Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
Location: CH
A: My mother was a nurse and she saw some people with lockjaw so she certainly didn't want me to have lockjaw. So on the third one, when I was 18 months old, it turned me autistic. I lost my ability to use that part of my brain that utilizes words as communication tools, even concepts. I couldn't verbalize them. I could only do it with pictures and images and nobody understood my pictures and images. So I really didn't communicate well. By the time I reached eight years old, I had learned to parrot, so I would hear sounds, phrases that I would repeat. I really have a clue exactly what they meant, but I had an idea. But my household was a very violent household, like I said, so phrases that were normal were shut up, sit down, go away, things like that. So when I got into school, that's what I started telling everybody else and the teachers when they would speak to me. Of course, that didn't go over well, especially when you're telling that to a teacher. So I was constantly disciplined. I always picked the nicest, most sensitive girl to sit next to so I could copy her hieroglyphs off of her page. I would write, of course, those hieroglyphs to me because they made sense. I could write just exactly as she wrote so it looked like I was handing in her paper. No matter who I was copying, it would be their writing. But sometimes the distance, some things would come out that weren't even letters. Teachers always thought I was just a wise guy because I didn't look autistic. So they thought I was just a James Dean punk guy who was so intelligent above everybody else that I didn't treat people nicely. So by the time I hit 12 years old, I developed, from all the medications I had received over the years, I kept colds for three to five months at a time. Lots of medication for that, whether it was Dristan, aspirin, or antibiotics. I had a lot of antibiotics and it just destroyed my intestines so I basically couldn't digest anything without ill effects. I also couldn't play sports like other boys, so I learned to cook and sew and do things like that with my mother. Also, I was always chronically fatigued and in fibromyalgia. If I exercised even two minutes, I was sore the next day for at least half of the day. My parents and the schools always made us do something at recess, some activity, so I was always sore. I hated the cold. When I was seven, we moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, and that's a pretty cold place and one of the most polluted cities in the world. It's got Procter & Gamble established there, its whole factory production line is in Cincinnati. So the Mill Creek, which is a smaller body of water, smaller river, would stink for 35 miles and Procter & Gamble was dumping into that every day, all day long. And then General Electric's jet engine division, some of its military division was there, polluting us with lots of metal and fluoride and formaldehyde in the air and lots of radioactive material. So I didn't fare well because I was so sickly. So when I reached 12 years old, I developed a case of peritonitis that was misdiagnosed as appendicitis. So they went in and took out my appendix and I read the report many years later when I finally was able to read. It said, we took it out in case it caused trouble in the future. It was a perfectly good appendix.
And the doctors, that's the way they think. If they don't understand something, of course it wasn't meant to be. And that's very sad because it shows their, not only ignorance, but their inflated egos about what is necessary in the body. And the appendix is a very necessary gland, I mean organ. It doesn't produce anything. But it is a library of every element that's ever entered your body and the solution for it. So if you don't have an appendix and something foreign enters your body, it may take your 36 hours, your body 36 hours to reanalyze it, to re-assimilate it, and then to do something about it. If you have an appendix, it's within an hour. 45 minutes and your body takes care of it. So an appendix is a very important thing. So, of course, I don't have that, so I have chemical sensitivity because of the amount of chemicals that are airborne here. Like, I do a lot of traveling, so I spend a lot of time in hotels, and I have to go through all kinds of gyrations to make sure that there's not too many chemicals in the rooms that I'm in. So they didn't address it last night very well, so I ended up with a headache today. It's finally gone, but I dealt with it all night. And then within half an hour of leaving the hotel, I have no headache. Appendix is a very, very important thing that I don't have, so that doesn't help me when I travel a lot. During that time, I was in the hospital for five days. My fever went up to 106.5, so they packed me in ice for half an hour at a time. I screamed from it because I hate cold. I mean, the cold used to make me ache all over in every joint. So I was probably developing some kind of bone problem, bone marrow problem, way back then. And they gave me injections, like, every three to four hours. So by the time four days went, I was just swollen all over, bruises, black and blue, all over my body, and puffiness wherever they gave me injections, terrible headaches. And finally, I just started tossing the trays left and right, so I refused any more medication. Within 24 hours, I was able to get out of the hospital, but I never really recovered from it. And I was 12 years old, a week from my birthday. And when I hit 15 and a half, the deterioration from that point on was pretty tremendous because I started eating worse than I had ever had before. At least I used to eat sunny-side up eggs. You know, every day I ate a raw egg yolk at least. And then after that, I started craving sugar. So I would eat, you know, a box of chocolate-covered cherries in about 40 minutes. You know, and they're 25 cherries. I mean, 50 cherries to a box, 25 per layer in those days. And I could down one of those in 40 minutes, 45 minutes. Baby Ruths, all that kind of thing. So I got heavily into sugar. I started putting sugar in cereal that was already like sugar crisp. It's already terribly sweet. I put 4 tablespoons of sugar in that. So when I hit 15, I turned diabetic, juvenile diabetic. Also developed angina pectoris, which is basically heart attacks. Muscle spasms entered around the heart. They were so bad that I would pass out and be unconscious for up to 20 minutes at a time. The doctors did the EGs on me, the EKGs, everything.
Didn't find any in X-rays, everything. There was no abnormality in circulation into the heart nor any heart congestion or malformation. So, of course, they said, it's all in your head. Here's an autistic kid that doesn't know what they're talking about in the first place, that doesn't have preconceived conceptions about anything, because I didn't know what anything was anyway, because I was an idiot. And they're saying it's all in my head. But that was a good thing in a way, because they didn't give me any medication or treat me. Just I have a heart attack in class, I'd fall on the floor and just lay there for 20 minutes until I woke up. I had over 50 heart attacks that made me unconscious and didn't die. I had over 300 heart attacks from the age of 15 and a half to the age of 22. Didn't die. Probably because I didn't take the medication that heart patients take that kill them. So always stay away from medication. So I went from there. Started taking insulin. Got through high school, again, cheating all the way. Only thing I didn't cheat in was math. But that's the thing they always accused me of cheating in, because I didn't have to go through the formulas. Give me a problem, I knew the answer. Like all autistic children, I was an idiot savant in that way. And as soon as my autism went away, I lost that talent. So now I have to do all the math. The long way. But it's easier to communicate than do math. Especially in my line of work. So it was very easy. But, you know, I'd just write the answer, and they got all upset. How can you do this? So they put me in a room, gave me formulas, and, of course, I would get them. So they got it that something was very different about me. Finally left me alone after the third year in high school. For the first two years, it was unbearable. First year, I went to a Catholic high school run by Franciscan priests. And let me tell you, they do not like lip. Like I said, I was autistic. I was still throwing what I heard at home out at them. And these Franciscan priests were violent, fists. You know, one of them split my head open with his fist. You know, because, and I don't know what I, you know. I just thought I was being normal. You'd be a tough guy and say the things that were said at my home. And it was unusual because my father was an inventor. And my mother was an educated woman. So if I had come from, you know, let's say a lower, undereducated variety of people, you wouldn't expect a child to behave that way. But I was autistic, so I was just repeating what I heard. You usually probably don't hear that kind of dialogue in an educated household, but it was in my household because my father was emotionally deficient. He was raised on a farm. He was the only son, so the daughters stayed in the house, learned to sew and everything, and he had to do a lot of farm work. So, you know, when he went to school, he had to study. When he got home, he had to do chores. So he didn't learn any communication skills. So that's what I had to grow up with and suffer, even though he was a genius. And he had invented the first Bering computer when he was in college because he didn't like doing all the math.
That was basically the background in which I was raised, and it had a lot to do with my behavior. So I met a girl when I was 15 1⁄2 who was the second brightest girl in the school, in this Protestant high school, because they kicked me out the first day of my sophomore year from the Catholic high school because they said I have such a disciplinarian problem. I left people alone unless they said something to me. Of course, I didn't say good things back. So at this school, it was different. They seemed to care about you. They had a lot of preconceived notions about what behavior should be and that everybody's evil and all that kind of stuff. They were really interested in what I wanted to do. And I knew what that meant, what you want to do. In my house, it was you don't get to do what you want to do. You do what I tell you to do. So this was a very new thing to be around people like that. So I enjoyed being there. I still had to cheat because I was an idiot. I didn't understand much of anything. I could read people, so I knew what their emotions were. I knew what they were basically thinking and feeling. So I knew who I could trust and who I couldn't. And I was always getting beat up because of the things that I said to other people, you know, my classmates. So I learned that the first day of every year, I would pick the biggest kid in the school and beat the shit out of him. And then everybody left me alone for the rest of the year. And when you're autistic and you're raised in that kind of environment, everything is a matter of survival. So as soon as I got out in the playground or wherever it was where I beat the kid up, you know, I went right for the deadly places, the throat, the temples, wherever I could incapacitate them. Because they were always much bigger than me, I mean huge. Until I was about 12 years old, I was very fat and strong. But then when I hit 12 and had all those, had that experience with the peritonitis, I got very skinny. So everybody was bigger than I was. I was very skinny. So I would go right for the deadly spots. And when he was down, I did him in. So everybody thought I was crazy and left me alone. So that was a good survival tool that I learned. So then when I met this one girl, she was very sensitive, second brightest girl in the school. Why she liked me, I don't have a clue. She knew I was sensitive, very kind and considerate, even though I couldn't speak anything other than the repeated stuff that I heard in movies and television that you say to women. Those were the things that I said, and they were obviously good things. She liked me. So we got married when I was 16 years old. I had a baby when I was 17 years old. And then all of a sudden, she was not happy, she was not well. She had some postpartum illness, and we never got along after that. So I ended up divorced at 19 years old. I did get into college, a vocational college. My mother just had some kind of instinct and took me to this new computer technology school, learned how to program. She probably figured since I came from my father, I would know how to do this.
She knew that I was good at math, so took me to the school, and they didn't give me any comprehension tests whatsoever. It was all geometry, physics, and math. Got the top grades they'd ever seen. So they interviewed me, the different professors interviewed me, and realized they had an autistic person on their hand that also could write a program in an hour that would take other people six months to a year to write. So they started placing me in big companies, and they were the go-between. So they would do all the writing and all the dialogue, and I wrote the programs. So I made a lot of money as an idiot, and I was making a lot of money. And I moved out to California because of an uncle who was studying for his doctorate at UCLA, and he was so bright. A graduate, top honors, and he was very sensitive. He was only 11 years older than I. He took me under his wing and tried to help me, educate me. Of course, he couldn't get over the barriers of the autism, and he was, like I say, studying psychology. So this was back in 1966, and I was 19 years old, and they put me in a program at UCLA, psych department. They put me on LSD. They tried all kinds of things to try to pull my mind out and help me comprehend. I was immune to the LSD, 720 micrograms, and didn't even take me off. Didn't do anything to me. So they basically gave up on me. I had a little house, two-bedroom house in Beverly Hills, doing very well as an idiot. And then I started getting an ulcer, and I vomited blood pretty badly one time because I became an alcoholic. My wife stopped having sex with me, stopped being close to me. Back in Cincinnati, I started drinking, started going out. Because how I had to do it when I was in high school, I would go to school from early in the morning until noon. Then I'd go take care of the baby, and then I'd go to work, get home about 1 o'clock in the morning. Well, I didn't want to go home. The baby was always crying all night long. I would go out with the buddies that I work with, and we'd drink. Of course, you don't have to talk to drunks. You know, you say anything, and nothing affects them. So I got to be a drinker. I was also a heavy smoker. I smoked two and a half packs of Lucky Strikes a day. I was taking Benzedrine because I had chronic fatigue, and I had all this stuff to do, and I had no energy, and I ached all over. So I was taking all kinds of medication that I could get. I was writing programs and doing systems analysis for Time DC Trucking Company, the third largest trucking company in the world at that time. And, you know, you could get all the Benzedrines and all the uppers you wanted from the truck drivers. So I was well-supplied, and so that's the way I lived. I couldn't eat or breathe or move without drugs. And then I couldn't sleep at night, so I took alcohol. So I'd drink about a fifth of gin a night. So that finally ate a hole in my stomach. By the time I was 19, started vomiting blood, went to the doctors, and, of course, my mom's a nurse.
I had three uncles who were doctors. When they were alive, they were doctors. And, you know, all this conditioned around, you do whatever the doctor says. So I started taking bottles and bottles of Maalox. Of course, that prevents digestion of anything because it destroys the hydrochloric acid because it absorbs all of it. So you don't digest anything. So I started getting bloated and bloated and bloated and developed a tumor next to the ulcer. So they said, oh, we have to go in and cut out the ulcer, and we have to cut out the tumor, and then we'll reseal the stomach. So the stomach will stretch the stomach walls into duodenum, so you have more delayed time in the stomach. So they gave me a vagotomy pyloroplasty where they severed all the vagus nerves to the stomach so I would never again secrete hydrochloric acid. So they put me in the category of octogenarians who don't secrete hydrochloric acid or are in danger of death from parasitical and bacterial invasions, and they said I'd never be able to eat raw food again, not even a raw apple, in danger of death from it. Because I could get these parasites or bacteria, you know, like E. coli on feces. You know, oh my God. E. coli is part of every bowel. Without the E. coli, you would never break down food particles into the smallest, finest molecule that feeds the brain and nervous system. And if you know people who do enemas on a daily basis, you know that their minds aren't working as well as the average person. People who have colonics on a regular basis, it's even worse. Because the brain and nervous system don't get fed very well when the E. coli is not present. But they tell you to be afraid of all these things. So I was told, they told my uncle who told me, you know, he basically could communicate with me through sign language and other things and taking apples and things. Everything had to be cooked. So I did that. I got sicker and sicker and sicker. The incision turned tumorous. It got up to about three-quarters of an inch high, up to one-and-a-half inches wide. So they said, oh, we have to go irradiate that. So they gave me ten weeks of intense radiation therapy. And they gave me it so badly that it cauterized my spine, you know, like clay, how malleable it is until they fire it. I don't care if it's a cone four, cone two. It's solid. It's a piece of rock at that point.So that's what they did to my spine. So my movement was about like this after six months after the radiation therapy. But it gradually got that worse because the spine just kept solidifying. And that gave me blood and bone cancer, so multiple myeloma, the radiation therapy. So they said, okay, now we have to give you chemotherapy. There's only 1% chance you'll survive, but we can extend your life. But what quality? By the time they got finished with me, I was a worm. I couldn't move my pectorals down. I was almost completely paralyzed with pain. I couldn't move. So I crawled around on the floor like a worm on my elbows. And sometimes it would take me from my living room... And I shut the bedrooms off because I couldn't go that distance. So I lived in the living room.
First I was living on the couch, and then when I defecated and urinated all over it so much, they had to take it out of the house, and I lived on the floor. By this time, all the $80,000 that I had saved, and back in 1967, that was a lot of money. 1967 was when I had the surgery. 1968 is when I had the radiation therapy. And late 1968 is when I had the chemotherapy. So I'd gone through all of this stuff, terrible condition. The doctors got all my money, and I was being evicted. And I was supposed to die anyway, and that was all explained to me. I understood death. And that didn't bother me, because I always wanted to die anyway, because I hated my life. You know, I never had any good friends unless they were girls. And then when they discovered what an idiot I was, then, of course, they abandoned me too. And my parents were never there for me. My mother was there. She would teach me how to sew, cook, and stuff like that.
Q: Hello there.
A: So I thought I was going to die. And I didn't care. I was going to get evicted and take them three. My attorney said it would take them three months to get rid of me. The attorney was a good friend of my uncle's, so they took the time to explain everything to me, as much as I could understand it. But I knew that getting thrown out of the house, you know, what was going to happen in three months. And I was supposed to die within three months, so they said it would probably be okay if I just stayed in the house, because I refused to go to a hospice. Took me to a hospice, and, of course, without understanding it, I'd be saying rude things to people, you know. So, I mean, it wasn't like I had Tourette's Syndrome or anything like that, swearing, but I still was not saying kind things to people. So I decided I didn't want to go to the hospice to spend the last days of my life. So there were two volunteers that worked at the hospice. They volunteered to come to the house and shop for me, cook food for me, clean the house, and they had a lot to clean, because I had to defecate and urinate in jars and pots and pans, and I was in so much pain from the blood and bone cancer that I really couldn't get up on the pots and pans, so I was just lying in it for two or three days at a time. And they were hardwood floors, and they were probably recently finished so it didn't get down under into the wood, but I had to live in that stench for days at a time until they came and then took care of me for a day. One of the volunteers was an 18-year-old African-American boy, really tall. He was making a lot of money as a singer for a group called The Going Thing. They were backed by the Fifth Dimensions at the time. Very, very nice young man, and he got me into drinking carrot juice and raw milk. Within a week of drinking the carrot juice, I started with that first. Milk caused me to get nauseous pretty easily, and I thought it was just the milk. I couldn't drink it, and I didn't understand raw versus pasteurized because I didn't have the comprehension to understand that. I just thought it was all pasteurized. Of course, the carrot juice, I thought it was cooked. Everything was cooked in stores. I drank that, and within a week, 10 days, my autism switch had flipped off, or my communication center had switched on. I woke, and I said, Oh, my gosh, I understand. Letters make words. Words make ideas, concepts. All this stuff was phrases and sentences. I understood what an adjective was, what a noun, and all of this stuff, prepositions, conjunctions, everything, articles. I said, Oh, gosh. So I called my uncle, and I had a conversation with him. He said, Is this somebody putting me on? He really couldn't understand that it was me having this conversation. I said, What do you think I should do? He said, Just start reading. I said, Well, I know they have something to do with this carrot juice that I'm drinking, because I've never felt anything like it before. My whole body seems to be at least electrically or neurologically active.
Of course, I didn't say it in those words because I didn't have that vocabulary yet. Then I started drinking more of the milk because the carrot juice didn't satisfy me. It just wasn't stable enough. The only reason I started drinking the carrot juice, in the first place, was because everything that I ate that was cooked tasted like cardboard or postage stamps. After chemotherapy and radiation, taste buds were gone. So the carrot juice tasted good and refreshing. So did the milk, but it just didn't sit well with me until about a couple weeks later. After a week on the milk, I stopped taking insulin. All of my diabetic symptoms left in a week of drinking the raw milk. So I was quite happy about all of that. I started getting well a little bit better and didn't die. I got evicted. Some people put me into a... I couldn't work anymore. I couldn't work for the company. I got my mind back, so it took me just as long to write a program as anybody else. So that was a job gone. But to this young boy who was in the entertainment industry, the fellow who got me into carrot juice and raw milk, invited me to a party, met this guy who was the head of publicity department at MGM, put me in a TV series. I was an idiot. Couldn't read before that. Still, memorizing dialogue was very difficult for me. But I got in the general hospital. I mean, it was called Medical Center with Chad Everett and James Daly back in 1969. So I started paying bills that way and always just small roles, like extra roles. But it was good. So I had a little apartment and started getting better, a little better all the time. I still had excruciating pain almost 24 hours a day. I didn't sleep well. I stopped drinking, finally stopped smoking, one of the hardest things to do. I would smoke today if we were healthy because I loved smoking. My mother used to say, stop smoking, you look like a fiend. Because I would be one of those smokers that would... And I just loved the burns and that that flame on the end would be this long, red hot, you know, drive her crazy. Smoke like a fiend. I said, well, I am a fiend. I like that cigarette. And that that gave me, you know, a boost in energy rather than taking benzedrine. And I was drinking 11 cups of coffee a day before the surgery. And I had to cut that out because it would really make me get acid reflux. And that was for the angina. So I had to stop doing a lot of things. I still ate, my main diet was powdered doughnuts or glazed doughnuts and jelly doughnuts blended in RC Cola. That was my diet before the carrot juice and milk. Because after the radiation therapy, it not only cauterized my spine, deteriorated all the bone around my teeth. So my teeth dangled in my gums. So if I bit down on my own teeth, I would bleed a half a cup of blood at a time. And I had to eat my own blood or else go get transfusions. When I wasn't eating my own blood, I got two transfusions a week.
