbohydrates out completely and being really high in fat and stuff like that. And every time I introduce just a little carbs, I get these blisters all over my tongue, painful blisters. So that's weird. And another thing I noticed is that my joints make these cracking sounds, you know, cracking noises. And I also sometimes have some pain in my joints. Is this related? I mean, is this something that's missing like milk, or is it because I don't have carbs?
A: You don't have enough fat in your body, so you're still causing some cleansing, and all the fat you already have stored and stuff in your joints are leaving your body. That's why I have the lubrication formula. Anybody's as thin as you should be eating two a day.
Q: But I mean, I eat a lot of fat. It just doesn't store it.
A: No, it's got to be in the formula with lemon, with the butter, and the eggs, and the honey, that combination. That's why I call it the lubrication formula. For women, it's a moisturizing formula.
Q: So how long time will it take before it goes away? Do you have an idea?
A: Three months.
Q: About that long.
A: Sometimes quicker. You have the lubrication formula.
Q: I'll let you know.
A: Okay. Okay, what time is it?
Q: I just want to add something to this.
A: Quarter to five? We got another round because we got to start a little late.
Q: This kid needs to talk. I just want to say, I had the same thing [unintelligible]. Blisters on the tongue. I always thought it was from salt. Could it be from eating acidic foods?
A: Yeah, absolutely.
Q: Okay. It's not just salt. Thank you.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: The lube drink, I just started doing that. Mostly just for stiffness. I do pottery and I whip them up. I get stiff a lot. And I notice, do you think just one a day is okay for me?
A: You're a pretty big guy. You might do one and a half. And what you can do is not have it all at one time. When you're body building, I tell people to do like a pound at a time with one whole lubrication formula. [unintelligible] to build quickly. And in a situation where you have stiffness, you break it up into fourths or fifths. So like every third or fourth hour, you have maybe three to four tablespoons of it.
Q: Of what?
A: The moisturizing lubrication formula.
Q: I was just doing it at night.
A: Not the time. You've got to spread it out.
Q: I guess I must have been just really bad. I thought it was best to do it at night.
A: Well, that was for a certain condition. Spread it out.
Q: I get the feeling that you should almost notice that almost immediately. It affects on your joints and stuff. Mostly it's just lower back pain or knees.
A: It depends on how quickly it gets digested into those areas.
Q: I'll just know by trying.
A: Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah. I have this kind of weird symptom that started at first when I was getting so much weight. High blood pressure or something. But for the past month, I can see my pulse in my eye. That seems dangerous or something.
A: Anytime you have high blood pressure, it means that you have pressure on your veins. To get the blood to flow properly, people who have plaquing in their veins also have high blood pressure. So when the pharmaceutical house, the medical professional says you need to lower your blood pressure, they're putting those people in danger. Those 56,000 people that were studied and the report came out was a year and a half, two years ago, the people who had the high blood pressure, averaged around 171, didn't have any heart attacks. The people who had 111 to 121 had all the heart attacks. Just the opposite of what the pharmaceutical and medical community had been saying for 50 years. Just the opposite. Do you think that that test, the results, flew in the newspapers very much? Got into three papers in the United States that I saw.
Q: I bring that article to every doctor that I go to and they just go through it. They don't want to hear it.
A: That's right.
Q: But isn't it the same with cholesterol?
A: Yes, same thing. Cholesterol is good.
Q: You told me I had a little bit of high blood pressure. Is that dangerous?
A: No, it's good.
Q: You've got it. You have that article, right?
A: Yeah, I have.
Q: Do you think that's what is causing it? That I can see my pulse in my eye?
A: Yeah, well, you're sitting all the time. You've got that weight pressing on the veins and your blood pressure needs to be higher to get through.
Q: Since I've gained like 40 pounds all the time.
A: You can go on weight loss, you know, where you're eating a little bit of meat and the eggs and stuff like that. You could probably lose about 10 pounds, 12 pounds only.
Q: Last time I was here you gave me a weight loss thing to do. What it did was it kept me from gaining more weight because I was gaining 6 pounds a month. I haven't gained any weight since then, but I haven't lost a single pound.
