Q&A Of September 12, 2005

Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: Okay, so we're going to get started. I'll start with Kay. Question? No question? Question?

Q: Not yet.

A: Okay. Question?

Q: Yeah. Recently I ran across a book in the library about the 1918 flu epidemic.

A: Uh-huh.

Q: And I read a few chapters on it, but it was interesting that I'd never heard of it before. Everyone's heard about the Black Plague, and apparently this flu epidemic killed like 100,000 people. And all the time when I was reading it, I was always thinking, I wonder what Aajonus would say about it. So I was wondering what you know about it.

A: Well, I wasn't alive at that time.

Q: You were, but you weren't in that body.

A: No, I wasn't in a body at that time. I remember. I've only had 82 lives in eternity. And one of them was six billion years.

Q: Oh, really?

A: As a sun. That was wonderful, because all the planets, as they go around, they make music. So it's like a constant chorus. And because they're always in a different position and never in the six billion years ever hit the same position, there was never the same tune, chord, phrase ever hit. It was the shortest life I've ever had. And it was six billion years. Incredible.

Q: Are you joking?

A: No, I'm serious.

Q: I think he's joking.

A: What I've read about the 1918 flu epidemic, the only records that I saw was a book written, and I referred to it, The Man's Correct Diet. It was written by a director of a health institute. And he said that the people who went to doctors during that flu epidemic, seven out of ten died. And the people who went to an allopathic practitioner, an herbalist or some other kind of homeopath, only one out of 20 died. And those people who didn't go to anybody, nobody died.

Q: Oh, really?

A: And you have to understand that those epidemics only happened in cities. Chicago was one of the main. Pollution. If you've got a blacksmith or a silversmith on every corner of every block, and the heavy metals are airborne, and you breathe those in, it creates toxicity within the entire system. And that causes people... like the Black Plague in Europe. They had a blacksmith on every corner and a silversmith on every block. And what happened is, in England you've got that layer of fog. So you've got a smog when the heavy metals stay airborne. You know, if you're in an environment like this, they have a tendency to fall. But if you're in like Chicago where there's more moisture, those heavy metals stay airborne. You inhale them, they cause severe damage. Just to give you an idea of some of the damage that has occurred, if you go to Calvary University in Canada, their website, you're going to order a DVD which shows what happens if you put a 2% solution of mercury into neuron development. Now all neurons on any species, no matter if it's an insect or a human or a bird, no matter what it is, all neurons develop and grow the same way. So all the brain develops the same way no matter what species you are. So you see all these neurons growing and they've got it on a DVD. And you put a 2% solution of mercury and all of a sudden you just see them disappear. Like it just eats them away. And then they have another phase of that DVD where they show that a molecule of mercury will cause an entire cell or group of cells to lock to that one piece of mercury and that's what causes neurons to disintegrate. And aluminum doesn't do that and a lot of the other heavy metals don't do that. The heavy metals and the lighter metals don't do that, but mercury does it every time. And there's a lot of mercury in everything, everything that's in our environment. And if you've ever used methylate or mercurochrome, those are liquid mercury antiseptics. If you've ever had vaccines, you have liquid mercury injected into you with almost every vaccine. And these store in the body and if they get released into the blood or neurological system they'll cause a deterioration of the nerves and neurons in the brain. So that has a tendency to collect and that's what causes your major diseases because your farmers didn't get the flu, your farmers didn't get the black plague. It was only the concentrations of city people who got it or the city people who were so poor that they were thrown out into the farmlands and some of those got it. And they say, well, it all happens at one time. And if I had given you some poison in the food and everybody ate it, within a few hours of all of you would be sick. Well, the same kind of contamination will happen progressively about the same time. The major incidents of your poisoning, the reaction from it, the detoxification of... the attempt, the body's attempt to detoxify it will occur in a greater number of periods within the same time frame. Some people will be more contaminated sooner, some people later, but the majority will all get it about the same time. And that's what they call an epidemic when it's really a poison. And a lot of the epidemics in Hawaii and with the American Indians, they said, oh, there were viruses they couldn't handle. These Indians were wiping their butts without washing their hands, just like all these primitive tribes, eating raw meat without cleaning it, you know, right out of the buffalo, they were walking through horse shit all the time, stealing the horses and their tails fly all over and hit the flies and get, you know, E. coli all over the place. To think, to believe that these American Indians and the Hawaiians and all these indigenous tribes were dying because of some particular white man's disease is absolutely absurd. If you look at some of the proper documentation, like if you read, I forgot the author's name, but he wrote Savages, and he talked about how the German and British diamond miners, diamond mining companies, Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, would hire Brazilians in bars, arm them with automatic weapons and poison, and go around and slaughter the natives. And if you put these particular poisons in their waterhole, it looks like they got smallpox. A lot of your diseases will look like smallpox or measles. A lot of your poisons will look like that. So, of course, the thing is, oh, they got some kind of, you know, some kind of bacterial infection and disease. No, they were poisoned. And that's the way it was done. That's the way you get rid of, like, the Ebola. Ebola is man-made, and it is not contagious through mosquitoes. It's never, ever been proven. And if you look at the behavior of a mosquito, you'll see that only the female bites. She's got a proboscis that, if it were on me, would be about the length from here to here in my face. And she goes in, she digs down in, and she bites every cell in a pool in an area. So she creates a pool of blood. They do not cast saliva. So they eat all around, and if they were to get a piece of saliva or anything in there, it doesn't matter because what does she do? She sucks up the whole pool of blood, every bit of it. So if any of her saliva got into that pool of blood, she's already sucked it up. It's gone. So they take it out, and they don't even eat it. She doesn't eat it. She goes back to her larva, and the larva feed off of the blood. So the fictitious myth or the myth that mosquitoes transport disease is absolutely ridiculous. It's another thing like you'll get parasites from eating raw meat. It comes from a myth. It does not come from any laboratory science.

Q: And when they see West Nile, this guy died from West Nile, what are they seeing in his body that they can connect it to West Nile? What is the whole West Nile virus?

A: A lot of them will call any kind of a retrovirus activity. They'll just give it a name if it has different symptoms.

Q: What is West Nile virus [unintelligible]?

Q: Mosquitoes. Right here, right now.

A: Well, they're saying it's here now. But that's your Dow Chemical, Monsanto, wanting to make $100 million every time they drop malathion on a city. They make fortunes on doing that.

Q: They do that here in Riverside constantly. I'm hearing it on the news.

A: And there's no evidence. But yet, because the politicians are completely ignorant biochemically, they accept anything they're told. And, of course, who's behind it? The chemical industry's doctors. The pharmaceutical industry and the chemical industry doctors are all behind it. So don't worry about getting some kind of a disease from a mosquito or a swamp or anything like that. The worst thing that's going to happen when you drink swamp water is you're going to get some diarrhea or some vomiting. If you're in Mississippi, that's different. You've got all kinds of chemicals that are swimming around from paint stores and gasoline, fuel tanks and everything that are polluting the water. So that water's pretty poisonous. But, you know, like in Asia with the tsunami, water wasn't contaminated. And they were going over there getting injections and everything else. And then in Mississippi, did you see the photographs where they were decontaminating people? They're spraying these people with this white foam stuff, which is mainly ammonia, for decontaminating them. Poison, that's that. Be afraid of nature. Be afraid of all bacteria and enzymes and everything that's in nature. But trust our poisons. They're safe.

Q: There are already poisons in the water and they just gave them a dose of more poison.

A: And they're giving more poison. It's an absolute absurdity. But in the next, you know, 20 years, we're going to see so much disease and so much death, it's going to be incredible because there's no reversing it at this point. You just have to be able to take care of yourself. Be afraid of anything that comes out of a needle or out of a doctor's office or out of a hospital or out of a chemical place or out of a food, you know, a processed food place, a fast food place. You don't have to worry otherwise. You know, unless something comes in and drops malathion, you stay out of the air for about 30 hours. Try not to go out unless you're wearing a mask. I keep one in my car. I keep an Israeli gas mask in my car. It's got two compound filters.

Q: I have one too.

A: So I look like a fly. It covers my entire face.

Q: Where do you get them?

A: An army surplus store where I get them. They're cheaper there. Y2K, you know, they were selling like, normally they're $19. And then during Y2K, they were selling the same thing for $50 or $55.

Q: Why would you put that on?

A: If there were some kind of chemical spill or dropping malathion and I'm an outsider in my car, I keep it in my car. I also keep one in the house. Just in case.

Q: They remove poisonous gases like...

A: It helps. Because they're compound filters. So you've got HEPA filters and you've got charcoal filters. And they're compound. They're about eight layers for each canister on each side.

Q: You wouldn't wear one pollution, would you?

A: In Asia, the Asians don't mind. They're not, you know, as ego-centric as we are or vain. And they go around, a lot of them go around with masks on. You know, when I'm in Asia and I'm on the highway there, whether I'm in a car or on a bus or on a motorcycle, I'm wearing a mask. Because they use diesel, too much diesel, and that's a lot worse for the ears.

Q: Yeah, they all have their bandanas tied around their face.

A: No, they make these things like this and they go around your ears.

Q: And you can breathe right through it?

A: I mean, it's not compound, it's not for gas.

Q: But you couldn't bring one out from there to here, you couldn't buy one to bring it home, would you?

A: Well, you know, if you've got a problem here and you want a compound one, it'll filter out gases. That mainly filters out particles, it doesn't filter out gas.

Q: I'm talking about pollution, air pollution.

A: It will help filter out the heavy particles, but not the gas.

Q: The gas is our pollution, too.

Q: Question, Aajonus, because we have a couple of those gas masks that you recommended us to get. How long do the filters last? We've been told anywhere from two hours to depending on how long we use them.

A: Well, it depends on what you're exposed to.

Q: Well, I mean, I use them for when I'm painting things and stuff.

A: Well, if you're painting, they'll last probably a couple of weeks, about eight hours a day.

Q: Okay.

A: But if you're in, you know, if you're actually in some tear gas, they're going to last you maybe an hour and a half.

Q: It will get harder to breathe [unintelligible].

