Q&A Of June 7, 2009

Transcribed by Aajonus.net & Rawmeatgang

A: This is the first one we've had here in LA since I went to Colby's last week. He's done. I had another motorcycle accident.

Q: Oh no.

Q: Wow.

Q: Oh no, don't...

A: I took all the skin off. It wasn't as bad as the other one, because I was on a big Harley, a 350. I was just on a motorbike and just got on the Palawan Island, which is a pretty remote island from the other islands. There's 7,107 islands in the Philippines. So I was up very early in the morning on a Sunday morning. Got there late on a Saturday night. And I'd rented a motorcycle just before they closed. In fact, they were closed. I talked to them and they were still renting me a motorcycle, a motorbike. 125. So I started off very early at dawn down the island, because this island has very few paved roads. And they have paved segments of the road. It's the way they bleach the money and then they say that they're putting the road in and they'll put a segment in and pocket most of the money. It's the government there. So by the time I got about an hour out of Puerto Princesa, then the road started, just the sections occasionally. And they would have those sections that had been laid, they would lay used concrete there, because if you use blacktop, the rain will just wash it up and wash it away. And what they do is they use big rocks instead of pebbles and they lay gypsum on top of that like it's in [unintelligible] because it's very dry. It's five times more drying and toxic than sulfur. So they lay this all on top of the stones, the rocks, before they lay the concrete or else it won't dry, you know, it'll just wash out. So driving along these sections, the one section where I was traveling in, the section that they had just laid probably in the last two months, didn't go back and take the cones away. So when you're on these, you have to wait for the traffic to finish going one way before you start going this one way. At that point, one avenue. So I was almost out of the section where it was [unintelligible], unpaved. And the first vehicle I passed was about two hours after I had been traveling. A van was going about 100 kilometers an hour and he doesn't stop. His door clipped my elbow, flipped me over on my bike, so I took all, you know, on that rock. This time I tumbled because I kicked the bike away as I was in the air. But I tumbled, I still took all the skin off. Now, in that, if you remember the motorcycle accident two years ago where I broke the femur and everything, I took more skin off.

Q: Oh my god!

A: I know, it had some bacteria on it.

Q: Did this happen this year?

A: That happened two months ago, seven weeks ago. So, that healed in 12 days. I put the lime juice on it, the coconut cream, and the honey and the meat. So I did it this time, but I had to go buy the honey. So I went to buy the honey and I found this great Thai honey in the Philippines. So, I'm putting it on this wound and it's just fastening, it's getting worse and worse. I had the gypsum in it and they don't have the regular limes there. Their limes are miniature oranges, but they're the only ones that change limes and oranges. So I didn't have the benefit of the lime juice to surround the particles of gypsum. So it just kept drying. That's what this dryness is here. It's all the gypsum. This thing was ripped open from here to here.

Q: What is gypsum?

A: It is a mineral, like sulfur, only it's five times more drying. It's what they use in drywall because it's so dry.

Q: You put it on your leg?

A: No, it was on the street. It was on the ground. So it got all in there. So I was dealing with that and then after about nine days my leg was getting very, very painful. And the other time I had done that, the whole thing healed. I had twice as much skin gone, all my arm and everywhere. The last time it healed all in 12 days. It completely healed over. And this, there was something wrong. I thought it was just the gypsum. So I asked this, I was going to change the bandages. I asked the taxi to give me some raw thin-sliced meat. So he came back to help me change the wool of the bandages. And he took a look at the honey and he said, that's not real honey. He said, no, they've learned to make a Thai tasting honey here from a fruit. And they use sweetener, it was aspartame. So I've been putting all of this chemical solution on my leg all this time. Well, that caused, you know, I took insulin from the age of 15 and a half to the age of 22. And whenever I have a massage, there's always lumps and tightness in my calves. My calves have always been very, very large since that time. And if the massage therapist pushed even a little too hard, it was painful. I could hit the ceiling. Well, for some reason, the whole process of this started the insulin leaving my thighs. I mean, my calves. And that's what these are. These are insulin ducts and sores. And of course, the gypsum is there too.

Q: Did they have any ingredients on the honey?

A: Well, this is primitive land. Nothing is labelled with aspartame. It's made by man. So the taxi driver immediately went to a farm there and we got fresh honeys right out of the hives. So that next day was a different subject. But I had already poisoned it. Do you know what aspartame is? Aspartame is a poison. And I was drinking it too. I was taking that honey. So I drank about a cup of it and put probably a half a cup on my leg. Because it tasted exactly like the Thai honey that I had just left Thailand. And I had just finished that on the plane. So I was going to get some fresh honey here. And I thought, oh, Thai honey here. How great. But they got it tasting exactly like the Thai honey. And they took the fruit that they had and they boil it to make it with all that aspartame.

Q: But how did you find it was aspartame?

A: Because I went back and found out. And this fellow also knew what it was made of. Because he had made it himself. There's good money in it. People think, you know, if something tastes like honey and it's sweetener, they'll use that to... That is a sweetener, so sure. So, a lot of people say, oh my God, it's festering. It's gone on for eight weeks now. I mean, seven weeks. What else is there to do? Go to a doctor and get more poisons and take care of it. I just have to be patient. It's painful at times. It gets very, very tight. If anybody gets too near me, they'll probably smell the old urine. Because I put the urine on it. And it keeps it from going into gangrene. I'd rather not have the fungus work on it because it's too drying and too itchy. So I use the urine and bone marrow. It keeps it from getting too dry. And then it started on this leg. On this leg it wasn't damaged. Aspartame. I mean, the insulin that was in my calves. Because I did most of the shooting of the insulin into this thigh. So most of it went in here, just a little bit of it in here. Because maybe 15% of the time I shot it into this thigh. And I didn't shoot any into my right arm. I always shot into my left. So I had another one that came out here that went and several here. It smelled just like the insulin. That I had shot up for those 7 1⁄2 years. So, the point of this is, no matter how careful you can be, there's always going to be something out there that you just may even... you're going to miss. I missed the honey incident and had that happen. And of course all the insulin in my body [unintelligible] to detox at times. All the old stuff. Probably because I had a no hydrochloric acid. It lowers my ability to chelate with chemicals. Most people don't have to go through this kind of thing. Of course, most diabetics do in their later years. This will go to the toes first usually. And they'll get their toes amputated and their foot and then their leg. And then the lower part of the leg and then the upper leg. Usually when they're in their 50s and 60s. So, I guess what I have to assume from that then is, since most people, most diabetics who take insulin, have that kind of detox at that time in their life, that is the time when the body does it. I'm 62 now. So, whether this inspired it or stimulated it, I don't know. It could be entirely coincidental. Or it could be just that chapter in my life where the body said, OK, time to get rid of the old insulin. So, anyway, I have no more lumps in my thigh. I can press, no pain. The pain is here though in the skin. And it comes out. It's funny, I was looking at, through my electronic microscope, I was looking at the blood that's there, you see, that's crusted like that. And they're actually crystals formed from the insulin. Crystals formed. And they grow. They're actually growing in my leg as it dumps. So, wild chemistry can do to the human body. Again, I want to stress the point is do not panic. Do not go to a hospital or a doctor because there's just going to be more crystals there. You're going to have to get rid of later. My legs, I can fall. He said this whole thing was really bad all over, even down on my foot. Almost all the sores are down on my foot. There's barely a scab there now. So, it's healing. I just have to be patient. Probably another two weeks and it will be over. Okay, we're going to start with a Q&A now. Do you have a question?

Q: You said that we should sleep for three hours and then get up, eat something. Supposedly that we cannibalize our red blood cells. I ran a web search looking for that and I couldn't come up with anything. So, where are you drawing that from?

A: Well, when I studied blood analysis and the higher the ketone level, it shows that your body is digesting its own cells as the ketones rise. Of course, the medical profession simplifies it and say, your kidneys are breaking down or your liver is breaking down or something like that. But I found that with the blood test, I could see the blood count lower after five hours. So, I had an MD that took on, six people took the blood every 30 minutes during sleep. And what they had, we put a catheter in the individuals. And we weren't taking out a lot of blood. It wasn't like the hospitals. The hospitals take out a hundred times more blood than is necessary. When they take your blood, a tube like this, they use not even a teaspoon of it for the analysis. They just take all your blood. I wouldn't let them do that now, that I know that. You know, I'd say, yeah, you take a tablespoon and that's it. And if you need for different tests, then I'll give you five tablespoons. That's what I'd like to ask you to do, but you're not going to take all two or three cc's for every test that you want done when you're only going to use not even a teaspoon of it. So, because you know, it takes a long time to rebuild that. Anyway, we saw that the blood, red blood cell level decreased without swelling of the pancreas. I mean, the spleen, so the red blood cells weren't backing up into the spleen. Because you know, the spleen is a reservoir for red blood cells. If you have a terrible bleed, we have like one half to two pints of red blood cells in the spleen. So if you have an accident, you lose two cups of blood or a cup and a half of blood, you get the blood right back into the system, so you don't become anemic. And of course, if you were a caveman back in those days, you might have a bleed. You'd be dinner if you were anemic. You know, so the spleen is a reservoir for red blood cells. So there was no increase in the spleen size, so the red blood cells weren't going there. We measured an average of about two to four tablespoons of red blood cell loss after eight hours of sleep. And of course, then it began compounding for people who slept nine to ten hours. And it began right at the five hour point. Ketone level became very high and kept growing. And the concentration of red blood cells diminished.

Q: And what's the result of that? If that happens, then what is your...

A: You have anemia when you wake in the morning. So you know how people are right now, they wake in the morning after eight hours of sleep and they're still tired. So they go for some drug, they go for caffeine or nicotine or theobromine and chocolate to give them a charge. Or heavy sugar to give them a charge. That's no remedy for anemia. Eating is a remedy for anemia. And I told people who wake, you know, at... I usually tell people, wake during the middle of the night, eat something and go back to sleep. So that's something with protein in it. But that doesn't mean fruit, unless it's, let's say, coconut. But eggs, milk, meat, anything like that, just a little bit, even if it's just a half a cup of milk. That will prevent it. And when we ran the test the next night, with the same people, the ketone level was almost negligent. You know, we've always got some, whatever, ketone level, because we break down cells all the time in the body. So the ketone level was normal and the red blood count was normal. For everybody who ate it. One person ate an egg, two women drank a half a cup of milk each, a couple of men drank a whole cup of milk.

Q: So one egg was okay?