A: Then your body doesn't want to lose it yet. Just wait. Sometimes it takes two and a half years.
Q: I just want to ask you real quick, when you were talking about the dryness, when something, like toxin is coming out. Can that be in your lungs too? Because I've noticed that my bronchiole tubes are just drier than ever.
A: If you're not producing good mucus and the toxins are leading to the bronchioles, yes. Especially smokers, people who have been around factories, pollution.
Q: That doesn't mean that I'm dehydrated.
A: No. Look at your water retention everywhere. How can you be dehydrated? Do you have a question yet, Matt?
Q: Yeah, I thought of something. On my bike ride now, I've been on the road for six weeks at least. You know, going through...
A: You're slow. I made it across country in 28 days.
Q: How long ago was that?
A: That was in 70... No, the last time I did that was 80... 80... 80.
Q: Between now and then, the air is a lot more polluted.
A: Yes.
Q: Touche. So, I'm really sweating profusely. My clothes, my shirt, everything is totally soaked. Here's my question. I'm kind of assuming that when you're vomiting, you're mostly detoxing the gut?
A: Well, poisons that dump into the stomach. But they could be from the lungs, they could be from the armpits, they could be from anywhere.
Q: As far as sweating, I feel a lot better since I started this ride.
A: Absolutely.
Q: I mean, I really... I can even jump higher. I feel light on my feet. Where do you think I mostly cleared out? Is it connective... What is sweating best for detoxing? Is it like connective tissue?
A: 90% of the toxins leave through the skin.
Q: But what...
A: Anywhere in the body, whether it's the scalp, the brain, everywhere. Wherever you produce the much... wherever you got the wettest.
Q: Man, it was mostly in my chest and on my back.
A: So, you detox the lungs. You know, your liver, your other gland.
Q: That was it.
A: Funny, I perspired in the head mostly.
Q: Oh, yeah, my head too.
A: All that chemotherapy, I just drip. Still drip.
Q: Yeah, I brought four bandanas with me. On the ride, I had to change the bandanas every hour because they'd be totally soaked.
A: I'd ring my... Even if I'm having sex, I have to wear a bandana. I perspire so much.
Q: Is that on your hair?
A: [unintelligible], the acids back up into my skin. So, if I perspire on my partner, it will cause a burn. It will burn. It will get into the eyes and it will burn. So, I have to wear a bandana.
Q: You got to keep her on top.
A: Yeah, she likes that.
Q: All right, man.
A: Okay, do you have a question?
Q: I think I'm okay for now.
A: Okay, do you have a question, Allison?
Q: Nope?
A: All right. Hi, you're pretty. You've certainly got young.
Q: Sixteen years old.
A: Sixteen years old. You're beautiful now. I haven't seen you in a while. Wow. If we could just get the healthiest [unintelligible].
Q: Yeah, what's the deal with that?
A: Well, they've only been eating shit food for sixty years.
Q: Ron keeps asking me when this dog is going to die. He keeps asking that question.
A: Dogs can live to twenty-eight years old.
Q: He's on this diet.
A: Twenty-eight.
Q: That's so amazing. I mean, he was on his...
A: He was on his death bed.
Q: He was ready to die about eleven. Ten or eleven. He was drinking water there.
Q: Well, hope.
A: Okay, did you have a question?
Q: Yes. Just cod liver oil. [unintelligible]
A: He makes one without that stuff in it. And he sent me some. I tried it. It burns.
Q: No, it has the rosemary and algae or something.
A: He has some that doesn't have that in it. But it's only six months a year. And he sent some to me. And I tried it, and I don't like it.
Q: That guy in Nebraska?
A: Yeah.
Q: I didn't like his...
A: I didn't like it. It wasn't like his first batch.
Q: Really?
A: Yeah. It burned my throat. It caused an acid reaction. I felt like I was going to get acid reflux from it. So, the way they fermented it, I don't think it was a good way.
Q: Do we need that on our diet?
A: If you're eating cooked foods, you need excess. You know, vitamin D and stuff.
Q: Cod liver oil.
A: Cod liver oil. I've never tried it. I'm not a whale or a seal.