A: Yeah. Or what it does is it stops cleaning, and then the gas starts affecting you. But these were made for gas masks, for gas and military gas and gas bombs.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You know, we're going to take the questions when we get around. Otherwise, we're going to start complicating and confusing things. So the epidemics and all of that, you know, it's mainly pollution. You don't hear native tribes unless somebody's come in and poisoned their environment. Coming down with any kind of disease, it knocks them out.

Q: Is this book Savage?

A: Well, it's a play. It was a play that was put on at the Mark Taper Forum in the early 70s. And it talked about, and he was a British writer in Brazil. And he was investigating it. And he was in the bars in Brazil when these people were coming in, paying them $1,500 a week to slaughter as many natives out there in the Amazon as possible and poisoning them. You know, that's a different kind of, you know, that's commercial warfare, business warfare. Business is just like a government. If they want to overpower and they want to take possession of resources and property, it means killing people, getting rid of them, especially the welfare class. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, they definitely got rid of those. They could have stopped a lot of those deaths if they didn't want to. Because if they get rid of them, then they can allow a lot more poor people into this country to work at very low wages. And that's what it's all about.

Q: Can I just quickly throw in one thing on the last one? You kind of said that it's the people who got treatment are the ones that died. Because my question on it was, you know, like flu is a detoxification, right? So why, you know, my big question is why would you...

A: Flu is a virus, okay? Virus. Flus are always virus. You can have bacterial detoxifications like, you know, mainly colds, anything that's bacterial. But flus, they say, are all viral. Viruses are not alive. Viruses are soaps made within the cell. Because the body is so contaminated or a cell is so contaminated...

Q: So what made within the cell?

A: Soap. Solvents.

Q: Oh, solvents, okay.

A: Because the cell or environment around the cell is so toxic that bacteria, parasites, or fungus cannot break it down. So the body makes soaps, solvents to dissolve it. Just like we have compounds which will break down oil. It will disassemble it and make it into a more water-soluble substance. But what happens when you have that? You have a whole, you know, bucket of contaminated fluid. And that same thing happens in the body. When you have bacteria, parasites, or fungus eat things, it reduces the contamination to a small amount. But when you have virus, it dissolves it and there's no consumption and resolution. There's no shrinkage in the bacteria. There is a greater substance to be removed from the body. So it's a lot more contaminating. It's not an easy detoxification. So when these people are so contaminated with city, you know, commercial, industrial pollution, that they can't use bacteria, parasites, or fungus to help clean, they have to go to the viral. And a lot of people will not survive that viral detoxification because they're not healthy enough.

Q: Oh, really? A detoxification can kill you.

A: A viral detoxification can kill you.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Absolutely.

Q: And plus, if you're going to the medical and getting...

A: Getting more poisons and more chemicals, it makes it worse.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It doesn't matter, Kathy. We're not talking about that, okay?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah.

Q: Okay. About three or four years ago, I started getting, like... Can I ask personal health questions, or is it a general? Can I ask personal health questions?

A: Yeah, as long as it's something I can answer.

Q: Yeah, okay. Well, if you can't answer. About three or four years ago, I started getting a pain in my lower back, right above the sacrum on the right side. And it, like, kind of, and then also going in the front where the ileocecal valve is. And, like, it actually made me numb and limp on the right side of my body. It's like it goes all the way up my spine, causing my shoulder to be like this. And it kind of, like, starts there and goes up there, making me kind of limp and stuff on my right side. [unintelligible] And maybe if you think I should test this thing, or if I should do a topical thing to help with it, or...

A: Well, if it were kidney related, you'd turn a little jaundiced. And your urine would probably be a little stronger, and you'd be fine.

Q: Yeah.

A: So, did those symptoms occur at the same time?

Q: No.

A: Then you probably just got a pinched nerve. The vertebrae sit on top of each other like this. And there's gaps on either side. If they go out of place, they squeeze those nerves. And that causes the information from the brain not to get to the kidney, or back from the kidney, or in the intestines. Because it goes around, all around to the organs from the spine. It goes back to the brain. So, if that transmission of information gets blocked going both ways, you've got some serious problems. Even, you know, numbness and crippling.

Q: Yeah.

A: Paralyzing type of reaction. So, in order to keep those aligned properly, you need to heat the system. It's good to get into a hot bath that's at least 103 degrees. Sit in there for a half hour to 45 minutes. Then get into the plow when you get out. Everybody knows yoga and the plow? So, you get on your back and you bring your butt up into the air and put your knees down here or over your head. So, your feet are touching the floor above your head. So, you stretch the entire back. And you want to hold that position for as long as you can. But you don't want to do it until your back is relaxed enough from the hot bath. That way, when you stretch everything, it will stay loose. If you do it while you're cold and not relaxed, you're already tense and tight. And those vertebraes are being held out of place. So, if you put it back in place by doing the plow, within a few movements, you're going to go out again. It's going to twist out because those muscles are contracting. And you're going to pull it right back out. But if you've relaxed it. And then you get into the plow or go for a chiropractic adjustment. When they pull you back out or you go into that stretch, everything gets stretched out. And it goes back into its particular place. And all the muscles be relaxed so that it's out of place. Until, you know, you get tense again or get cold. And that could be a day and a half, two days, or five hours, depending on how cold you get. If you get cold again, if you go out of place, you're going to have to put hot water bottles along your back or get into the bath again. Okay?

Q: Great, thank you.

A: You're welcome.

Q: Nice meeting you. Thank you.

Q: Just a short question. I heard that you said that you could eat any kind of fish that was raw.

A: I didn't say any kind. I said wild ocean-caught fish. No lake-caught, no river-caught, unless you know the river is up on top of the Colorado Mountains and isn't, you know. Do you have a question? Kathy?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, usually your electric grinder is a high-pressure. And when you put it into a high-pressure grinder, it homogenizes the fat molecules. Homogenization means it splits the fat molecule. So the fats that absorb the protein. So then it isn't digested properly to regenerate cells and become younger and more alive. What it will do is help you generate fuel, pyruvate, to burn as fuel, or for detoxification. But if you want to get stronger and younger and heal properly, don't have ground meat unless you put it in a food processor. When I grind mine, I just, you know, put it in long, thin slices and then put it in my food processor. It turns on for three seconds. I've got ground meat with no high pressure. Quickly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Not that they'll get metal into the meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah. No. Sometimes you can chance it if you tell them to use the large sieve holes, not the small ones. They've got this round. And they put it through the high pressure and tell them to put it only through once. They don't like doing it, but they'll do it for you. Stainless steel is fine. For most of your meat grinders are made with pot metal and not a real, true stainless steel.

Q: Yeah, they flake into the meat really bad.

A: Yep.

Q: I mean, metal flakes into your beef.

Q: Wow.

Q: So when you buy ground beef at the grocery store, is that the thing?

A: That's what I'm saying. It's not good.

Q: Oh.

Q: Well, I've never had metal flakes in the grocery store, but I don't buy it because they're saying the pressure is bad. But if you buy a home grinder from [unintelligible] or any of those kitchen stores, they're all flaky metal. One use, one use. It was like sparkly. It was like a Christmas decoration.

Q: That's so scary.

Q: Yeah.

Q: If someone developed a hand crank stainless steel, that would be okay.

A: It would never hold up.

Q: They take it back?

Q: They wouldn't.

A: For some reason, it doesn't hold up. If they did, they would be producing them. For some reason, meat under high pressure is not easy to put through. And if you buy one, they're $3,000 if you buy a good one.

Q: Oh, wow.

A: Yeah. So if you want to spend $3,000, go ahead and get a good one. You can use a large sieve and put it through one time. But that's $3,000.

Q: So any ground beef from the grocery stores is not good.

A: It's not good.

Q: Okay.

A: Unless you ask them to grind it only once and use the large sieve hole.

Q: But they still use cleaners in their grinders and all that.

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: I just don't trust it. You know, they run with, you know, antiseptics and all that.

A: They put ammonia. And not clean it out properly. So a food processor is so easy to clean. And, you know, you just put your chunks in there just like they do. You know, they'll cut it into big chunks when they put it into the meat grinders in the stores. And you would have to do it if you had your own grinder. I just make mine, you know, long, thin slices. And then I put mine in my food processor and in three seconds you have ground meat. In 10 seconds you have mince, you know, pate. So it's very quick and pretty easy to clean. And you can make a big batch of that and put it in glass jars, tighten it, seal it, and make it for a couple of days at a time. So it makes it easier that way. You're welcome.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Where was that?

Q: [unintelligible] I wake up, and four five hours [unintelligible].

A: Well, just eat something that has some raw eggs or a milkshake made at your bedside. Down it, go back to sleep. Raw eggs. The Aajonus way is to poke a hole in both ends and suck it out. Or Rocky style.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It would be normal for somebody to wake up after 5 hours. Just eat and go back to sleep.

Q: So the fact that I'm asleep for only five hours is normal?

A: That's all you should. Red blood cells in your blood, if you go five hours without eating, you go five hours without eating, your protein level is completely zero in your blood. Red blood cells start eating each other. I don't care if you were 800 pounds. No matter how large you are, protein level bottoms out at five hours. Red blood cells become cannibalistic and eat each other. If you think that you're healthy enough, your red blood cells are healthy enough. You've got a myth going on. Only tribes who are raised raw and non-contaminated and live in a clean environment have healthy, good red blood cells, where there's no contamination from red blood cells eating their own kind in your own blood.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: They can do it, but we can't, but they still don't. They eat about every five hours, but they won't have the toxicity that we will if our red blood cells start eating each other. That's why after five hours you need to wake up, eat something with protein in it, and go back to sleep. Eggs have protein, a good amount of protein in the egg white. So you could have a milkshake at your bedside if you wanted to be more relaxed, and go back to sleep. If you don't wake after five hours, you better set an alarm. Make sure you wake after five hours, drink your eggs or milkshake or have some meat, and go right back to sleep. Have it right by your bedside.

[audio cut]

A: No, you don't need to refrigerate a milkshake. You can go 24, 48 hours without refrigeration after you make it.