A: One egg was... that was all this one woman needed. To handle hers. I didn't think of it, but it handled it.

Q: So you would follow everything too if you were going to get a checkup?

A: Yeah, you know, you're our size, definitely. She was more diminutive. I think she got 5'1", something like that. She was very small. So, if you have a tendency to be hyperactive, a high energetic person during the day, then if you wake up after five hours of eating, you're not likely to go back to sleep. It might energize you too much. So I would tell some people, wake up after three hours, eat, and then go to sleep for five hours. And that would resolve it. Okay.

Q: That was studying you've done, that's not in any of the journals.

A: No, no. You're not going to see that because the doctors don't look at anything in a natural perspective. David, do you have a question?

Q: What do you think about juicing kale, juicing beets, beet grains, turnips, cabbage, asparagus? Yeah, what about, because I know you talk about, some of, you talk in your book, you talk in your book about some of the, you discovered that some of the vegetables have almost medicinal qualities and they should be, you have a list of ones that should be approached with caution, adding them to your juice. What dangers would I be, or what effects or betterments would I be getting on myself by, you know...

A: Overdosing on them. Well, the problem with overdosing is it interferes with digestion and it could bring on a hell of a detoxification.

Q: You talked about beet juice and...

A: Beet juice, well, beet juice is high in sugar, that alone could cause, you know, a carbohydrate detoxification, old toxic glycogen, you know, because we store a lot of toxic glycogen in our bodies, we can't convert it properly because we don't make the proper insulin. We don't make the chemical insulin like the pharmaceutical houses use, but it still will cause emotional and physical imbalances in sugar levels. So, and when you're using, like I'll use a lot more carrot these days to help get the bile out of the body. People turn orange with the carrot juice. I used to think it was the carotene also, undigested carotene, because if you weren't processing properly, you didn't have the bile to process it properly. But when I did skin scrapings on people who had, on the palms, they had all that very orangish cast, I found there was a lot of toxic bile. It was not utilized properly. And very little of it was the carotene. So that's how I discovered that the carrot juice and the carotene and the carrot juice helped remove toxic stored bile in the body. And especially applies on yellow, people like Asians, like one girl who was here a little earlier, Elena, when she went on this diet about three years ago, she was a normal Asian, very, very yellow, from eating all of the rice that requires a lot of bile to break it down into a fat. And, because we have to, if you're on a diet that you're not eating fat, your body's going to have to convert proteins and carbohydrates into acetates, which are fats. They're very poor fats. And in Asians, the bile and the acetate mixes together and lubricates their skin. So they've got this very yellowish skin. Now, in the last three years that she's been on the diet, she's half as yellow as she used to be. In fact, her hands are now almost pink like mine, only the palms are still yellow, orangish and yellow. And I have quite a few Asian patients in Singapore who are on the diet and the same things happen. In fact, one of you looks like a white guy now. So he used to be very yellow.

Q: But what do you think of the kale as adding a lot of that?

A: Well, like I said, kale is very detoxifying for certain things.

Q: What about if you just want to add minerals to your body? How's it for that?

A: Like I said, you can use a certain amount of vegetable juice in a day, which is fine. Anything over that, you're not going to get a good base mineral. The minerals that we digest to build the body properly are minerals from animal products. Those we digest absolutely. So if you want to use, and I use the minerals in vegetable juice to help chelate with certain amount of certain toxins that are in the blood and in the digestive tract, not to add to the minerals for having a good foundation in the body. I use cheese and honey eaten together allows the cheese to be digested and all the minerals absorbed. When you eat raw cheese, unsalted raw cheese, it is impossible, I found by checking the feces, for the human to digest very much of it all, maybe 2-5%. So what it does is it acts as a magnet and broom and a vacuum and a sponge and attracts poisons out of the fluid systems as they run through the elementary canal, the neurological, the lymphatic and the blood. The cheese draws it out of those systems and passes it through as they weave their way through the digestive tract. And then the cheese holds on to it like a sponge and then dumps it out the feces. Now when I check the feces after eating salted raw cheese or cheese made from pasteurized dairy, it doesn't do that, it's reabsorbed. So all those toxins that are absorbed by the cheese are reabsorbed by the body when you digest them. I would write down in my experiments that if I mix cheese now, I got this from a model, I was dating a model and she was ultra skinny, not quite as skinny as Twiggy but just about. And she just got into this honey and cheese binge and she was eating like a pound of honey a day with like a half a cup of cheese, I mean half a cup of honey with about a pound of cheese a day and she put on 50 pounds in a month. That was great because she calmed down but she certainly stopped working instantly, you know, she gained 50 pounds in a month. She couldn't stop it. She was so starved and hungry she couldn't help herself. And that's the problem with a lot of vegetarians. But I was not eating a lot of meat then, I was only eating raw meat three days a week and not every day, twice daily. And she was pretty much doing the diet so it wasn't a very balanced diet. She'd been eating the meat, she wouldn't have gotten that kind of craving. I got a call two years ago from a supermodel named Jennifer and I didn't get her last name. But she called to thank me that all the supermodels that she hangs with are so delighted because they are so balanced on this diet and they don't have to eat until they get fat or vomit and starve. They can eat, be nourished and don't have to put on a lot of weight. I said it's good to have the weight though, you know. They said, you know at least we feel calm and we don't feel like vomiting and we're not starving anymore. We feel very good and we don't have to be, you know, maybe they didn't have to put on much weight.

Q: So if I want to experiment with other vegetable juices, what do you recommend outside of your usual?

A: Well what I say is if you're going to do those things, do it no more than 5% of your juice. And I say that in the recipe book. If you're going to use kale, leeks or anything like that, never more than 5% of your juice. To be on the safe side. There could be athletes who could use 10% of your heavy exercise, which would be fine. But again, the cheese is to absorb minerals with honey and the vegetable juice is just to, chelate, use those minerals to neutralize the over acidity and the blood stream from all the toxicity from the cooked foods, from all the years of cooked foods. And there are books out there that will tell the benefits of vegetables, you know, Walker's juice book. He tells the benefit of what some juices can do. Now I didn't find all of the same when I was experimenting with various vegetable juices and herbs for that short year and a half period. I didn't find that it always coordinated with what he thought it did. And I think that because I knew Walker, he was more theoretical than experimental and didn't back up. He didn't do the experiments, he didn't do the lab work that I did, that I used to do. Still I still do some. But it's mainly just looking at a microscope. But I don't go into a laboratory and mix anything. I send those tests to be done now. I don't even walk into a laboratory.

Q: So, I wonder why you're kind of saying that it's okay to experiment with juices, but you haven't really researched the benefits.

A: Don't overdo it.

Q: What if I want to make 32 ounces of beet juice and turnip juice and drink it one day and two days later? I mean, is that going to cause a problem?

A: Probably not going to cause a problem. Beet juice, when women drink beet juice and it's near their period, they bleed excessively. Red cabbage juice will do the same thing. It will cause severe bleeding, it will also cause ulcerations. The green cabbage will do just the reverse. It will slow down the menses and, or slow the flow of the menses, and heal ulcerations. It will stop bleeding. So, that's what I'm saying. When you take something and you concentrate it, you better be careful of the results. If you do it, just let me know what you experience. I'll take the info. You can be my guinea pig.

Q: But, I don't want to take the time, the digestion time to digest salads right now.

A: You can't digest them.

Q: Why not?

A: It takes an herbivore.

Q: I know that. I want to experiment with other vegetables right now. In the juice format. I have been doing it. I have been experimenting with turnip, beet, kale, parsley, and I throw celery in there. I go through phases. That's kind of what I'm doing right now. What I'm asking is whether, you know me, I do what I want to. I don't follow anything particularly. But, what kind of advice can you throw at me because I'm going through this phase. I'm still eating the raw meat and the milk and everything. What kind of advice can you throw at me since I'm going through this juicing phase. Where I'm just doing a lot of juicing. I like juicing every 2 or 3 days. I'm drinking like 16 ounces once or twice a day. I feel like I'm putting minerals into my body. You know.

A: Just like I said. When your body uses the minerals from the vegetable juice to neutralize toxicity and over acidity in the blood and the rest of the system. Then you can use the minerals in your meat and dairy to rebuild and strengthen your body. But you cannot use minerals... Well, you can but it's not as healthy. You've got, your races are weaker. You know, use a lot of your minerals from vegetation as your base cellular construction needs. Whereas the tribes and the animals who use animal tissue, the minerals in animal tissue and animal fluids like milk to build their systems are a lot healthier, a lot stronger. They handle heat better and everything.

Q: I'm drinking, I'm getting never refrigerated goat's milk now. I'm getting about, I'm getting like 4 or 5 gallons every 2 weeks.

A: Congratulations.

Q: Yeah, and it's wonderful tasting. So I'm adding that. So now if I'm adding that, that's kind of taking part of the meat. Of the place of meat.

A: A lot of concentrated minerals in the milk.

Q: So can I maybe cut down on the meat because of the unrefrigerated goat's milk I'm getting?

A: Explore it and see. I've only found 3 women who could live on just raw milk.

Q: Okay.

A: And with no meat at all.

Q: So maybe I could possibly even eliminate the meat eventually and just go with the raw goat's milk.

A: You can try it.

Q: I still like the meat. The meat is very attractive to me. Okay.

A: When you never refrigerate the milk, you have the growth hormones that are active. As soon as the milk goes below about 72, 71 degrees, the growth hormones that are in the milk for the calf go dormant. They aren't utilized the same way. As long as it's chilled to that temperature, it'll never recreate itself again.

Q: So the milk at Rawesome isn't good?

A: No, still it's very healthy. I certainly drink a half a gallon a day. But when I can, I get the raw milk never refrigerated, but that's a rarity. So I just have to eat more red meat. I mean more meats.

Q: I've got a good source if anybody else is interested. Yeah, they can get a lot more if you want to work something out with them.

A: Well, I'm too thin. When I have goat's milk, I lose even more weight. So for me, it's like, you know, people, I only recommend goat's milk for people who are overweight and people who have sugar problems and diabetes. And you might find that you start getting pretty thin.

Q: Which is part of the motivation.

A: [laughter] Okay. Alright, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah, I do. Um, shoot. Do him, because my tape [unintelligible] is going off. Do him, then...

Q: Uh, this is about water retention. It was a whole lot worse before the Primal Diet, but, you know, I can push on my ankle and it makes it damp, you know, and it gradually comes back. That sort of thing. Um, and it gets worse if I eat cooked food with a lot of salt. But it never really goes away, particularly in the summertime. Um, is there something else I should be doing?