So I started eating my own blood as it was coming out of my mouth. And that kept me from having transfusions. So that's why I had to blend everything. So donuts and RC Cola was a good combination. Still tasted like, you know, cardboard and postage stamps. So then when I started eating these other things, mainly milk and carrot juice, it was an easy diet. It was a tasty diet. And I got better a little at a time. And you know, over the years, I became a film editor because I was breaking out with acne all over the place when I tried to eat meat. I couldn't eat any cooked meat without breaking out. I'd wake the next morning. I'd have one steak, maybe a half a pound, three quarters of a pound. I'd have five to six days of breakout. They would start the next morning. I'd wake and I'd have pustulations all the way from the top of my scalp down to my knees. And they were really, anybody see Liar Liar with Jim Carrey? And you've got this guy that works in the office. He's got this huge zit on his nose. He just wants to pop it, get rid of it so he didn't have to look at it. You know, so I had these all over. And one director, you know, when I went for an audition, said, your face looks like hamburger. I can't use you unless you're in a hospital. You know, or got some disease, you know. So I went behind the camera and started doing film editing, soundtrack editing, music editing, stuff like that. So I'm still able to make money, but I couldn't travel. So I'd bring the editing room into my apartment. So my living room became my editing... All of the editing equipment came in there. So that's how I lived my life for all those years while I was slowly getting better. Then when I reached 27 years old, I felt strong and healthy enough to go out in the wild. Because when I went to, taking back to when I was 21 with all these conditions and I was going to die, I didn't have any more money. And I called the, Steve, the African-American who got me into carrot juice. And I said, Steve, I want to go to the bookstore and buy a bunch of books. I don't have any money, don't have any way to get there. And so he rented a wheelchair. And then he took me to the bookstore. And I bought $110 worth of books and in 1969 that was a lot of books. You know, books back then, a soft paperback you could get for 25 cents to, you know, 95 cents. Hardback, you could get from $1 to $1.50, $2 if it was a very intense one, a very thick one. So I got $110 worth of books. And almost all of them were on, well, all of them were on diet except for one. One was Siddhartha. My uncle told me I was a diehard Republican asshole. And the first book I should read is Siddhartha. Because it's about this kid that grows up, a young man who grows up into a fluent society, fluent household, goes out and becomes a rogue, you know, a wayward son, a whore monger and everything, drugs, alcohol, and then comes back and becomes a spiritual leader, you know. So he needed to show me that there was a variety of behavior that I had no, to which I had no exposure.
So that took me, it's only like 90 pages and it took me a whole week to read it, 16 hours a day, because I spent 99% of the time in the dictionary learning the words. And then I'd look up the word definition for the words that were in the definition, you know. And it was monotonous because I just had no vocabulary at that point. But all these books, I read them over the years, all the books on nutrition, everybody was contradicting everybody else. So really there was, everything was good in the world to eat and nothing was good in the world to eat. So it was just as confusing as anything else. All I knew that is this carrot juice and the raw stuff making me healthier every day. Every time I would eat it and drink it, I would feel a little bit better. I'd have some energy. If I eat something cooked, I would go down in energy. I'd have digestive problems. I'd even start vomiting. So I stuck with the raw foods. I remember I had a vagotomy pyloroplasty, so no hydrochloric acid. So I was in danger of death from bacterial and parasitical poisoning from food, right? That's what they told me. I wasn't having any problem. And I was eating all these things raw. I stopped eating cooked foods. I committed to eating completely raw in February of 72. So when it got to December of 73, I got on a bicycle and started traveling around all of North America. I wanted to live in the wild to find out what would really heal me because of what the doctors did was... I felt unrecoverable. You know, the surgery, the chemo, and the radiation. So I lived with, you know, chipmunks, alligators, wolves, coyotes, any kind of animals that I could observe. With, you know, people in the, with animals in the wild because I knew I wouldn't find it with over, over-educated, wisdom deficient individuals, especially doctors. I began living outdoors. I mean, I lived out of a sleeping bag for two and a half years. I took my bicycle across the country five times, up and down, all around, down, all the way down to Yucatan, and then all the way up to Alaska in that, in that two and a half year period. And that last trip to Alaska in summer of 76 was pretty rough on me. I was starting to get pain everywhere. I had become a raw food fruitarian, not only as a matter of concept, but it was difficult to find any raw dairy, and I was very against meat because it would make me break out so instantly. And I didn't relate raw meat like I did other raw foods. I was just paranoid to eat raw meat. And several tribes that I lived with, I lived with the Yaqui in northern Mexico, with the Mayans in the, in Yucatan, the Sioux in South Dakota, and in Alaska, the Inuit. So, and they all told me to eat raw meat. All four tribes said eat raw meat. I wasn't going to do it. You know, I had the concept... I had no hydrochloric acid, so I'd really be risking it with raw meat. As everybody knows, you get parasites from eating raw meat, right? So, of course, I wouldn't eat raw meat.
And while I was with the Eskimos, I started getting weaker and weaker, and this was September, getting into September. I'd been there a few days, and it was getting very cold at night already, and we'd get down to like 48 degrees, and at 48 degrees, I was already in excruciating bone pain, so I couldn't move. I would just lie there, unable to function at all, and going into tears because the pain was so bad until I passed out and went to sleep, and then wake up many times during the night freezing. And then the Indians, the Inuit, the Eskimos, were having their, this was primitive, this wasn't culture, this wasn't living in Anchorage, this was out in the wild where there's still snow on the ground from the year before, from the winters before. So they were having a celebration, and they dug these hides, wrapped hides out of the ground. They dug up one at first, unwrapped it. It stunk horribly, and the kids smelled it, and they started jumping up and down, and they're gonna eat this stuff. And it's green, it's black, it's patinaed, all this moldy stuff. Smelled horrible, you know, probably like a, you know, a kennel of dead dogs, you know, they've been dead for weeks. And I, when I was, as a child, there was the person at the kennel living in this small town where my grandparents lived, died. So all the dogs died, and nobody went to the kennel to see about it. So it smelled terribly. So I remembered that odor, and that's what it smelled like to me, or reminded me of. So it made me sick, gave me a headache, and it didn't smell badly enough, so they buried it for a few more days. And when they said it had to smell a half mile, it had to stink a half mile downwind, or it wasn't ready. So when they dug it up, it was worse. Within five feet, I get a headache, and start choking like I was going to vomit. And these children are jumping up and down, eating as much as they can. The adults are all calmly eating it, and they're happy. And I'm just in agony, because this stinks terribly. I just want to vomit. So I had some cotton balls that I used at night. I put a little oil in them, put them in my nose, because the cold would make my whole body colder. So this would at least heat the air into my body. So they took musk oil that had a fragrance on it, and put it up my nose, and then gave me a little bit of it, and I ate it. And sure enough, that night it was pretty good, because I was able to get out of the sleeping bag in 45 minutes instead of two hours. When I'd wake in the morning, it would take two hours of the sun being on the sleeping bag before my joints would be warm and relaxed enough to move without pain. And after eating that high meat, but I didn't know it was high meat. I didn't think it was high meat, because I didn't know that meat patinaed and turned black with mold. I thought just vegetation did that. And you know, in all the woods and everything I'd been and living outdoors, when I would see, you know, decomposing leaves and vegetation, they would get moldy looking like that, but I didn't know that meat did. I just thought the meat either, like I saw in the desert, it either dried up and just became leather and just sat out there.
Nobody did anything with it. Or the worms and the ants ate it before it turned dry and hard. So I didn't know the meat. So when they told me it was meat, I thought they were lying to me. They didn't want to tell this white boy's secrets of their health, because it obviously made them very strong and healthy to eat this rotten smelling stuff. So they wouldn't tell me the formula. They just kept saying it was raw caribou that they had mixed with, you know, seal blubber and then let it rot in the ground. So I didn't believe them. So I, at the end of about two weeks of living there, I started getting worse again. They didn't have any more of that stuff for me to eat. And so I hopped on freight trains because I was just too sick to bicycle at that point. So I bungee corded my bicycle to the side of the boxcar and the windows open, hung my hammock across between the doors, and just watched the beautiful scenery as I went back to California, got all the way down to Indio, and then bicycled back into an old burial ground that I had stayed in before when I was working in the date fields to earn some money when I first went out in 74, for that spring and summer of 74. So I went out there into an old Indian burial ground to fast myself to death because I wasn't going to get better, I thought, and I wasn't going to suffer anymore. I wasn't going to go through another winter of that much pain in the cold, even when I was down in Mexico, it'd still get cold at night in the winter, and they wouldn't let me stay very long because I was a hippie, long hair, beard, so they wouldn't give me a very long visa, so I'd always have to come back. If I went into Central America, they wouldn't give me a visa, so not even the American consulate, so I had to come back here. So I didn't want to go through any of that again, so I started fasting myself to death. Den of Coyotes was up in the canyon, they'd come down every night past me and wake me and play this little game. Finally, after about 10 days, I got a sense of where they were, and I got with, you know, I went back to my autistic days when I had that extra sensory perception, and as soon as I got to the point where I could spot any one of them, even though I couldn't hear them, then they caught a jackrabbit, brought it to me, ripped it open, put it on my feet, and I kept getting, this is what you need, this is what you need, and I said, ah, raw meat, there's no way I'm gonna do this, you know, and I thought, oh, all of a sudden this conversation that my uncle had with my brothers and cousins when they were going rabbit hunting buzzed through my memory. My uncle told my brothers and cousins that if they shot a rabbit, that they had to cook it thoroughly, they could not be pink at all, it had to be burned on the outside and cooked all the way through. If they didn't, wild rabbits carry an organism that will make you deathly ill, cause intense stomach cramping, and you'll die within 48 hours. I thought, oh, the coyotes want me to die quickly, you know, because fasting could take 40 to 60 days.
So I thought, okay, now also it had become vegetarian in those last four years, like from about 1973, I'd become a vegetarian, fruitarian, out of conscience for animals. So here I had the Easter bunny on my feet, didn't like hurting animals, and here I was supposed to eat this thing raw. I was supposed to probably get parasites along with this, everything else that was going to happen, but I'd be dead in two days, so it was all going to be worth it. So I picked up the rabbit and started eating it, and it came right back up. So I thought of all the days that I had to sit at the dinner table. So every night I had to sit for an hour and a half to two hours. That means, you know, after the family left, the family had their dinner, and it'd be like 35 minutes or less, and they were watching TV, and it was the old small black and white TV had just come out, and I would be sitting there trying to learn how to take one teaspoon of milk, because I was only given one cup of milk at a meal, one teaspoon of milk to mash up the vegetables, try to shut my senses off, because I'd automatically vomit if I tasted or smelled it, take that little bit of milk and swallow it down. So I went back to all of those days of suffering, and I'm looking at this rabbit, I said, okay, I got to psych myself into it, just like when I had to sit at the dinner table and get those vegetables down. So I started eating the rabbit after about ten bites, started tasting good. So I started devouring it. I ate about three and a half pounds. Jackrabbit was about seven and a half pounds, so the coyotes took the rest, ate that. I went back to my sleeping bag to die, and I knew I was dying because I felt good, and the only times I had ever felt good is in near-death experiences. I died twice on an operating table, and they revived me, brought me back, but during that time that I left the body, I was hovering above the body, moving, so there was no pain at all. So I wasn't afraid of death, and I knew that this was death because I felt good. The pain was subsiding. I felt energized. I felt happy for the first time. I mean, real happiness, I felt. So I knew I was dying, got back to my sleeping bag, went to sleep, woke up the next morning, was able to get out of the sleeping bag in 45 minutes, but I wasn't dead because I was still here. But I felt better, and I had more energy for three days. I still fasted for the next three days, and then with that, still that energy that I had eaten from that three-and-a-half pounds, gotten from that three-and-a-half pounds of rabbit, made me realize that Indians really meant. They weren't just trying to kill this white boy. They really told me the truth. The raw meat would reverse my condition. So at that moment, a sidewinder rattlesnake passed me. I'm barefoot. I'm there in a loincloth, enjoying the sun because the sun made me feel good. I've got lots of sun, tempered the bone pain, and I got arrested twice in Mexico wearing a loincloth. Now, they don't like you to be undressed in that society. I had to be very careful, do it all when I was on my own, going around in a loincloth. Even if you were bicycling, they didn't like you in a loincloth. You go in a bathing suit, but you can't go around in a loincloth.
I didn't get that one. I started this, I'd seen other Indians catch snakes, going to put their foot on the head, picked it up at the tail, snapped its head off. So, I mean, I was so excited with the idea that the Indians were telling me the truth and really wanted to help me, and I had been so stupid and closed-minded that I didn't even try it. And I realized that that rotten meat had really been meat at this moment. So automatically, I just went right up and put my bare foot on this rattlesnake's head, picked it up in front of the rattler, and just started spinning. And I said, oh shit, what am I doing? I've never done this before. What if this thing comes back and bites me in the face. And I'm getting sore, and it's not long because, you know, I had multiple myeloma, cancer of the bones. Of course, I'm gonna be sore. I'm spinning this snake around. Finally, I'm so sore, I said, okay, I'm either gonna pop the head off or it's gonna bite me, and I'll be dead and won't matter. So, snapping it, head just came right off. I peeled it back. All of a sudden, you know, I was about a little over a quarter of a mile from any farm, and all these cats from these nearby farms have some kind of an instinct, so they came up and we shared this snake. And this snake, I mean, it just took the pain away like crazy. I mean, that night, I had barely any pain. And it's the old truth about snake oil. Snake oil is a revered medicinal substance in all of Mexico, Central America, and South America in primitive tribes, not an educated, you know, civilized society. And the snake oil really has this effect. People used to sell mineral oil and put a little snake oil on it and sell it as snake oil. That's why, you know, the snake oil fable came into being, you know, this is all snake oil. You know, it doesn't work. It doesn't help because they weren't really getting snake oil. Cats and I felt pretty good. So I started hunting, you know, trapping birds and chipmunks. And once you skin a chipmunk, there's not much there, and a bird. You know, you got two bites of food and that's about it. And eggs and scorpions and rattlesnakes. And, you know, and there weren't many of those after you ate a few because they don't, they're not in concentrated societies. Snakes don't breed that way. Don't keep that way unless they're in the Amazon. So, and this was a desert. So I decided, well, okay, I'm going to bicycle. And I made deals with farmers all around the area that I would work. I'd shovel manure. I'd milk goats or cows for them. I would do any kind of labor in exchange for the food. So I was drinking like two quarts of milk a day, eating a dozen, a dozen and a half eggs a day. I'd eat a pound, half a pound of meat a day. And these were right off the farm. Fresh, good. Duck, I had to let it sit for 24 hours. It would make me vomit if I tried to eat it fresh. Why, I don't know. But I was eating that way and I gained. I went from 98 pounds, can you imagine me at 98 pounds, skin and bones. Right now I weigh 180, 182. So I was down to 98 pounds. So I went up to 150 pounds in two and a half, three months. So I was going back to Los Angeles to spread the word.
And when I got there, they said, raw meat, are you crazy? You're going to get a brain fluke and you'll be an idiot. And I said, I've already been there and done that. This stuff makes me feel good. It's the only thing that's truly made me feel like I'm going to get to a normal place some decade or two from now. But I'm getting better every day. So I listened to this barrage of fear and I would think about the vagotomy that I had and the chances of getting a parasite from the meat, but I didn't break out from it. It made me feel good. So it was always this conflict going on. After about three years of that, the conflict became greater, but I continued to eat the meat, but only three days a week. But I ate lots of raw dairy. But it still didn't give me the progress. Then I ate a poison mushroom, which almost killed me. I ate 15 times the amount that could kill a person. A year and a half after that, I began eating meat on a daily basis, twice a day, because nothing else worked and I was progressing so slowly. So that, eating lots of the meat, and I'm not talking about when I speak of meat, I'm talking about beef. It's any kind of meat, red, white, pink, orange, whether it's fish or poultry. It's all meat. It's all flesh food. So I was eating all kinds of different flesh food and getting better. So it took me about six and a half years to recover from that and then I was able to progress faster and faster. But then for 13 years there was this, for 13 years, and here I was, it was such a shock to see. So I had 13 years of worry, eating the meat regularly, thinking that I was going to get a parasite at some particular time, some brain fluke that would make me autistic again or an idiot again. Never happened. After 13 years I said, wait a minute. If it hasn't done this by now, we've been given a lot of more misinformation. So I went to the major medical universities all throughout the United States, you know, Harvard, Duke, USC, UCLA, Stanford. Guess what? Nobody had done any research. Nobody had done any lab experiments to say, we'll feed these animals raw meat and see how many of them get parasites. Not one test ever done. So they were drawing this conclusion that because parasites break down meat in the decomposition process, if you leave it outside, doesn't mean it'll happen in the body. And they were taking that leap of idea, of imagination, and making it law and rule, which is absolutely absurd. So then I stopped worrying about it so much. And then what I decided to do, got back into the motion picture industry, started making commercials, doing television series on General Hospital for five and a half years, Santa Barbara for a year, One Life to Live, recurring role here and there. So I was making a lot of money, also doing a lot of experiments, and I got some donations to do experiments. So I got a lab in the valley to pull off some of these experiments. And the man who ran it devised the experiments with me, and we wanted to find out the likelihood. So we took the worst-case scenario. So we got all these animals, dogs and cats, that were at least 12 years old, anywhere from 12 to 15 years old, that had not been diagnosed with any kind of a parasite, but were old and feeble. So we put them on meat, lots of raw meat, and even some aged meat.
None of them got a parasite. Ten weeks of experiments and none of them got a parasite. We fed them then, we fed them parasite-infested calves' brain, liver, and chicken tripe with lots of pinworms. And we fed them this every day for ten days. We kept feeding them raw meats that weren't infested after that, and by the time six weeks rolled around, and we had done lots of blood, urine, and feces tests, not one of them developed a parasite. And they all were getting better and healthier from this raw meat. So I realized it was all hogwash. So then the next experiment was to see what would happen if we took animals that had been old animals, again, that had parasites, and feed them raw meat and saw it and see what would happen. Because normally when a dog or a cat has a parasite, it's being fed a very bad diet. Kibble, canned foods that don't have anything to do with the cat or dog's health, or even ancestral makeup. These are meat eaters, raw meat eaters. They even eat bone raw. And only cooked bone turns into glass that can cut and cause death of an animal. Raw bone will disintegrate, dissolve with the hydrochloric acid. If that, there would be no dogs and cats with all the bones that they eat in the wild if that were true. So you have to take everything you hear from the medical community and just forget it, because it's all wrong. Not even a fraction of it is truth, not a full truth. I realized that, you know, we took these animals that had the parasites. We fed them the raw meat and they got better. Not only that, well, we took one and fed them the cooked meat that wasn't processed. And then we fed another group just the raw meat. So those animals got healthier and better, and these animals did not, eating the raw meat with their parasite. Then we took a group of animals that were very, very sick, fed half of them cooked meat, half of them raw meat, see what would happen. And they also had, all of them had parasites. So we gave one of the groups, we broke those up into three groups. And let me tell you, each one of these experiments cost anywhere from $30,000 to $180,000, and that was back in the 80s and early 90s. And now they would cost hundreds of thousands per, and even more, even a million dollars per experiment. And these animals that had these parasites, we gave one group, we fed them all raw meat, this group, fed them all raw meat. We gave the one group a pharmaceutical grade dewormers, the next group homeopathic dewormers like walnut oil and other, you know, garlic oil and stuff like that. Then the third group, we didn't give them any dewormers and they just ate the raw meat. All of them ate the same things. The animals who had the pharmaceutical dewormers got rid of their worms within 10 days, 10 to 12 days, absolutely 12 days they were all gone, some of them even less than about 6 days, showed no signs of parasites and checked their blood. It was 12 days before they had no traces. They did not get well quickly. They didn't get vibrant and healthy, the other animals. In the group that had the homeopathic dewormers, they lost their parasites usually within a month, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month. They were a little bit better, but still there were deaths in both of those groups.