Q: So, should I give that stuff to her? I bought a whole bunch of it.
A: Pardon?
Q: I bought a whole bunch at one time, because I thought it was the stuff that [unintelligible]. And so, I mean, it was always going to be half and half. So, should I give it to her.
A: Well, she eats a lot of cooked foods. I said, it's okay.
Q: Yeah, even with the junk in there, whether it's salmon or...
A: Oh, I thought, no. You bought it without or with the junk in there?
Q: No, when I said the regular, but he sent me when it says regular, and if you look at the ingredient list, it has rosemary. It has some other...
A: Well, that's, I guess, his regular. Most people want that in it.
Q: No, he said it just stays on the shelf longer or something like that.
A: Yeah, no, but I'm saying that's what he calls regular.
Q: Yes, exactly.
A: But you say you want Aajonus' choice. Then don't put that. Mine doesn't have that in it. But also, it doesn't taste very good. It's very acrid. Burns my throat. Do you have a question?
Q: Yeah.
Q: I talked to you before.
A: Pardon?
Q: I talked to you before that.
A: Okay. Joseph, do you have another question?
Q: Yeah, I've been trying to straighten my back, and you said the only way I'm going to be able to straighten it is with heat, with a hot water bottle, on my back. I've been doing that, and I haven't noticed a lot of difference.
A: I've noticed a difference.
Q: How often do I have to do it, and how much?
A: As often as you want and as often as you can.
Q: Like an hour a day, is that enough?
A: That's helpful, but I would do it at night while you're sleeping. That's the time to do it.
Q: I fall asleep on top of it.
A: Yeah.
Q: It's too hot for that.
A: Well, don't make it so freaking hot or put a towel around it.
Q: If you put it on your back when you're sleeping, it will be in a bed, and it will just compress down. It's supposed to be on a hard surface.
Q: What about sleeping on a water bath?
A: No, no, it's about relaxing everything so everything stretches out and relaxes. Usually people who have hunched back, you've got the tendons that are buckled, and the tendons are too short. It's like people who get their hands buckled as they get older. The tendons are shrinking, and they can't stretch anything out because the tendons are too short. After chemotherapy, this whole hand buckled up. The tendons got short. It took me five years before I could stretch it out again.
Q: So my idea of doing it on a hard surface is not necessary?
A: You just have to get everything relaxed and it'll stretched. When you wake up, you do the spinal twist. You could do the Cobra and the Plow. All those things would stretch the spine. When they cauterized my spine from the radiation therapy, this was my movement. And I was in excruciating pain. So I lived on the floor for almost two years. The pain was so bad I couldn't move. So I'd crawl on the floor and keep my back stretched by pulling my body like that. So I was a worm on the floor. As I got better, I had to, even when I was bicycling, I had to stop every hour to an hour and a half. I had to do the Plow and the spinal twist on both sides to keep my back from aching. And then I could go for another hour or hour and a half bicycling. It doesn't matter how fast I went. It was a time thing. I mean, I went from Cherie Point, Port Indiana, to Houston, Texas in one day. That's about 148 miles, and I did it in 10 hours. And that's the pollution to Cherie Point, St. Charles, Louisiana. And it was pretty toxic. But I still only had to stop about once every hour to an hour and a half to stretch. But by doing that over time, now I don't have that problem anymore. I very rarely have back aches. Let's say if I were juicing coconut for 10 hours, I would have a back ache for three days. Right there, because it irradiated me in here. And it peaked the damage at this spot right here, and that's exactly where I get the pain.
Q: Oh, by the way, I found a way of juicing the vegetable juice that keeps you awake and high EMF. Instead of having the thing sideways, run it into the counter.
A: That's the way I do it.
Q: And there's almost no EMF in front of it.
A: That's the way I juice.
Q: You can put an 8-ounce wide-mouth jar. It just stays there. You can have it right at the edge, almost falling off. So you don't have to be bent over. You can be straight.
A: That's the way I've always juiced. I didn't know people juiced to the side.
Q: Yes, pointing right towards it.
A: It's like a shot at you.
Q: It's on the side.
A: Electromagnetic field.
