At What Age Is Death Inevitable?

Death comes seldomly in my work. I consider death only 2-3 times yearly in my several hundred clients who are over 60 years of age when most deaths are expected. My mind views any death prior to at least age 138 as a premature death.

I arrived at that figure because all creatures in nature live 7 times the time that it takes them to finish maturity. For humans, that is 147 years. I substract about a decade because I do not have any record of anyone living longer than 138.

When anyone who comes to me that dies before 138 years of age, I constantly think about what more I could have done to delay death by and while restoring health. Also, I always consider if a premature death was as peaceful as possible. I want to know all that I can. I want to help as much as I can. I want to discover new natural ways to help endlessly.

Most medical doctors must consider one or two deaths weekly from all ages because of the toxically harmful treatments they are forced to administer. Especially oncologists, who are forced by law to cut, burn and poison their cancer patients.

Medical doctors might be aware of a patient if they pay attention and/or truly care about any one patient. Almost completely, they focus not on their patients but the patients' medical charts full of pharmaceutical's pseudo-scientific jargon about their patient's state of health. Most medical tests are designed to promote continuous treatments, not to promote good health.

Medical doctors' blinders are so tight that they are numbed and some even ignorant of the premature deaths they cause. They are focused on three issues:

There are a handful of medical doctors who battle against the pharma-goliath, such as Drs. James Privitera, Stanislaw Burzynski and Joseph Mercola.

However, even though they are crusaders striving for better treatments for patients, they still believe the basic fallacies about how our bodies behave and function, especially believing that supplements are magic bullets. It is the same business as pharmaceuticals selling harmful so-called medical magic potions.

To better understand how our bodies function, I suggest that you watch and listen to the Primal Diet® Workshop DVD set.[1]

Medical doctors are forced by law to administer only those treatments that are acceptable to the body of law that was established and is maintained by the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceuticals movement to outlaw healing and curing therapies was begun in full-force and funded in the USA by the Rockefellers and Carnegies in the late 1890's after honoring the non-biochemist, non-medical doctor, crystal observer Louis Pasteur. If Mr. Pasteur had worked all of his life with people sick with industrial pollution, probably he would not have been so duped by the medical profession using his work to prove that microbes caused disease. Rather than explore that history herein, I leave it to your curiosity to research.

However, separation of a person from her or his loved ones is a difficult emotional fait a compli. First, let's begin this issue with life.


[1]: Torrent file aajonus/media/workshops/WS_UCLA_2007.mp4