Q: And the kefir stays there?

A: The kefir can stay there long, too. You just have to shake it when it separates.

Q: [unintelligible] juicer?

A: I've already done that research pretty heavily. And the Green Star is the only one where in my laboratory tests proved were efficient. There's a lot of propaganda out from other ones, especially the Norwalk, which is a $2,300 juicer. You grind it in one process, and then you press it in another. It double oxidizes. And the Green Star and the Green machines, they have two gears which crush it. And they're steel. They're stainless steel. And some of it's even surgical steel. Part of it's surgical steel, the recipe for surgical steel. So it's good. It's not plastic pressing against plastic. It's metal pressing against metal. If you have plastic pressing against plastic, like with the single gears juicers out there, you have phthalates that generate gases from the plastic and PBAs that gas into the food, which are highly poisonous. So your Green Star, your Green machines are the better ones.

Q: Green Star, there's another company that patented the parts for Green Star. And Green Star hasn't updated it since 1993. They use the same parts. There's another company that used the original Green Star. It has the patented parts. It's a better juicer and cheaper than Green Star. [unintelligible] , is breaking down. It doesn't hold up. So if it's a large batch, it's what I would think, but Melanie and I do it about four days.

A: It's not supposed to last four days. It's supposed to last three days. So you're taking it too far. I use the Green Power because it juices faster. It's a larger machine. It's a larger horsepower. And it cuts about five to ten minutes out of juicing if you're juicing large batches. But that's because it has a larger screen. The Green Star has a screen that's about this big. The Green Power has one that's this big. And the gears are about three-quarters of an inch longer. So there's more grinding space. And it's $100 more than a Green Star. You can have it delivered to your door for $438 if you call John Lyshire with Nature something. Anyway, and the Green Star from him is like $350 delivered to your door. If you're juicing for more than one person, then I would go for the Green Power. Now, they're not producing more of the Green Power. They're not manufacturing more of them. So they probably have maybe 500 machines left in the world. When they're gone, they're gone. John Lyshire, L-Y-S-H-I-R-E, I think it is.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Too many of the parts were cracking. But I had one for 10 years before I bought the new one. I bought the new Green Power Kempo. And it's so freaking small that it took forever to juice with it. So I went back to the old one. The Green Power Kempo is just a little bitty model. It's smaller than the Green Star. So I just gave it away. Ridiculous.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, that's the old company. The Kempo is the original Gold. Green Power Gold, Green Power Kempo are the same company. However, the Kempo machine is so small, it takes forever to juice.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: The new technology is Kempo. No, that's the Green Star Gold. I mean that's the Green Power Gold. It's not a new technology. It's 1993. The new technology is then the Kempo, Green Power Kempo. And it takes too long to juice. And you have to stop and clean it and clean it and clean it. So the old technology is better as far as time and production.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, you stick with the Green Star or go with the Green Power. But not Green Power Kempo. Green Power Gold, not Green Power Kempo. There are 500 machines left, about. Probably not even that. They do have parts. Still parts available. But mine cracked all over the place doing coconut. And I got replacement parts. And it's just don't screw those screws in too tightly. That's the thing that cracks it. So I had it for two years without a crack in it. I had some guests over. Screwed the hell out of it while I was out of the house. And they cracked the whole machine by doing coconuts. Just because they screwed those things in too tightly. And that's what caused the crack.

[audio cut]

A: But the Green Life and Green Star were made by a different company. An offshoot. Not a different company. They were partners and they split. And one of the partners made the Green Life and then the Green Star. And the original company, that partner made the Green Power Gold, which was the original, and the Green Power Kempo. But the Green Power Kempo has great technology. It's so small it's a pain in the ass. Okay, let's move on. Do you have a question? Okay. Theo, do you have a question? Jim, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I could spend hours on it, but what can I do to recover flexibility?

A: You mean flexibility or you can't bend it with your own?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's going to take time. You need to, you know, submerse it in the water that's at least 104 degrees, maybe 103-4 degrees, and leave it for about 45 minutes at a time.

Q: Take a hot bath?

A: No, because then you're taking care of your whole body. Your body's going to use nutrients on the whole body. If you want to focus on one particular area for cleansing and healing, you've got to only focus on that spot, that area. Otherwise, the nutrients in your body are going to be all used up on your whole body if you're getting into a bath. So that will help.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you don't have to move it, but if you want to, that helps. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, let's see. Let's see how long these take.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Okay. She asked, why do people get toenail and fingernail fungus? They get the fungi mainly because of antibiotics stored in the joint. And just remember that antibiotics are made from molds. They're molds from wheat or some kind of grain. And they inject them into you. They sterilize them and then they inject them into you. So it creates a mold that eats other bacteria or molds. Mainly what the vaccines and the antibiotics do is they poison the digestive tract and the bloodstream and neurological serum. They poison them and they cause the destruction of many cells. So it doesn't really stop and improve health. What it does is it contaminates the body so badly that the body can no longer focus on what it was detoxifying, whether you had bacteria, parasites, or a fungi, or a virus cleaning your system. It's poisoning and the mass contamination that it causes directly in the serum and in the intestinal tract that stops the normal detoxification that was being carried on. So there's never any progress toward better health from those things. There's just more contamination. When you get the fungus in the nails, whether it's the toe or feet, or even fungus in the scalp, because it often happens around hair in men, it could be chest or back or, you know, butt. Those fungi are mainly from antibiotics.

Q: Coming out of your system.

A: They become reactive again. The molds have created sub-molds to help break it down. Now bacteria, parasites, fungi are all in nature to decompose waste products, reduce them into a substance that can be recycled. So what do we use as fertilizers? We use excrement. We use secretion. Urine. You know, the nitrogen that we put in the fields, that these big corporations put in the fields. What they've done is they have these huge dairy companies that take the runoff of urine from the cattle. They purify it and then go stick it out into the field and pump it into the field after they chemically process it. So it's got all this ammonia and nitrogen in it. And what is the other thing we use? We use feces. All part of nature to recycle, to fertilize. Same thing occurs in our bodies. The bacteria and parasites and the fungi have waste products. Well, what they've done is taken a mass amount of food and they break it down into a small substance. A parasite can eat 100 times its weight in about 20 hours and reduce that amount into feces that equal about 1%. So it's like eating 100 pounds of food and having a 1-pound shit the next day, 20 hours later. That's efficiency. When you have a virus working in your body, you don't have a reduction, you have more of a contamination. Bacteria can eat 50 times their weight in the same amount of time and produce a 3-5% reduction. But that's all they eliminate is about 2-5% fecal matter out of 50 times their weight in a 20-hour period. Very efficient. Fungi, it's a little different. Fungi is like a cross between a virus and a bacteria. There's a serum. They mainly propagate on a mycelium. It's a liquid substance which goes in and dissolves. It is alive. And if you see mushrooms pop up, you know that a mycelium was working on some kind of root structure in the ground. And if you dig it up, you'll find roots with white, like groovy-looking substances on it, or a little bit of white substance. That's the mycelium. The mushroom is the fruit of that, which creates a spore so it can be thrown around so that when the rain comes and they wash into the earth and they find dead roots, mycelium goes to work. That's the way the bacteria and parasites work in us and fungi. When they find something degenerative, they go to work. That's their job. This is like the crows and the vultures. When they find a dead carcass, they eat it. They consume all this massive, stinky, smelly stuff and reduce it to a small amount of fecal matter, which becomes fertilizer. We want virus. We want bacteria. We want parasites. We want bacteria. We want fungi to do their work to reduce this contamination. We get well faster. Virus, we get well very slowly. A lot of people will die from it, from viruses. And there's no antibiotic that works with the virus because antibiotics are to poison and kill bacteria and parasites and fungi. They don't work on non-living substances like a virus. A virus is just a protein box. You put virus, you spike a petri dish with virus, there is no multiplication of virus. It's all the same amount. If you put live cells in there, all of a sudden more virus will start appearing. Why? Because the virus is created by the cells intercellularly. Why are there 100,000, 200,000 viruses? Because when a cell has to make soaps to clean itself, it's not going to make a soap to clean everything. How many solvents do we have to clean different kinds of dirt, different kinds of particles, different kinds of oils? A cell has to make a particular virus to clean a particular part of the internal structure or the epidermal structure of the cell itself. So it's a very finite process and there's no way that any human is smart enough to create a good balance to know what the human body or an animal cell is doing. So the whole idea that we can balance and counterbalance whatever we do is a myth. People have an inflated idea of what their abilities are. It takes a live structure and all the internal life within the structure to do it. We have 60 trillion cells in our body. Each one is part of the whole structure and takes care of us in itself. And inside that structure, that cellular structure, you have 60 trillion other life, micro-life forms, also making up that one cell's life. Some of them are called somates, the larger of those microcosms. So it's infinite. I know that was pretty heavy into your question. The fungus is an important part of the way we ground toxic substances, but they mainly come from antibiotics in your lifetime. And most of those antibiotics store in the hands and feet, in the joints, in the bone marrow. So let's say it starts causing some deterioration in the arteries or in the bone or the bone marrow. The body throws it off, or wears it to throw it off, builds it into the nails and out the cuticles.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh yeah, he had fungus all over. Hand cracking and...

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, pus.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: It was. Gangrene was the fungus. And in the book I talk about, you know, when I'm talking with my son, and we're working, and that mold became on my thumb. That's when I found out it was from the penicillin coming out. And I hadn't had penicillin in 28 years. You know, up to that point.

Q: What about ridges in the nails?