Q: Everybody's talking about the next time.
Q: What type of juicer is that?
A: That's Green Star. The motor's in the back. And the EMF field broadcasts about a foot. And the motor's back here with the bit and the gears coming out about almost 10 inches. You've got another 2 inches before you're against it. And even your hand is high enough where it's not getting into the field, the plunger. My Green Star Gold came with a wooden plunger as well as a plastic. But he's saying that his Green Star 1000 didn't come with a wood plunger. Or they break.
Q: But you can order them.
A: But that's what he did. He ordered a dowel which is an inch and three quarters.
Q: Inch and a quarter. You know, for your clothes. Yeah, for clothes. Home Depot. It's real simple.
A: A lot of times you go in just for the old scrap cut.
Q: I could use it. Can you put like coconut?
Q: Do you have to be concerned that there's anything in here giving that away?
A: Well, there's nothing in there. That's not treated.
Q: How do you know?
A: Because you can see it. You might have a little on the outside there. There may be a little creosote because of the color. This looks like it was polished.
Q: You can sand it if you wanted to.
Q: Yeah, you can sand it.
A: It's fine. It hasn't been treated. If it were treated with, let's say, green creosote, it would be green.
Q: They treat it with resin.
A: They treated that with a resin?
Q: No, no, but if they would treat it, that's a really old one. That's been around a long time. I had that in my garage for years.
Q: This thing?
A: Yeah, you might want to sand it a little bit on the outside.
Q: Okay, what's been in your garage?
Q: He's got so much in his garage.
A: Do you have a question, Lisa?
Q: Do we have time for one?
A: Yeah. We're going around for the second time.
Q: Okay.
Q: Talk about grain. Your diet does not have grain. Is that right?
A: Not really.
Q: That guy seems to have a hard time getting off of crackers and bread. What's the oatmeal in the morning?
A: Well, you know, I don't suggest that. I suggest having the nut formula. But if the nut formula doesn't work for you, then you have to have a little grain.
Q: Nut formula drives my brain crazy. I get too much neurotoxins.
A: Too many neurotoxins. Well, you were around the formaldehyde and the embalming for all those years. Your family was embalmers.
Q: I lived in one of those, you know.
A: So probably you're going to have to have a little bit of cooked starch almost every other day for a very long time.
Q: You know, I crave that. Is that why?
A: Yep.
Q: Oh. Does that really work? I don't need much.
Q: Do you have the rice and the butter?
A: Yeah.
Q: I know Alicia loves carbs, and I don't know what to give her anymore. Going for chips? I don't know what to give her.
A: We'll give her some rice and butter or something like that. Something that's a fresh cooked starch, not something that's boiled in oil like a chip.
Q: Oh. I don't do very often.
A: Those are the worst.
Q: I know they are.
A: They're the most cancer-causing of all the fat in donuts, snacks, and cereal.
Q: Even a natural one?
A: Pardon?
Q: Even a natural one?
A: There's no such thing as a natural one. Only natural ones if you make them yourself.
Q: I'm on your diet. I'm really religious about it. But sometimes I like to eat something else because I'm so limited to the fish and the meat or the meat and the... I go crazy, so I eat chocolate instead, and it's not so good.
A: Well, I've got a chocolate recipe.
Q: Okay, you told me about that. But I mean, I want to eat something else that doesn't constipate me. Because when I'm on your diet, I'm great, but if I go off the diet...
A: But look in the recipe book. I've got pies, cheesecakes, all kinds of wonderful things. You know, it's like we've got... You wouldn't have to eat the same thing every day for a year.
Q: I'm talking about desserts. I'm talking about regular...
A: But those are the sauces.
Q: Regular cooked food.
A: Take a look at it. Eat the same foods. These people are eating the same foods, and it's mainly grain. But it has different flavors.
Q: What do you mean? Who's eating grain?
A: Everybody out in the world that's eating cooked foods. They're eating the same foods. They're just flavored differently. That's why I made 82 sauces. You can make them three to five different ways each.
Q: How many foods did they eat?
A: Just lower the amount of grains.
Q: Oh, just lower it.
Q: How many foods did that tribe eat? Three different foods?