And then in the final group that had no dewormers and just ate the raw meat, it took them up to 6 months to get rid of their parasites. But guess what? They were getting healthier every day. By the time they naturally got rid of the worms, they were all like puppies and kittens. And we're talking animals that are 12 to 15 years old. And we kept them for up to 3 years. We wouldn't kill them. We let them live their life. We kept them on the raw meats. And we dissected each group as they died. The ones who had the pharmaceutical dewormers, their glands remained black, not vibrant at all, and either small or bulbous and oddly shaped. And the ones that had the pharmaceutical dewormers, not much difference but a little bit more richer color to them, but bulbous and warped. And the group that had no dewormers and they just had the raw meat, bright, colorful, everything was perfect and beautiful. And they didn't suffer when they died. After all of that, I realized the medical profession has not a clue about anything other than whatever the pharmaceutical houses teach them. And the pharmaceutical houses write all the procedure manuals for doctors. Do you think there's a bias in there? That's what they want you to take. They want you to take drugs. That's what it's all about. They want you to take drugs for the rest of your life. You know, the raw milk, even Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, whatever that means, modern medicine, used raw milk to completely reverse diabetes and emphysema and tuberculosis. Straight raw milk diet eating, nothing else. None of that is practiced, none of those utilized. So now you know where I am and how healthy I am now. I'm working on my 61st year, almost halfway through it, into it, and I'm doing fine. To show you how fine I am, the first week in March, I was in a motorcycle accident, a big, heavy Harley. It was about a 250, 300-pound bike. It had no rails on it. I was in Thailand, going about 18 miles an hour, and this group of tourists from Holland just walked out in the street in front of me. So it was either take a chance on killing a couple of them and spending my life in jail in Thailand, because if you kill somebody in an auto accident in Thailand, you don't get out of jail free, you know, so it's a long time. So it was either take a chance, and I hadn't ridden a motorcycle since I owned a motorcycle since I was 21 years old, 22 years old, so I hadn't been on a big bike. So I just froze. I buried the bike into the ground, and it just almost took my leg off at the knee, and took all, I was in a t-shirt, shorts, and sandals, and it took all of the skin off of this entire area, took the muscle, and took part of the bone off. It was a black top, you know, asphalt. Just went along, and that bike, being very heavy, took me one way, and the asphalt was taking me the other way. And it took all the skin off of my leg, took part of the skin off of my foot, and the ankle, it shaved even the ankle bone some. So that's how bad the accident was. It had ripped the tendon, it felt like the bike was pulling my leg apart at the knee. So once all the motion stopped, and it stopped, Hollandese, they also stopped.
They froze right there on the street and didn't move, and the bike stopped this close to them. And I didn't look, I was catty-corner looking like this at them, and I was afraid to look down at my leg because it was in so much pain, and I felt like it just was disconnected. So I was afraid to look down. So it took me a minute and a half to get the guts to look down, and the leg was on. But the tendon, you have two tendons that go on either side of the knee connecting it to the femur and tibia. They had been ripped off. So this one had ripped down this way, this one ripped up, so I had these huge bulges here. And the leg was swelling quickly, and it was all mangled. So I refused to go to the hospital. I got in a taxi there, and there a taxi is a pickup truck with a awning over it. And so I crawled into the back. It took me 40 minutes to get off the street. I was in that much pain. So I crawled into the taxi. It took me back to the hotel, and one, about 36-year-old Thai woman who could speak English fairly well, and I speak OK Thai, we got along. She stayed with me the whole time. So we went back to the hotel. I said, I need Manaw, Kathi and na phung, which are lime juice, coconut cream, and honey. So she got them out of the refrigerator because I wasn't moving easily. I mean, I had to be carried into the hotel, literally carried into the hotel. So I put the lime juice on, you know, to get rid of it. Lime juice is an antibacterial and an antiseptic. Lemon is not. Lemon promotes bacterial growth and decomposition and fermentation. So I put lime juice on because they had asphalt everywhere, pebbles and stones everywhere in it. And lime juice will actually coat it so your body doesn't waste a lot of white blood cells trying to break it down and get rid of it. It will just seal it so your body can pull it out through the skin later without a lot of pus and infection. So I did that and then I put the coconut cream on it. And we're talking about an open wound where there's no muscle here, no skin, part of the bone shaved off. Stings like a hell, you know, both the lime juice and the coconut cream. Then I put the honey on top of that and that also stung. And then I took sliced thin slices of meat when I returned. But I went to a hospital at this point because the leg looked so mangled and was in so much pain that I thought certainly it's dislocated. I couldn't find any chiropractor in the phone book and didn't know what to look under. I didn't know the word for chiropractor and the woman didn't understand. So it was impossible. So I said, okay, I need to go to the hospital. So I said, call another taxi. So what shows up but an emergency vehicle, life squad. So they have four attendants and one driver. They bring this wheelchair up, goes up, folds down into a gurney. They put me in it. Cost me $12.50 for these four attendants and a driver and this life support vehicle. So I got to the hospital. The intern looked at it and shuddered. I said, no x-rays. I just want you to put it back in place. He says, I'm not touching that leg, even with x-ray. That leg is mangled. I don't know what's going on. You need a specialist. So he called an osteosurgeon.
We're talking 10, this is 1030 at night. So we got to get this guy out from his home or out of bed and get him to the hospital. And I know I'm not going to go through surgery. There's no way I'm going to go through surgery. So he got there. He wouldn't do anything without an x-ray. And I'm in so much pain and I want this thing put in place. I said, you get two x-rays. You get two shots, one this way and one this way. And that's it. Because they wanted to do a whole round of like 20 photographs, x-rays. So we took the two. We took a look at themm. It was pretty bad. The tibia bone right here, which is as big as my fist, goes down into two bones, down to the foot. The tibia at the knee was split in two. It was open in the back. And the tibia has a joint that's like this and the femur knee joint is like this and they fit together and they hold in position this way. It broke the top off of the tibia and lodged up into the femur. So they said, okay, and I was looking at the x-ray with him and he said, you see this, you see this, and he said, you're never going to walk again unless you have surgery. I said, well, you don't know what kind of diet I am on and what my body can do. And he went, we got a nut case here, these health freaks from America. And then when he learned I was a doctor, he almost fell over backwards. So I said, listen, if I'm not walking in six weeks, I'll be back for your services. So a taxi, the airport's taxi, which was a van, took me back with a good seat. I got a wheelchair, it cost me like a hundred dollars. And back to the hotel I called a girlfriend that I'd known for about four years in Thailand and she knew what I ate and everything, could go buy the food for me every day or every couple of days and then prepare it for me. So I had two Thai women helping me 24 hours a day and I was in excruciating pain. I don't take medication of any kind. You know, honey and butter is my pain formula and also I had them make the pain formula. She had a juicer that I bought for her and a blender so she brought them to the hotel. So I was able to make all that stuff. And when the pain got so bad, because you have to understand, this side was bruised from hitting the pavement so I couldn't lie on this side at all in the pain in the leg and I had to lie on this side all the time 24 hours a day. So it got excruciating after 24 hours. So I spent half my day in the bathtub with 2 cups of coconut cream that I would just lie in and it was so nice. And when you're in a tub like that, I had sea salt in there and the coconut cream makes the body slightly buoyant so there's no pressure on my body. So I could sleep in there. It was very hot in Thailand so if I don't use the air conditioner in the hotel room, a cool bath is comfortable. So I spent half of my days for the first couple of weeks in the bathtub, sleeping in the bathtub because that's the only place I could sleep without waking up in pain. So I'd go back and forth from the bed to the bathtub, bed to the bathtub. So after just the beginning of the third week, I had crutches and I went out, walked across the street to the... Well, first I went to the swimming pool.
I got them to lower the chlorine level but even in that lower chlorine level, within a week of being in the chlorine, I started getting swimmers earaches and sore throats and headaches. So I had to stop that so then I started going. The hotel was about 300 yards or 350 yards from the ocean. So I walked down there even through the sand and got in the ocean. I walked a mile, I mean an hour and a half down which was almost a mile down the coast in the water and back up to here because it would make my body very light so I could walk with this leg gingerly in the water because my body was very light. One time, you know those jellyfish things, you put your foot in, sink right down into, well on the third week doing that, this leg, this foot went down into one so I had to pull it out. Oh my God, it was like ripping those tendons all over again but they didn't rip. Oh and in the first week, those two tendons that were buckled here, in seven days they grew back. The leg was still swollen but those tendons grew back in a week. It didn't have to be surgically connected. So in six weeks I was walking without crutches. Slightly painfully but I was still walking. It's been six months since I had that and just the other day for the first time I ran two steps at a time up the stairs with no pain. This is only six months and I'm 60 years old. Most people even if they were healthy, even athletes, it takes them a year and a half, two years to recover from an injury like that and I had no surgery. They wanted to put pins, push the tibia bone back together, put pins in it and then scrape the shavings, the breakage from the tibia up into the femur. They wanted to scrape that out. They didn't have any of that done. My leg doesn't straighten completely but that's pretty good and it will in the next six or seven months. So that's how healthy I am and I get healthier every day doing this diet. Okay, so that was a very long-winded free lecture period. Now we're going to go into the workshop and in the workshop what I'm going to do is I'm going to talk about the human body. I'm going to talk about food so that when you leave the workshop, you'll never be afraid of your body again. The last thing you'll think about is ever going to a doctor for anything and teach you how to take care of yourself so you'll be in control of your body and your health and you won't be afraid of it. Okay?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Oh, okay. You know how difficult it is to get raw milk? You can't buy it in your store? Well, we had the same problem in Los Angeles County in California back in 2000. They've been trying to shut it down for 38 years, but we've kept them. So they figured out a way to do it. They bankrupt the dairy. They kept making the regulations so extreme for raw dairy, it wouldn't pass a lot, pass 50% of the time. So of course, they bankrupt the dairy. So I wrote a report with Dr. Douglas' information, with his permission, and using him as the voice, as the authored voice in it, because he's an M.D. He's worked with raw milk for about 50 years. He knows all about milk. He's gotten the research on it. He's done experiments with it. And I've had my experience, you know, of all those years of eating raw dairy and what it's done for me and all the other people that I've worked with. So with his experience and research in mind, coupled together, we handed it to the Board of Supervisors, went to the Board of Supervisors, and got the law changed. So we got the FDA, I mean, the CDC. You're talking about a federal bureaucracy here. The CDC showed up to testify against raw milk in Los Angeles, California, at the hearing. The Department of Health Services in Sacramento came down for it to testify against raw milk. But I proved that all the information they gave were based on surveys. Surveys are taken when somebody gets some, they get a report from a hospital or doctor of a case of diarrhea or vomit. And say this is a case of food poisoning involving listeria or salmonella or campylobacter. We found a lot of it in the digestive fluid in the feces. So therefore, some kind of food contamination had to happen, which is absurd because those things naturally grow in the body as janitors. So they go on a hunting expedition. That's the job of the health department now. So the health department will call that person who went to the hospital or their family who was a child and say, and in that questionnaire is do you have raw milk in your house? Do you drink raw milk in your household? Do you eat rare meat? If you answer yes to any one of those questions, guess what gets counted as the problem. Without any scientific data, without any research, without any laboratory tests, any time you hear an incident about it, that's what it is. Even in this modern day, that's what it is. It is not a science based on did that bacteria match the one that is in that food. Doesn't happen. So I proved that, so the CDC went back to Atlanta with their tail between their legs, so did the California State Health Department Board went back, those doctors, those MDs who came to testify against it, went back to their region and we got raw milk, so that made raw milk legal all over California. So I've been helping different states a little at a time, so I said screw it, I can't be spending all this time with the states, so in June and July, most of June and all of July, in Washington D.C. lobbying senators and congresspersons. Spent $50,000. We had five volunteers with us, we had to have printing done, $20,000 of printing. You know, to rent a house for all of us to stay in was quite an ordeal.
We only saw 72, we had interviews with 72 of those senators and congresspersons out of 550. 72 out of those 76 before we had the meeting believed raw milk was dangerous. When we left, they agreed to back any bill that we got put up, but they were not going to champion the bill. We went to Ron Paul from Texas, who's also a presidential candidate, who's an M.D., says raw milk is the best thing there is. So he's going to submit the bill, I finished writing the bill two weeks ago, he's going to submit it. Now it's going to be up to all of you to make sure that you get anybody else you can get to write. I will have a spot on the website where you can go, they can go, and a click of a button after they enter their names and addresses for it to go to their congressperson. Need as many people as possible. While I was there to get appointments, I had people do it. 570 people was all that responded. I've got 2,300 people on my email list alone. And it went to Sally Fallon's group. 570 people only contacted their representatives. It did give us some interviews, and I appreciate that, but we need a lot more. We have to have 240 congresspeople saying yes to this bill when it gets submitted. So also your donations will be helpful, because as soon as that bill is submitted, I have to fly a bunch of people there again to testify before Congress about the benefits of raw milk and to show that the CDC is full of it and the FDA. Because the FDA on their website front page is raw milk is dangerous, always, always dangerous, and is like playing Russian roulette with your health. And they have nothing to back it. And I showed all of these congresspeople and senators, I had to rewrite the report that I wrote for Los Angeles for the federal level. So it's a lot crisper, it's a lot neater, it has a lot more information in it, and you can buy that on one of the sites. So you can also buy those and then you understand how good raw milk is. And there's never ever been an epidemic caused by raw milk. However, pasteurized milk has caused many epidemics. One involving 197,000 people in California. Another involving 40 some thousand people in Arizona. So when it causes that much damage and trouble, and you can see the bacteria is the same as it's in the fecal matter that's in that cheese or that dairy that was pasteurized, and they don't shut it down, why? $14 billion a year industry just in the United States. $14 billion a year, the milk industry. Certainly they're not going to shut it down. So Ron Paul is going to, has championed the bill and will submit it, I don't know when, soon I hope, or later if I can get enough momentum, you know, I can't get enough momentum behind it. So right to choose healthy food, if you've got my book, you look in the back, right to choose healthy food, has a post office box in there, send in whatever donations you can. One person gave us $25,000 and that really made it, you know, made it work. Actually gave us $25,000 for three years in a row and that's how we were able to do it. So, but anything you can give will be helpful. Okay, appreciate that. And Renee and John there sent us, the group of us all there in Washington, DC, coconut cream. Thank you guys. Yes?
Q: I'm collecting signatures to have Ron Paul put on the ballot in Illinois. I need as many registered Illinois voters to sign this petition to have him put on the ballot. And if anyone here is 18 or over, I've been sworn in Thursday night to be a voter registrar. I can register you right now to vote. And after you've done that, you can sign, you can go and sign this petition legally. I know Dr. Ron Paul is in favor of the alternative.
A: He's the only one that's championed it. He's written Bill 1... I can't remember the number of the bill, but anyway, it restricts the FDA's power over any kind of food. It makes them more scientific. And it's very rigid on them. And it's a great and it keeps the medical profession from mixing into the FDA and the CDC. So it limits their powers that they have now. So Ron Paul's all for getting rid of taxes too and having a base 10% tax on everything. So you're only paying 10% instead of 38% to 48% of your income into taxes. He's all for the Bill of Rights and all the freedoms, everything. The only thing that I don't agree with him, but you do, is the right to choose for women. So that's the only thing that he's against. And he won't interfere with that. Let me tell you, he's not going to interfere with it. But he's not going to support a bill to give abortions to anybody. But he's not going to block it or stop it. He's not going to make it illegal. So he's the only candidate that's Republican that I thought was worth anything since Eisenhower. And Eisenhower warned you, he was the kind of man that said, warned you, the industrial military complex is our greatest enemy. Because they profit from war, and without profit of war, those big fat cats don't stay big fat cats. So then Kennedy came in and they killed him for cutting the CIA budget in half, cutting the military budget in a fifth in the first year. And he said, I'm going to fractionate the CIA into a thousand pieces. And who ran the CIA at that time? George Bush. So they got rid of Kennedy very quickly. They had to. They also took all the banks out of the system, which also Ron Paul wants to do. Because right now, the banks make all this money. They charge us money on money they're not giving us. We charge them $28 per thousand dollars to mint the money. So we give it to them to act as negotiation, as negotiation instead of gold or silver or something worthwhile. So it's just paper. The U.S. Mint prints it, sells it per thousand, $28 per thousand. Doesn't matter what denomination it is. So the bank is starting with just no money. And they can lend you money that they don't even have, just on this paper, and charge you interest on it. And they charge the federal government the same interest that we can never pay off. So Ron Paul and Kennedy signed a bill that we will mint our own money and we will handle our own money. And of course they had to get rid of him because of that. And the first thing, the first bill that Lyndon Johnson signed into effect on that plane as he took an oath of office, was the reversal of our printing our own money. Handed it right back to the banking system. So I don't know how long Ron Paul would live if he becomes president, but he's the exactly the kind of person that I want in office. And an MD who's all for raw milk. And it's championing, I mean nobody else would go out on a limb for it. Even our agricultural senators and congresspersons who grew up on farms drinking raw milk. I couldn't even get them to do it. But here's an MD, Ron Paul, who was going to champion our bill.
So it's a very good thing, good thing to sign, get him on the ballot, because they're ignoring him because they know he will win if he gets on the ballot. Okay, so what I will talk about, like I said, in the workshop after this, you will be a happy person being able to handle everything on your own in your own body. Now it is $80, was it $85? $80, and it will last up to probably about 7.30 tonight, probably about 6 o'clock and then I do mini readings and people can stay for those. So if you haven't already signed up and you want to stay, see Sherry. Thank you.
A: Okay, we're going to talk about the human body first, so it won't be such a mystery to you and you won't be so afraid to take control of it on your own. First of all, we have three circulatory systems. We have the blood stream, which most of you know about. I'm going to close this. Not as many people here, so it shouldn't get too hot too fast. The blood stream has two jobs. Two jobs to do. It does a lot more than it's supposed to, but it was made to do just two jobs. That's transport oxygen and to remove the carbon dioxide from the body and the white cells or to deliver fats wherever they're needed in an emergency throughout the body. But because of our immense toxicity, the blood has become a deliverer of food and nutrients throughout the body. It's not supposed to do that. The system that's supposed to do that, the circulatory system, is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is spread throughout the body just like the veins, the bloodstream, and the neurological system. The lymphatic system has its main network called the lacteal system, which goes from the intestines to the lymph glands and nodes. Lacteal system, they call it the lacteal system because when the nutrients are digested and absorbed into the lacteal system, it's milky. By the time it gets to the lymphatic system, the lymphatic system turns it into a translucent substance and then it's called lymph. The lymph system is supposed to deliver those nutrients to every cell in the body except for the red and white blood cells in the bloodstream. It's supposed to deliver all the nutrients to the red and white blood cells that are maturing and bred in the bone marrow. But since the lymphatic systems are so jammed from all the hydrogenated vegetable oils and peanut oil and margarine, which margarine is a hydrogenated vegetable oil that hardens in the system, the lymphatic system is no longer feeding the body as it should. So the lymphatic system is just stuck with the job of cleaning out all of the trash. It's supposed to feed it and then take all the waste products out of the system. So mainly the lymphatic system is stuck with the job of cleaning out the system and there's a lot to clean out of the system if you eat cooked and processed foods. It can't do its normal job. And the third system, the circulatory system, is the nervous system. The nervous system transports information in the form of electricity and light and fluid. And that's all throughout the system. And we know what the nervous system does. The nervous system keeps us in touch with experience and our bodies. Of course, we seem to ignore the body more than anything else and focus on activity and sensation and gaining and gaining and gaining. And how do you ever get satisfied if the body isn't satisfied? Because it's your only partner that's till death to you part.