A: Well, uh, the trick is not to gulp any, um, any water. Um, any dair- I mean, any liquids at all. And if you're going to drink water, it should be no more than, let's say, a sip. You know, a tablespoon, two tablespoons at a time. When you gulp your fluids, the body rushes the H2O to the kidney. And then the, um, the nutrients cannot, uh, transport the H2O to the cells. When you're eating raw food, you've got all the active ions and everything available to transport. And when you cook a food, all the ions fractionate from the water. So then it's water. It's just water. It's not bound, ionically active H2O. Um, so you will dehydrate by drinking water. That's why I suggest people do not drink water. It's also a solvent. Why do you think people go around hosing things off, washing things with water? Because it's a solvent. It breaks things down, dissolves them. When you have it in your intestines and the rest of your body, it'll wash your nutrients away. It'll destroy and dilute your bacteria. It'll do all kinds of negative things. Unless you're just sipping. And your body converts that little bit of water into solvents to help dissolve some matter that needs flushing out of the system. But mainly we can do it with the water in foods. Milk is 86% water. Meat's 55% water. Uh, fruits, including cucumbers, are 93% water. That's plenty of water. But you cannot gulp. You gulp it, rush it to the kidneys, you dump it out the bladder, where's your water going? So if it doesn't gulp, it goes to the kidney and it's rushing into the system too quick. It's going to be absorbed too quick and the body's going to keep it in the connective tissue until it can find some way to utilize it. It's usually if you have a poor kidney and you don't have the greatest kidneys in the world.

Q: So then I should eat slowly as well as drink?

A: Well, you don't have to eat your meats and other solid foods slowly, but you certainly need to drink your fluids slowly. Um, would you hand me my bag over there? Now I suck. That's what I do.

Q: What about chewing it?

A: You can chew it, but if you do like an infant does, I put my teeth together, I open my mouth, I put my tongue behind my back teeth and I suck. I only consumed about two tablespoons of milk just then, but because I sucked it I got all the saliva with the bacteria. And that's what infants do. They get that bacteria in the milk. We have almost two times more bacteria in our salivary juices than a dog and a cat do. In fact we have more bacteria than any other creature on the planet besides a fly. So, you know, a fly, they'll spit on you and start dissolving your tissue. That's what flies do. They spit on their object that they're eating to start predigesting it even before they suck it up. We need to suck. So if you suck your fluids, then you'll have more bacteria in it and you won't be gulping. You won't be as thirsty. When you gulp, rush to the kidneys or the connective tissue and then you're dehydrated. And people who drink and drink and drink. Now I used to drink a gallon of milk a day. When I stopped gulping, I cut it in half. I didn't cut out water completely. I used to drink maybe in the summertime a half a cup a day, a cup at the very most. When I'm in Asia where it's very hot, here it's not. I never drink water here. Except for maybe an ounce a week, two ounces a week. And that's it.

Q: And that's with mineral water too?

A: The same with any fluid, any fluid at all. You want to take it in slowly.

Q: Even the whey.

A: Even the whey. Oh my gosh, yes, the whey is 98% water.

Q: Coconut juice?

A: Pardon? Coconut water you mean? Coconut water is just water. It's got a lot of minerals in it. It's got a tiny bit of sugar. It's got a tiny bit of protein, but it's basically water.

Q: Like a whole coconut is too much for one person?

A: In Asia, women should not drink coconut water because it causes them to bloat. It causes them to swell. Men will drink it there without swelling, but women will swell.

Q: But the meat?

A: The meat of the coconut? That's no problem.

Q: Do you have a hard time digesting the meat?

A: Well, it's cellulose. It's high in cellulose. So it's hard to digest the coconut for most people. A lot of cellulose. I'm going around the room for Q&A. Okay. Yes?

Q: I've been, like on the internet, there's people predicting like we're going to have huge food shortages. I just wonder if you've got any tips, suggestions, or advice, like if we get into a serious food shortage, how we still somehow stay on the diet and still survive?

A: Well, it certainly won't be easy. I've got 5 gallons of honey put away. I've got lots of butter, probably 30 pounds of butter. And I keep them recycled in my refrigerator. Some of them are blue cheese, so I make my roquefort dressing with blue cheese, which is wonderful. I also have meat that I've stuffed and cut up and stuffed in jars. Some dehydrated. So if I had to carry some that's dehydrated in oil, I did that in deer meat, most of those deer meat. And I did that in the year 2000 for 2Y2K in case I never thought it was going to happen.

Q: Why deer?

A: Because a friend of mine shot it and I had to butcher it. I got a third of the deer, so that's what I had on hand.

Q: I can do it with any meat.

A: Right. So what you do is you stuff it in a jar with olive oil and it coats it and surrounds it. And I've had some beef jerky in oil for almost 10 years, well 10 years because I did it in 1999. And I have one jar left and I will open it in December and I open one every December to see how it holds up.

Q: Is all the meat in the fridge or do you keep it out?

A: No, it's out. It's never refrigerated.

Q: Oh.

A: Yeah, once the point when I put it in the jars with the olive oil. I tried coconut oil but it doesn't quite last as long. That's an odd amount.

Q: You know what, Aajonus?

A: Uh huh, okay.

Q: We were out on the beach and I just wanted to show him Lucky's place. I'm wondering, I have no idea. I've never been to one of your talks. I know they're generally here, but I didn't even know that this was today and we're both in hoodies. So we don't want to disrespect, we're actually going to take off.

Q: A pretty girl's discount.

Q: But I just, I don't want to bounce in there, but I'm curious, can I ask a question before I leave?

Q: You already asked a question.

A: So she asked a question on the subject you were talking about.

Q: I think this is so important. I've been in the world for a while. I've been studying food for a while. There's a really large gathering this weekend in Santa Barbara called the Raw Spirit Fest. Which is about 1,000 people. It's so ultra vegan. I had a booth there last year for a side business. They got a raw, a t-shirt that says the company I'm involved in. And I've never, I've been to lots of festivals. I've never been at a festival where booth after booth after booth had so much information that I was interested in. Like this is all about health or...

Q: So what's your question?

Q: These raw vegans, like, they look sick.

A: They are sick.

Q: Whereas most, like, the amount of meat that you're suggesting may be a little too much for me. I've done both. I've done yours for years. And I've never felt better. And the raw vegans are just... Where's the synergy? At some point, we're all the same pack. We're not eating at McDonald's. So where's the synergy Like, how do we...

A: Well, if you saw, if you read my, I don't know if you subscribed to my newsletter, I talked about the raw food event that we had in Hawaii in November. And the woman who put together the spirit festivals...

Q: Happy Oasis, I know her.

A: A real wired woman. And she was... The guy who ran it was a young Italian boy who found raw foods and helped himself very well.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Anyway, he put the thing together and he invited me and my group and people from Australia. So you saw the group of my people who were there, who were good and muscular and all the skinny guys. And of course whenever anybody on my diet entered the competition they won.

Q: Right. You mean like physical?

A: Yeah, because it was supposed to be the Raw Olympics. And that's what it was originally called. And I said, then you're talking about competition, so I got them to call it the Raw Games. Took me a couple of months to get them to change that over. But Happy and the other group were at, they were nuts with our raw meat table. I mean, they went crazy about it.

Q: Where was that?

Q: They were upset?

A: They were very upset.

Q: Oh yeah, I just wanted to, not because I wanted to hide my ceviche, but because I didn't want to get into a debate about why it was eating raw fish.

Q: There was an awful lot of judgment.

Q: I've never been around.

A: The start of the festivity was, we are here for peace on earth, the peace in the world. And then they go into all this judgmental bullshit.

Q: And you know how many, I used to walk around with a camera called rawfoodmedia.com and everybody assumed I was a vegan. Meanwhile, I'm on the primal diet the whole time. And I went to New York to review the raw food restaurants. They're all vegan because there is no primal raw. Not yet. I have a concept. So, they all assumed that I was going to be a vegan rock. Oh my gosh, it's not even worth getting into a discussion.

A: They didn't even let me on the main stage.

Q: They didn't let you?

A: They didn't let me. See, the guy that was in charge let Happy be in charge, so she didn't let me up on the stage. After it was over and somebody brought that to us, I said, I don't give a shit. Happy didn't. To be able to see all of my people wipe all those people out. It was a big competition. In fact, I said, you probably don't want to involve yourself in too much of the competition because you will steal it all.

Q: What is with the raw goat milk though? I've had a lot of them, like authors, they are like "Vegan, vegan, vegan, well, yeah, raw goat milk is okay".

A: Well, David Wolf is drinking raw milk, eating raw dairy. I told them eight years ago, I said, David, you wait, you're going to hit that seven year wall, and you won't be eating your diet you're eating. He says, oh, that's not true. I told him that eight years ago. I met him in San Diego when he first started gung-ho on the diet. So, what happened, seven years and three months, I get a call from some people who work for him in New York, and said he's drinking the raw milk and eating the raw cheese now. He started on the raw cheese first. And he doesn't tell anybody. He didn't mention it at all at that festival in Hawaii.

Q: No, no, they're asking me on the side. I have the camera, but when they're off camera, they're telling me on the side. It's okay, I do a little raw goat. I do a little raw dairy.

A: It's sad because there's a lot of people that need those particular vegetarians, raw food vegans, who are scatterbrained, because they don't have enough protein. I mean, terribly scatterbrained. And they're not emotionally stable. I remember when I talked to David that week, they came to my table. I was at a Whole Foods, a whole life convention in San Diego. And I was there as a raw food, raw primal eater with all of my meat and dairy. And this group of six vegetarians, David Wolf was one of them, he wasn't speaking because he was new to it. But the guy who was heading, I forgot his name, and he's going on me and I'm talking calmly about the situation, why when I did that it didn't work for me, and I had to go to raw protein, and lots of animal fats to be stable and to bring myself back. Because I kept getting skinnier and skinnier. I went down to 118 pounds. Without fasting, I was eating everything balanced according to the vegetarian, raw food way. And it just did not work. And they're arguing, they're arguing, and they all started foaming at the mouth a little bit. When somebody gets angry, they get a little white bubble.

Q: White bubble, yeah, right, right.

A: And even when I was a vegetarian and I get in a heated conversation, I would do that.

Q: You were a vegetarian?