A: Three foods. That was it. Three foods.
Q: Yeah, but they don't go to work that much.
A: And they don't have a stressful life either. No, it's a great life. It's like they're in constant retirement from the time they're born.
Q: Are they taking new members?
A: What a life!
Q: Are they taking members at that time?
Q: I thought I'd be ready to go there too.
A: I would have stayed there, probably.
Q: Why did they put a McDonald's on there?
Q: They've got to get them the television first.
Q: That's right. That's how it works.
A: Steve, do you have a question?
Q: Yeah, I was wondering, like, you know how you say in raw tuna that the mercury isn't assimilated because it's raw? It's not cooked and it's not actually released, right?
A: It's not released.
Q: Yeah. So wouldn't that apply to like if a chicken eats soy or if it has growth hormones or antibiotics, wouldn't that be also kind of inactivated and not really assimilated when you eat it?
A: Well, no, because the fat will be made from that. Not the fat that's made from a good substance and binds with a toxin. The toxic fat in the soy is what it's making its fat with, so the fat is toxic in itself.
Q: But the antibiotics, you wouldn't be actually eating that or assimilating that?
A: Absolutely, because that would be... If you're eating a processed cooked product like soy, that animal is going to be making that, putting that hormone and antibiotic into their food, into their cells. And then you're going to be digesting their cells.
Q: So the two are different because it's not actually incorporated?
A: No. It's attached to the fat molecules but not incorporated into it.
Q: Okay.
A: Now there is organic mercury that is normally in the plankton that they eat before industry started dumping it into the ocean and the other water systems. That mercury is assimilated and utilizable in a positive way.
Q: Okay.
A: But that's a different mercury. It's not an industrially produced mercury. It's a natural plant mercury.
Q: What do you mean by assimilating in a positive way?
A: Well, there's mercury in every leaf out there. Parsley has mercury in it. Cilantro has mercury in it. All these foods have mercury. It's part of the element of everything in life. And when it's in micro-traced amounts, it's a benefit. The body can utilize it in a positive way. Concentrate it in a swordfish and if you eliminate, you lower the amount of absorption into a swordfish, he doesn't jump as high. He can't jump. He can't make those big leaps. So that helps that animal be more buoyant and more flexible. That particular element, but it's in trace amounts.
Q: Did you hear about the mercury in corn syrup?
A: That's been around a long time. The first time I read about that was in about 1969. They keep regurgitating the same stuff. It's all there.
Q: It's been there all along.
A: Bragg was talking about that. They start putting corn syrup in everything instead of sugar when you start using that as an alternative.
Q: So that's high amounts of mercury?
A: Yeah.
Q: I don't eat it.
A: You have a question now, Lisa?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Why is it a plane flies over when you ask a question? Are you high?
Q: High?
A: Planes are high?
Q: Flying's high. So my question is, when I have a symptom, I'll try to figure it out. [unintelligible]
A: These are all health experts.
Q: Yeah. I was wondering, what is it? I look it up in your book. I look it up under MS. It's one thing. I look it up under arthritis. How do you determine the toxicity? Is that neurological?
A: That would be neurological from a poisoning. If you had, let's say your joints were swollen and you had rashes around your joints, that could be arthritis. But what that is, is the toxin has damaged the cartilage in your joints. Usually that's a fungus from tetracycline or mainly penicillin lives in the joints and in the bones. So that would have caused, most of your arthritis is caused from penicillin, another antibiotic. So if it is working, if it is eating, that fungus, remember when you're getting an antibiotic, a fungus, fungal medication, it's been sterilized to about 112 degrees. That will not kill it permanently. It just puts it out of commission, puts it in hibernation for about a year and a half. And then once it gets a hold of you, there's no off switch again. The RNA and DNA for turning it off and going into hibernation doesn't exist. So that penicillin or that antibiotic fungus will constantly grow in your body as long as you're eating the things it can feed on, and that's grains.
Q: So then if it's neurological or [unintelligible].
A: If you were poisoning, you've got heavy metals and other chemicals that have damaged the cells, the neurological cells, or interfering with their transmission. You need to remove those to help replace new neurological cells.