A: Ridges in the nails are usually heavy metals being built into the nails. And it causes a larger... You know, when you've got heavy metals running in the blood, they have a tendency, or in the system anywhere, they have a tendency to magnetize other metals. So when it builds into the nails, it's too large of a structure, too large of a unit that creates these ridges. So the body builds it out. That's a discharge. It's one way the body gets rid of it. Build it into the nails and get it out. Also does it into the hair.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, the hair gets very dry and brittle. And the scalp will turn, you know, white and a lot of dandruff. A lot of dandruff and itchy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Just get a gun. That's the quick way. The coconut oil. The Thai coconut oil.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you don't want to wash it. If you're going to put it on your scalp, you want to put it on like your palm or on a plate. Just a very thin layer. Put it on. Separate your hair and go like this. And put it all on your scalp. If you get your hair too oily, you know, it may look cool. It could be like the Rastas, you know. The jerry curl.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Coconut cream is not the same. The coconut cream soothes the tissue. Coconut cream and coconut oil are very different. Coconut cream is soothing and healing as well as detoxifying. Coconut oil and all of your pressed oils are mainly solvent reactive. They mainly help degenerate and dissolve toxicity in the system. So they can help break down the fungus easier. However, the coconut cream might feed it. Yes.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I think it's a good thing. I always prefer using something that's whole, rather than an isolated something. However, if I use the coconut cream when I'm using a sunblock, it doesn't work as well. But if I use the coconut oil, it's a great sunblock. Those little, you know, finite things. That's why I have them in the book. Oh, and the new version, the expanded, revised 2005 edition of We Want to Live will be out the 16th. The 16th of this month. Next week. It's on the dryers right now. The copies will be bound this week and available next week. So now Jim is producing a website which will make all of my material available, searchable on the internet. So you can go there and put the book, you know, put any question and it will search all of my books and any of the articles, anything I've written, plus other information that I'm going to make available for future books. It's going to be on there within a year.

Q: Wow.

Q: So right now you can search the articles.

A: Interviews. And you'll have the books on soon, right? And you will also be able to buy the downloadable versions of the books. So you can have them on your computer so you can search through it instantly if you want, you know, in a PDF format which takes Adobe. You know, you won't be able to change anything in it. You won't be able to write anything in it. But you'll be able to search it and print it. Okay? So that's the best thing about his website.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I'll come back to you. I will come back to you once I finish. I'm almost finished. Let's see. I've got a few here. Oh, yes?

Q: I was wondering what [unintelligible]?

A: Well, carbohydrates burn fast. But they don't burn long and they don't give you stamina. And they also make you crazy. If you want to be like McEnroe and like the other ones that throw golf clubs and throw tennis, you know, that's high-carbohydrate, fast-burning fuel. But if you want to be a good athlete, you just need to eat a lubrication formula with your meat, so that your pyruvate is slowly portioned out and you're burning fats, not high-carbohydrate. So it's not a lot of waste. You know, you get two-and-a-half calories, you know, over one with fat, over one with carbohydrate and protein. So that's why your wrestlers are all fat. You know, that's why your weightlifters are all fat. Your bodybuilders are mainly muscle. They're not fat, but they don't have stamina like, you know, an athlete. So more fat, but it needs to be on a balanced system. But if you're an athlete, you need to have a lubrication formula with your meat. Say, for instance, I had Lucky. He's not here today, but, you know, he's a skinny guy, like James was a really skinny guy, you know, when he first came. These people came to me in their 50s, you know, and Lucky was 56. And he'd been on the diet for years, and he said, hey, can I bodybuild on this diet? He always wanted to be built really well, but he was really skinny and 6'1", and never able to do it. And I said, yeah, just use a lubrication formula with your meat meal. Eat a whole pound of meat at one time with a whole lubrication formula twice a day.

Q: Does the lemon in your lubrication formula do something to your meat?

A: No, it does something to the lubrication formula.

Q: Okay, so it's okay if you're not an athlete to have a lube formula with your meat?

A: Yes, it is, yes. It's very good for lubricating the body and reversing delipidation, which is dryness in the system.

Q: Yeah, does the lemon in the lube formula affect your meat?

A: No, like I said in the recipe book, as long as the lemon is mixed 7 minutes beforehand with fat, the lemon juice is utilized in the fat, not in the meat. I forgot what I was talking about.

Q: You have to wait 7 minutes to...

A: No, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about what I wanted to finish before that. Oh, the athletic stuff. So it has to be a balanced diet, yeah. But you just may need more pineapple. You may have to eat pineapple more regularly, you know, to get rid of the uric acid and lactic acid buildup from exercise. But I remember what I was thinking. Lucky, he put on 4 inches in his arms in 2 months, 2 1⁄2 months, 6 inches on his chest. And at Golds Gym, they accused him of using steroids. He says, I'm telling you, it's the raw butter, the raw eggs, and the raw meat. Sure it was, sure it was. He couldn't believe it because he'd been skinny all his life, and in 2 1⁄2 months, he just blew up.

Q: [unintelligible]3

A: Yeah, it's got to be with fat. Usually, coconut cream is the way to dissolve uric and lactic acid buildup.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Bananas are a little difficult on the liver. So, and they [unintelligible] they cause constipation. So they're a little bit more difficult. When they're green, they're better. You know, apes and monkeys, except for the killer monkeys, eat bananas with the peel. They eat the peel and all green. My God, I can't even get enough saliva to swallow it that way. So they eat green bananas without the peel. But that's the way the apes and the monkeys that aren't killer monkeys. So the killer monkeys go on these killing sprees after eating 24 hours of overripe fermented food, ripe bananas and figs, and then they go on a killing spree. It's the alcohol. And all that high sugar rips all the fat out of their nervous system.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, you usually need more milk. And cucumbers are good, more tomatoes. Cucumbers are one of the better things to eat. You might want to peel your cucumber. Well, in about almost 70% of the tests, people I did it with in the men, the peel, there's something in the peel that keeps the muscles from getting as hard and as tight, including the penis. So it can interfere with penile erection and even clitoral. And it doesn't happen with everybody, but 70% of the men, and I didn't have enough volunteers with women to try it. You want to try it, try it. And the cucumber helps erection and helps muscles tighten, contract. So cucumbers, and then they allow the more fluid into the muscles at the same time. So they're perfect for that. It's in the new book. That's in the new book. There's a lot of new stuff in the new book. There's 65 new pages. All of the bacteria and virus and fungi and parasitical information is now put in that book, and it's explained. You know, when I wrote the first time, I said certain bacteria are bad, and if you don't want the bacteria, stay away from the stinky foods. That's because my publisher wouldn't publish the book unless I said that. Because he was freaked out. But now he's seen 3,000 people who've eaten the stinky, full of bacteria, parasitical meat and get healthier and boast about it. So he said, write anything you want. So just what I wanted to say is in that book now.

Q: That's wonderful. Regarding the cucumber, you don't recommend eating it with the skin. What about juicing it with the skin?

A: You don't want to juice it with the skin either. That particular enzyme that's in the skin will get out into the juice. If you don't have a problem with penile erection or clitoral erection, then you don't have to worry about that peel. It's not affecting you that way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: I couldn't get it up, I'm sorry. But sweetheart, you can always give me head. So watch out.

Q: So you say pineapple helps with uric and lactic acid buildup. [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, as long as your pineapple is with coconut cream, you'll be safe. Coconut cream as well as a little butter and a little cream. Dairy cream all mixed together. It's preferable that way.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Pineapple pulp is fine. You don't want the juice. Whenever I say fruit, I'm not talking about juice unless it's a particular recipe. Always eat the fruit.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You can blend it all together. It's been fun. You ask him, half a pineapple a day for, what, four days in a row? He was a basket case.

Q: What were you doing?

A: For me, if I had probably a cup a day every day for six days, it would be a problem. Every day for six days? Yeah.

Q: And Aajonus keeps reminding you, how nice of you.

A: Well, I like people that go to somebody who has experience and is aware of it. Here's the man to talk to. You have to be careful about that. That's why, given the book, you know, you can have a pineapple mixture every other day maybe, every third day, but don't have it every day, unless you're an athlete.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Did you want what?

Q: More erections?

A: Yeah, it's like a Viagra. It's not like Cialis, which will work 36 hours, but it will certainly keep you, like I had last night. I was thirsty, and I just didn't want a tomato. I didn't want anything else but a nice, cool cucumber, so I peeled the sucker and I ate it. I had an erection all night. I woke every few hours, and this woody was there, and nobody to do anything with, except for Mini Five.


A: No, I ate it.

Q: Do you eat the peel?

A: Yeah, but I didn't find it worked as well. There's something in the pulp.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And they allow 5% petroleum products.

Q: [unintelligible]

Q: I agree with you. I'm glad you mentioned that, because Jeff and I just got into a little discussion here about, I've noticed that even if they're organic, they're waxed, and I always, you know, peel them.

A: Peel them anyway if you have an erection problem.

Q: [unintelligible]


A: I hope you're enjoying it.

Q: By the way, [unintelligible].

A: Zucchini, yeah. Because?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, but most people need the nutrients, the zinc, for the thyroid and the brain.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, that'd be better. The only people who aren't going around with woodies, you know. No brains and no woody.

Q: Yeah, there's enough of that on this planet.

A: That's true.

Q: Okay. My question is, it's the broad subject of longevity and re-youthing. In yoga, they talk about a number of ways of approaching re-youthing. Anything else? [unintelligible]

A: Okay, let me attack that. If you're going to break this down into stages, I'm going to take one stage at a time.

Q: Yeah, okay.

A: The yogi shit is all bullshit. I've lived with seven masters, and none of them lived anywhere beyond 80 years old. Most of them didn't live that long. They all had ill health. So they can't even talk about longevity. Because these people lived in meditation. They lived in all kinds of transcendental states. And they didn't improve their lives. They may have improved their lives, but they certainly didn't live without disease. And they didn't live longer than anybody else.

Q: Okay.

A: So, it nicks that, as far as longevity.

Q: So all this talk about meditating to induce the pituitary or the pineal gland for purposes of regeneration is all...

A: All complete bullshit.

Q: I see.

A: In the vernacular.

Q: Anyway, okay. Now, suddenly, what about...

A: Now, I'm not saying that if you weren't on raw foods that your body would not be fed. Feeding the pineal gland or pineal, however you want to say it, and the pituitary gland properly would extend your life because it probably would. There are hormones that the body can produce. Growth hormones are a part of the pituitary gland. And if you can continue growth hormones, you can continue your life and live long.

Q: But doing it physically with your body isn't...