A: I was a vegetarian for six and a half years. So I hit the seven year mark six months early. The seven year wall. So here they were and they said, don't you know that that's creating more violence and everything? I held a mirror up and I said, you tell me who's violent and we call them here. They really looked at each other and they walked away. They never ever hassled me. This one.

Q: I just came from the raw food festival. I thought they looked great.

Q: You were there?

Q: Yeah, I just came home. I don't see any of what you guys are talking about. These people were great.

A: Well, you're talking about very young people on an early raw food diet.

Q: Anybody who's been vegetarian for six months, of course, you feel more green.

Q: We have a [unintelligible].

A: We're talking about people who hadn't been on it very long, like David Wolf took him seven years to hit that. The people who stay on a raw food, vegetarian diet, have an attrition rate of 92%. That means 92% of the people who are on a raw vegetarian diet drop out.

Q: I don't understand.

A: Because they can't sustain it. 8% can. 8% can. And those are the few people who can do that for a while. Look at David Wolf, the amount of energy he used to have. And then the less energy he got, the more he got into superfoods. Chocolate, theobromine, caffeine. All these foods to charge him because he had no energy.

Q: Right.

A: And that's the way it is. If you've been to the Hawaii festival, almost everybody was long-term vegetarian. Very weak.

Q: Yeah, you know, there's a picture. He sent me a picture. The picture is amazing because I thought that Aajonus took this picture to make this guy look good and everybody else look skinny. But it was actually taken by the...

A: The Honolulu paper.

Q: Did everybody else look skinny and him look healthy?

Q: No, it wasn't him.

A: He had been on my diet for three years.

Q: Right, you thought he had to pay the photographer.

Q: Yeah, I thought he framed him.

A: No, it's that photographer who worked for the Honolulu paper. A paper out of the big island of Hawaii. And she was standing on the side and watching the line of runners go. And my runner just happened to be right in the center. He's got all these muscles, he's running, everybody else is skinny and he's taking off.

Q: Yeah, it's a great picture.

Q: Yeah, it's a great picture.

A: It's in my newsletter, one of the newsletters. I think December newsletter.

Q: Thank you.

Q: Okay, I guess I have one more thing on my question about the food shortage. Because I've heard you have like a crossbow and stuff like that.

A: A what?

Q: A crossbow.

A: Yeah.

Q: And I'm wondering if all you can get is canned stuff. Could we, living off the land to some degree, or eating. Like there's books on how to pick out edible plants and distinguishing from the...

A: Yeah, but you're not going to do very well, I mean, if you want a lot of energy. But the people in Asia and third world countries who don't have meat. In Africa, they're just killing everything, monkeys are eating everything. And it's like that in every country where you over hunt it. And there's not much species left except for insects. So, I mean in China and all of Asia, they raise insects. Big cockroaches this big that they eat. Scorpions, they eat everything of a nature that has animal tissue to it. Well, you women are used to eating cockroaches anyway, cockroach guts. That's what all lipstick used to be made of up until 15 years ago. Because it was...

Q: [unintelligible] restaurants it was just all scorpions and insects.

A: Yeah, right. Because it's hard to get meat. Everything's getting lower and lower. We don't have the animals we used to, the creatures we used to have. So you have to go to whatever's available. So a lot of people are going to insects. But the cockroach has a white gut in it. It was the only thing that would adhere to skin. So if you saw the lipstick factories, they had miles of trays upon trays. One on top of the other, raising roaches. And they would kill somewhere around 60 million cockroaches a year for their fluid. And then they put dyes in it to make it color. That's what lipstick was made of. That was 60% of the ingredients. That was 60-70% of the ingredients of lipstick. Now it's all chemical.

Q: We were better off with the roaches.

A: Because it's chemicals. I was just saying to you, you've already had a head start. So you eat cockroaches. You should be happy. Anyway, there's lots of things. I shoot my gophers and eat them.

Q: Really?

A: They eat my plants.

Q: Would you eat a possum?

A: Yeah, I'd eat a possum. I'd eat a raccoon. I'd eat any animal. I don't have a problem as long as the animal's healthy.

Q: I didn't ever try, but I've eaten turtle, and it was another white animal. Crocodiles beak, but the turtles are really, really good. It had a nice mineral.

A: If you want to really have a lot of meat, you want to have a factory. Raise crocodiles or alligators for meat. I've got a friend in Thailand who's got a crocodile farm. And she started off buying 3,000 babies. And she built these rocks about the size of this room here. And she puts a couple hundred in each one. And then she has a chicken farm. And she takes the chickens and feeds that to the alligators. I mean the crocodiles. So she gets to sell the skins for boots and belts and hats and stuff like that. And the purses. Plus the meat she sells to the restaurant. Because they eat alligator and crocodile.

Q: Which can just use sustainable animals.

A: Out of all of my search through Asia for the most easiest farming to do are the crocodiles and chickens. Easiest to farm.

Q: And the white meat. The white meat.

Q: You guys are really slowing down the pace of what's happening for everyone else.

A: Yeah, everyone's waiting for the question. So you heard enough. Roger, do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. In the winter time you can't get fresh salmon. You have to be frozen or you have to go on the farm waste. Now look, the frozen doesn't taste as good.

A: It's much better than the farmed. Because the farmed is mainly chemicals. In the farms what they do is they go to Purina, General Foods, and they buy their waste products and they've all been chemically treated. Now right now we have 60,000 chemicals in our food that are used to process food. And a lot of people say, oh well it isn't in the food, we used it to process the food. Now if you soak your, let's say peaches or whatever you're eating in kerosene, kerosene is natural, and they call it natural, and you rinse it off after soaking it for 20 to 30 minutes, do you think there's going to be any kerosene in that food? Absolutely. So all this processed food, that's what they feed to these fish. Now when the fish were first coming out of the farms they were gray. Salmon was gray. It was so toxic. So the food industry paid the University of Washington, in the state of Washington, to make a food dye that they could feed to the fish. And they wanted it food grade. It is a food grade but it is not assimilable in the cells. But it colors the meat. So you're just getting food coloring and very, very anemic sick fish. Anything that's farmed.

Q: How about the frozen fish?

A: The frozen, like I've said in the workshops before, in my laboratory experiments with animals, if I fed them frozen meat, they all got skin disorders. If that's the only thing I fed them. The animals that ate the same meat unfrozen got no skin disorders and they were fine. So there is a breakdown with freezing. I found, however, though, that northern fish don't sustain that same kind of reaction that animals eat if you don't sustain it. But let's say salmon caught from a river in Washington, Oregon or something like that, if you freeze it there's a problem. A salmon caught in the rivers in Alaska can withstand and not have the same breakdown from freezing. So it gets specific and particular.

Q: That's why Eskimos can eat frozen fish everyday.

A: Yeah, still they have a shorter lifespan than the animals, than the tribes that eat raw in a tropical warm environment. Because they're all eating this frozen food. I mean when I was with them they cut a hole that was a foot and a half thick and they put the ice to fish and by the time they got the fish out of the water to the mouth it was already popsicle. And they had great teeth. Can you imagine being able to bite on a solid piece of ice like that? It's already a hard... and they could chew on bones. I've got a patient in Thailand who grew up in the north of Thailand. She's about 52 now. She went on the diet about almost 8 years ago. And she was in her late 40s at that time looking, you know, Asians that eat a lot of grain, you know, shrivel up and shrink a lot because they don't have animal fats. And she was looking, you know, like maybe she was 60 even though she was in her late 40s. Now she looks like she's early 40s, late 30s. Only on the diet for 8 years. But she eats everything raw. Her boyfriend is on the diet. He's American. She does it even better than he does. He still eats a little rice. She won't even touch cooked rice now. And she's more vibrant than he is. She takes... we went... I was just there in November before I went to Hawaii. And we went spearfishing. And got a bunch of fish. I didn't get any. It's not easy spearfishing. You know, you've got those weights. Yeah, that's my first time spearfishing. And you've got to cock that bow, which is very difficult, in the water, up against your chest or your leg. And man, it was difficult. And then you've got to be able to catch that fish. You've got to wait. Just wait for it to get in the right position. Then you have to know it. I never shot it underwater. So of course, the delayed timing of the shot, you know, the fish was already gone by the time the arrow got past it. But anyway, got some pretty big fish. He got some pretty big fish. He's a very good spearfisher now. He's been spearfishing for like 10 years. One fish had vertebrae this big. And I went back the next day to see them. And she's chewing on these vertebrae. I thought, oh, maybe they're kind of soft. So I asked for a piece. She gave me a piece. And I worked an hour on it without even dissolving any of it. And she's just biting away like it's, you know, like some kind of a, you know, a soft candy. So after about an hour, I put a little bit of honey in my mouth. It dissolved in five minutes. I realized when I eat my bones, I'm going to have to have a little honey. But can you imagine eating the bones and your teeth being that good and the eskimos and teeth being that good, that you can chew on bone? Shit, I've never even been able to do that in my whole life. You know, even now, you know, even as healthy as I am. Of course, after the chemo, after the radiation therapy, all the bone around my teeth dissolved. So my teeth hung in my gums. So if I bit on my own teeth, I bled. I was getting a couple transfusions a week for that. And then when I started drinking the raw milk over the next year and a half, the bone grew back around my teeth. So I have, most of my teeth, I've lost about five of my teeth. You know, the ones back here. So, you know, she has these great teeth where she can chew bones. That's a spectacular phenomenon. And all the tribes can do it, the eskimos can do it. I'd love to have teeth like that. So, to answer your question, it has to be specific northern, like, Alaskan or Norwegian fish.

Q: In the meat market, they tell you that they catch it on a boat and they freeze it right away and blah, blah, blah. Is that supposed to... but it doesn't taste as good.

A: No, it never tastes as good. Frozen meat never tastes as good.

Q: In your book, it says frozen meat is the same as cooked.

A: Yeah, well, not quite the same. But it's better than not having any meat at all.

Q: I'm so sorry I interrupted. We'll come back with a dish to share. I'm sorry, I love you all.

A: Thank you.

Q: I feel like I'm interrupting. I'm sorry. Next time, we have plenty of food for everyone.

Q: No problem. Have a nice day.