So if you don't take care of that partner, what do you think is going to happen to that partner or your body? It's like letting a car break down and never taking care of it. You just throw fuel into it. Let's say you give it watered down gasoline. It's not going to run very well. It's going to break down. The pistons are going to oxidize and get full of carbon. Nothing's going to work right. Your rings are going to break. Everything's going to break. And that's what happens in the human body when you don't feed it properly. All the systems break down. So the nervous system deals a lot with metallic minerals because metallic minerals are the things that conduct electricity and transport light. In that process there's a lot of metallic minerals stored in the neurological system and the brain. So most of the free radicals that exist in your body, whether they're from medical or from food or the environment, store in the brain. A lot of people say, oh, we've got the biggest brains in the world. Those brains started developing what? When we started melting metal. That's when the records of the brain started developing. Why would metal and other toxins store in the brain more than anywhere else? Because the brain is consistently, even in primitive tribes who don't get a lot of fat, the brain is 60% fat. And the body stores its toxins wherever we'll find fat. So we're all fat heads and we're all full of poisons in the brain. So basically that's why we are big brains. And that's not a good thing if we're creating and manufacturing a lot of toxins. A lot of people say, well aren't toxins microbes? Mainly microbes? I get that in Asia a lot. We're avoiding, we're cooking everything, we're getting away from microbes. Well microbes aren't your toxins that cause diseases. It's pollution. It's heavy metals. It's that kind of toxicity that the body doesn't normally have to deal with in the past centuries. The black plague is a good example. You're blamed with black plague on some rats in London and other major cities. Sure, rats are prolific anywhere where you've got people throwing foods out into the street and the pigs running around eating the food and they defecate so your rats are going to come in wherever they can find regular food. They won't have to hunt like they do out in the wild. So you're going to have prolific, but that doesn't mean the rats created the problem. You have to take a look. This is mainly a lung disease, a pulmonary disease. Now why? If it's a lung disease, would it be caused by rats? Oh, well their feces transport these bacteria, you inhaled them and it gave you the disease. Absolute hogwash. What happened? England was heavy into mining coal and selling it to use in your cooking. Cooking in the homes, in wood fireplaces, they started using coal. And what does coal have? Concentrations of mercury that vaporize. A couple hundred years of breathing mercury in a non-ventilated home, nothing was properly ventilated. Not even the wood stoves were properly ventilated. Only rich people had good, anywhere near good ventilated chimneys. And then they would build up so badly, the chimney sweepers would come along.
And guess what? They used children for the chimney sweeps, not just because they were small, because the older ones died quickly. Got disease, emphysema, and couldn't go into the chimneys. So they got the children to do it, lots of children to do it. Of course, then they were able to make narrower chimneys too. But still, most of those chimneys in the beginning were very fat and very large. Coal could get down in there easily. So you have to take a look at all of this pollution that grew up in many generations on using coal. And coal was the biggest thing before tea, before the British brought tea into the UK. Coal was their main, what do they call that, gross national product. Every home in the city, every apartment had their stove in the house, no ventilation, burning coal to heat the house. They opened some windows, had some cracks. Basically, they were breathing that toxicity all the time. If it were true that the rats had it, there were lots of farms. Rats hang around farms just like they do the cities because there's lots of food. The cows don't eat. They shit it out. What do the rats do? They go in and eat the grain that didn't get digested. But the people living in the country didn't get the black plague. Only city dwellers got it. All the way from France, all throughout Europe because big product was coal. UK's big coal industry. So you take a look at that and then you get a better picture of why you don't have to be afraid of bacteria, disease and parasites and we're going to go into that heavily during this. So let's go back to the body, how it reacts, how it is. Now take a look at the digestive tract. In the mouth you have teeth, that's the beginning of digestion. You chew your food. Now if you look at the primitive tribes that eat different kinds of food, you'll see how their teeth are all structured the same. No matter what we are, no matter what we eat, they have the same dental structure. But which tribes are healthiest? I found that the tribes like the Maasai, the Samburu, the Fulani, before this last two decade drought that's been going on in Africa, could be purposeful drought created by climate control, but it's killing all these tribes off and they're accepting donation food, processed food. They don't have the health they used to. But the Maasai, Samburu, and the Fulani mainly lived off raw dairy. Those tribes had different ratios of raw meat that they would eat. Fulani mainly ate cooked meat, slightly cooked meat, but only 10% of their diet. The Samburu ate about 25% meat in their diet. The Maasai used to eat anywhere from 25% to 35% of their diet was raw meat. The rest was all raw dairy. Not one of them carried disease, not even dental caries. They didn't eat a lot of fat, so they were mainly thin, except for the Fulanis who lived 90% on raw milk and dairy products, they were always full-bodied. The only thing that I would say was rather interesting about them was that they had splotchy skin, not a disease and not a rash or any kind of a hive-like reaction. They actually had patches like a cow does, only not real dark, but just tanner in spots than other areas.
It was not a disease that ever created a discomfort or any kind of skin cancer or melanoma, but that's the only thing different that I could see in them by living on 90% raw dairy. It could have been a combination of that 10% meat that they were eating that was cooked in combination with that that could have caused that. I don't know because the Samburu and Fulani used to only eat raw meat and raw dairy, but there was no disease, not even dental caries. The other tribes that we look at, let's take a look at the tribes in [unintelligible] and the Head Hunters in Malaysia and Indonesia. Now they only eat meat, but all cooked, but they have five main diseases. They don't have any arteriosclerosis and no heart disease. So that tells you right there the medical profession is full of it about meat, eating meat and all the fat. Animal fat causes heart disease, causes hardening of the heart and arteries. It's absurd. It doesn't happen from meat, it's from something else. So you have these tribes that have mainly gout, arthritis, rheumatism and some diabetes and some thyroid problems. Those are the tribes that eat cooked meat, mainly just cooked meat. Other tribes that we know that are vegetarian, very skinny, have lots of diseases, lots of vomiting and diarrhea in their lifetime. Their teeth aren't as structured as well. There's a few that combine both, but those that eat raw dairy in whatever proportion seem to fare the best, even if they're eating the vegetation. So the raw dairy is pretty prominent in any healthy society. Even the Hunzas, which they say have one of the longest life spans. Years ago, before they became more civilized, they lived 70-75% on raw dairy products and only about 25% on cooked foods, a little cooked meat and lots of vegetation. And the way they counteracted the effects of the cooked food was to have fermented vegetables. There you have the Sally Fallon workings in the Hunza tribe. That's basically what she follows. However, it doesn't reverse advanced diseases, nor does it stop them. And if you look at a lot of the people who have been on her type of diet for a long time, they're aging not as fast and not as ill as other people, but they still get the same diseases. On a diet like mine, very few people advance into disease. Out of the 20,000 people that I've received emails from that have been doing the diet for long periods of time, I've only gotten emails from five people who've gotten cancer while on the diet. Five people out of how many people? And according to out of 20,000 people, well just think of that ratio. Five out of 20,000? That's barely a speck of people. Take a look at that. If you look at the work of Dr. Samuel Epstein, who's an MD, who's the world's greatest researcher and expert on cancer, I was at a talk that he gave once and he said, okay, I want all the women to stand up and I want you to look at each other. One out of three of you is going to get cancer and die of cancer in your lifetime. He had the men stand up and said, okay, look at each other.
One out of every two of you is going to get cancer and die of cancer. So, five out of 20,000 who've been on the diet for at least 10 years, I'd say that's pretty incredible when you're talking about two and a half out of every, I mean, one and a half out of every three people is getting cancer and will die of cancer in our lifetime. So, taking a look at all of these different tribes and their behaviors, even though they have the dental structure, it has to do with the digestibility of their foods. Now, the refinement of the teeth can give you an idea of what somebody can eat. Now, a lot of vegetarians says, oh, we don't have fangs and we don't have all sharp teeth like canines and felines do. So, they're the meat eaters and they have a digestive tract that's only, was it, three times the length of their torso. So, they defecate within like ten to sixteen hours after eating. Very fast through there. Plus, they have ten times the hydrochloric acid that we do in the stomach. But if you take a look at the human anatomy and compare it to the herbivores that eat vegetation, how many herbivores do you see that have teeth like this? Zero. They all have molars. Every tooth in an herbivore's mouth is a molar. We only have a few molars for crushing. All the rest of the teeth are for cutting. We have hands so we don't need fangs, so we can hold the meat and bite it off in little pieces. We don't need to chew much. The Eskimo also is another tribe that 95% of their diet is raw meat. Just little raw dairy, only during the summer, early month of the summer and the last month of spring do they ever get dairy. And that's if they're lucky enough to find some sheep or goats that will allow them to milk and sometimes a moose. So it's very rare that they get it, so they live mainly on meat. Now this is the healthiest tribe that I'd ever run across. When I was in an Igloo with them in 76, there was a two day old baby that I watched being born that they put on, two days later was crawling around on an igloo floor on ice. How many of you would let your two day old baby crawl around on ice? You'd be petrified. You'd be absolutely crazy insane if somebody put your baby on ice. And I'm not talking killing them, I'm talking crawling on ice. So put them on ice means they were crawling around on ice, real ice, cold ice, and these babies were flushed red and weren't crying and had no problem with it. And they were playing. So think about how healthy that is and think about if you could even do it as an adult without getting too cold and freezing and getting frostbite. These people don't get frostbite like that because they're very, very healthy. And they eat mainly raw meat. And they're considered the happiest, healthiest, strongest tribe in the world, besides the Maasai who are considered the thinnest, tallest, healthiest, smartest tribe in the world. Or used to be. So you take a look at all these diets and when I was there with the Eskimos and some of the other meat-eating tribes, they don't chew. You take a bite of meat, two or three crushes, swallow. They don't chew their meats. So I was always curious about that, why would they swallow so whole?
We only have a fifteenth of what the dogs and the cats have in the stomach. Well, I found out when I did laboratory tests on intestines that we secrete hydrochloric acid throughout the entire small intestines, not just in the stomach. Whereas the dog and cat do not. It's concentrated all in the stomach and it moves the entire time it works. That puddle of hydrochloric acid moves with that meat as it goes through. And as some of it goes faster than the other, the hydrochloric acid stays with it. Ours is utilized as the food goes and doesn't transport. So the small intestines are constantly creating hydrochloric acid, not the intensity in the stomach, but all throughout the small intestine. So we produce just as much hydrochloric acid as the canines and felines do, just not in the same place. So we are built to eat meat. We are built to eat animal foods. Of course every animal is built to eat, you know, almost all animals are built to eat milk, no matter if they are herbivore at any particular time. And you hear vegetarians say, oh well, no animal beyond adolescence or infancy drinks milk. And I thought about that as one of the reasons, oh milk is not good for you, so I stopped drinking milk in about 1973 and didn't drink milk again until 1976, late 1976. And I got very ill, more ill during that period. That's when the multiple myeloma reoccurred, my blood and bone cancer, when I stopped drinking milk and living outdoors in a very strenuous environment. You know, living outdoors with the sun, the wind, and the temperature changes all day long, it would be 80 degrees warmer in the day than at night, and it's a tremendous temperature change, so it's very stressful on the body. So the dairy there, I did not have, it was not there to help me be stronger, and I know that it would have, had I had it, because of my experience later. Now, I thought, well, is it that no mother is going to let a child suckle off of her at a certain period, so she gets rid of the child, and that's what's happened. If you see it on any animal, they never stop suckling until the mother gets fed up with it and says, no way are you going to suck me anymore, that's the end of it, that's it. So I decided, well, let me see what will happen, so I took milk, fresh milk, unpasteurized and warm, and offered it to every animal on the farm, the ducks, the chickens, the cows, the sheep, the horses, every one of them drank the milk and loved it. They drank every bit that they could drink. I mean, I had a horse drink a whole three quarts at one time. So because they're not offered, they can't get the milk. We've learned to domesticate cows to give us milk so we can have milk. We seem to digest that very well as long as it's raw, but once it's pasteurized and processed, most people do not do well with it. Caucasians have been milking longer than anybody else except for the Africans, so we've adjusted to it.
In the Norwegian communities where it was cold all the time, there wasn't a lot of meat available because lots of animals would go into hibernation or disappear somehow during the winter, so they learned to domesticate cows for dairy. So we've had, the Caucasians have a long history of milk drinking. So then we start pasteurizing it in the late 1800s, early 1900s, and of course we got accustomed to it quicker. All the Asians who didn't drink dairy, you know, and a lot of your other cultures who didn't drink dairy, became very allergic to pasteurized milk. When they started drinking it, it was already pasteurized. So the American Indians, the Asians, the African Americans have a ratio, and even the Latin Americans, like the Mexicans, have a ratio of the allergies to pasteurized and processed dairy, 54 to 76 percent allergy. And when they're given raw milk, no allergies. The Caucasian race has about a 12 to 22 percent allergy to pasteurized and processed dairy. That just means they don't have the sneezing and the headaches and the stomach cramps that these other races do. But those other races are a little bit healthier. They are warding off, you know, all the toxins that come from pasteurized dairy. And there's quite a lot of data that shows diseases that pasteurized dairy are responsible for, including diabetes. It's one of the main causes of juvenile diabetes and even secondary type 2 diabetes is pasteurized dairy. So our intestinal tract, we do have hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Nothing else is in the stomach but mainly hydrochloric acid and lots of bacteria. Now you think, wait a minute, if we have hydrochloric acid it doesn't destroy the bacteria, isn't that the nonsense we hear from the medical profession? We dump lots of bacteria with that hydrochloric acid into animal products to digest it. Because it isn't just the hydrochloric acid that dissolves it, it's actually microbes that go to it and pre-digest it for us. So it moves into the duodenum and that's where the body receives a bile. So bile dumps into the food at this point. So the bile dumps into the duodenum and that's where the fat starts breaking down in the body. And that's where almost all the bile is dumped at that point to digest fat and that travels with the fat throughout the intestinal tract and breaks it down gradually. Then we have the small intestine, as I say, and that's where things get digested all the way through. The digestive tract is about 5.5 acidic level. About 7.0 is neutral. It's not over-alkaline and not overly acid. However, in all animals that eat meats, that predominantly eat meats, the acidity level of the urine, the saliva, and the blood and the intestines is all around 5.5. And those alternative people that tell you that it should be alkaline have no idea what they're talking about. It's a theory that started with Bragg and some of the other early pioneers of the health industry. It was a theory and it became written in stone just like the medical profession does without ever being proved.
I have had a 5.5 blood saliva urine for about 32 years ever since I started eating meat in 76. And I just get better every time. If you eat vegetables, whole vegetables, what's going to happen? You're going to keep turning the fluids in your intestinal tract alkaline. It's going to destroy and neutralize the acidic bacteria and even the hydrochloric acid. That means you're not going to digest your animal foods properly. All the time that your food is in the intestinal tract, bacteria is working to predigest your food. E. coli is in the bowel, the final stage. You've got about 2300 varieties of salmonella that live, and campylobacter, and all these different organisms that live in the intestines predigesting your food. What would happen if you didn't have them? Lots of indigestion, lots of problems. And that's what we have today. Hardly anybody has bacteria growing very well in their intestines. Dr. Joel Weinstock of Utah was raised on a farm. He was a farming boy. He saw the pigs, he dealt with it, he saw the shit, the animal manure all over him, breathing it, everything. Grew up healthfully. Whenever the city folks would, you know, basketball and football teams would fight with the kids from the country who were farm boys, nobody could ever beat those farm boys. Those kids were healthy, drinking raw milk, being around the farm in a healthy environment. Well, why didn't all that bacteria and fecal matter and all that destroy and make them unhealthy? Because it's fiction that it causes ill health. So Dr. Joel Weinstock took a look at the pigs in the university's agriculture department and found that they were very unhealthy. They weren't digesting well. They were very weak. They had chronic fatigue all the time. So he checked their intestinal fluids and everything and found that the difference between the animals that they had at the university and those who were on the farm, the pigs had trichinosis, whipworm. So he thought, hmm, what happens if I give the whipworm to the animals in the university? So he infused the trichinosis into the pigs in the university and guess what, they got well within a week. Got well within a week because they got a parasite that is symbiotic with their nature. Now all humans had trichinosis up to a hundred years ago. Tribes still have trichinosis and we're told trichinosis is bad. Who's been told trichinosis is one of the worst things you can get? Yeah, from my generation, or older. You know, you or newer generation don't get that for some reason, I don't know why. They just scare you about any microbe. But trichinosis was considered the worst thing you can get, okay? But actually it's the best thing you could get. Joel Weinstock got permission from the FDA to give it to six patients who had inflammatory bowel syndrome. And, you know, anybody with inflammatory bowel syndrome, it's a pretty bad disease. You get diarrhea or vomit or nausea from everything you eat. Fevers, sweats, all kinds of problems. Even drinking water can cause that problem.
So FDA said, okay, but you can only give it to people who haven't been helped by the medical profession, by pharmaceuticals for ten years. So in other words, what they're saying to this Dr. Weinstock was, everybody has to be on the medical profession's way, unless, for ten years, they've had to suffer ten years with the medical way before you can offer them anything else. You are doomed, when you go to a doctor, to try their system for ten years before any doctor is allowed to give you, suggest any alternative. That is the law. I didn't find out that that was the law until another experience. I'll tell you about that one later. So he got permission to give it to six patients. The least suffered for about ten and a half years, the worst suffered for thirty-two years, thirty-three years, thirty-four years, something like that, thirty-some years, with inflammatory bowel syndrome. What he did was he took the whipworms' eggs, filtered them through so they weren't getting the whole whipworm, put it in Gatorade, which is an alkalinizing solution. So it neutralized the hydrochloric acid, did not destroy those eggs. Eggs were able to hatch in the intestinal tract. In one week, five of the six had no inflammatory bowel syndrome. Trichinosis, the thing we were not supposed to get. You cook pig until it's black so you don't get trichinosis. That's what they used to tell us. And here, this worm, this whipworm in there is predigesting nutrients, breaking them down to such a finite molecule to be able to feed the cells in your body healthfully. Good symbiotic relationship. That's what's happening with all the bacteria in the system, the salmonella, all of it. We used to have a ton, 3,200 to 6,000 varieties of salmonella on the human body, in the human body, in and on the human body. We take baths now. We've lost 1,500 to 1,800 varieties of salmonella that we'd eat skin tissue, because we didn't take baths. So you needed something to eat the skin, because we didn't flake like a snake, lose all of our skin once a year. We were flaking off every day, every minute. These would eat the dead skin as it was flaking off the body. We use soaps now. We've destroyed all of that natural salmonella that our skin used to produce. We process food with all these chemicals, preservatives, food colorings, all these food additives, inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, and what happens is we've destroyed almost all of the good bacteria in the body. So when people start taking soil organisms, soil bacteria, eating clay that has bacteria grown in it, eating tea or yogurt, all of a sudden they start getting better because you're introducing these bacteria back into the body, even though they weren't created by the human body, they'll still predigest the matter so that you can utilize those nutrients to feed the cells in the body. But it's a backward way to do it. In fact, the kefir grains, if you can make kefir and yogurt from grains, it is very different bacteria than that that's in your intestines and will eat the bacteria that's in your intestines and prevent them from procreating and building.