A: Mentally, psychologically, I have not seen any evidence of proof of that, even though it's written in all these yoga books and all these transcendental meditation books. It's all horseshit. Yeah.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: In longevity, they don't show any indication that that's true, what they postulate. Postulate extending life and extending health. No evidence. In fact, evidence just proves the opposite.

Q: If you're on a raw diet and you do yoga poses to stimulate your liver and all that stuff, are you still...

A: That should definitely help. Yeah, definitely, because you're taking care of the basic structure and chemistry.

Q: [unintelligible] eat all that high-carbohydrate stuff.

Q: Vegan.

A: Lots of fruit and lots of rice. Pasta.

Q: Beans.

A: Beans, yeah.

Q: Yes. Okay.

A: The rest your longevity question.

Q: Okay. As far as the different breakdowns. Acupressure is... If you're on a raw diet, I take it that that'll enhance the longevity of the skin. If you do pressure points with your fingers.

A: Well, I would say not necessarily. Let's say you have lymphatic congestion and hardening. Let's say you've been a vegetarian for most of your life. And vegetable oils in the human body harden. They crystallize. Because we don't have a high enough body temperature. Herbivores have a body temperature 100 to 101.6, I think it is. They run around with a fever. For us, that would be a fever. Ours is 98.6, approximately. Vegetable oils that are in the cellular structure or in whatever structure of our bodies, over a 10 to 15 to 20 year period, crystallize and harden. That's what causes hardening of the heart and the arteries. Not animal fats. Even if animal fats are cooked, there's no evidence of hardening of the heart or the arteries. Because the tribes that only cook meat, have nothing else but cooked meat and cooked animal fats, have no hardening of the arteries and no heart disease. Only our society has high relationship to that. And it's mostly in people, including the MS, people who have multiple sclerosis. There's a high vegetable oil diet. Margarine, safflower oils, any of the pressed oils, except for olive oil. They start to crystallize and harden at our body temperature over many years. Our body is structured with them. So, if you're putting pressure on points where you already have dryness of circulation. Whether it's lymphatic circulation or neurological circulation or blood circulation. You're going to cause breaking and cracking. But all you have to do is touch. Touch. That's it. Barely put your hand on a spot. And you have the electromagnetic energy flow through to those centers. There's no pressing necessary. That's the best way to do it. I mean, there's a lot of numb people out there who like to feel something. I remember when I was an actor, my publicity agent was the head of MGM's publicity department. When he reached 75, he cut his hand real badly one time. And I wanted to help him stop the pain and everything. He says, no, it's a sensation. I had to really stop and think about that. What the hell did he mean it's a sensation? You get that numb when you're 75, 72 years old that any kind of sensation is embraced.

Q: So, massages are not good, really?

A: Especially if they're going to break tissue in your body. That's why a massage, whenever I go to Thailand, I usually have three massages a day. Two hours each. And I only sleep at those times. So, I have one in the morning from about 9 o'clock to 11 o'clock. So, that's a two-hour sleep period for me. And the first one will be with the coconut oil. It's gently rubbed into my skin. Then the next two are tickle. They tickle my whole body while I sleep. And let me tell you, when I wake from those, I'm charged. I'm charged. If I have a deep tissue massage, it's like, you know, I need to go sleep more. I need to eat. And I feel uncomfortable because you have all these toxins moving through your system. And you may have caused a lot of damage.

Q: What do you tell them. You just say to do it lighter?

A: I take their arm and I said, you treat my whole body this way. And they said, everywhere?


Q: No happy ending?

A: I said, no, I do it for a massage. If you wake me up? No good. They said, really? My happy ending is waking restfully. If I want sex, I'll do it another way. Do you have a question?

Q: I do. We recently went on a vacation to Dakota. And the first week, we had all the foods with us that were there. And there was no healthy food there. So, firstly, I just want to say thank you. Because when we got off the raw food, the pain started to come back. The aches and the muffles, especially in the knees. But I had totally forgotten about it. Secondly, I had terrible allergies while I was there. [unintelligible] And the pain was there. So, my question is, I don't really know if it was allergies. Maybe because I was off the food for a week. Or, if there's something in the environment that's really toxic.

A: Well, in the new version, I have more.

Q: Okay.

A: On allergies.

Q: Can you talk briefly about how, aside from the balanced diet, is there anything else in addition? I can do. Anytime you have, anytime anybody has respiratory problems, including breathing, eggs, eggs, eggs. Eggs every hour, hour and a half to every two hours. Eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs. If you need mucus, and, you know, usually allergies become because your body's not creating enough mucus to block the pollens and the dirt that are in the air. So, they get in there and irritate the mucus membrane. They dry them out more. They cause all the sneezing, the runny eyes. Because the body's trying to break that down and take it out the tear ducts, out the throat, the nasal drip, out your ears. It's trying to dump it. You lack mucus production. So, you need to eat things like milk, cream, honey, and eggs together. But if you're having problems digesting, like with people who have emphysema, egg, egg, egg, egg, until that point where you can digest properly, then it's milkshakes, milkshakes, milkshakes. So you can produce enough mucus to heal and protect yourself. Pretty simple. You have a question?

Q: Well, this falls on the same vein. Should we live there?

A: You mean the same snot?

Q: No, I said that. What do we do about water? We're probably going to drill down and go into a local aquifer. For washing with, even for bathing.

A: That's good.

Q: That's okay?

A: Yep. But, I mean, for drinking, like I say, today I had three tablespoons of water. Eat cucumbers. Peeled cucumbers. Tomatoes, milk. That's where you should get your fluids. As much as possible.

Q: Well, we're really concerned that we're going to be there year-round, and they have a long winter. So, we're not sure what we're going to do for vegetables. We're going to try to put a greenhouse in.

A: Right.

Q: Growing our own celery is going to look like a field of celery.

A: Well, you can make a lot of cucumbers. You just need a cold cellar.

Q: Okay.

A: My grandparents' farm, we kept everything fresh in a cold cellar. I mean, it was a basement that was, you know, rock and concrete. And it was wet and cold down there. And, you know, they kept, you know, cucumbers in gallon jars. And, you know, they would hardly shrivel at all as long as you didn't open them. So, you know, of course they'd make pickles and, you know, all kinds of things, you know, for the winter.

Q: So whatever the temperature is at that point, it'll keep year round basically.

A: Yeah. Yeah, down, you know, when you're 10 feet below the earth, it pretty much stays the same temperature, which is about 60 degrees and lower. You know, 58 to 60 degrees. Even if it freezes above, it won't freeze in the cold cellar.

Q: Very good.

A: Unless you have a vent that allows even colder air to come in because you want it to get colder.

Q: Right.

A: If it isn't cold enough, then you just run a vent down in there, you know, a concrete vent, you know, that has a cover on it. It doesn't get wet. It also has to be above the ground, so if it floods, the water won't go down into your basement.

Q: If that's well water, would we need a filter on the house water that's coming in for bathing?

A: I don't have any filter on mine, and I've got all those clusters of minerals all around my faucets. You know, so if you don't want that, you're going to have to filter.

Q: But it's not bad for you.

A: If you're not using chemical filters.

Q: No, I mean the minerals that you have.

A: No, it's just that you're going to go through fixtures about every 10 years.

Q: The two things they're doing locally is they have heavy ion content in the water, and they soften the water, which I'm assuming is a salt process.

A: Yeah, they use usually potassium chloride, which is saltpeter. So you want to have a limp dick. Drink your water. Or don't use it at all. That's what they use here in your system. When I moved into here, I saw the bags of saltpeter, and I said, you know, I'm not filtering my water that way. So I re-piped the whole thing, did it myself. So I re-piped it, so I'm right out of the well into the house.

Q: Are you using metal piping?

A: It was toilet jammed, you know, because of the crystallization, so the water wasn't flowing anymore down into the drain itself. So I just had to have the toilet replaced.

Q: What does that potassium chloride do to you?

A: What it does, those salts make heavier salts that makes them into smaller molecules. So it doesn't dry out things, so it doesn't make your clothes stiff and all that.

Q: No, but like, is it toxic for your body?

A: Oh, yes, very toxic. I'm going, I'm making the loop around here, so we're just going around. You thought of a question?

Q: Yeah, I was thinking of, I know you told us to use the BioKleen for the laundry soap, but what if you have a stain in your clothes? Maybe there's something else.

A: I still use the degreaser, BioKleen degreaser.

Q: The same one?

A: For everything, yes, for everything.

Q: You take out everything?

A: And don't follow their instructions and dilute it. If you dilute it, it doesn't work.

Q: I know, but I'm saying that you're staining something. It's a strong stain. If there's water scrubbing around it, you know, or something, I'll take it out.

A: You can do that, but let me tell you, if you use the mineral, if you use the carbonated mineral water to take a stain, remember that carbonated water is a natural peroxide. It's going to take the color out of whatever it is. If you're going to get rid of blood stains and everything immediately and other stains, you better rinse it out immediately, because you will take the color out of your furniture and clothes and rugs and everything.

Q: I have a related question.

Q: You know, the other thing is the side pain in my foot. It's like a terrible pain.

A: It's two questions.

Q: After I went raw, I noticed that if I did get blood on anything, it would wash out like that with no dirt or nothing.

A: Yeah, you don't have all that sticky garbage from cooked diets.

Q: So before, a lot of it is that blood stains so much because of being on a cooked diet.

A: Yeah, and preservatives and colorings and food colorings and all of that. Those are heavy metals. So that causes dying, not just death dying, but color dying.

Q: Gerolsteiner, mineral water could possibly take the color out.

A: That's right. Just look at my couch in there. I've got three spots where I put it on and it didn't wash it out right away. Took the stain out immediately. Also took the color with it.

Q: Wow.

A: Do you have a question? Okay. Do you have a question? Do you have a question, Roger?

Q: Yeah. What about taking testosterone [unintelligible]?

A: If you're eating bulls balls that are available, you know, you're getting good testosterone that way. There's buffalo testicles.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: There's a couple of very horny guys.

Q: More than half of them are women that take them.