A: Okay, so, now there are some farmed fish that are okay. They're not really farmed in any other way other than they'll farm oysters, clams, and scallops. Now, all they do is put a fence out in the ocean and call that their farm. They don't feed it anything differently than what's in the ocean. They just die when they try to do it any other way. But what they may do is they'll go over and rip a little oyster, or scallop, a shell off of the mother or the parent, and then plant it somewhere else, because if they're left to be in their own soil, in their own area, attached to their own rocks, they grow and develop larger. So that's the only thing they do differently. So, farmed scallops, oysters, and clams are okay. Unless they're from the Gulf of Mexico, then you don't want to touch them. Very polluted there. If you're eating butter, good raw butter, unfrozen butter, it will help reverse the bad effects of frozen meats. So, only with the animals that I've fed, only the raw, frozen meats had the skin disorder. And when I fed them raw butter, I took that group that had the skin disorder, and fed them raw butter, frozen, and non-frozen. The ones who had the raw butter, because I know that raw butter will reverse any kind of skin condition over a period of time. So, and depending upon the quality of the butter, of course. So, the animals that I fed the frozen butter, took five times longer to heal their skin condition than the ones that ate the non-frozen raw butter. So, you have to take a look at that. Sally Fallon and her stuff about freezing your meat gets rid of the parasites. Show me a parasite in it in the first place. There are no parasites in it. Unless you sit them and let them rot, you know, for a while. Of course, parasites are going to eat them. But the parasites are not toxic parasites. They eat the meat to digest it, to recycle the meat. And it happens in us, great. They just make our job easier to digest it. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. Okay. My question is that we have various laws in effect that, like codex...

Q: Can you speak up?

Q: We have various laws coming into effect, such as codex alimentarius, which to me is pretty scary because it removes the right that people have to use foods to help themselves to heal, like cherries for gout or simple stuff like that. And yet, it seems to be being foisted upon us through the back door.

A: It has. The agriculture and the chemical industry has been pushing this for a long time. All of the morons, except for Ron Paul and Wexler and Kucinich, there are only three out of 537 congressmen that have any integrity at all. All the rest of them are just there doing their thing. When I was lobbying two years ago, in fact two years ago this month, for raw milk, I even had the senators' aide asking me if I wanted a bill, I had to give them money. Everything is money. Everything is about money. Ron Paul, I went in and he said, when do you need the bill written? Just like that. I said, well we need to get enough supporters first, so let's get enough supporters first. And I got 78 supporters, and then when the bill was written, not one of them co-sponsored it. And we called everyone and said, hey, you promised that if we got somebody to write the bill, you'd co-sponsor it and support it. Not one of them did. They're all just liars. They're in the pockets of big money. Period. That is their issue. And you have to understand, their lives are threatened. Their lives are threatened. They use Kennedy as an example, Kennedy's as an example, Bush and his crew in the military, and the big families murdered Kennedy, they use that as a display. So of course these senators have no balls. Because they want, they don't want to be like the soldiers they sent off to war. They don't want to jeopardize their life for their values, for any other value. So, they're just hypocrites. I don't have respect for any of them except those three. They're being pushed, and there's no way you're not going to get it. I saw dances that were going on that just made me angry. Did you see the shooter? Anybody see the shooter with Mark Wahlberg? The sinners, you know, annihilating these tribes and everything in Africa to get oil pipes in. And at the end, they almost killed him, treated, killed him after he has been part of that that troop or that organization who was mercenarily paid to go in and kill those people and then kill the people who did the killing so nobody knew anything, to get rid of the evidence. So at the end, the senator is this guy, this retired Marine goes in and he's just going to kill them all. He kills the general who's in charge and he kills the senator. He goes in and catches them in their hideaway home and they're bragging about how they're doing all this stuff and he just goes in and kills them. And he says, you can't do that to me. The senator's the last one to be shot. He said, I'm a sitting senator. He said, exactly. Boom, like that. And from being around the Senate, that's just what I want to do. Because what they say is they have an agreement. They all agree whether a bill is going to pass or not. So they get so many people saying, you vote for it, but we'll always have enough not to let it pass. Or we have a bill that we want to pass and we have so many people go against it but always enough for it to pass. It's a political thing. They play that game. And I saw it. How much voice we have? I say we have very little.

Q: What do we do to defend ourselves against that type of thing?

A: You have to take yourself out of the commercial realm. Government has jurisdiction only over commerce. So that's why I've set up all of those, the right to choose healthy food with all the farmers. The FDA has no jurisdiction over us taking anything over state lines. Because if you look at the law, they have jurisdiction over commerce. When we privately own the farms and the dairy and the herds and the flocks, that is our food. It's not for commerce. We can take it over the state lines if we want. So that's how we have to do it. You have to get as many farmers as you can into it. Now I've been trying to work with Sharon for three years on it. She still hasn't done it. And the law just keeps going after her.

Q: Sharon who?

A: Sharon the woman who supplies our eggs and whole chickens. Pardon?

Q: Why is she stopping to go again?

A: She does not have a clear thinking about it. She's just in fear of the law.

Q: But if we had public sponsored campaigns, don't you think that would help take some of this money out of the politics?

A: No. No it wouldn't because these people are real greedy.

Q: So they would get the money and the...

A: Absolutely. They're very greedy. They were trying to get money from me.

Q: Well I know that. I know that.

A: It was Obama's. It was Obama's, before he referenced two years ago, it was Obama's office where the guy was trying to get the money from. The first one that tried to do that to me. Obama's office. That's the situation we're in. He's just a Yale, I mean a Harvard grad, he's one of the boys. Doing nothing but gives the money to the bankers, welfare for the bankers like they need it. Do you have a question? Okay, do you have a question?

Q: My dog, Mandy, the little blonde one, has been on a raw meat and raw vegetables diet for the whole life.

A: Raw vegetables? Why would you give a dog vegetables?

Q: It's mixed in with the organic raw meat.

A: Not a good idea. It's going to neutralize a lot of his acids. It's going to digest maybe 65% of it instead of 100%.

Q: Well, okay. She has not been feeling well. I took her in and they said her blood sugar was so low that it's as if she has a glucose secreting tumor in her pancreas. And then I went in for an ultrasound and there was nothing in her pancreas. But they did see that her liver was inflamed as if she had hepatitis. So now I'm taking her off the raw food diet. I'm cooking it now because that's what they suggested that I do. And she's also on immune-supporting herbs and carnivore and manuka honey.

A: So sad for her.

Q: So I...

A: Just take the vegetable out of it. She's not making her peruvate properly with the vegetation in there.

Q: So if she just goes on with the straight raw meat?

A: Raw meat, butter, a little honey.

Q: How do you feel about manuka honey?

A: I've never found manuka honey that's truly raw.

Q: Avocado works? If you don't have butter.

A: You mean for the dog? It's okay. It's not an animal product like the... And dogs and cats need almost pure animal product. Dogs are scavengers. They will eat all kinds of fruit. They won't eat vegetation out in the wild, except for chewing on some grass and spit out pulp. And that's very, very little. But they will eat dates, they'll eat avocados, they drop it on many. And the wolves and coyotes, they'll eat dates all day long. And then when they get too sugared out, they'll go for the moles and everything else. But they're mainly meat eaters. Animal product eaters. Give them dairy and then meat. You put vegetation in there, they're not going to digest the proteins to make the pyruvate. Pyruvate's the protein sugar.

Q: Yeah, because she wasn't getting enough nutrients from food and it's just going right through her.

A: It wasn't going through her, it was not digesting thoroughly. And that's why you put vegetation... I tell everybody else, don't eat vegetation with your meals, your raw meals. If you're having a cooked meal, fine, have a raw vegetable salad with it, it'll help. But if you're having a raw meat meal, you do not want vegetation with it.

Q: So you eat your salad in one sitting?

A: Not eat salads at all, have vegetable juice. If you go to have a salad, and you have it the last meal of the day.

Q: I have a similar question to that, which is meat mixed with cheese in any form. Or bone marrow mixed with raw cottage cheese.

A: That's all meat. That's all compatible.

Q: So bone marrow you can mix with raw cottage cheese?

A: I mean, unless you're Jewish.

Q: Well, I'm Jewish also, but that doesn't matter. So I've been making this raw custard with the bone marrow and raw cottage cheese.

A: Great, that's fine.

Q: Honey and lemon.

A: Honey and lemon?

Q: A little bit of honey, tiny bit of honey. I mean a little bit of lemon? A little fresh lemon.

A: How much?

Q: About a tablespoon.

A: And how much cottage cheese?

Q: Two pounds of bone marrow, plus about a cup of cottage cheese.

A: Okay, that's all right. It's not a problem. It's only a tablespoon of lemon juice, that's okay.

Q: Oh, I see what you're saying. The lemon juice.

A: I prefer, if you're going to use a digestive aid, use pineapple rather than lemon.

Q: Okay, good enough.

A: It's a little bit better. Contains some bromelain. The lemon juice is a fermenter. It helps increase fermentation bacteria. That'll help break down the cottage cheese, but then the bone marrow, you don't necessarily want it involved in the bone marrow. So I would mix the lemon juice with the cottage cheese and then put the bone marrow in. That's what I would do if you're gonna put the lemon in.

Q: Right, and substitute a little pineapple for the lemon.

A: Or just eat a piece of pineapple, after you finish the meal or in the middle of the meal. That'll increase that. Honey's good. It helps increase the bone joint too much.

Q: Well, maybe if it was a meat meal, you would eat a little pineapple?

A: Yeah.

Q: Pineapple is better than papaya?

A: Yes. It's almost impossible to get non-irradiated papayas these days. People who are, and I'm telling you, these people are working against us being healthy. Papaya, let me tell you what papaya does. My mother got cancer about seven years ago of the breast. She called me and she said, I'm going to have a lumpectomy and I'm going to have pinpoint radiation. I said, Mom, why are you going to have a lumpectomy?

A: Do you know the lymph glands they are going to remove are going to be hard as rock?

Q: She said, no, but that's where it came to pass.