If you make yogurt and kefir with honey, just put honey into your milk and let it sit and let it become kefir and yogurt, that does not interfere. It encourages your own bacteria and builds your own intestinal bacteria. Even though you will digest the raw yogurts and kefir that was grown with grains, you will not increase your own digestibility. You will be addicted and have to rely upon some other bacteria to predigest for you. You have to eat anyway, but how convenient is it to have bacteria and that bacteria can be destroyed very easily at any time. If you use honey, you are using the natural, fresh bacteria in the milk to predigest itself. And it does not interfere with your own digestion. So, it is less of a, you still have to eat, you have to eat to live. I have only known a few breatharians and they were not healthy and one got caught eating a Slurpee and a hamburger in a 7-11. There is only one so-called semi-true breatharian that I know and it is a nun in Europe and she eats one host every day. But she does not do anything. She is not a nun that goes out and does lots of stuff in the day time. She is like a monk who will sit and meditate and pray all day long. She also gets stigmatas many times a week where she will get these spontaneous sores in her hands and her feet and start bleeding. How she maintains herself, I do not know, but these are a rarity. These are unusual cases. Everybody has to eat to stay alive. Every organism has to eat to stay alive. Even your trees, they say they all evolve from osmosis. That is eating. You are absorbing it. You go through the air. When it rains, what happens? The rain is distilled water. No minerals in it. The only thing it has is bacteria in it. So when it hits the ground, it dissolves rock so the plants can eat. Everything eats. Everything on this planet eats. To get a fungus, which rust is a fungus, to get rust to break down rock, you have to have water. So that the rock has to eat water to be able to break down to become soil to become plant food. Everything eats something. In our system, mainly animal foods is what I find it is geared for. The herbivore, animals that eat vegetation, have a digestive tract two and a half times longer than ours. Two and a half times longer. Ours is twelve times the length of the torso. Theirs is thirty times and more longer than their torsos. They have 60,000 times more enzymes to disassemble the cellulose molecule to get the fat and the protein from it. They can handle all that alkalinity. That's how they are designed, or they developed, whatever you want to call it. In their stomachs, they have two to four stomachs. We have one with two compartments. They have up to eight compartments in their two to four stomachs. They chew vegetation, regurgitate, rechew it, swallow, regurgitate, sometimes up to five times, and then it passes through. It takes 48 hours for that food to get through their system. It takes 24 to get through the human system. They can digest vegetation fine. That's what they're built for. We are not. Our closest cousin digestively is the pig. The pig has a digestive tract almost identical to ours.
Some of the other bacteria and other things are not, but the trichinosis is, and even the stomach is very, very similar. So the pig, which is an omnivore, if the pig has a choice, and I don't know if anybody's ever lived out in the wild with pigs, because pigs are very inhospitable. I was able to be near a family of pigs in the desert one time, but I kept my distance because I got threatened a few times, had to climb a tree or two. But I never saw them eat anything other than moles, they loved moles and they loved insects, and they mostly ate animal products. If they came across a dead animal or a limping animal, even a coyote, they would have him eaten and devoured in hours. And coyotes and dogs and cats will take days to eat their kill, but these pigs will eat it all in hours. So that's what they mainly go for. Of course, they'll live on anything they're fed because they have to eat. They're one of the hungriest, besides elephants, that I know in on this planet. They have to eat all the time, all day long. But they can't eat bark like an elephant can eat bark. An elephant can eat bark and digest that all day, that's fine. The elephant can be happy, after eating the bark, that takes care of his meal for the whole day. He may pull a few leaves off to get some fresh vegetable juice in him for some enzymes, but basically that's pretty easy. But the pig has to eat all the time. So it's going to eat whatever we feed them in captivity. So the pig, if we look at that and us, they're so similar that if we watch the pig, they're meat eaters. We look at the creatures, the other humans on the earth that have no disease, they're raw meat eaters. So that pretty much says, makes a good statement about what we should be doing. So with that information, if you eat red meat, raw meat, any kind of meat, if you eat raw meat and you get better, isn't that a sign? That's what you should be eating? If dairy makes you healthier, isn't that what you should be eating? Take a look at all the vegetarians. I know 3200 vegetarians. I would say 8 of them were healthy. 8 of them were healthy. I could consider healthy. 8. And that's it. On the physical level, skin, anatomy, everything. On all levels, only 8. 7 of them were men. 1 was a woman. And then she started disintegrating in her late 30s. Her spine started dissolving. One of the elderly men that had been a hygienist, a raw food fruitarian vegetarian, for 52 years, his spine started deteriorating at about 76 years old. Guess what diet he started doing? He started eating raw meat to reverse it, and eating raw dairy. In the closet, not telling anybody. But he used to come and heckle me when I was there. He would give lectures like this at health conventions. He was well built, a lot like most vegetarians. Good muscle tone. Of course, he worked out 5 hours a day. You eat that much sugar and fruit, you better burn it on something. He would work out like crazy. He'd get up at 5 o'clock, 3 o'clock in the morning and work out for 5 hours. Stuff himself with all the sugar and all the fruit.
But it didn't deteriorate him like it does most people. Most people would de-mineralize the system. But it didn't for him until he got into his 70s. And then he started doing my diet, his assistant told me, in private. So I can't say his name. It'll get back to him, who told him. Anyway, he's been doing that for 2 years now in the closet. He still tells people, only you do fruits and vegetables, raw fruits and vegetables. So, that's the way it goes. So, I have not known any vegetarian who does well either raw food or cooked. They have cravings that are unbelievable, nothing ever satisfies their hunger, and they do things that they're not supposed to on their diet. And they'll eat cheeses galore, even processed cheeses. They just can't help themselves. So that's more proof that a vegetarian diet isn't good for 90%, 95% of the human race. So if 5% or less can do it, that doesn't mean the rest of all of us should do that. It didn't work for me. It doesn't work for 3,200 people minus the 8 that I know that could do that. And then 2 of them didn't do well in their later years. I just got word from a whole network that's close to David Wolfe, who's now into his 8th year. He's been 7 and a half years as a vegetarian fruitarian. And you know, he's all out there and he takes all the superfood because he can never be satisfied. He has to get this cocoa bean and all this stuff with the theobromine and caffeine because these vegetarians and fruitarians don't have any energy. So he's drugging them just like the food industry is drugging us with caffeine and soda and coffee and tea and all of that to give us energy. It shouldn't be that way. Look at your farms and people who live outdoors in these tribes. I mean they hunt, they climb trees, all day long they're working and physically active. And here we've got these people that can barely move, can barely lift anything. When I was a child at my grandparents' farm, I watched the farmhands take 90 pound bales of hay. And we're talking as long as these two tables put together and deep and throw them up 15 feet into a loft. How's it done now? I've been on the farms. They'll take 30 pound bales and they forklift them. And you see these guys throwing them off the trucks sometimes and they can throw them down but when it comes to throwing it up on a truck, it's very strenuous. This is a third the weight. They should be healthier, they should be stronger if our science is working for us. But we're not. We're getting sicker. We have all these vaccines that weaken the entire upper body, all of these problems. So all of this stuff affects us whether we eat, whether we take medication in, an injection, dietary or whatever. All of these bacteria are your friends. They are either your builders, they predigest the food for you, if it's in the intestinal tract and they discard for you if they are getting rid of poisons. They're breaking down dead cells that are damaged and too toxic or just need to get rid of a lot of them at one time. You have parasites. So they are your janitors. Parasites can eat 100 times their weight in 24 hours. Can you imagine eating 100 pounds your weight in a week? Time-wise that's what it is.
A week for us is about a day for them, measuring the different biological changes that go on in their bodies, in a parasite's body. So they defecate 1 to 2, maximum 3 percent of that. Can you imagine eating 100 pounds of food and having a 1 pound turd the next day? Won't happen. That's how efficient parasites are. So if I've got a lot of waste product, I've got 100 pounds of waste product, I would want to hire this guy that can eat it all in 24 hours and only leave me a pound to get rid of or even 3 pounds to get rid of. That's pretty optimal, wouldn't you say? That's very efficient. Bacteria can eat about 50 times their weight in 24 hours. They have about 5 percent waste. Still a pretty good average. Let's say it's 100 pounds they eat in 2 days and they have 5 pounds of fecal matter. That's better. I handle 5 pounds of fecal matter and they handle 100 percent. 100 pounds. That's pretty good. Another efficient, not as good as a parasite, but a very efficient janitor. But when you look at the bacteria that pre-digests food in your body, the E. coli and the Salmonella, the Campylobacter, all of it, when it eats that food, that little bit of waste right there is concentrated nutrients. It's a pot of gold. And it feeds the whole body elaborately and easily. That's what I want. And the bacteria and parasites, you can digest those. When they die, you can digest those and guess what? They are full of those refined nutrients, those specific finite creatures, of molecules that we can feed our own bodies with. That is the whole process. So with all of our contamination with very little bacteria, how many people have digestive problems? One hundred percent out there, even if they don't experience pain or discomfort. Because they aren't as healthy and as strong. They are not getting stronger every day. They are getting weaker and drier and more feeble every day that they live. I get healthier every day that I live. If I could stop having accidents, I could probably be Superman. But I have to keep proving to myself and other people that yeah, I am getting healthier and stronger as I get older. And that is incredible proof. Three and a half years ago, I did something very stupid in Thailand again. I took my movie camera after hours at a seedy neighborhood and I wanted to film it. So I started filming at two o'clock in the morning. And there were three guys over in a dark area and I was over there. And they got very upset and one of them came after me with an empty beer bottle and was going to beat me. And then one of the other guys stopped him. So when I was going back to my hotel, they gang-banged me. They jumped out in front of a van and another one came. So two of them came out this way and one came from behind me. And one of them hit me with a two-by-four board, split my head open from here to here. My guts were hanging out there. And while my head was going back from that one, the other one hit me with either a crowbar or a hammer. Is what the forensic detective said it looked like in the doctor when they examined it. Hit me right here, broke the teeth and the bone from here to here, down to here, you can see the split, it hasn't completely recovered here.
But I knocked that bone all the way under my tongue, way back. So that bone was completely disengaged from the jaw. The nerves, there's a pipe, there's a hose as they call it, of nerves that goes through all the bone, the jaw, where the teeth are connected to and the nerves, that was split in two in two places. With the bone it was under my tongue, the gum was holding it all together under my tongue, it was jammed in a way that it couldn't be moved and I wasn't about to move it, but I had almost no pain from it because the whole bone had disengaged from the rest of the bone. It was uncomfortable and I could feel swelling and low grade dull pain, but it wasn't as sharp, not like anything like the leg. So, I went to the hospital and I let them put three stitches in this one, wouldn't let them do any x-rays and wouldn't let them do any dentists, there was no dentist on call, you know, in the middle of the night, so I had to wait until two o'clock the next day and three dentists took a look at me and about six nurses, dental nurses, and they all said that they would have to remove the bone, they might be able to just lacerate the gum and put the gum back in place, but I would lose the bone in those teeth. And I said, you don't know my diet. They said, you don't understand, this is in the head. You get an infection there, you're going to have, you know, you're going to die from a brain problem, an infection in your brain. Infection's going to go to your brain. I said, listen, I'm not a stupid person. If I have an infection that gets out of hand, I'll take care of it, but I'm not going to assume that there's going to be an infection. So what I'm going to pay you to do is to move this bone and work its way back in place, wire it, wire my teeth in place and wire my jaw. You take care of that. And I said, I've got teeth and bone on my tongue. I can't really open my jaw because it's in quite a bit of pain. I was doing this whole conversation and he said, okay. So they put it back in place and that was painful and I let them give me Novocaine, which I shouldn't have. So I let them put it back, wired my teeth, wired my jaw. I went back a year to the month and I went back to them and I said, you see, it's all there. And they poked at me for 20 minutes. They thought that I maybe had implants and I was not vain enough to have my new teeth put in because my teeth are really discolored from all the radiation therapy and the drugs like tetracycline, turns your teeth gray. And I had a lot of tetracycline. So they poked around and found that they were amazed, just amazed that you could recover like that. So I'm still healthy. I'm still getting healthier every day and that's plenty of evidence for me. Let's take a look at some of the other glands in other parts of the body. So if anybody like a doctor mentions an organ or a gland, you don't have to be afraid that you don't know anything about it. Now we've got glands in the brain, the pituitary and the pineal gland. Pineal gland, nobody knows a lot about, the mystics and so-called masters of the alternate world say that the pineal gland or pineal gland, however you want to pronounce it, is the seat of consciousness.
It's the seat of consciousness and that's where all of the God information or your other side or whatever it is comes through there. It doesn't create hormones so we don't know. It does create some prostaglandins which are intracellular hormones but there's nothing we can detect in the pineal gland to say it's a physiological environment that creates something that we can see. Probably like the appendix, nobody looked at it in the way that I looked at it so they never looked at it to prove that idea. So the pituitary we know it handles growth hormones. Now why does the pituitary break down at 21 years old and become very sparse in manufacturing its growth hormones? In animals it doesn't. It reduces but it doesn't stop like it does in the human body. If you give it to puppies and kittens, the cooked food, kibble and all that processed food, they stop also. At two years old, they're stopped almost completely. So again raw foods helps us produce growth hormones beyond 20-21 years old. So we stay healthier, we produce more cells and we won't have more dead cells than live cells. And that's what happens with age and deterioration are synonymous today is because we lose more cells than we produce every day. Maybe it's a couple of thousand and you've got something like 65-80 trillion cells in your body. So it'll be every day, it's a little bit more of a loss. So when you get up to 60-70 years old, you don't have many cells alive in your body. And you've got all these dead cells that your body's having to mummify to keep you in structure, in form. But how much work is a dead mummified cell going to do for you? So let's say 27% of your body is alive carrying 100% weight. And if you're fat, it's going to be a real problem because that's a lot of weight for them to carry. But you see people going around like this, see these old people walking across the street. How many cells do you think are alive in their body? 23? 24%? Not many. Usually the body dies, according to Kirlian photography, the ratio of radiance of the fields that can be photographed in color. In an older person, they're very tiny. And in a young person, they're very broad. In mine, they found, at my age, I was 50 when they did those on me. And they did them every hour for about six hours. And they found that mine didn't diminish. And every time I ate, they got even broader. In most people's, every time they ate, it diminished. It got smaller because their digestion wasn't good. They weren't taking good, you know, bioactive nutrients in their body. Every time I ate, it became broader, broader. And mine is quite a large range outside my body, just like in a baby's. When babies were born back then, now babies are so sick and unhealthy, now they're injecting them as soon as they come out of the womb, you know, with hepatitis B and all other kinds of poisons. You know, in the first week, they're giving them, you know, a DPT shot, you know, which is absolutely absurd. So, eating, so the pituitary handles growth mainly. It will continue all through life. It's a very small gland. It's probably about this big. The pineal gland is about this big. Very, very small, like a mushroom. It even looks like a mushroom, a round, circular mushroom. We have the thyroid glands and the parathyroids here.
Tonsils, tonsils filter out... The lymph system sends its nutrients up to the brain. It's where it mainly gets its nutrients. The tonsils filter that out. It keeps the brain from getting toxins that you should not have. So why did in the 50's did everybody start getting tonsillitis? Because World War II came around and they started canning food. Started using preservatives and they started feeding people baby food, babies baby food. The brain is trying to protect itself or the tonsils are trying to protect the brain from getting too much toxicity too fast just from your food. So all the children or 90% of them that weren't raised on farms were getting tonsillitis. So removing tonsils, this is a matter of everyday life, removing tonsils. So what does that do? That means that everybody's brain is a lot more toxic and a lot more apt to get some kind of an aneurysm or blockage like Alzheimers, seizures, any kind of problem like that. Just take and removing them. The thyroid seems to help the lungs and the heartbeat and other glands. It keeps them in proportion to working. If those others don't work, if you create a higher level of thyroxins, it makes the other glands work better. Now what they're not taking a look at is the body taking that thyroxin, those varieties of thyroxin, and sending them to those other glands to be restructured into the hormones for those glands. That is my understanding of it in my laboratory work of how it's working. The medical profession loves to throw an idea out there and say that's the way it is, believe it, without ever proving it. So the idea that the thyroid is directing those other glands to work is false to me. If those other glands aren't working and aren't producing them, building thyroxin is not going to make those glands work better because it doesn't happen that way. The body can take any kind of a hormone and convert it into a detoxifier and a virus to dissolve toxicity. I talked about how parasites and bacteria break down dead cells in the body. They eat them, put them into a small thing that we can digest and utilize as food. It's a pretty good symbiotic relationship. They thrive on the dead cells and they feed it back to us in an element, in a way that we can utilize and will bring us back to health. It's just like the whole ecological system. We have a crop, disintegrates in the ground, mulches into the ground, and then we have food for the next crop. So it's a cycle that just goes on. That happens in our bodies the same way. We also have fungus in the body. Women are very plagued with yeast infections. A hundred years ago, yeast infections were relatively unheard of. You didn't have all the sugar until England and Germany brought it over. They were bringing sugar over. People couldn't afford sugar. Then all of a sudden, with the advent of our banking system, you could do everything on credit. It's been nice for advancement, but it hasn't stopped people. It doesn't slow people down to say, hey, how is this going to affect our environment? How is it going to affect our children?
Because in any tribe, in any culture, that was always considered before anything was made. When money was right at hand, money was the end product. So now we have all this money to finance making all kinds of things, but nobody looks at the end result of the contamination that it's going to create and what it's done to our society and the body. So we have all of these people now who are very, very sick. They're getting yeast infections like crazy. They process sugars, process grains that are refined. Nobody refined grains like that. Nobody refined grains until the fifties. Better ways to package them. With that World War II, everybody loved packaged, canned everything. My mother was a canned food fanatic. Loved everything in a can. Very handy, very quick. Didn't have to wash it, didn't have to do anything. It's a can opener with all the metal in it and dump it into the pot and cook it and feed it to us. And that's the way it was. So we got poisoned, of course. Got all this metal poisoning from this canned food that's trying to get into the brain and the tonsils are going to stop it. Tonsillitis. Constantly inflamed. All the way through adolescence. Until you got so immune to it, you know, your body just said screw it. Build a wall of defense here. It's about all we can do. But this body's on its road to the junkyard. Sooner than later. And you take a look at other animals. Other animals live seven times the time it takes them to finish maturation. Well, we finish maturation 20-21 years old. So we should be living seven times that. So we should be living to 147 years old. Why are we living less than half of our lifetimes? Take a look at the animals that are fed cooked diets. They lose a third of their life in the first generation that are fed cooked foods. One third their life in one generation of cooked foods. And then it gets worse in the third generation of all cooked foods. That means no raw food at all. Third generation they become impotent. They can no longer procreate. And those that may procreate are deformed offspring. So they're extinct in the very fourth or fifth generation. That's it. They're gone forever. And what generation are we in to all cooked foods as of 1947, when I was born, the year I was born, 1947, 1950. How many people have shortened their lives from that? Before it used to be you just couldn't get, you didn't know the proper diet, you needed lots of grains, if you weren't rich you couldn't afford, or have a farm, couldn't afford meat all the time. And they were always cooking. So of course they shortened their life on cooked foods. But then you have poisons and contaminants in it now. What do you think is happening? Why do we have so much chemical sensitivity? Why do we have babies dying at birth with cancer? Why did I get cancer at 20 years old? Multiple cancers. Because of all this chemical inundation. And it's worse and worse and worse. Take a look at the kids in school. That school food is all canned, all packaged. It's all pre-prepared just like restaurants. Not your fine restaurants, but your regular McDonald's, all of them. Everything comes in a package or a can. All of it's heavily processed. All of it's not been organically grown. It's been chemically grown, processed with chemicals.