Q: I don't know if they're using them for themselves or for their mate. I have been cashiering and more than half this last month they were bought by women.


A: No kidding. Tell them to buy cucumbers with them.

Q: What about the DHEA?

A: DHEA is a chemical. If you get it in a brain, it's fine. But the chemically produced DHEA is not a complete substance. It's a chemical DHEA. It shouldn't even be called DHEA.

Q: By the way, just so you know, with North Star Bison you cannot get things like brain and spinal cord and all that stuff because it's illegal. But we can do it through Amos Miller. We've been saying that if we want to get some of that stuff, he's got a waiting list for the brain.

Q: Wow.

Q: But if we want other things for Amos, he can send it to us. We can get some more organs through him.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Correct. Yes. Do you have a question?

Q: I do.

Q: Uh oh.

Q: Hernia. I've heard from even people on the diet that the only way for a growing hernia to be cured is through surgery.

A: I agree.

Q: You agree?

Q: Lucky you have one instead of three and they pop out.

A: I've only known one person who was able to heal their hernia. I've known four people who've had hernias that over a three-year period on the diet did not heal them because they keep bursting out and pushing and tearing. And there's some kind of toxicity in the surrounding tissue that won't allow proper healing. And the only way, there are ways that I would attempt to do it now, but I haven't had anybody with a hernia lately to be able to experiment with.

Q: And here you go.

Q: A lot of people are having surgery, though, and I thought they were complaining about, you know, the surgery was a problem also. That mesh that they put in there.

A: Yeah, but see, they're not using the pork mesh. I've had two people use the pork mesh and it's been beautiful. They use actual pork flesh.

Q: As opposed to?

A: As opposed to plastic mesh. This is what, you know, like they used to make, you know, sutures out of cat gut. They make the mesh out of pig tissue, pig guts.

Q: Food really affects it, too, depending on what I eat. Sometimes when I eat beef, it causes a little bit of pain.

A: Well, that's just because your body may be going in there to clean out some of that toxicity because of the high drinking level.

Q: Maybe, maybe.

A: So you just need to know what particular toxin is there, and the only way I can tell that is by photographing the eyes.

Q: I'd love to be a guinea pig if you want to try stuff on me and document it. I mean, I'll try anything before surgery, you know.

A: Okay. But you're going to have to, you know, I've tried for three years with people without, you know, it didn't get worse, it didn't get better, you know, so.

Q: Well, not getting worse, you know, because I've heard that if it gets too bad, it can be major surgery. I mean, that's what I've heard.

A: That's true if you're on a normal diet, but on this diet, I haven't seen anybody get worse. It's just annoying.

Q: Well, this has gotten worse over the last few years.

A: Are you 100% on the diet, eating properly at proper times?

Q: Well.

A: Okay, I rest my case.

Q: Say yes.

Q: I'm not 100% perfectly. Well, okay. Kathy.

A: I've got probably 50 people that I knew that do it strictly. They wouldn't do anything else because even Paul Cohen, who was, you know, a champion tennis player years ago, Olympics, and was McEnroe's coach for 10 years, he's 100%-er. He won't do anything else because now he's in his 70s, his late 60s, and he needs all the direction and energy he can get. So he does it by the letter, by the amount, the times of the day, everything exactly. And one year, he fought with me, got skinny, and he decided to do everything differently. And he was so off-balance that year, his income went down, everything went down. So a year later, he was coming back and apologizing. Now he's 100% on the diet.

Q: There's got to be certain foods that would make it better or easier or calmer.

A: Yeah. But it depends on what toxicity is in that tissue where the tear is, which is not allowing it to reverse and heal. If anybody's going to the restroom, all the way around. Nobody goes up those stairs, okay? All the way around and go upstairs into the restroom.

Q: Yeah, that includes you, Aubrey.

A: Yeah, because that whole stairs is black from people walking up and down it, okay? And also, it's like in a ship, in a boat, very steep, very easy to fall and break your neck. Do you have a question?

Q: My girlfriend suffers from night terrors, and she takes capsules for them. And I want to know what you know about night terrors.

A: Okay, night terrors occur, nightmares occur to burn off hormones that are not burned off during daytime. Usually somebody who produces a lot of hormones for physical activity. So if they're not exercising, they're going to have nightmares. Or they're going to be emotionally distraught, angry, and bitter and angry.

Q: They're not nightmares. They're different states of sleep. It's like a sleep horror.

A: You said night terrors?

Q: Night terrors. Not nightmares.

A: To me, you wake up terrified, you know? What are night terrors?

Q: They're totally different. You wake up.

Q: There's no recollection of night terrors.

Q: Yeah, no recollection of what happened. You wake up, you're awake. Some part of you is awake and safe while you're asleep, and you can do things and draw things and say things. You can't get out of it until you go back to sleep and then wake up again. And if you wake up in it.

A: Sleepwalking. Like that.

Q: Yeah, yeah, pretty much. Oh, but you don't really know about night terrors, do you? Can I ask you a different question?

Q: I know a little bit about them. They're usually due to a trauma that's been unresolved in someone. And there's something called EMDR. [unintelligible]

Q: Oh, you teach it?

Q: Or she does it. She teaches it.

Q: Teaches what?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: But if you have any kind of neurological problem, brain malfunction, it's a lack of protein, you know? And you should be combining, you know, all three kinds of meats to help the brain.

Q: And can I ask a different question?

Q: Oh, I thought you only could have one question.

A: You can only have one.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: If you're going through... How do you know whether you're going through viral detox? If you have a flu, whether it's bacteria or viral, so you know...

A: Flu is always viral. Cold may be mostly bacterial.

Q: So if you're throwing up, that's the flu.

A: Pardon?

Q: Achiness, pain and throwing up is the flu?

A: Yeah. See, when you have a cold, it isn't so bad. You can work. You can function. The detox is normal.

Q: Right.

A: But when you have a flu, it can be overwhelming.

Q: Right.

A: All the mass contamination, mass-contaminated fluids that have to be expelled from your body.

Q: So I need to sleep the same way though?

A: No, you want to go do more perspiring, you know, hot baths to get it out, more smoothies. You know, I mean, lots of milkshakes, maybe more fruit, more smoothies if you're having a viral. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. Starting the diet here and trying to stock up on meat and stuff. What's the deal about vacuum packing meat? Is that going to be an issue to try and, you know, extend?

A: Yeah, it will extend the freshness. I put all mine in glass jars.

Q: Right. I noticed that. That's why I'm asking the question. Is there a problem with vacuum packing, the food saver, plastic bags?

A: Well, the problem with your plastic bags is that they all have a powdery film that they use in manufacturing. So the plastic doesn't stick together.

Q: Okay.

A: And it's petroleum-based chemical. So if you want to wipe, wash the plastic before you heat seal it, vacuum pack it, that's fine. But I wouldn't throw the, unless you're going to take the meat out and wash it. You know, rinse it off with good cold water before you cut into it and utilize it. So you have to do one or the other.

Q: You are correct on that stuff. I had a food saver, and I had the material. That material is very different from a Ziploc bag.

A: Oh, yeah.

Q: That material's got a powdery film on all of it because that's where they use it. They don't know where you're going to heat seal it.

A: Right.

Q: So they cover the whole entire, from one end of the roll to the other with that stuff. What I learned, and Aajonus knows this, because for years, in the beginning when we were doing meat, we'd go to Whole Foods and buy meat within two or three days. It was already starting to go off and smelly. The reason why we found out mostly is because it's exposed to the air and the oxygen all day.

Q: Right.

Q: So when we cut up meat over at the lot, we cut it up and undo it from the vacuum-packed package that we have and put it immediately in the Ziploc bag, and it lasts for seven to ten days without going off. What you can do even better is, he says, take it from there and put it into glass.

A: You pack it tightly as you want.

Q: It won't break down at all that way. No oxygen, no breakdown.

A: Because if you pack it like that, the fat doesn't turn brown. If you leave it in the plastic sealed bags, the fat will turn brown within three days, four days.

Q: It starts.

A: Yeah.

Q: Yeah, it starts.

A: By the fifth, sixth day, it's brown.

Q: Yeah.

A: Not as tasty. Yes.

Q: I had a question about high meats.

A: Uh-huh.

Q: Can you talk about those a little bit? I haven't been able to...

A: Well, I talked about it pretty extensively in the recipe book.

Q: Okay.

A: But it works. It takes people out of poor digestion. People who have poor digestion and depression. It usually brings people out pretty quickly. A lot of people that don't respond quickly enough on regular meat do very well with high meat. The reason that the high meat works isn't necessarily just because of the introduction of bacteria into the intestines that are missing bacteria. It's because the bacteria has pre-digested the molecules of protein and meats. So, let's say normally in digestion you're lacking a couple hundred varieties of bacteria that normally break down the complex proteins and help form new proteins to be utilized in your body. It doesn't happen. Eating the high meat helps that because the bacteria is already working on the meat, breaking it down. So, when you're eating it, especially if it's in liquid form, it's already pre-digested. You can absorb it and utilize it instantly.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: That's a liver problem. You've got to eat some lemon with your butter. Don't eat much cream for a while. Minimize the consumption of avocados. Eat more pineapple. Custard is good. Eating custard, pineapple with coconut cream and all that other stuff.

Q: If you drink a lube formula and you feel nauseous, should you not drink it or should you just drink it anyway to get rid of the nausea?

A: Put more honey in it. If you're getting nauseous from a lube formula, you put more honey in it so it doesn't cause nausea. Or eat some cheese with it. Because it can be one of two things. If the liver is having a problem digesting it, the liver is going to start throwing off poisons into the stomach that causes nausea. Cheese will absorb it. Honey can circumvent that by giving the liver lots of enzymes to be able to break down the fats properly. So it doesn't have to throw off all the toxicity into the stomach. Two ways to do it or you can do both. Eat more honey and cheese.

Q: Do you want to make yourself throw up?

A: Yeah, it's good to throw up. You want to get rid of those poisons quickly, you can do it. But you've lost a lot of butter. Good stuff. Poor cows work very hard to make it.