A: I said, Mom, you're a nurse. The lymph glands clean the body. Of course you're going to have cancer cells in any lymph gland. You have them removed and where's the cancer, who's saying cancer cells going to go? If you don't have lymph cancer, it's going to go into the mammary gland. Absolutely without question. Plus, you're going to have pinpoint radiation. What's behind your breast? The lungs. Oh, pinpoint, very accurate. Won't hurt my lungs at all. I said, get a guarantee and get it in writing. She was on oxygen for five years. That's how pinpoint there. Medical profession is so full of bullshit, it just makes me angry. So my mother, after that, at the end of that five years later when she was starting to get off the oxygen, she got a new hearing aid implant that's been planted under the skull in the brain. They gave her tons of antibiotics so she stopped digesting. I got a call when I was in Asia. I'm on my way back, just happened to be that day leaving and returning home. They said my mom was going to die. You know, any day. And to come, and I said, well it's going to take me about 32 hours to get there because I'm all the way in Bangkok to get there. So, I was in Singapore. So I had to fly all those 30 some hours to get back to Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. So, got back there and she's skinny real. She just stopped eating because of all the antibiotics. They didn't take her on these, kept her on the antibiotics. Six months on these antibiotics, of course, she's not digesting. So I made a custard. I gave her a half a cup of custard. She ate four meals that day. The next day, ate a half a cup of custard. Ate four meals that day. And we're not talking raw foods, except for that custard. The next day she wouldn't touch it. I put a lot of butter in it. She was nauseous from the butter, obviously. The liver had been damaged from all the antibiotics. So I just gave her a half a cup of papaya. Every day that I gave her, she ate four meals a day. I said to my father, now I have to go now and see if she's eating. And you've got to give her this papaya every day. So I leave and my father gives me a call five days later. She's not eating anymore. I said, are you feeding the papaya? No. Hello? Papaya helps digestion so well, that they're irradiating all sources of it, because they don't want you healthy.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Let me tell you, I found some of them were actually irradiated. And you can tell they're irradiated, because they shrivel up on one part when they're exposed to the radiation. So as they sit, if the thing shrivels up evenly all over, it wasn't subjected to radioactive material. But when it... And I let mine, if I have one, I let it go until it starts shriveling. If it shrivels in one spot, I don't eat that papaya. But I have to let it go to shrivel point. You have to understand, they're out to kill us. They want to make us sick. They believe in overpopulation. If you read article two, I mean, report 200 of the... Henry Kissinger report on overpopulation and all the ways to get rid of overpopulation, and they want to get rid of 4.5 billion people. They do it through injection, medical injections, and poisoning the food source. Those are the plans in that document. And the NSA adopted them in the 1960s. So they've been behind that plan ever since. The only way we can protect ourselves is to get farmers growing food specifically for us. And then, to make sure they're out of the government pit. Can't get Sharon out of it.

Q: Do you have to do a lot of paperwork?

A: It's very little paperwork. It's two simple contracts. Easy as that.

Q: Why can't you she it?

A: She's got Sally Fallons' attorneys telling her one thing and me telling her another. Sally Fallon lost a lot of battles. I have not lost one.

Q: Yeah.

A: Because they have no jurisdiction. But you have to understand, attorneys make a pledge and vow to the court. They don't make it to the Constitution. So your attorneys will never work if a judge debars them. That's the end of it.

Q: What is it that Sharon's not doing?

A: She's not entering a contract. She wants to sell at farmers markets and do all that to the general public. And if she does that, she sells to a member of the club. If she wants to be out of the economy, the commercial end of it. And she can't to sell to anybody that is not a member of the club. So she wants it both ways. So she can't have it.

Q: But she has 15 markets. She's selling at 15 markets.

A: That's not enough. With this new acquisition of property, there's no way she can sustain that property. She's going to go bankrupt.

Q: Well, I hope not.

A: She's going to go bankrupt if she's relying upon those 15 markets for her income. There's no way she can make that kind of money. The debt is too outrageous.

Q: So what is James going to do?

A: And I warned everybody. I warned everybody who got involved, don't do it. She's not set up for it. She doesn't know what she's doing.

Q: So what is James going to do if she goes bankrupt?

A: Who knows what James will do. James is off on his trip too. None of them know what to do. I'm successful, and yet, it's like your own family, how your own family doesn't listen to you. My own family doesn't listen to me. Do you have a question?

Q: Yeah. About four months ago, I started out having lower quadrant pain, just a little swollen.

A: Cecum's way down here.

Q: Yeah, it was like, it's actually right up here.

A: That's the appendix.

Q: Okay. Swollen, waves of pain coming across the stomach, and then afterwards, every 15 to 30 minutes, I would urinate dark orange. I've been fairly, no fast food, none of that, I haven't done it for years, I grew up on that, I ate a lot of fresh vegetables, a lot of green juice, and I basically, I started eating pork, natural pork, whole foods, and I just had this intuition that maybe it was uric acid that something like that being processed down here, and my body was getting it out, so my family wanted me to go to the emergency room, the doctor, no way, right? So I went through nine days, going on the internet and there was a natural hygienist here, and he just said to lay down and fast.

A: Dr. Bass?

Q: No, Bass is where I found your article. The first was Dr. Bernoff, and he just said drink water, and just rest, and close your eyes, put your hand in the air. So I did that, but the pain wasn't going away, but I'd feel not horrible if I did that and slept. Anyway, and just drank water for about eight or nine days, a little bit of citrus here and there, and then it started to break around the ninth day, then I got onto Dr. Bass's website, and I read your article, so I started going and getting fish, cheese, and different things. About a month ago, it came back, but not with chills and sweat, but where I'm hurting, more like pain, like my body is continuing to...

A: Sounds like your appendix.

Q: Okay.

A: So the appendix is the library of all foreign matter that's ever entered the body, and what to do about it chemically. So the appendix is a very important little organ. Sometimes people will store a lot more toxins in that appendix than they should, and it will burst, but it's a very important organ to have. Yours is probably trying to detox.

Q: Right.

A: You probably had too much stored in it.

Q: Still. I was afraid to cut it out. I didn't want to cut it out.

A: But what you do is, when you have a situation like that, you eat a tremendous amount of cheese and clay.

Q: Clay, okay.

A: Now, if you want to make sure that if there are heavy metals involved to neutralize some of those heavy metals, you have a mixture of... I'll make a mixture of a half a cup of whey with about an ounce to two ounces of liquid moist clay that's the same thickness as freshly made plaster or Paris. And then I will add one to two tablespoons of vinegar to that, a couple of tablespoons of honey, maybe just one, but most often one and a half to two tablespoons of honey, and then coconut cream, like three tablespoons of coconut cream and two tablespoons of dairy cream. Blend that together, and then I suck-sip that for maybe the whole day, or if I got heavy pain like for this. I couldn't wait until I got home to start eating the clay. And this, all of it subsided very rapidly because I had enough clay and nutrients needed in there and it helped chelate with that, so not all of it had to rupture my skin. So it cut the breaking of the skin down, because I started breaking all over. And when I started eating that mixture, only two broke out after that, one here and, well that was it, just one, after I started eating that mixture only one broke here.

Q: What kind of clay?

A: Terramin clay. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. You can go to terramin.com. Not Terraminclay.com, it's Terramin.com.

Q: And I read in your book, the tomatoes with honey and then the lime juice, that helped.

A: That helps.

Q: I was drawn to coconut cream automatically, and just lots of fat that I would get down here on the street at Rawesome.

A: The vinegar, the raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar has the same amino acids that they use in chelation therapy. Why don't they use vinegar for chelation therapy? Because there's no money in it.

Q: Right.

A: You can do it on your own.

Q: Right. And then another question I have is, where would I study iridology? What could you recommend?

A: I created my own because I didn't like what... Because what I saw in people wasn't what I was told. So I developed my own.

Q: So if we do a consultation, we can talk more about that. Maybe you could just give me a couple pointers or something.

A: That's a whole study in itself.

Q: So should I just start looking on my own?

A: Yeah, just start finding people that have conditions and see what shows up in the eye of people with similar conditions.

Q: Right, okay. Got it.

A: You my buddy? Yes. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. It's an environmental question or it's two of them actually. I have insulation done in my house. And I want to know...

A: Insulation?

Q: Yeah, the insulation.

A: In the walls or where?

Q: Yeah, well that's part of my question is how should I do that? Because right now [unintelligible] air conditioning and I want to have insulation. And I know they have different materials and they have different stuff and I just wanted to know if you have any recommendations.

A: Old torn up jeans. Literally. A lot of green communities are taking jeans that can't be resold and they're so to the point of wearing out. And these second hand stores don't sell them. They're throwing a massive amount of them away. And these green communities like in Earth Haven in North Carolina are insulating with jeans and it works wonderfully. Also you could take straw and put that in there but it could be a fire hazard. Denim doesn't have the same fire burning ability as straw. Straw will, you know, [unintelligible].

Q: So obviously nobody here has any recommendations as to who I can go to for that.

Q: I do. I think it's a sustainable building. You just do a Google search for sustainable building and a lot of those things will come up. You can also go to sustainablebuilding.com and get plenty of ideas.

A: But a lot of that sustainable building stuff is really toxic stuff.

Q: If you go to Calpoly website, you'll see what professors have done on their own that are outside of the profession because they don't allow it, but there's articles, tons of articles you'll find. [unintelligible] There's a couple more out there.

Q: So just don't use that other stuff.

A: Like I said, denim is the best. You can find other natural straws that you can mix with clay and put it in there. And that would keep it from being burnable.

Q: I need someone who's going to do it too.

A: There's a lot of sustainable building stuff. There's a fellow named Larry Santoyo. He, I took his class on sustainable living and permaculture. And he puts groups together who like to do things naturally. And they'll do it on a weekend or a week and he gets volunteers to get involved in it so they have their first hand use. It's not just a thousand dollars one day to tell you what to do. That's it.

Q: Okay, and then the same thing, I need to get a new mattress and I wanted to know, because I know mine has all kinds of [unintelligible]. So I want to know where to get a mattress.

A: I had mine made. I went to a Futon place and they manufacture them in San Francisco, California. And I said, I want you to get organic cotton and organic wool. Weave it together like you normally do. I want an 8 inch futon and plus I want all cotton, organic cotton material. And they said, that we can't get. So I went to an organic cotton place that has heavy upholstery fabric material and I gave that to them and they sent up to San Francisco and made my two futons. For my box spring, I used all natural rubber box spring. Because no, I don't use metal because I hear radio stations if I sleep on metal. I had it made. But there are companies that make all natural mattresses. It's actual rubber latex mattress. They have holes in it. Lori and I, I got on one with Lori, Lori and I slept on it and it was so hot. We had fungus growing out of it. So we used it as our box spring and then had the futons made. They're wonderful. Wonderful. Okay, Kathy, do you have a question.

Q: Oh yeah, I've been trying now for a while, you know, at Rawesome with James to try and get the chlorella. And for some reason, I don't know, and Ibrahim's been asking Nikki, I don't know what's going on with the chlorella now.

A: I don't know either. First time I heard about it, I didn't know that she wasn't producing it.