Q: Can you get [unintelligible]?
A: That's not arthritis. Arthritis is an infection in the joints.
Q: The neurological type [unintelligible]?
A: It can cause, yeah, because if the heavy metals have gone in and damaged the cells, guess what, those nerve passages shrink. It's like you get poisoned and you get skinny. So the same thing happens internally on a microscopic level. On this diet, your body makes new cells. New cells. As long as you're eating raw meat, especially raw chicken or raw poultry and raw fish, not only regenerate cells, but will help reproduce new cells.
Q: Why do they tell you [unintelligible].
A: Because people don't eat raw meat. They don't observe people eating raw meat.
Q: What website is that where they show the nerve cells disintegrating when they put their mercury?
A: University of Toronto. Do you have another question?
Q: Yeah, you said about, what you said about fish, that the mercury binds to the fat. So you don't recommend lean fish at all? I mean, complete, fat-free, you know?
A: There's no such thing.
Q: Or those cuts at least?
A: Probably not a good idea. Whenever I go into a fish market, I always get the fattiest part. Oh, and in the Philippines, it's like ecstasy. You know, there's 7,107 islands in the Philippines. 7,107 islands. So you've got these tribes all over the freaking place. You've got all these small little islands where you can't get industry on there. Some of them are almost all mountainous like the one I was on with the tribes. And you can't cultivate it in a way where it's productive, where you can run trucks and tractors through. So nobody touches them. Nobody wants their land. They'll go and take their trees maybe, when they get around to it.
Q: What kind of fish do they fish for?
A: Oh, they caught everything. I mean, I was going into the market, I would go in there every two days. And I would go in the evening, because you get that fresh caught fish for that day. And there were swordfish this big around, there were tunas this big around. Delicious cuts. I was eating three pounds in a sitting. It was so delicious. It was like nothing I've ever tasted before. It was phenomenal. Pardon?
Q: You said your favorite is swordfish? I've never tried it.
A: Swordfish, oh yeah. This tuna was close. This very fresh tuna was close to the swordfish.
Q: It's different than the tuna here?
A: Oh, I mean, it's fresh caught. Very different.
Q: How can you eat three pounds in one sitting?
A: It's just like candy. It melted it in my mouth.
Q: [unintelligible]
A. Not for there. They just hike miles back into the mountains. I'm not the person who exercises. This is my exercise on my computer. I carry my groceries once a week. And here I was boating and hiking for ten hours. Twelve hours. No, I was excited. But I was hungry. When I got back, I was hungry.
Q: Did they have salmon there?
A: Yeah, not much. A little bit.
Q: Did you eat with the tribe?
A: No.
Q: Are there people milking animals over there? Is it easy to get raw dairy over there when you travel?
A: Well, you have to know where the farms are. The dairy farms. I had not been ever refused. They never said, oh God, you can't do that. We'll be in trouble. Automatically, they'll give me as much raw milk as I want.
Q: Are they making raw butter over there?
A: No.
Q: Is that against the government there, too?
A: No.
Q: Oh, not in the Philippines?
A: Well, it might be. But nobody... I mean, when I went to the dairies there and got it...
Q: In Italy, they were crazy. They were like, oh no, we get locked up in jail.
A: Who?
Q: In Italy. Like it went in the back countries.
A: That's crazy. In Italy, they sell it in... There are machines. You can buy it in machines.
Q: Only in the northern part.
Q: They have raw milk vending machines?
A: Yeah, they have raw milk vending machines. I think I saw there were 1,168 of them. Vending machines.
Q: I saw that. That was cool.
Q: I just wanted to tell you, when I went to Hawaii, in Kauai, I couldn't get any raw milk. I couldn't get any goat milk. I couldn't get any cow milk. I tried every source. In Kauai, Hawaii, my son got married, so I schlepped four containers of organic pastures with me. I tried everything.
A: Well, you just have to go to the tribes in the center of the island. That's where I got it. Okay, folks, that's it. Thank you. Thank you for coming, everybody. The next one will be February 22nd at a dance studio, so we'll be dancing for an hour.
Q: What kind of dancing? What kind of dancing?