Q: Most of the metals come out of your feet, doesn't it? When you have metal coming out, people will notice without pain in their foot.

A: That doesn't necessarily relate to just metal. Most of the metals are in the brain.

Q: I mean it comes out of your foot, your foot pain.

A: No, it can be a lot of different things, not just metal. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible]

A: No, I'm going this way.

Q: It has to do with whether there is such a thing as lactose intolerance. If so, how do you know you have it? And if you do have it in your regular diet, what can you use to replace it?

A: Lactose intolerance is too broad a term for people who have allergies to milk. Because it usually is the casein that they're allergic to. But it's because it's cauterized, it's cooked, it's pasteurized. Out of all the people that I've seen, only about 2% of the people have an allergy to milk. And that's because it's cold. They're drinking cold milk. So what happens, they drink the cold milk, the stomach contracts, doesn't secrete the hydrochloric acid. By the time the stomach is relaxed, the milk has moved over into the duodenum and getting into the blood. So the lactate and the casein is not being digested. So they have an allergy to these large molecules that are not digested getting into the blood and the lymph.

Q: How would you know and so what would you replace it with in the diet?

A: If you start having stomach cramps or nausea, very shortly after drinking it, within 20 minutes, exhaustion doesn't have anything to do with milk intolerance. You have to have cramps or nausea.

Q: If you do, what would you replace it with?

A: You don't replace it, you just have your milk warm. It has to be out at least, let's say, 8 to 10 hours for having that. I leave mine out 24 hours minimum. What I do is I take 28 ounces of milk. I'll add 4 tablespoons of cream to it and 2 tablespoons of honey. I blend the honey with some milk and then pour it in there and then add the cream to it and I shake it. And this is after the milk hits room temperature. So 5 to 8 hours after it's in the cupboard, in a dark cupboard, keep it out of the light because the light will turn it bitter, whether it's unnatural light or natural light, it'll turn it bitter. So you put it in the cupboard, let it get room temperature, then I add my honey and cream, then I let it sit for 24 to 48 hours until it becomes kefir. And then I put it in the refrigerator. Then you can drink it cold because it's already pre-digested. The casein and lactate's already broken down. 24 to 48, you know, until it starts getting thick, then refrigerate. And it's really tasty.

Q: How long does it keep in the refrigerator?

A: I've had it up to 2 weeks in experiments. And it separates, you just shake it.

Q: I had mine [unintelligible] the same subject, and didn't know if it was good or not to drink it and thought maybe it was, and drank it, and for the first time had really horrible stomach pain.

A: You had it after doing what?

Q: It was in the fridge for about 2 to 3 months, not 2 weeks.

A: What, the kefir?

Q: The kefir.

A: Well, I've only taken it up to 2 weeks, like I said, so I don't know what would happen to it. It should be okay.

Q: If you take off some of the milk from that, then you have to...

A: Kathy, you're getting into another question?

Q: Oh.

A: Okay. Do you have a question?

Q: What do you recommend for tinnitus? Tintin.

A: You get a louder bell.

Q: [unintelligible] autoimmune thyroiditis, and a multitude of other things not worth listening.

A: Usually, I've seen people with tinnitus who have a metal ridge. It takes up a large part of their mouth. It causes tinnitus in the ear where the metal is. But most often it's because a lot of metals are detoxing from the brain. So remember, the neurological transmission of light and information is transmitted off of metallic minerals. So most of the minerals go to the heavy metals, go to the brain. And because you've cooked your food, people have cooked their food, almost all of them are fractionated from their normal combination of nutrients. There's a lot of people like Sally Fallon and a lot of chemists who say, you've got to release those molecules to be able to utilize them. That is absolute hogwash. They're poisonous once they're isolated. They're not properly utilized. If you've got a mineral, you shouldn't have just H2O connected with it or, let's say, a potassium molecule. There should be about 12 to 13 combinations with one molecule of one mineral. There should be a whole unit. Because when they're isolated, they are earth. It is a rock. It is not a complete biological substance. When the brain detoxifies, it detoxifies out the ears, the tear ducts, the sinuses, the gums mainly, mostly it's the gums, and the tongue. It's why people get plaque all over their teeth because the body is dumping all those cauterized minerals out the teeth, out the gums, and they take on to the teeth. If they go out the ears, if the heavier metals go out the ears, they'll cause tinnitus.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: You've got to eat berries. It depends on if it's light metals or heavy metals. They're causing, you know, it could be iodine, lots of iodine with a little lead that can cause that kind of ringing. Sometimes you can have mercury combined with aluminum.

Q: [unintelligible] everyday the albacore sashimi, which I know is supposed to detoxify the mercury.

A: As long as you're eating it with, you know, raw fat.

Q: I do.

A: Okay. It'll help, but if you really want to clean it out, you've got to have berries, combinations of, you know, raspberries with some dark berries, and coconut cream, a little butter, and a little raw cream and honey.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: And if, you know, you can't get them organic in season, you can always get the organic frozen berries for that combination. And it's not something that goes away easily because heavy metals, it could take a thousand fat molecules to get rid of one molecule of mercury. And if you've got ringing, you've got quite a metal buildup there. It's causing you to receive radio waves and other waves that are causing that ringing. So you have to be patient. Do you have a question?

Q: [unintelligible] Do you know anything about what would happen if someone would eat meat that was exposed to mad cow?

A: I ate mad cow meat from 1993 to 1996. I went to Paris frequently and stayed a month at a time, about three months a year. On the last trip, my girlfriend said, if you're not going to marry me, we're over. So we were over.


A: But while I was there, I was eating meat out of Carrefour supermarket. On the flight home, I pick up a magazine and it said Carrefour supermarkets had been selling mad cow meat from England for that entire three years that I was eating it. And I wasn't affected. So, you know, you've got to eat the brain and nervous system. And mainly that mad cow disease is coming from dewormers, the chemicals that are put along the spinal cord, on the back of the animal. It's a dewormer, and it's heavy metals and goes in, poisons the spinal cord, goes in the brain, and makes mush of it. So if you're not eating the brain and spinal cord, you're really not going to get any kind of that kind of metal poisoning unless you're getting lots of vaccines. If you're getting lots of vaccines, those could go to the brain and create the melting of the brain, which they would call CJD, which is mad human disease. So not to worry about. Any questions?

Q: You guys need anything from the van, by the way?

A: What time is it? We've got 15 more minutes.

Q: I just have a quick question. Child birthing, I heard that the Native American Indians believe that when a child is born, you should put the umbilical cord attached, and it will automatically stop for the baby. How long does that last? Is the umbilical cord still working once the baby is born?

[audio cut]

Q: Really?

Q: I've delivered 16 kids in my life.

Q: Oh, wonderful.

Q: Well, then we will call you.

Q: Three of my own, all at home. [unintelligible] my wife for a long time. The second one I delivered by myself because she was late. That's why she asked me whether I could help her assist in the area when she did more births, and I did that for another five years.

Q: Wow.

Q: The answer is yeah. Each one is different, and the cord will stop pulsing. You literally can just lightly hold it, and you can feel it when the beat is gone.

Q: Okay.

Q: And that's when you clip it off.

Q: And is it like 10 minutes, 30 minutes?

A: Oh, it can go up to two days.

Q: For me, it was anywhere from a half an hour to like two hours. But there's no reason why. You just take the baby and put it up onto the mother's chest.

Q: Like you nurse it immediately, and it like soothes the baby?

Q: A lot of times the baby won't nurse. They don't know about the breast yet. They just want to be close to the heartbeat so they were inside in the warmth.

Q: Oh, okay.

A: That's why I suggest people have babies in warm water.

Q: Yeah, that totally seems so natural to me to do it that way.

A: And the women lately who have been on the diet who have had babies have had babies with only two contractions.

Q: Oh, really?

Q: Wow.

A: The last five that were born, two contractions.

Q: I was wondering about that.

A: Two contractions. That's it. They crown with the first contraction and pass it out in the second contraction.

Q: Is it because we're?

A: Yes, you better.

Q: Because of being on a cooked diet, it's all the body, the woman, all your stuff, heart.

A: All of those five children were able to hold their head up at birth.

Q: Wow.

A: Hold their own head up at birth.

Q: I have one more question. I heard after the birth, like in the hospital.

A: Well, let me explain this.

Q: Oh, sorry.

A: The placenta is the baby's liver until it starts eating. So the placenta can live two days if the mother doesn't have any milk. You just have to keep that placenta warm if it drops out of the uterus. Usually if the mother's not producing milk, the placenta will stay attached and won't let go until the mother starts producing her milk. That's with some of the natives.

Q: We've come across this. I wasn't on a raw diet in those days. The placenta was the big issue with when that was going to release and on its own come out. You know, you saw doctors and whatnot trying to pull it out. They drove you nuts. In most cases, a couple, three or four hours in most cases. With most of the women that I've helped birth, the placenta came out within, I don't know, two, three, four hours. When it came out naturally, it just disattached and came out.

A: With most animals and the apes, it's usually out in two hours. Then the female eats it.

Q: My other question I was going to ask.

A: So you gotta eat it.

Q: It's still on the same subject, but when a baby's born, too, the Native American Indians used to rub in the afterbirth. They would rub it into the baby's skin because it's actually the moisture. Whereas in the hospital, they immediately wash it off. That's why a lot of the infants get the chapped, flaky skin. You rub it in. They're actually starting to do that in some hospitals.

A: It's already in the tissues. They've been soaking in that for almost 10 months. It's in their skin. But they'll usually use an antiseptic, a detergent, to wash the baby.

Q: Oh, my good God.

Q: Everything I did was on the birth... In many cases, the skin would start to shrivel because they'd go wash the baby off. I did learn that if you didn't wash the baby off, it most of the time didn't happen to that intense degree where it's scary. That also goes away fairly shortly after. A day or two, that doesn't last long.

Q: Okay, very cool.

Q: Are you pregnant?