So we have the children that we have today, not very healthy. Spreading all over the world. I go into the very primitive areas in Thailand and Bangkok and Laos, Laos is probably the most poor that I've been in. These people are healthy. They eat raw meat as a regular part of their diet. They eat live insects. They eat live snakes. They eat live lizards. They eat this live food, and I mean squirming in their mouths. Live. I'm not talking about they kill it and then eat it. They eat it while it's still squirming. And these people are incredibly healthy. The children, they can work all day long. All day long, right along with their parents. And the parents work all day long. We're talking about a sixteen hour day that they're working in the rice paddies. Out in the bleaching, I mean driving hot, you know, in that heat and that humidity, that sun is intense. You know why they wear those big, you know, hats? To shade them. And they're working out there every day. Fourteen, sixteen hours. And they don't complain. They come out of that field and they'll cook a dinner and they'll sit around in their group and they'll be laughing and playing and the kids will still go out and play ball after working all day. Our kids don't do that anymore. Lucky if you can get them out of bed and get them to school. And they're not alert, you know. It's a terrible situation. And it doesn't happen like that on raw food. One child, his mother started on the diet three months before he was born. Three months before he was born. The child grew and he ate nothing but raw foods. He ate the raw milk for a while. I said, Mom, you're not very healthy. Put the kid, wean the kid off onto good cow's milk. Cow's been eating raw all of its life, you know. So, but she was a mother and wanted to have that connection. So finally at nine months, it took her almost a year to cut it completely, but start feeding the child raw milk. And, you know, they said, well, what else can we feed the child? I said, there's nothing else for four years but raw milk. That's it. The tribes people, that's all they feed their children for five years. Some of them nurse all the way to seven years old, you know, but they're starting to eat it four years old, something else, other things. And then that third year, they may get a little taste of things here and there, but mainly they're breastfeeding for four years. We don't trust that. I said, okay, if you want to feed him something, feed him something very concentrated and, you know, get him something like buffalo liver, blend it with half milk, a little honey, and feed that to him with his baby bottle. So they cut these huge holes in the nipples, and that's what that kid ate. And he's five years old, and that's still what he likes the most, half buffalo liver, half milk. At two years old, not even two years old, he was under two, this was in September, his birthday is in December, so I was doing a workshop and I stay in their home. They had a house and the upper floor is an office and an extra bedroom. So that's where I stay when I'm there. And this child wasn't even two years old, it was September.
And it was after the workshop, and we were sitting around on the floor and little Forrest, you know, not even two years old, just sitting there, just happy and calm as can be. His seven-year-old cousin is there, and she's hyperactive and, you know, irritable and everything. And Nicole, the mother, brings a new board home and puts it down between the cousin and Forrest, her son. And the son, you know, just lets the cousin take the board, and what it is, it's a board with all these cutouts of the alphabet. And you've got pegs that are the shape of the alphabet. So the seven-year-old girl is trying to fit everything in, she doesn't get one in. Seven, ten minutes doing it. Little Forrest just sat there encouraging her. You know, he's not even two years old. Doesn't get one in. So she gets up, she throws one, and it hits, you know, throws it right at Forrest. And hits him, didn't hurt him. He took it and said, P. Put it right in his slot. Put the whole alphabet in there and named every one. Not even two years old. And the mother and the father and I looked at it and said, ooh, this is good. This is really good. We got a really bright child here. So the mother said, okay, say the whole alphabet. So he said the whole alphabet. Now, he hadn't had television. He hadn't had any of that thing. He had very little exposure to other kids. He maybe heard the alphabet song once or twice in his lifetime, you know, on a kiddie show or something like that. Right through without missing a beat, sang the whole song. And I said, I was just playing. I said, okay, sing it backwards. Without missing a beat, he sang the whole thing backwards. So we realized what he had there. So when he went, he started going to preschool at two and a half, a little over two and a half. So he started, he was in class, he automatically started picking up books and reading fourth grade, fourth, four year old material and five year old material to all these preschoolers who couldn't read or write. He just, he's five years old and he just entered the fourth grade. All the children who are born in this diet, who don't have something, the mother got some kind of chemical into it that damaged the child. They're all very advanced and very smart. Even one teenager, I mean I've got lots of teenagers this happened to, but one was out of the ordinary, extraordinary. That's redundant, isn't it? Extraordinary. So she was a girl, her mother and father going through a divorce. She was fourteen and a half years old. Her mother was very sick, especially going through the divorce and everything. The husband was a doctor, had lots of stuff. Didn't want to give her anything, not even a, but just a small little house with the kids. So she was very distraught. So she had to go on this diet because she was getting chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. So she forced her daughter to go on it at the same time. And her daughter, anytime her mother wasn't looking, giving me eyes like this. Letting me know that she had no part in, didn't want any part in this diet. Thought it was crazy, it was stupid, it would kill her, all kinds of things. So the mother forced her to do it. All day long but one meal a day she could have with her friends. It's cool.
But most of the meals all throughout the day had to all be something that I recommended, which was mainly milkshakes for her. And meat twice a day, raw meat. So I went back the next year, guess who was there on her own? The fifteen and a half year old girl, bright and happy, there listening to everything I said. Because what happened was she was a B student, good student, nice person. She wanted to be a professional dancer. And she was only a mediocre dancer. After that year on the diet, she went from a B student to the top in the class. And she became the top in ballet in one year. And she got a scholarship at Juilliard. She knew what the diet was doing for her because whenever she had eaten something cooked, she wouldn't have the energy or stamina or timing. She would even get headaches. So, you know, it can happen, you know, it works quickly on some people, but most people it's a gradual thing because we're so toxic. So then we'll go down to the thymus. Now the thymus directly protects the lungs and the heart. It's right here. So it filters out any nutrients that get to the heart, also creates hormones to keep the heart and the lungs pumping 24 hours a day. Also slightly affects the liver, which has to work 24 hours a day. Most of the body has to work 24 hours a day, even though their minds don't. So then we go down, we have the liver and the liver manufactures bile. It's almost its sole job is to manufacture bile to digest fats. Now the liver has become a filter. It's become like a kidney. It filters out poisons in the blood and stores them in the liver. That's not the liver's job. We're not supposed to be and meant to be toxic like that. The liver makes bile. We have a lot of excess bile that stores in the gallbladder. The gallbladder doesn't manufacture anything. The gallbladder holds bile. Now why do we need a gland, I mean an organ that holds bile? Because when we were living outdoors or slaughtering an animal, we'd eat sometimes 10 pounds of fat in a day because you had to eat it fast or other animals wouldn't eat it. So where would you get the bile? The liver can only produce bile enough to digest a pound of fat a day. And if you're eating 10 pounds in 24, 48 hours, your liver's not going to do it. You're going to have diarrhea and you're going to pass out most of your fat. It's just going to run out of you. So you've got this gallbladder that holds that excess bile. So you can eat lots of fat at a time if you have good bile, well-produced bile. Then we have the pancreas, a very important organ, I mean gland. They say, oh, the pancreas is there to convert crude carbohydrates into glycogen with the aid of the insulin that it produces. So the body makes glycogen, the nervous system uses it, a lot of functions in the body can use glycogen. However, in Columbia University's tests with glycogen, they found that people when they used glycogen had a byproduct called advanced glycation end product. And they found that that stores in the human body at a rate of 70 to 90%.
70 to 90% for a lifetime it stores in your body. A waste product that is a toxin that your body can't reutilize stores in the body causing problems like yeast infections, funguses, athlete's foot, all kinds of problems, even gangrene. So, you look at that sugar relationship and you look at the pancreas and say, wait a minute, before sugar came into being, humans didn't eat much sugar. If you've ever, but then they say, oh fruits, they eat a lot of fruits. Where the hell are fruits? I lived outdoors for three years. The only time I ever came across fruit in the wild was very seasonal, very small patches like blueberry patch or a very primitive strawberry patch. Strawberries are as big as a small marble and they're as tart and as bitter as can be. They're not sweet. Only time I came across prolific amounts of fruit was when they were cultivated by man. So you look at this, there's not much fruit out there in the wild. There wasn't fruit being produced unless it was agriculturally produced. So they weren't eating all that sugar. So now we're getting all this inundation of sugar so the pancreas has warped itself. But what is the pancreas made to do? To take the enzymes that are broken down from food to reassemble them in a structure that is right for the human body, send it back to the digestive tract. Very important function. Now what happens when we eat cooked foods? There's no bioactive enzymes. So what is the pancreas doing? Pancreas creates hormones like insulin that goes out and leaches these nutrients from every cell in your body. So you've got this huge bank account that you start with in your life if you're relatively healthy. And each time you eat a cooked food you spend some of it. So by the time you're 60 years old, your bank account's pretty gone. Pretty deficient. Because the pancreas has to go leach good active substances to go in there and utilize these crude structures of protein and fats that have been damaged, that have been cauterized from heat and chemicals to try to utilize that. It's like going into a junkyard and utilizing whatever you can to make a car. What is that car structure going to be like? Even if it starts off as a Rolls Royce, within 10 years you're going to have a very weird machine. And all the old parts are going to get worse because you put an old part in, it makes the newer one, the original one, more damaged. And it keeps damaging the newer good stuff. So you end up with all broken down parts. And that's basically the structure of what happens when you eat cooked and processed foods. So the pancreas tries to minimize the toxicity and maximize the utilization of fats and proteins in the body, to help strengthen and promote some kind of health in the body. And it does a phenomenal job, because all of you are sitting here after having eaten a ton of crappy food, and lots of chemicals, and exposed to lots of chemicals. But then you see when you eat 60, 70, you start getting severe diseases that usually means it's the end of your life. They're saying, they're sort of flashing up these statistics, oh we're living longer, we're living longer. Our medical innovations have stopped diseases, we've stopped polio.
Absolute hogwash. If you look in laboratory tests, you'll see the poliomyelitis is active in almost everybody alive. Polio is there. They're just giving it a different name so you won't know that it's polio. They're giving it an entirely different name. And because all bacteria changes genetic structure every 7 to 10 years, of course the poliomyelitis that we had back in the 50s when the polio vaccine came out is different than it is now, so they give it a different name. It's not polio anymore. Well, it's the exact same thing. We have people that are crippled the same way. Look at Guillain-Barre disease. It's polio, terrifically advanced, that hits a body and paralyzes it like that. It has the same biochemical structure and damage, so they haven't gotten rid of anything. When I lived outdoors, I slept in graveyards a lot because people would leave me alone in a graveyard. I wore robes like they did back in Jesus' time, and I had a beard and long hair. You look like Jesus in a graveyard, nobody's going to screw with you. Basically, I lived in a lot of graveyards in three years, or two and a half years. Let me tell you, there were people very old, lots of tombstones. There were 102, 105, 106, 110. One I even saw was 112. And in a graveyard, sure, you've got babies that died at birth. And this was back in a time when you didn't have air conditioning, and you didn't have heat, regular heat. People would go to bed cold, you know, and be in excruciating heat. And you had people that were living much longer than you look in the graveyards today. And the ratio of the death statistics. I mean, our rate of death in this country is higher than any other. Except in the countries that have been poisoned with Ebola and AIDS, like in Africa, that they put in the smallpox vaccine. Why do you think America funded 75 million vaccines? The UK, the British government, and the United States government funded 75 million smallpox vaccines. Every one of those Africans who got the smallpox vaccine got AIDS. Why did they do that? It's another warfare. It's another way you can take over the resources of a country without having to go to battle, and you do it quickly. And you also create what? Anybody here read the diaries of a financial hitman is it called?
Q: Economic.
A: Economic hitman. Talks about how they'll run a country into debt. They can't pay it, so they take over the resources and the government, and the World Bank runs it. And who runs the World Bank? Twelve families. They run the world. So here you say you've given 75 million people in Africa. You devastated them. And the British and American governments are saying, oh, we'll give you aid. We'll help you. We'll give you medications that don't work for this AIDS epidemic. We'll keep giving you this, and you just keep killing off the people. And they say, oh, you can't pay the debt? Then we'll have to take your resources. And that's the way it goes. So with all of that, everything that they're saying is untrue. I don't believe a word they say about anything. It's all manipulative. They're trying to get you to think it's OK. Our food system is OK, except for the bacteria in it. You have to have poison towels. You have to have poison mattresses for your babies to lie on that are anti-bacterial. Cutting boards that are anti-bacterial. Rugs that are anti-bacterial. They put them in all airports because these people that fly over from Asia have got to bring terrible things here because they still have trichinosis in their intestines. Yet they're vibrantly healthy, but they're going to bring the bird flu over. Avian flu, what a joke. No animal can get a virus from another animal. You can't have that transference. It doesn't happen that way. Viruses are not alive. Viruses have no nucleus, they have no respiratory system, they have no eating system. All they do is disintegrate certain tissue depending upon the virus. If something's not alive, how can it be contagious? You can put virus in a petri dish that is fertilized so that cells can grow in it, and you put viruses there by themselves, not one more will be found. The same number a year later and under any temperature condition. Now one more will be found in that petri dish. As soon as you introduce live cells into it, all of a sudden the virus starts multiplying. And if you look in a petri dish where the virus comes out, it comes out of the cell. The cell's manufacturing it. If you say we manufacture Tide soap, right? So you have all these homes with Tide soap. Tide soap contagious? Saying virus is contagious is like saying tide soap is contagious. You've got a cell that's in a toxic environment. It's fertile enough to keep the cell alive, but it's still a chemical environment. It's not a natural environment. It's not blood. It's not anything other than a toxic chemical soup. So these cells are not well. So they start producing viruses to clean themselves. Because they can't utilize bacteria, parasites are fungus in an environment like that, because those creatures are killed, destroyed. After chemotherapy I couldn't get a bacterial cold anymore. I got flus only. Flu, with the definitions years ago, thirty years ago, cold was predominantly bacterial. A flu was predominantly, almost exclusively viral. Now they're mixing them up, because there's almost no more bacteria involved. All we find are massive amounts of virus. But just remember, fungus, parasites, bacteria, eat this dead tissue and reduce it to a small amount of waste for us to discard or utilize as nutrients in the body.
When you've got a virus, you're talking about a solvent, you're talking about a soap, it's not alive. So what happens if you take a soap to clean off the garage floor? You put it in water, you dilute it, you clean up the grease on the floor with all the other garbage that's out there, and then what do you have? You have a bucket full of toxicity. Same thing happens in the human body. So you have massive swelling. You don't have any mitigation of the toxicity. So virus is not a happy way to detox. It is still a way to detox, and that's the way I had to detox up until three years ago, because of the chemotherapy and radiation. Anytime... I would eat parasites, one time I ate a pound of salmon that was undulating with pinworms. I must have eaten a couple hundred thousand of eggs, probably at least 2,000 of those pinworms. Had my feces and the urine checked for ten weeks after. Not one parasite. They couldn't sustain themselves in such a toxic body. Every time they'd eat a cell, it was damaged with chemotherapy or radiation or both, and all the other toxicity from the medication. It killed them. So of course they can't procreate in a situation like that, a poisoned environment. So then the body uses virus instead, because that's not alive, but cleaning it out. So that's why it was very, very long for me to get well. It took really 30 years for me to go from that cancerous place and all that medical therapy to a very strong, healthier place, where I am now. I'm trying to get parasites after I did those experiments with those animals that did very well, as long as we fed them raw and let them maintain their parasites. The vitality and vibrance, even at autopsy, was astronomical. I mean, they were like kittens and puppies, 12, 15-year-old animals, like kittens and puppies, after they got rid of their parasites, after they rebuilt everything in such a short time. Bacteria, if they had to do with bacteria, would have taken a longer time. If they had done it with fungus, it would have taken an even longer time. But doing it with virus, it takes forever, because there's so much toxicity involved in it. There's no change over or neutralization of toxicity. It just dissolves it and fractionates all those poisons into a million other poisons. And your body has to wash it and flush it out of the system. It has to use nutrients to bind with it and eliminate it. So, virus are not alive, virus are not contagious. And you see the big news article in the New York Times and all of that, getting ready to fight a new flu epidemic. So you got the Avian Flu already. And where did that Avian Flu, now how did they come up with 70 million doses of vaccine, 70 million doses of vaccine, where did they come up with it in a year and a half that they started making it? They can't make that many that fast. Think back, what happened with the Swine Flu, does anybody remember the Swine Flu of the 70's? Everybody was going to get the Swine Flu that came from Asia. Asians are getting blamed for everything. Or the Spanish Flu, the Spanish did it.
Always are coming up with some animal or some foreigner to attack, because there's a natural prejudice against certain foreigners and against certain animals. So the Swine Flu, everybody was told the Swine Flu and Trichinosis, oh that's a very bad animal and any disease that it's going to give us is going to be really terrible. So they came up with the Swine Flu. President Ford went on TV and took the vaccine, said look it's completely harmless. Who was our Vice President? David Rockefeller. What did his whole family was invested in? Pharmaceuticals. Who got the seven billion dollar contract to make the Swine Flu? Rockefeller. And who did Rockefeller? And did you see him get the Swine Flu on TV? No, not at all. He talked his crony who was President into taking the Swine Flu on TV. Now I like Ford, he was a very peaceful man to an extent. He wasn't hard like the others, but he was still a politician. So what happened? We had two people in the United States that caused a turmoil. Dr. McBean, a female M.D. in San Diego and Ida Honorof who was a famous consumer advocate and syndicated in 183 different radio shows throughout the United States and some even internationally. They both said the Swine Flu is a hoax, the Swine Flu is another vaccine that's full of mercury, formaldehyde, ether, aluminum and what was the other one, detergent with this bacteria that was grown on eggs. It is a toxic substance, nobody should get it. You're talking about a consumer advocate, M.D. making a lot of noise and the way they made the big noise, they filed suit on the CDC, President Ford and Rockefeller and the Attorney General, I mean the Surgeon General, filed suit on all of them. What happened? They made a noise so the press was there at the poll stations waiting for people to have all kinds of bad reactions and guess what happened? They did. 2100 people died in the first two weeks so they pulled the vaccine and it's been in the storage vaults. $7 billion that you and I paid for in the vaults. They're spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to vault that. So what happened when the smallpox vaccine came out? How did they make 75 million smallpox vaccines in a few months for these people in Asia? They were pulling out the swine flu, selling it as smallpox and injecting it with AIDS. It was created in UCLA in 1961. They took the leukemic virus from a bovine and the lymphonomic virus from a sheep and they combined them, spliced them together and they created what was called the AIDS virus. Dr. Strecker, Robert Strecker found that out. He was hired by an insurance company in San Francisco that was about to insure a company that was 60% homosexuals. They wanted to know the rate, the quality, the structure, the longevity of anybody and the likelihood of anybody who was homosexual getting AIDS because that was the thing. AIDS was among the homosexual community. So he kept fractionating this... Now when you have a virus structure before it does its work and disassembles something, it is a protein structure that by its magnetic structure, its shape and its chemistry can go in and cause something to disintegrate. But it is very specific to certain tissue.
But the pharmaceutical industry says, see what it is doing to the cell? It only shows you that small picture. Yeah, it is disintegrating to regenerate it. But it is a finite structure. It is like when you go through a cold or a flu. It is not dissolving your whole body. It is dissolving certain structures in your pulmonary cavities. It is getting rid of certain toxicity in there. It is not going to kill you. It will incapacitate you certainly. But it is not going to kill you. But they will make you think it is so you will take their defenses against it, which are all horse manure. So guess where the other half of that swine flu, I mean guess where the other half of the swine flu is going to be used? In the Asian avian flu vaccine. We already paid 7 billion dollars for it and then Bush last year spent 8 billion dollars on the same substance. So pull it out of the vault and re-market. Because it does not make any difference. Think about it. Viruses are not alive. So they are always going to be changing depending upon what is in the cell. A virus that a body makes, one cell makes, 24 hours is going to be completely different. Because it needs to get rid of other structures within that system. It has taken apart some of it, it has healed it, discarded it, now this whole process has to take maybe ten structures apart to be able to get rid of all that contamination and rebuild itself and heal itself. So viruses are always going to change. So in three days you have viruses that look nothing like the virus that was in effect three days ago. And they are going to give you a virus that they say has been manufactured on a virus that existed a year and a half to three years ago. They are making a virus for you to take that is already obsolete and extinct. I mean I don't get how people can buy this shit. I really don't. It is insane. I mean your MDs out there, you think that they have good minds, they can absorb all this nonsense, this bad chemistry and they have good minds to be able to absorb it, but they don't have wise minds. They don't have practical minds, they don't have rational minds. It is an absolute absurdity to say that viruses are contagious. 30 years ago doctors were told never to give an antibiotic to somebody who had a viral anything, a viral infection, because they were worthless. Viruses aren't alive. Now they are administering antibiotics like crazy for anything that is viral and they are saying viruses are contagious. I don't get it. I really don't get it at all. I mean it is like we are living in a stupid world. I'm not talking ignorant, I'm talking stupid. So anyway, back to the human body. Okay, so we have this very important pancreas going over the liver, the gallbladder. We have the spleen. What does the spleen do? The spleen is an organ, it's not a gland, it doesn't produce anything, it doesn't manufacture anything, but it holds red blood cells. Now why would we need a storage for red blood cells? Well let's say you were swinging around in a tree or you were on a bicycle and you had an accident and you lost a cup of blood. You'd be anemic for 45 days. It would be lessened every day that your body created more red blood cells to catch up. But just think if you didn't have that spleen that holds up to two pints of blood, red blood cells.