Q: Yeah.

A: She got it from Asia, so, and from a good source. She may have lost her source, or the source changed their production methods. And now it's cooked or processed.

Q: I have to find out.

A: Yeah, you have to call Nikki.

Q: I have to, they haven't given me the number. Where's Ibrahim? Yeah, let me get the number of Ibrahim, or Nikki.

A: Do you have a question?

Q: Oh, I wanted to mention one other thing, if anybody knows, because they're also putting in the vaccines of the bananas and the carrots, I heard, and everybody needs to know.

A: They're injecting them with what?

Q: Injecting, with, I mean, they're just injecting them with some, I don't know if it's a flu or virus or I don't know.

A: Impossible. Do you know how much time and work that would be? They would get caught?

Q: I heard, it was Alex Jones, he said they're injecting them with something, the bananas and carrots.

A: When they inject, which means they use a spray to inject it into the ground. You know, they're not injecting with a hyperdermic. Injection in agriculture means something different. Do you have a question?

Q: My question is not about food, just soaps and shampoos, detergents, dishwashing liquids. What's your recommendation?

A; I use Bio-Kleen All Purpose Cleanser, B-I-O-K-L-E-E-N.

Q: Whole Foods doesn't carry anymore, so where do you get it?

A: I get it online, and it's so much cheaper. I buy like six quarts at a time, and I'm paying half of what I paid at Whole Foods.

Q: I'm sorry, 500 what?

A: I get BioKleen All Purpose Cleanser.

Q: I've tried that a couple of times on my laundry, and I don't see any cleaning results.

A: I use it all the time.

Q: You just use a capful?

Q: I use the same amount as I would if it were a detergent.

A: Well, you're using municipal water, I'm using well water, maybe a difference there. You may have to use twice as much. But it's made from the fats from oranges and grapefruits, oil from the seeds. And it's 92% really organic matter. The other companies will use 70% organic matter, and the rest of it's more chemicals. Of course, it's better than the regular Procter & Gamble garbage, but it's still not as clean as the Bio-Kleen.

Q: Soaps and shampoo, do you have that?

A: No, what I do for soaps and shampoos, I use coconut cream. Coconut cream is often fermented.

Q: Not for shampoo you use coconut cream.

A: Yes I do.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Yeah, the old coconut cream has a fermentation in it. 80 years ago, 90% of all soaps were made with coconut cream.

Q: Is it better than using an egg?

A: You can use an egg, that's the old way of shampooing, use an egg.

Q: But you have to wet your hair first.

A: You also have to wet your hair before you use coconut cream or else your hair is going to be very oily for a week. The way I do it, if I wet my hair first, it's only oily for a day. Do you have a question?

Q: I do, I'm just curious. Is there anything you recommend for, I guess just a little gut or pooch? I don't know if there's anything diet-wise.

A: Gut or pooch? Anybody as thin as you are needs to have a pooch. Because just like a baby has a pooch, if he doesn't have a little extra stomach, if the baby doesn't have that, they will never nutrify the body enough to grow properly. All skinny women and all models have them. They try to get rid of them, they never will. I tell people they need to have them regardless of their size.

Q: So it's nutrifying?

A: Yeah, because if the toxins get into the system anywhere, you have no backup. You have no backup fat, so what happens? You get harmed. Lewis, do you have a question?

Q: Yes, I do. My question is, yes, I tell people the argument that humans are the only animal, all animals in the whole logistic, eat raw, we're the only animal that doesn't. And I've heard now the argument about milk, the [unintelligible] will say well, why is it that human beings are the only animals that still drink milk after being weaned?

A: Because they're the only ones who have hands that can milk a cow. When I hear that argument, I just want to spit up. I've taken milk and I've given it to cows, to horses, to goats, to dogs, to cats, to alligators, even chipmunks, of course, raccoons will eat anything, but I've given them milk and they've eaten all of it. Every animal will eat milk, it's just who's going to let them suckle? We have overpowered the cow and the goat and we get our milk. That's why we're allowed to do it, and it's perfectly good. It's not harmful, every animal would be eating it if they could.

Q: Thank you.

Q: Good argument.

A: Okay, do you have a question, Mike?

Q: Yes, I do. If you were headed for an island tonight, you only could take two foods with you to live the rest of your life on, what would you grab?

A: You can't live the rest of your life on two foods.

Q: You can't, unless you're black.


A: Well, when I was on an island in the Philippines last November, I went to a lot to try to get to this tribe and they just wouldn't let me, the government wouldn't let me get to any tribe. I worked for three weeks, got very frustrated, I went into a spa to get a massage and the receptionist there was about a 24-year-old woman with a baby. She was very dark skinned and the baby was toe-white, as white as her shirt. This baby was anemic, it hardly moved its mouth, it was in its eyes, it basically had leukemia. So I said, what are you feeding that baby? She said, well the doctors at the hospital told me to feed it powdered milk. According to Pottenger and Howell, that created the most exaggerated, extreme chronic diseases in animals, was powdered milk. Over all the processed foods in the world, that was the worst. So, I said, not a good idea. So I made a connection with the dairy on another island, so I went over to that island and got about four liters of milk, brought it back, and the father was black. The father was so dark he was black, not African-American, but Filipino. And that baby was white and three days on the raw milk, the baby's color came out. The grandfather was so happy and so ecstatic, he said, I'm going to give you permission to go visit a tribe, a tribe that I used to belong to. And he had left that tribe 32 years earlier when he was 20 years old, I think he's 53 this year, or just in 2008. So, he tried to get permission, five days went by, he said, they're not going to give me permission. He said, but I'm going to take you anyway. It's a three-day journey. You're going to have to take a four-wheel drive. So I had to rent a four-wheel drive and a driver, you can't rent. They wouldn't let me rent. When I went to the budget rental there, which is the only rental they have, when I told them where I was going, they wouldn't rent to me. And they sent out a grant to all of the other budget rentals over the entire Mindanao Island, which is the biggest island, which is as big as Texas almost, all of this, that they did not rent me a vehicle. So I had to rent it through another man, this Filipino man, so he rented the van, the four-wheeler. And then we had to take a boat, and then we had to do a little wading through water, and then hiking to get back to this tribe. And we picked up his cousin, because his cousin had left the tribe only seven years ago. So he still was familiar with the people that were there and everything, you know, and the language. And we had three translators to get him back to me. So, got to the tribe, they wouldn't let me go to the group. They don't have any mechanical equipment. They don't know what a radio is, they don't know what a cell phone is, they don't even know what a nail clipper is. They have no industrial anything there. They build and make everything, including the clothes. They weave and do everything. And so they wouldn't let me into the tribe. So they brought six people out, five of them women and one man. And the man, they told me, was going to bring him out middle-aged. And he looked like he was in his early to mid-forties, maybe late forties at the very most. He was 80 years old, 80 years old. So this is mid-age. They lived to about a hundred, average about 145 years old in that tribe. They live on three foods. Fish that they catch every day, and coconut meat, and a fruit once in a while, either banana or mango. That shoots the hell out of the USDA's pyramid, doesn't it?

Q: Do they eat the fish raw?

A: They eat all raw. All raw. But what I thought was interesting is that I expected that, I theorized that people who eat fish would be very thin. Because fish in me goes through like that, I'm hungry very rapidly and I stay slimmer when I eat fish. That just may be my digestive tract. Because they were all big and bulky and strong. It was fascinating, amazing. You look at the Maasai tribe and the Fulani tribe, they're very thin and they live on red meat. Just my system, I just got a wrong analysis of it, conclusion. So you can be very strong and healthy on fish.

Q: And the coconut?

A: And the coconut.

Q: You mean the coconut that makes them...

A: Help them with the fat, yeah. Because coconut's 80% fat. 15% protein, 5% carb.

Q: The meat is 80% fat?

A: Yeah.

Q: So the meat...

A: You can juice and juice and re-juice that pulp in the coconut and you'll get fat out of it forever. What they do to keep getting the fat out of the coconut, they mix it with water. Juice it again, mix it with water, juice it again. So they'll press it, sometimes 15 times and they'll still get the fat out of it. They'll still get coconut cream.

Q: So coconut cream is what? Is the fat?

A: Mainly fat. You've got other things.

Q: So that's the extract that you're talking about?

A: They don't extract it. They eat the whole coconut. Coconut, mature coconut meat.

Q: So coconut cream is what part of the coconut is after?

A: It's mainly the fat.

Q: But it's after they... What would you say after they... After they... I guess I don't quite understand.

A: You take coconut meat and you grind it and you put it through a juicer and the pulp separates from a lot of the fat.

Q: Right, okay. So you keep it raw and then you eat the pulp too?

A: You can get some protein from that if you have good digestion. Obviously they have better digestion than most people. But the women, they eat half of a coconut and the men eat a whole coconut a day.

Q: I have an appointment so if you're willing to stay as long as you like, just close the door after that.

A: Okay, thank you. Thank you. Okay, do you have a question?

Q: Yes. I admit I have been cheating and I'm not really raw. But I know that something... I mean, I admit it. But I know that...

Q: Can you speak up?

Q: Yes. With the vaginosis thing, when I've eaten honey and dairy, it's gotten worse. And I can't take the pain. So I was thinking to... If I was to take meat and some fat and juice, for what? Would that be okay? Just that one?

A: Yeah, but you're detoxing that yeast infection.

Q: I just can't handle it.

A: You know, just eat some vinegar, have some vinegar, slow it down, but just mainly eat butter and meat.