Q: No, no, but we've just been fascinated by this. Well, actually, I mean, we will in a year, hopefully. But a friend of ours had birth through a midwife. It's interesting that she had their first child in the hospital, and she tore. Benjamin was actually maybe 6 pounds, so he was smaller. She had a midwife, and she had a baby about a week ago, and this baby was larger by 2 pounds. She didn't tear, and it was a midwife. She said the pregnancy was so much smoother, and she said it was great.

Q: Well, she's been on a similar diet, 80% of the diet since the last kid, too. She put on weight.

Q: She did the position where I think you squat. I think you grab your knees, and she said it was so much smoother. I was like, wow, I'm making notes on that one.

A: You don't have to worry about the baby drowning. The baby will not breathe until it's off that placenta. So if the baby comes out in the water, you don't have to rush to keep it from drowning. You can stay in there for 2 hours until the placenta drops. The baby will not start breathing unless you smack it or the placenta drops.

Q: It's already got scuba [unintelligible].

A: You can smother an infant, and you will not smother it. You could smother it, keep it from breathing. After it breathes for 5 minutes, take your hand off, and it will start breathing again. It's used to not breathing its whole life, and it can go back into that very readily. Yes?

Q: Foods increase memory capacity.

A: Correct. Foods that will? Usually fish and chicken together or fish and beef together. And if you combine eggs with that, make it a 3-process, you have the complete proteins that help the synapse, the axions, and ganglia reaction.

Q: Fish, chicken, and eggs.

A: Fish, chicken, and eggs or fish, beef, and eggs.

Q: Are the women 100% on your diet, the ones that have 2 contractions?

A: One of them is probably 99%, and the other is 96%.

Q: Who's that?

A: That had the baby with only 2 contractions. Let me get her question.

Q: I want to know because I have a side pain in my foot right here. It comes and goes like a bee sting.

A: It feels like a bee sting burns?

Q: Not burns, but it goes in and out like a knife.

A: Stabs?

Q: Yes.

A: Sharp stabbing or dull stabbing?

Q: Sharp stabs.

A: Sharp stabs. That sounds like crystals.

Q: Yeah.

A: Crystals.

Q: Crystalline from what?

A: Some kind of margarine, vegetable oil, crystallized in your foot. So just put some coconut cream on your foot, some coconut oil, and let it help dissolve from the outside in.

Q: Twice a day?

A: You can do it twice a day. It does take a long time to dissolve. Pet question?

Q: [unintelligible] doesn't get green juice, it also won't take any old meat.

A: They shouldn't be drinking green juice. If they want, they'll go out and eat some grass and get the chlorophyll.

Q: He won't eat any old meat.

A: Cats usually won't eat old meat. Only dogs and vultures and the other... Cats like fresh meat. Normally.

Q: He's got dandruff.

A: Dandruff?

Q: His fur is really soft, but he still has dandruff.

A: He's just got a lot of toxins coming out of his skin. You have to understand, cats and dogs do not perspire except through the noses, mouth, and asshole. Anus. Anus. It's the only place they perspire. So when they throw toxins off, they're not broken down. So it goes into the skin, gets built into the skin, dries out the skin, inflates. And that kind of dandruff is dandruff that causes so many allergies in people. It's just years that you're going to have to feed her properly or him or her properly until she's not throwing off all those heavy metals out of the skin. It causes dandruff. Yes?

Q: What would be a good cat food if you wanted to buy meat that's not frozen? You don't want to eat salads that are all set, or you go to Costco and buy.. and you can't put them in the freezer. You're in Costco, it's probably going to be in the freezer.

A: Well you need to find somebody else who's going to ship it to you that's not frozen. Like that list. I've got lots of Amish farmers there that sell the meat. And they'll send it to you non-frozen.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, in the animals, in the dogs and cats that I fed, exclusively the frozen meat and the group that I fed, the same meat, non-frozen, all of the ones that ate it frozen either developed scurvy or the mange. So if it does that in an animal that's closer to nature than we are, you can imagine what it does to us. It's not a good thing. And some people like Mark McAfee with Organic Pastures says, it's okay to freeze butter. Well, in the animals that I took and put them on butter to see how much butter it would take to reverse the scurvy and other skin diseases from the frozen meat, on the frozen butter, it took three times longer for those to heal that were eating the frozen butter than the raw butter.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, he freezes it unless you tell him not to.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no, no, no. If he's mailing it to you, it's frozen unless you ask him not to.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Oh, no.

Q: And that is Organic Pastures, Mark McAfee himself.

A: It's unethical.

Q: Unethical is not to be trusted. It doesn't mean that most of the time it's fresh. It means that for him it all has to do with the almighty dollar and money. So whatever the case is on what he's doing, I was with him. I'm the man that convinced this man to go raw four years ago, almost exactly at this time. And what I learned from my four years dealing with him, I'm no longer his distributor. I'm out of the distribution business. I dealt with two dairies, and both the owners of those dairies were just bizarre. It's all about money and unethical behavior. To give you the example, when I decided, Mark pushed me out of business. My contract was not up until this next November, this coming November, and he actually went off to be with another distributor without my permission, and I could sue him for that, but I didn't. I still want my $52,000 back that he owes me. But in the process of that happening, he came down to my office and spoke with Josh and Sean and I in the middle of June. This is after I was no longer the distributor and after I was still trying to help him. What he said to us in the office, which will surprise all of you guys, is that he said that he had not been organic recently all the time, that he was feeding his cows commercial alfalfa, and that he didn't want to be organic anymore because he was trying to raise money for this private placement, and it was going to be too difficult to prove to this entity that he was going public that he could do this all the time, which means to say what he's really saying is that he hadn't been organic most of his time as well because he'd be buying commercial stuff.

A: He said feeding them cooked grain too.

Q: What I said to him in front of Josh and Sean, because they didn't want to speak up as I said, oh, and he said on top of this, he said, and so what I'm going to do is I'm going to keep the name Organic Pastures and just take off below where it says Certified Organic Milk. And I looked over at Mark and I said, are you out of your fucking mind? I said, that is deception, because what you're going to do, if you call yourself Organic Pastures and you don't have organic milk, everybody's going to assume because the name says organic that you're going to be organic, and he said, I don't care. That's who we're dealing with, and I'm so glad I don't have anything to do with it anymore.

A: And I stopped buying his products two months ago.

Q: And that's the reason why I now have the Amish product, because the Amish milk is amazing. He is 100% organic all year long.

A: And they grow their own food.

Q: He cuts all of his silage in the middle of October and November and throws it into these three huge barns that he has. He only has 40 cows. He doesn't have 400. And they eat all that grain. Yes, he says, the milk and the butter from November, December, January gets lighter and lighter in color as the green disappears from the silage that he has in the barn. But at least it's still 100% organic. And his milk is, if you guys tasted his products, it's amazing. So I finally figured out a way to truck it here, because you can't fly milk here. The shipping is $2 a pound, and milk, since it weighs 8 pounds, would be $16 for the shipping plus the milk. So I found a way to ship it here in two and a half days at the same time frame I could get it from Fresno. So now we're getting, from 3,000 miles away, we're getting Amish products that are completely fresh. And I'm selling them for about a quarter to 50 cents more than OPB.

A: In this family, most of these are 6th and 7th generation farmers in this country.

Q: Yeah.

Q: Is there a way to extend those hours?

Q: You mean as far as coming over there?

Q: Yeah, because I mean like Wednesdays are difficult, and Saturdays are [unintelligible].

Q: You know, for me, if you guys wanted to come up with a, you know, if there's some way to do it on another day for just a two-hour period of time, I don't care if it's at night. I only live two minutes from there. So, you know, I mean, I just don't want to be sitting there all day long. But, you know, I mean, there's been a number of people recently. I would do that.

A: Well, Wednesday night is open until 7 o'clock or 8 o'clock.

Q: 8 at night, so most people can either make it on the Wednesday or Saturday. But if there's a day that works better, and I can figure out what would work better for one two-hour period, whether it's 10 o'clock at night or 8 in the morning or whatever it is, you know, we'll have to work that out. But Wednesday and Saturday are the two days I want to do it. It's hard enough to run, believe it or not, just those two days. It really is. You know, Bryn now works there. I just have to let you know, the famous comment from anybody, our customers who have become people that work there, their first comment after a week or two is, oh, my God, I didn't realize how much work it takes to put all this together. It's a lot of work.

Q: Yeah, I'm sure.

Q: It's a lot of work. And usually we're just finished at one minute to noon. Okay, everybody ready? Okay. You know, it takes a lot of work.

A: Okay, this is going to be the last question, and we're breaking it up.

Q: If the pains I'm having, like caffeine, are put as crystals, and apparently it's an inability to process uric acid, wouldn't even raw meat be increasing the uric acid?

A: No, it wouldn't. If you don't digest the meat or you cook it, are you partially cooking your meat?

Q: No.

A: Okay, then don't worry about it. You don't get any added uric acid from raw meat. It's only excessive uric acid from eating cooked meat. No excessive uric acid from raw meat.

Q: [unintelligible] you can't possibly sear meat on a barbecue pan at 400 degrees. He's cheating.

A: Part of it's going to, you know, maybe a third of it's going to be toxic. Two-thirds won't be. So you're going to use a third of the two-thirds that's non-toxic to negate the toxicity from the third of this, and have a third of it that's good.

Q: But technically you should be on a pan, right?

A: You shouldn't be cooking it at all.

Q: Oh, yeah, I know.

A: But I would say barbecue is better than a pan-fried.

Q: Oh, really?

A: Frying is the worst thing you can do. It keeps turning over the heat of the fat molecules, re-burning them and re-burning them. Over the fire it's dripping. You're losing it, but you're not going to eat the re-cooked and re-cooked fat molecules. But as long as you're not putting, you know, any kind of lighter fluid on your charcoal.

Q: That is awful.

A: What are you using? Propane? Quite a bit of toxicity in the gas. It's like any kind of gas, you know.

Q: Natural gas?

A: Natural gas is different. Natural gas doesn't have that kind of toxicity.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Do that. Okay, folks, thank you.

Q: Okay, yeah, we feel sorry for you if you can't afford a cool chair.

A: I'd appreciate it if everybody could take one chair.