You lose that cup of blood, the spleen just puts it right back in the bloodstream as soon as the bleeding stops. You're no longer anemic. You're right back to where you were, except that your bone marrow is going to have to breed a lot more red and white blood cells. That's where the red and white blood cells breed is in the bone marrow. As soon as they're mature, the body throws them off into the bloodstream or they just migrate into the bloodstream and then do their work there, transporting oxygen, getting rid of carbon monoxide and all the fat cells, defending anything you might inhale to get into the blood. You also notice that the white blood cell count that we have diminishes after eating cooked food. It's called leukocytosis. You eat a cooked meal, somewhere around a third of your white blood cells will enter the digestive tract to handle all that toxicity. It never happens when you're eating raw food. You will never experience leukocytosis. It's even been proved that if you eat something raw with a cooked meal, it still won't happen because there's enough enzyme activity in the raw food to prevent the contamination, but still you will never be able to digest as well. So these red and white blood cells are very important. There are so many white blood cells all over in the body. Most of your lymph is fatty cells. So we have other resources for fat in the body. We have fat stored in the muscles all throughout the tissues everywhere, unless you're very skinny like some people. Then they may not have any protection whatsoever. Also if you're very cold and your blood is too thin, the spleen can dump a lot of red blood cells into your bloodstream, thicken it, and you'll be warmer. Also if you're too hot it can start attracting a lot of the red blood cells out of the bloodstream, hold a lot of red blood cells and you'll be cooler because you thin the blood. The kidney comes in there too. The kidney will filter out water. The kidney will allow anything that's in the blood to flow out except for the red blood cells. The kidney filters out red blood, holds red blood cells so that we don't lose a lot of red blood cells. Because if the blood flowed out we wouldn't even exist. We'd be dead, we'd be melted, we'd be like the Wicked Witch in the East, West. West is a good place, we can talk about it. The Wicked Witch, you'd just dissolve like the Witch of Wicked Witch because you wouldn't have anything working properly, you wouldn't have any functionality. So the kidneys, everything in your urine is exactly what's in the blood but without all the red blood cells. So if your blood is good and clean and pure, so will your urine. That's why a lot of civilizations, even tribes use urine as an antiseptic, as a nutrient. If they're starving, they'll recycle, they'll drink their urine. It has a little bit of ammonia in it that the kidneys manufacture while they're processing the blood. There are some cells that break down in the kidney and of course it's normally the bowels and the intestines that take that and digest it, but when it breaks down in the kidney it will cause some pretty harsh decay in the kidney. So the kidney uses ammonia to neutralize some of that toxicity and just pass all that stuff out into the urine, but it's still not highly toxic.
So there are lots of people who drink urine and use it medicinally. I've seen tribespeople take newborn babies where the flies and the mosquitoes seem to be bothering and they'll just wait for a water buffalo to start peeing and they'll just bathe the baby in buffalo pee and all the insects stop just like that. Baby's happy. No longer crying or fussing. It works. Don't be afraid of urine. You go to the bathroom. You don't have to poison your hand with chemicals because you're going to get some disease from your penis or vagina that are going to kill you. This is all hogwash to sell you soaps. They want you to be afraid of everything that comes in and out of your body and it's absurd. Everybody buys it. We've been handling bacteria and fecal matter for millions of years. We know the remains of Lucy are four and a half million years old, almost five million years old. So we know the Homo sapiens have been around at least that long. You think she ran around with antibacterial soaps? She wiped her butt and then handled her meat that she ate? No. A hundred years ago they didn't have toilet paper. They didn't have the outhouses. They went in the woods. They didn't have soaps to wash their hands. I mean, soaps usually was only used for hair because the hair would get so thick and so globbed. Soap was used on hair only. You didn't wash your whole body with soap. Very rarely, you know, once a month you took a bath or shower. You stunk, but everybody was familiar with that stink and it was a good thing. It was normal. Now if you have bad breath or anything, take this chemical. Take this chemical. And that's what it's all about, selling you a chemical. It's just going to be a chemical that will do more damage to your body. Everything's got to look pretty. Oh, you've got acne? Here, take this drug or take this laser surgery and let's stretch your face so you look like a stretched drum. And that's more attractive than wrinkles. The whole concept, you're being fed all this horse manure about beauty and cleanliness. This is absolute horse manure. Remember Marilyn Monroe in the 50's and 60's? She was the ideal and she was not a skinny woman. This woman was buxom. She was the ideal and all of a sudden Twiggy comes in and all of a sudden everything's changed. Let me tell you, I dated Twiggy one time and I'd never do it again because she's so skinny she's hyperactive. She has no fat to calm her system so she panicked when she thought we were locked in the back. My publicity agent at the time wanted me to take her to Butterflies are Free which is the premiere of a movie, Butterflies are Free, with young Edward Albert in it and Goldie Hawn I think it was. So we limoed it up there, all these paparazzis. I was still not very well and the flashes gave me a headache going in so I didn't want to deal with the paparazzi going out so I said we'll meet the limo in the alleyway. So this is a brand new first multi-theater movie house. There's only three theaters but it was the first about 1971 I think. Somewhere around 72 maybe. So we go out the back of the theater and they're still building, they didn't finish it. This was the opening show of this triad theater and this is Cineplex. All these building materials were still in the hallways in the back and then Dorie Freeman was in with us and Justin who was Twiggy's manager.
We all stepped out and I said, don't let that door close, I don't know if they're locked. It shut. Twiggy started screaming, screaming, I mean really like somebody was killing her and we couldn't stop her. Finally I shook her and Justin slapped her to stop her and that still made her worried. I ran to the other door and I opened it, it's open. Skinny is not healthy and I'm going to get into that. The bladder is just a way station so as the kidneys work it's a constant flow of fluid going into the bladder. So the bladder holds it until you've accumulated enough where you just have to go. Now animals in the wild, they don't drink water, except for birds, elephants and camels. An elephant can go 28 days without drinking water, they'll drink 55 gallons of water at a time, they can go 28 days without having any water. They've got an organ in their body that holds the water and piecemeals it out. But they have to have water like a bird who eats dried food. If you're eating bark that's dead skin on a tree, it's not going to dissolve without water. The animals who eat water need the water to dissolve certain compounds in their bodies. We may need a little bit of it too, because of the way we were eating all this cooked food, all this dried food, all this garbage stuff. But it's not a healthy thing. What it does is, like I explained, rain is water. It comes down and it dissolves rock so the plants can eat. Can you imagine what it dissolves in you if it's in your digestive tract and you're drinking water all day long? What happens? You keep leaching and dissolving your own digestive tract. You thin the mucous, you thin the intestinal walls. You dilute the hydrochloric acid. You start neutralizing all of the bacteria and other juices and elements that you have in the digestive tract. Not a good thing. When did water come about? I remember when I was in school in the fifties, we took three sips off of the fountain a day. We drank milk or soda pop. But before that there wasn't anything else. You drank milk. That's what you drank to give you nutrients. But what happened in 1963? They started bottling water. So the bottled water companies hired some doctors to say, you need and you need and everybody needs eight glasses of water a day. They started contaminating the water so that people wouldn't drink the tap water so they'd drink bottled water. So it's one system after another. Intentionally, they put fluoride in the water now and you know it's bad. So most people won't drink the water anymore, tap water, and you shouldn't. In L.A. we've got 192 chemicals in the water. In the valley that uses the water before we get it, there's 136. In Saugus that uses it first, that water is used three times to get to L.A. And the industry is phenomenal. They're dumping its chemicals into it, but they protect you because they've taken out all the bacteria. We put the fluoride in it, which is a chemical poison, and they say it's better for your health. It protects bones. And you know where that kind of logic comes from? In Massachusetts they did a test back in the 60s, where they put a bunch of people in this test on water with fluoride in it. And at the end of the test, the group that had the fluoride had fewer cavities. That's all they tell you. But they don't expect you to ask, and you won't ask unless you're very acute. Like I did, I said, wait a minute, how many teeth did they have before they started drinking it, and how many after?
People who ate the fluoride lost 10% of their teeth who drank the fluoride water over that 10-year period of drinking fluoride water. So they had less cavities because they had less teeth. So you have to watch these people. If you have questions, you ask them after I finish, because I'll pretty much cover everybody's questions before we get finished. So fluoride is not good. But what is fluoride? Fluoride is a main by-product of manufacturing, especially the war department. So they don't have anywhere else to put their pollution. Too expensive. They want to use their money to make machines that make the fat cats who make the machines, like the Bush family with the Carlyle group that sells ammunitions and tanks and weapons. They want to make sure that those fat cats get fat and fat and fat. So they have to spend their money to find a place to get rid of the fluoride and some other chemicals that they're putting into the water and telling you it's for your health. No it isn't. So you all have to spend the money to neutralize it. You don't have to spend the money for the technology so you can keep getting fat. And we suffer for it. But it's national security. We'll poison the hell out of you, make you very sick, but we'll protect you. From whom? It was the Russians for how long? The Russians were going to get you. The Russians were going to get you. What the hell happened to the Russians? Always somebody's going to get you. Little bitty Iraqi country. I mean it's absurd. What was it that Reagan did? That little bitty tiny island? Grenada. A threat to the national sovereignty of the United States. They had one airport, one jet strip, that's all they had. We sent a whole troop in there and it was over in ten minutes. They took over Grenada, they took over its livelihood, they took over everything. I have some patients who were MDs that lived and grew up on Grenada. They just wanted to take that and use it as a military base. And that's what it is now, a military base. The natives, the Grenadans wouldn't have it. So they called them a national threat and went in and took them over. So there are many ways to take over everything. I don't know why they're so greedy. It doesn't make any sense to me. You can't even spend that much money. How many of you could spend a million dollars a day, every day of your life? They've got billions, I mean hundreds of thousands a day to spend. Even Steven Spielberg can't spend the eight million dollars or twenty-three million dollars now that he makes a day on all of the residuals from his films. Can you imagine spending twenty-three million dollars that he can't do it? He can't get rid of it. There's nothing he wants to invest in besides the studio and this and that. But these people on this higher level are just so greedy they don't care what they do to you and me. The reason I'm telling you this information, I keep throwing this in there, in there is because you are a collateral damage. And the only way you are going to be able to be healthy is to make sure you take care of yourself and you get a good source of food. This place is going pretty soon. Everything that Wild Oats has created is going to go out the door very soon because Whole Foods is taking it over.
Whole Foods is a Texas-based company that's rooted in the Bush family and the Bass family. Very ruthless people in Texas. When they first came out, I was very suspicious of them. They said, all natural beef. So I went to their head office in Texas and I said, okay, I want to see what you're feeding your cows and your steers and all of this to see what you're raising that's all natural. Were they all grazed? Did they get grain? And if they got grain and they got feed, what was it? Was it organic and all of this? Practically nothing. Very little. Mainly cows that were stuck in stalls that were fed hay. That's natural, okay, I'll buy that. But they're not out roaming around as much. And they were feeding them 15% bakery waste. Stale doughnuts. So I called the head office and I said, you can't put natural on that. Well, grains are natural and that's what doughnuts are made with. I said, how many cows do you know who boil their grains in oil and make doughnuts? How can you call that natural? Well, it's natural and the FDA and USDA let us label it that way. I said, well, where's your freaking consciousness? You got into this health food thing, you bought up Mrs. Gooch's all over the United States and all these health food stores just so you can make money off of it, but you have no conscience about it? Well, that's what business is about. Business is about money. And then I look at Whole Foods every day and they go, go organic, go organic. Yet you look in there and they'll have 2% organic fresh produce. Here you can go in and you can find 50% or better organic produce. But in Whole Foods, it's all about getting your dollar for the words organic. It's got nothing to do with healthy foods. And they just bought Wild Oats. So Wild Oats is gone, so Whole Foods runs it. The only way you're going to be able to take care of yourself and know that you're getting good food is by supporting local farmers who will supply your food, like Sherry does and a lot of Amish farmers that are part of our groups. We truck our food all the way from the Amish farmers in Pennsylvania to our group in Los Angeles every week. We have organic pastures, which I fought for and supported, but they're putting it in plastic. I don't want my milk in plastic. It's on the shelf how long? You know, before it gets to the store and all that. I don't want it. I get mine in glass. So I have it shipped, you know, all the way from Pennsylvania out to Los Angeles every week. Sure, the milk isn't as fresh. It takes four days to get there. I don't care. Milk never goes bad, it just becomes cheese. Raw milk never goes bad, it just becomes cheese. Raw meat never goes bad, it just becomes stinky and more digestible. But that bacteria in meat, when I talk about the high meat in the recipe book, it makes people happy and giddy. I've had people who've been on five to seven psychotropic drugs for their psychological problems for up to 32 years.
The woman who was on the Ripley show, the Ripley's, believe it or not, when I was eating all that warm and dang green infested meats there on the screen, show that the woman who was in that that sat with me at the interview with the two other people, she had been on psychotropic drugs for 32 years, up to seven a day, sometimes even nine to ten for periods of time. As soon as she started eating that high meat, her life changed. I mean I had a bit of a time with her. You know, she was on the diet on and off for a year and a half, taking medication and all of that, and you know, she was calling me all the time and said, you know, I can make a lot of money off of you with all these calls, but I'm in agony. I'm not a doctor, I can't just take your money and do all that, so I can't work with you anymore. You need to try the high meat and see if it works for you. If it doesn't, I'll go ahead gruelingly every day with you, but I need you to at least try the high meat. I'm already on this crazy diet with this raw meat and all this stuff. It's anti-social. Bam! A few days later, she calls up and says, OK, what do I got to do? How do I make this stuff? I said, well, you need to cut it up in smaller pieces, put it in a jar, leave it half full of air. You need to air it out every two to three days. If you're not putting it in the refrigerator, if it's in the refrigerator, you have to air it every three to four days, and it takes about three weeks. I don't have three weeks. I may kill myself tonight. I said, OK. Sometimes it came like that. OK. Go ahead. I knew it wouldn't happen anyway. So I said, but I have a friend who makes a lot of it, eats it frequently because he had the same kind of conditions, so you can probably buy some from him. So I called him and gave him her number. I wasn't going to give her number. So he called her and they made an exchange. So I get this call about 8 o'clock at night, 7.45, and she says, I don't answer the phone unless I know who's calling, between 7 and 9 a.m. usually, unless I know who's calling and it's an emergency. So this is her on the phone. I just had some high meat, I really need to talk with you. I said, uh oh, I'll be up all night babysitting her through this. She needs to know that I'm not the one who made this okay for her. She's going to get through this wonderfully and it'll be all her doing. So I refused to answer the phone. So every 45 minutes to an hour I get a call. I'm really nervous about this. You really need to call me. She's getting funny. So by the time 5 o'clock rolls around, she says, I'm going to sit on this phone until you answer, she's singing and very happy. So I answered the phone and I said, Hi. She's a famous yoga instructor with tapes and everything. So ah, you know, how calm was that? So I'm on the phone and I say, yeah, I said, you're doing pretty well, aren't you? She said, what do you mean I'm doing fine? I said, well, you're whistling, you're singing, you're laughing, you're happy. Oh yeah. So from then on, she ate high meat almost every day. What that does is, the point of that is, the bacteria in the high meat, even though it's stinky and foul smelling, it's stinky and foul smelling in your intestines. You cut your stomach open, it smells the same way. But it is utilized in the body exceptionally well.
When your E. coli breaks, the last molecules down to the fine ones that feed the brain and the nervous system, that's what the natural bacteria in the meat does when you let it decompose itself. Sure it's stinky, but let me tell you, people don't have bad breath from it. I've got one guy who was, let's say on a scale of 1 to 10 of a good looking man, he certainly wasn't a Richard Gere, which is a 10, he was about a 4.8, so he was right in the middle of there somewhere, okay guy. He was big, burly, very anti-social, hated people, became a landscape artist because he hated people so much, so he didn't have to deal with people when he was out trimming trees and taking care of yards. So he'd been on the diet just like this other woman, he'd been on the diet up and on, psychological problems, taking psychotropic drugs, and I said, Don, you have to do the high meat. So I did the same thing I did to the other woman to him, and he ate the high meat, changed his life. He doesn't eat fresh meat anymore, he eats two pounds of high meat a day, stinkiest rotten stuff you could have. He's got two refrigerators outside the house, and one other compartment that moves it faster, but he eats two pounds a day. When I went back there the year after he started doing that for the next workshop, okay, we're talking about a 4.8 guy here. He had three women that he brought to the workshop together that were all above tens. The guy had become so happy and so easy about his life and everything, he became so funny and so charming. He had three girlfriends come together, knew each other, and these were all tens. So don't poo-poo high meat, it can do phenomenal things. Just remember, it does the same work as your E. coli. Now a lot of us don't have good E. coli, that's why we go into anxiety, that's why you have a lot of fear, a lot of paranoia, because the brain and nervous system are not getting fed. As soon as they get fed, disappears in 10-20 minutes. High meat works in 10-20 minutes, 10-20 minutes. Only one case out of 1,000, more than 1,000 now, but I'm just going to use about 1,000, but only one case do I know that it didn't affect the person badly or positively when he ate it the first time. Everybody else, it works within 10-20 minutes, even the first time they eat it. I had one fellow that said it worked for him for three months and then after that it didn't work anymore. He wasn't depressed anymore. Some of the logic, I don't know where it comes from. I'm not depressed but the meat is not working. Okay, okay. It's because you were healed, you recovered, right? You don't need the high meat, so why should it work? Your E. coli is doing it on its own, you're already happy. Again, don't be afraid of the human body, don't be afraid of the fecal matter, anything. Be afraid of all the chemicals out there that the body has not been subject to for millions of years. They've all come out in the last 60, 80 years, all of these chemicals. They're being put in your food, in your cosmetic products, in your perfumes, your colognes, your soaps, your clothes. Your clothes are mainly plastic these days. If they aren't cotton, silk, or wool, you've got plastic clothes. Even those that are made, you know, like rayon, they say it's created from pine needles, well it's natural. Do you know what they have to do to the pine needle to make it into a fiber? It becomes plastic by the time they finish with it.