Q: [unintelligible]

A: Well, if you have like a little pea-sized amount, it's not going to create that condition. Because it will help you digest. But just use a very small amount. Anytime a detoxification overwhelms you, there are things to do to slow it down. And most of the time, there are things to do to slow it down without eating a lot of cooked foods. Now in the book, I say, if you're an elderly person going to an extended horrendous detoxification for three months, eat a cooked meal of chicken. And everybody gets this concept, well, if I eat a cooked meal, I'm going to stop the detoxification. And they extrapolate on what I've said. That isn't how it works. Do you want to slow down or stop a detoxification? It will, if you eat a lot of cooked food, it will stop the detoxification. Because your body is going to use its nutrients on handling that toxicity that results from the cooked food. It's like leukocytosis. When you eat cooked food, almost a third of your white blood cells leave the bloodstream and go into the intestinal tract to handle the toxicity. If you eat only a cooked meal, no raw food with it, that's what happens. If you eat a raw food with it, even a piece of fruit or a salad with a cooked meal, your blood will only lose about 15 to 20 percent of its white blood cells into the digestive tract instead of almost 60 to 70. So you have to take a look at that. Cooked foods are toxic. And they will overwhelm the body. So of course, an old detoxification where you have pain and discharge, it's going to go away while you're eating all the cooked foods because the body can't go back and start correcting the old stuff that's in the body. It can't get rid of it. Like if I go ahead and give you an antibiotic, it's going to stop. And then what I'm going to have is that insulin stay in my calves for my whole life. I'm not going to do it. I'm going to wait this out. I'm going to help regulate the amount of detoxification. This was so bad that sometimes I couldn't even walk. I was bedridden for two days once, you know, in the Philippines. And when I got here, and that was in the last few days, and when I got here, you know, I got the clay and the whey and everything I needed right away. I've been traveling every week. I go to another city. I do my consults, sit there every day and work, you know, 12 hours a day. I'm still working with that in that condition. Most people would be freaking out in the hospital. Oh, the doctors would be saying, oh, you're going to lose your leg. How the frick do you know I'm going to lose my leg because you're scaring me with terror? That you have to learn. They got their training in an emergency ward. Their internship is done in an emergency ward. They want every doctor to come out of there with panic on their mind and in their hearts.

Q: What about the gangrene that they said you might get? I don't get how gangrene comes into this.

A: Gangrene is a mold that your body can use to break down toxicity. It's a favorable thing unless you're so toxic, then you're not taking care of yourself, not eating raw. Gangrene can take over a leg or take over a body part. But urine destroys, for some reason urine destroys gangrene. I just didn't want to deal with the smell of it. If I were on my own and not traveling and working, I'd let the gangrene do its work. But I can't, you know, because I would just reek and stink. This probably would have been over weeks ago if I'd let the gangrene do it. Right now, somebody who's too close to me may smell coconut cream and urine on my legs.

Q: [unintelligible] I know it's in my bladder.

A: Remember pus is white blood cells arresting toxins and leaving the body. That's a wonderful thing. Of course you have to replace the white blood cells, it's like you'd have to replace red blood cells. And that's all done in the bone marrow and it takes a lot of nutrients and energy to do that. So it's best not to lose white cells, but the white cells are phagocytes, they eat toxicity, and they escort them out of the body. So pus is a good thing. Of course, doctors want you to believe just the opposite. They want you to be in panic about everything. Do you have a question, Allison?

Q: I understand your... I want to know what your feelings were about something called diatomaceous earth. [unintelligible] I don't know.

A: Again, there's somebody marketing bullshit. Diatomaceous are singular cell crustaceans that lived for millions and millions and millions of years ago. They said they were the first shell organism. They are a very finite, tiny shell. You have to look under a microscope to see any shape or form. And what they do is they cook it to make it into a powder, and they use it as insecticides. People come up with all kinds of things for it. They treat it like a clay, and it is not a clay. It's not a clay.

Q: So are you saying it doesn't have any power to absorb...

A: It has the power to rip the cells out of your body. They use it as an insecticide. Why? Because it's glass to an insect. The insect breathes it or eats it, and it just rips them apart, internally. That's how it works. Do you think that's a good thing for your cells to be subjected to glass? Very harmful. You have to understand, a lot of these people get theoretical in their mind and say, I want to make a million dollars, I got an idea. They're not looking at, does this harm us, or is it favorable? That's the problem with our schools. They don't teach you to be fore-sighted, they teach you to be hind-sighted, and to make the big dollar. Do you have a question?

Q: I'm David, I'm the person who emailed you. Thanks again for the invitation.

A: Oh, hey David.

Q: Just for those of you who don't know, thank goodness I'm okay, but my mother was diagnosed with cancer. She suffers from a lot of ailments that have impacted the family, and this is the first time I've mentioned [unintelligible]. I've been reading your book, and I also bought the recipe book, and I think it's really good. By the way, I was reading about asthma. I have asthma. I've had a lot of raw fish in the last maybe five years, and I noticed my asthma was coming down, and I noticed that that was something, so I just thought that was a coincidental, but nevertheless, I wanted to throw that out there for you guys. I do have a consultation with you tomorrow, so my mother came out of the hospital yesterday. So as I was hoping and praying that she would come out of the hospital, my family is freaked out that she died in the hospital. It's a funny scenario, but again, it's an amazing story so far because my mother only speaks Spanish, so everything I've read, I've translated to her, and she wants to do this. She's a pretty amazing woman. She's 68. She's extremely frail right now, and that's what concerns her the most, as you mentioned, the vomiting. She has been vomiting up to 11 times at one point. It's come down. She's been up two months of pure vomiting, but it's definitely lessened. One thing that scares her more than anything is dehydration and becoming weak to the point where...

A: You don't dehydrate, you die from starvation.

Q: Exactly, and so I've been at the hospital. I was feeding her honey.

A: Honey and butter?

Q: I didn't do the butter because she was really not feeling comfortable with the butter, but the honey gave her a lot of energy, like quickly, and she loved it. It was something different because she's been sucking on ice, and ever since she's been in there, that's all they give her. So when I gave her the honey, it was an alternative, and she was like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. So she was feeling good.

A: Honey and cheese, honey and butter?

Q: She started trying the cheese yesterday, so I was able to go to Rawesome, and I gave her some cheese. It's kind of like we're treating this behind our family's back, but she's in it with me, and I feel comfortable at this point.

But again, and we'll talk a little bit about that tomorrow, and go into the details, but I wanted to just let you know, she only speaks Spanish, and I'll go in there and translate for her.

A: Well, the books are being translated into Spanish right now.

Q: Oh.

Q: Yay!

Q: Slowly.

A: Slowly. Very slowly. Well, it'll go fast. Yeah. But just, Raul called me this morning and said that it was a very good, very good, accurate translation, but the idioms are not all right. So, because the Spanish will use a lot fewer words than an idiom, so right now it's, and I don't care. I don't care if the idioms aren't all right, because the idioms are different from country to country, to Spanish-speaking people. So when he gave me that piece of information, he's reading it again, and he's going to let me know what he thinks should be done. But he says it's completely accurate and it's beautiful, the translation. It's very understandable. So I just may not worry about the idioms, because from country to country, the idioms change. And I can't afford misunderstandings. So it's basically just having, like, old English, this would be old Spanish, you know, type translation.

Q: I think I can read the Spanish [unintelligible].

A: Okay.

Q: But I do have a question. So she's struggling with having any bowel movements. They pulled her gallbladder out.

A: Okay, now listen to this. She's not eating. Why should she have bowel movements?

Q: Exactly. So she's thinking the same thing. But they're stuck on the concept, the doctors, that something is blocked.

A: That's their brains.

Q: Fair, very fair.

A: So nothing to add to that.

Q: How did she get, for the first time, and she was vomiting, and the vomiting was different. It was no longer clear. It was a brown, darkish color, and I told her, I think that's good.

A: Those are the poisons that cause cancer in the first place.

Q: Okay, so that's what I told her. And so she's excited about it, because from what I've read, I said, I think this is fine, I'll ask tomorrow, we'll go there, and we'll go from there. But just commend you on what you've done.

A: Thank you.

Q: It's been, for me, because I'll tell you, like, I have a breakdown right now. I keep going through this because, you know, you've lost everything. And then you see her struggle, and then you struggle with your family, and then you see your family saying, no, you've got to take her to a doctor. And I'm telling you, no, you don't. There's other alternatives.

A: It's a big battle. It's like I couldn't even stop my own mother from getting a lumpectomy and the pinpoint radiation. It screwed up her lungs for five years. Well, she's never been the same after that. She never played a game of golf again since that time. The day she went for the pinpoint radiation was the last day she played golf. The day before was the last day she ever played golf. It's been seven years now, and that was her favorite game. Do you have a question?

Q: Yes. We were talking about coconut water earlier. What percentage of that is actually water?

A: 99.9%.

Q: That's why when I drink H2O, I get really swollen, but when I drink coconut water, I don't.

A: Yeah, but you've already got a tremendous amount of water weight, so it may not react with you that way.

Q: I stopped drinking water.

A: Good.

Q: I also wanted to comment. There's a bedding store called Norm's Folded Fabric, and it's in Culver City. For your question about mattresses, they make natural latex foam. Custom natural latex foam.

A: No, it isn't. You have the natural rubber. Rubber is a latex.

Q: Okay. They make custom mattresses.

Q: Yeah.

Q: Norm's Folded Fabric.

Q: Norm's does? Oh, wow. There's lots of Norm's. There's several of them. There's a lot. So the one in Culver City?

Q: Yeah.

A: So you just have to get them to give an organic material to put on top. And batting.

Q: Batting? What is what?

A: Batting. You know what batting is?

Q: No.

A: You don't know what batting is?

Q: No.

A: In sewing terms, that's when you put a layer of something in between to give it a cushion.

Q: Okay. Thank you. Sorry.

A: Like in a quilt, that inner layer is batting.

Q: Okay. All right. Thank you.

A: Okay. I guess we've gone through. What time is it?

Q: Can I just mention one thing before we go?

A: Hold on.

Q: Some of your interviews, I got the impression that you were planning to publish more books.

A: Yeah, I've got four in the works, but I got involved with so many projects, you wouldn't believe it. So, you know, I've got all this. I've got my own work to do. I'm got 867 emails behind. I've got four books that I'm working on at the same time.

Q: Are you doing an addendum to the book?

A: Yeah, I'm doing the DVDs. I'm finally getting the DVDs out of my hands as of yesterday.

Q: Yesterday?

Q: What's a DVD?

A: The DVD of that lecture workshop I did at UCLA.

Q: Oh, wow.

A: So that's going to be out on DVD in about three weeks.

Q: All right. Finally.

A: A lot of you people who were there attended. You're in it.

Q: Yeah. So, are you doing an addendum?

A: You're in it. You're in it.

Q: I wasn't there.

A: You weren't there?

Q: No, I wasn't.

A: Oh, I thought you were there. Oh, that's right. It was another bearded fellow.

Q: Are you doing an addendum to your book because you've modified the books?

A: What?

Q: An addendum?

A: No, just more books.

Q: Because you've modified the DVDs and, you know, the things you've done that have changed.

A: Yeah, it's going to be in other books.

Q: Okay.

A: It's not going to modify anything anymore. Just the more books.

Q: So, the more books we'll have, the more recent.

A: Exactly.

Q: Okay.

A: The recent information.