Remember, whenever you hydrogenate and subject a vegetable oil to high temperatures and processing like that, it has the same molecular structure as plastic. Hydrogenated vegetable oils are the same molecular structure as plastic. How well are you going to digest plastic? Vegetable oils in the human body are a detriment anyway. Safflower oil, all of them, are detriments to the human body. Why? Because as a human, we have a body temperature of 98.6 and lower. Herbivores who eat vegetation and digest it properly have a very long digestive track of all of those other things going for them, plus they have a body temperature of 102.6 to 105 degrees. They keep that vegetable oil fluid, liquid, in the human body, even outside the human body, at 98.6 degrees over a few weeks, a few months, guess what? If it's raw, it will crystallize, it becomes crystals, like honey does, only honey breaks down with heat. It doesn't do so well in the human body, that's what causes hardening of the arteries. It's the main cause of sclerosis of many tissues, it's the main, besides alcohol, it also causes almost all MS, multiple sclerosis, like 86% of MS is caused by hydrogenated vegetable oils, crystallizes in the system. Now how do you get your body temperature up to 100, 205 degrees to melt that down? Who does it? Who stays in a bathtub that's at least 102 degrees for an hour and a half? Nobody. Some people who visit hot springs do it, and it will flow and release from them systems. But vegetable oil that's been hydrogenated, heated, above 150, 200 degrees is what they process the vegetable oils at, plus the chemicals they put in is plastic. When they take those pine needles to make fabric, it is plastic. So all the lint that you get off of all those plastic clothes, your body has to digest it. It becomes a part of the body. Can it? Will it kill cells? What will it do? You've got epoxies in there. It's plastic. Do you know the history of plastic? They tried to make plastic a common thing from the 50s to the 60s, but they couldn't because what would happen with plastic? It's a vegetable oil, it comes from a natural source. So when they would make plastic, it would get a fungus, it would mold within six months. So they couldn't use it in toys, they couldn't use it in cars, they couldn't use it because they couldn't stop the mold that always grew on plastic. So what did they do? They created PCB, deadly toxins that would poison our earth just so they could poison the mold in the plastic so it would never have a fungus. They produced these highly toxic PCBs, these dioxins, so that they can sell the product. Yet it contaminates, you've got it for food, you've got it for water containers, you've got it in cars, you've got it everywhere. That fabric on that plastic, everywhere there's plastic. Do you know how much of that dioxin, how much of that PCBs in the waste water is floating over our planet since 1967 when they started making plastic to go into everything and anything and now that they're making clothes that way? One third of our planet is already toxic with these substances. One third of our planet, that's the entire land mass that we have. That doesn't include the oceans, I mean I'm putting it up as a land mass, it isn't all over the land mass, but it's in the waters, it's mainly in the lake systems and it's getting into the oceans. They're dumping it into the oceans.
So this stuff breathed into your body is massive toxicity with lots of chemicals. It's in your rugs, your synthetic rugs, your furniture, your carpet, your throw carpets, the bathroom stuff, your furniture is lined with synthetic fabrics. I have everything in my household that's natural, no rugs. When I have rugs, they were wool or cotton, and if I get those fibers in my lungs, everybody does, if you breathe fabric, no matter what the fabric is made from, it lints. And you want to prove that, just let your synthetic carpets or sofa sit there for a month without ever dusting or vacuuming it, then let a light stream come through and then hit it and you'll see all this lint just floating up in the air everywhere, and you breathe that in and then you've got plastic in your lungs. Your body has to digest it, literally has to digest it in the lungs. And you're digesting the PCBs, the dioxins, all of that very harmful, dangerous stuff, all that epoxy, chemicals that make up epoxy, and they use a tremendous amount of kerosene derivatives to break that down and to make it into a fluid substance to recombine, and you dissolve all that, so you've got ether, you've got all of these chemical derivatives that are damaging you. Now the most prolific country in plastic clothes is Vietnam. When I visited Vietnam the last few years, the last three years, almost, I'm talking about the women living in the cities, whether it's Da Nang, even Nha Trang, Saigon, which is Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, all of the cities, 100% of the women, and I mean literally 100% of the women, are running around in synthetic pajamas. That's their fashion, pajamas. It's neat, it's easy, they clean easily, they don't stain as easily, and they're all wearing... The men, you can rarely see anything plastic on them, they're still wearing cotton or silk, but the women are wearing all this plastic, and the women are so deteriorated and toxic. I went in to investigate and research some of the women having babies, you know, the young girls are 16 years old, 18 years old, who've had a baby, and a year later they've got these stretch marks that literally shine like they're plastic. And their mothers have had six kids and they don't have any stretch marks, and these new kids are raised on all this plastic that we introduced when we invaded them in the 60's and 70's, they have all this plastic and they're not happy, and there's all this, I mean all the other bombs and everything else we've dropped there, this is not a healthy country, and this plastic is not helping. The women are a lot sicker than the men, because they're wearing this plastic all the time all day long. I don't see that kind of stress even in Laos, we've dropped more bombs in Laos than we did in all of Vietnam during the whole war, and still those people are living out in their tribes, and in grass huts, and in their cotton and fiber, like linen clothes, it's mainly cotton and silk, a lot of silk there, created in Thailand, a lot of them there grow the silkworm, and then they sell the silkworm to the manufacturers, so they have their own silk. They don't have that kind of attitude, they don't have that kind of experience. Children don't get stretch marks from having one child that looks like plastic. So you have to take a look at all of this, what it's doing on a gross term and an individual term for you.
So you have to take care of yourself, you have to support the farmer if you want to be protected, because in the next year when Whole Foods takes over Wild Oats, I think, because there are people who are bent on killing a lot of people, that they're out to poison you through your food every way they can. Now, I didn't have any evidence of that and didn't even consider it as a fact until I saw the interviews of the director, famous director, who knew the Rockefellers?
Q: Russo.
A: Yes, Aaron Russo, very good man, good hearted man. So Aaron Russo becomes famous with his directorial movies and all of that. And the Rockefeller, one of the Rockefellers were interested in meeting him and become friends, so he became friends with him. And after a few years Rockefeller confessed that he and the Skull and Bones group that the Bush belonged to and all those families belonged to believed that they had to kill 4.6 billion people on earth to be able to control the earth. And they are out to kill you, mainly with vaccines. So that made me look into the papers on overpopulation. Overpopulation was addressed in the 60s and 70s and Kissinger was given that chore to look into it and what could be done about overpopulation. And let me tell you, two-thirds of it talks about killing people. Not how to encourage people like in China, one child per family or no children. They are talking about killing people with injections, vaccines. It's all laid out there. How you kill the people slowly with medication. Like 30 pages given to it. The whole thing is about 541 or 542 pages, something like that. And it is scary. Two-thirds of it is about how we can kill people, create wars, diseases, vaccines, medication on how to kill people methodically, systematically. So when I see the Bush family and the Bass family, and I have had direct relationships with the Bass family, and they are ruthless and terrible, just like the Bush family. And for them taking over Whole Foods and then taking over Wild Oats and they push organic and all they have is 2% organic produce, fresh produce, you know it is a lie. They are going to carry anything that will poison you and that means more chemicals they are going to advertise and only those few people that say I am only going to eat organic are going to eat that 2%. Everybody else says, oh this is a health food store, anything that they have in it is better than what is in a regular supermarket, absolute horse shit. Because when they put soy in anything, it is just as many chemicals as you would put in anything in a regular supermarket. Soy raw in its raw form is deadly to humans and birds, the entire poultry community. So, if they are feeding soy to chickens and other fowl, it has to be processed the same way they have to feed it to humans processed. And they use kerosene derivatives to destroy some of that form, those forms that will kill the human, plus they are heating it, cooking it. And you have got a lot of hot IgG factors. IgG is the hormone that is created in the brain. It stimulates hormone growth and then cellular growth on top of that. So, the ratio of that chemical in soy is very high. So, in laboratory animals that was given this processed soy, the brain tumor rate was something like 36% developed brain tumors within a year on eating the soy. But do you hear those results? Those results came out in the late 60's. Do you hear those results? No. They are out there selling soy. Everything has soy in it. Contamination. They have already got rigged to poison you as far as I am concerned. If it isn't that way, let me tell you there is a lot of information that seems to be coincidental that I don't buy. But even if you don't accept it like I do now, after I saw Aaron Russo's film about it and his interview, I was no longer on the waving on the fence.
You hear one of the Rockefellers, which is one of the twelve most powerful families in the world running the world, says that that was their intent and that's what we are going to do. And the Rockefeller fellow told Aaron Russo, you just take care of your own and your own family, that's all you can do. Because we didn't get everybody else. All you can do is take care of your own. And that's what we do, take care of our own, aren't we? Why do you think Reagan and Bush never eat out. Reagan would never eat meat from a store. He had his own ranch. Our dollars would fly his meat from California to Washington, D.C. Every week. Every week. Now, wait a minute, this isn't good for this bad actor. It's not regular food and he has to fly it in. What's wrong? What is wrong? Obviously he and the Bush family are very tight. Very tight. The Bush family, I'm going into heavy distractions here, all from a tangent, but it's not really a tangent because I just want you to know how serious it is. Prescott Bush, Grandfather Bush, ran a bank. And that bank financed Hitler. When the Attorney General of the United States found out about it in the early 40s, he closed the bank and seized all the assets. Bush family went crazy and said, United States, we will own you. They lost the war, they were funding, and they had the same fascist set up as Hitler because Hitler was a house painter, a vegetarian house painter. How did he get into power like that unless there was huge money behind him? How did he get air time? How did he get influence over a lot of people? How did he get into power? Because he was a great puppet. He believed as a vegetarian that he was above everybody. He was going to turn the world into vegetarians. He was a nutcase, and as a nutcase into heavy sugar, do you think I was bad? He put four tablespoons of sugar into a glass of wine. He would add a whole cup of sugar on the top of two inch thick icing. So you know his brain wasn't working, he was a good puppet for them to use. So what happened? Prescott Bush with his political influence got his son, George Bush, to be part of an executive in the CIA, who became the head of the CIA for almost 30 years. Here you've got a man that's in control of the most powerful clandestine budget, budgetless, they can spend any amount of money they want on anything they want and keep it from the general public, saying it's national security. He's heading that. So he is involved in the buying of the health food stores, he and the Bass family from Texas. So you have to take a look at it, you cannot trust your health food stores anymore. You're not going to be able to trust anybody but your farmer, and you know what he's growing. So that's the really bad news. But still, you can take care of yourself if you know what to do. So that pretty much takes care of how the muscles work and all of that. Fat gets in between and around everything. And then the lymph system, when it detoxifies, it breaks the toxins, it's supposed to break the toxins down, neutralize them and send them into the connective tissue and out the skin. Most of the poisons that leave your body leave through the skin. The intestinal tract and the bowels are not to be a place of waste. That's to finish digestion to feed your brain and nervous system. And it's to get rid of a little bit of waste, but it's a waste that can be eaten by another animal and it's non-toxic.
But we are so toxic now, everything about us is toxic. Our fecal matter is toxic, our urine is toxic, and it's not toxic with microbes, it's toxic with chemical poisons. So the further you stay away from chemical poisons, the better off you are. On this diet it's easy, you don't have to cook, so you don't have to scrub pots and pans, scouring with some chemical, mixing Clorox with some kind of a scouring compound so you get chloroform and formaldehyde, you breathe that. That's what these women do every day, men and women do every day. In your restaurants they're scrubbing, these poor dishwashers are getting poisoned every day. On this kind of a diet you just use warm water and a sponge, a natural sea sponge to clean things and everything is clean, even stinky stuff. And the trick with raw fish to get rid of the odor is you use cool water, don't use warm water, use cool water and it just breaks down the fat molecules and you just go away. You just have to learn how to do things the way they used to do them 200 years ago. They knew nature. There wasn't a lot of cooking that long ago as there is now. Have we gone two hours here? I don't get tired. So we've gone two hours? We've gone two and a half hours? Well we better take a break I know other people have to go to the toilet. I don't drink water so I don't worry about going to the toilet a couple of times a day but I know other people do and other reasons you need to take a break and eat. So go do that and be back in 15 minutes please.
A: Okay so now you know how the body is pretty simple. If it didn't have all the toxins in the body it wouldn't do all these multiple things. Blood would be used as a nutrient carrier like it is. It wouldn't be used as a filtering spot nor would the liver. So it would be all very simple and it would go back to that once you get well. Getting well takes a long time. According to Pottenger and Howell's work who studied animals that went from disease to health it took five generations for them to reach optimal health. Where they had no symptoms at all. Five generations. For us five generations is seven and a half years of cellular regeneration. So that's basically 40 years for you to go from ill health to the best health you can reach. I started eating raw meat on a daily basis in December of 82 so that's where I count from there although I've been a raw fooder since 72. When I started eating the raw meat I started getting stronger and lots of raw dairy. So if I count from there 82 to now we're looking at 25 years basically. So basically I've been on the good healthiest program for 25 years. I still have another 15 years to go to make my 40 years. So I'm already very happy with where I am but I still notice that I have to get better because I have scar tissue in a lot of areas of my body that was caused by the radiation. My spine as you can see is pretty good. It's not flexible to where I can put my head between my knees unless I'm in the plow. But it's getting more and more flexible every year. So don't expect things to get, a lot of people say, well I'm on your diet, why am I not well? It's like okay, I give you the plans to build a house, does that make the house? Does it automatically appear? Why don't you have a house? I've given you the plans. It takes time. You have to take nails and boards and put it all together and that takes time. Well it takes the body 40 years depending upon how toxic you may be. And if you've had surgeries that cause RNA and DNA problems, of course some people won't get well in some ways, but of course they're always going to get healthier and better as long as they're on the diet and not get worse. Sometimes you may feel like you're getting worse because you're getting rid of some toxicity. If you go clean out your, let's say where you have to take care of a road. You have to rebuild the road. We have to tear up the old road and put the new road in. That's the way the body has to do it. We have to tear up the old stuff and get rid of it and replace it, regenerate it. And you know babies don't grow overnight. Cells don't grow overnight either. You just don't give it to food and all of a sudden it reproduces and you've got an adult. It takes weeks, months for a cell to mature depending on the cell. So all of getting well takes time and you have to be patient and there are going to be rough times when you're detoxifying things that aren't pleasant. Vomiting, diarrhea, aches and pains, rashes, all kinds of good things. And if you injure yourself like I do and Renee does, you add to it. You add pain to the whole process. We're gluttons for punishment. So don't be discouraged because you're not well in a year. It takes years and we'll get better every day. Okay, now we're going to go into food.
Now we looked at the body, now we have to look at, we've seen that the animal products, animal foods, animal products are foods for us. It's digestible. Our whole system is set up... Most people will notice that they eat a cooked meat meal. They get tired. Let's say you, how many people do Thanksgiving with a family, you can't move for three days, three days that food is sitting in there. When I have a Thanksgiving party or whenever we have the potlucks every month, one month we'll have it in Los Angeles, next month in San Diego, we will eat until we are gorged. Never get tired, maybe a little relaxed for a little while after when you eat that much, but by the end I'm finished of the two hours of my Q&A session, everybody's energy is ready to go and eat more because it's raw. It doesn't take a lot of energy to digest it and process it unless you're eating tons of raw cream. That's a little slower in digesting, but raw cream is an incredible substance, but it is the most difficult thing to digest on this diet. It takes a very complex group, variety of bile to break down cream, but cream is the only fat that feeds the brain and nervous system properly. That is it doesn't have to go through the bowels to have the E. coli break down the fats, but the cream will always soothe it as soon as it gets into the body. It can go in and soothe the brain and nervous system very quickly. It won't cause happiness like high meat will, but it will help relax the whole nervous system. Now, when we take a look at the animals, like I said, that eat processed foods, they all have diseases. Pottenger, when he did the work with cats for 10 years, he had 900 cats that he put in several different groups and they were cooked and processed and raw. Those that ate the processed food had more disease, they were more chronic and severe. Those that ate cooked foods that weren't processed had all the diseases, just weren't as extreme. Only the animal, only the cats who ate the raw had no diseases whatsoever and they could be 12 to a cage that would be as long as this, a little bit longer than this and a little bit twice as wide, 12 cats to a cage, all lived harmoniously. And the cats who ate cooked foods, you could have three or four to a cage. The cages where you had the highly processed food, like powdered milk, condensed evaporated milk, when he fed those to those cats, those cats couldn't even be two into a cage because they'd kill each other, constantly fighting. So you have to look at how it affects everybody in every way. A lot of the violence that goes in is because it can't be helped, the brain doesn't work, the emotional system, everything is disconnected because we have a chemical problem. And to expect somebody to have good behavior when they're putting bad stuff into their body, and that makes up the chemistry in the body, is like expecting a drunk to be sober. All the talking in the world isn't going to change it until that alcohol's gone out of the system, there's going to be an irrational, arrogant, prickish person in there. I mean we're talking about it now, you're a normal alcoholic.
So a little bit of alcohol is going to create that in some people. However, some people will react badly after the alcohol has done its damage over a few days. And then people get irritable, and they don't know why they're irritable, and you don't know why they're irritable, you're just getting irritable. Because they down to half a bottle of wine, you can better believe two or three days later there's going to be some problems, emotional problems. You just can't get beyond it. High concentration of sugar with the alcohol, it will do nerve damage, period, there's no way around it. Even if it's raw wine, it will still happen. Of course when you have distilled, it's worse, a lot worse. Beer, it's brewed, which means it's cooked, it's boiled, but it's not distilled like vodka and bourbon and things like that which are a lot worse. Dietarily we have to look at three food categories. They're not the normal categories that our USDA has created and asked you to believe. You have for the human body you have meat, which are basically proteins, you have fat, and you have carbohydrates. Now the fat is to be the most important nutrient that we can have. The most important food that we can eat is fat in our toxic environment. Remember earlier when I said the brain is 60% fat and that's where most of our toxins go. The second place where the toxins go is the bone marrow. Why? Bone marrow is 60% fat too. So where do toxins go? Look at any scientific paper. You'll find that the highest concentrations of toxins are always in the fat of an animal. So, fat is something that binds with poisons. The body automatically uses fats to bind with poisons to protect itself. It coats the skin, even the cellular wall skin, with fats. A lot of fat. Like 20% fat. 27, 28% in women of their skin is fat. All throughout the body it's that much fat. Why? Because it's more protective. If the body can't bind the fat, guess where the toxins go? Into the cell storages internally in the cell. Damages the RNA structure, the cell reproduces and will create a mutant cell, or a deformed cell, or a deranged cell. The importance of having fat when you're breathing toxins, you're driving a car, how many particles of poisons you're getting from all of the exhaust from all those cars, trucks, burning diesel, you need fats available everywhere in the body to harness those poisons so they don't go into the cell. If they get into the cell, they're going to damage your cells. Then you're going to get disease. I'd rather be fat than have a disease. I'd rather be ridiculed because I'm fat than have a disease. And you say, what the hell are you talking about? You're standing up there pretty slender and you're talking about being fat. I'm fat. I just don't look it. I got on the scale a couple of days ago and my fat was up to 26%, 25.6, 25.6 body fat.
Q: You look better than you did a month ago.
A: Well, I broke my leg there. So I lost 20 pounds in that six and a half weeks. So I put it back on and I'm strong again. And I was only 18% body fat at that time. Now I'm back up to 25.6, maybe even a little bit more in the last few days. I've been eating more. I'm gorging and enjoying it. So I don't look fat because the fat molecules when you eat raw fat are very tiny. When you cook a fat, heat it, it swells 10 to 50 times its normal size. So I have probably as much fat as John here. But see, I don't look it. He looks a little larger than I am. But that's because my molecules are fat, are very tiny. He's only been doing the diet, what, two years? Not even. So, he's six months. So he's got, you know, he's got still a lot of old fat in his body. It took me 23 years to get rid of most of my soft tissue fat. Still getting rid of it from the bones. If I'd gotten rid of it fast, if I'd gotten rid of that, able to get rid of that old toxic fat in the bones faster, this leg probably would have healed within six, seven weeks. But, the bones are one of the last places, because it takes seven and a half years to replace every cell bone in the body. Glandular tissue usually takes two years or less. Bloodstream, 60 days. Lymphatic system, about four years. So, the tendons and arteries, about five years. So, these are the different stages, but as long as any one part of the body is toxic, when you detoxify, those poisons spread throughout the body unless you're very fat. I try to be fat. I try to be very fat. I want to be his size, but with a good fat. But, it's literally impossible to get that big. Right now, I'm at my largest pant size. Seven months ago, or six months ago, not even, four months ago, about six weeks after the leg broke, I was down to 30 inch waist. Now, I'm at 35. I go up to 37. So, I have to get my next wardrobe out. I have three wardrobes for me to grow, and it's been very hard for me to get to that 37, 38 inch waist in the last three years. It's almost impossible for me to do. No matter how much I eat, I just can't get beyond a 35, 36 inch waist. So, that's changed a little bit, but my fat molecules, again, most of them are tiny. So, maybe I won't be able to, you know, in a few years, a few more years, even be able to get up to 34. So, I'll be like the Maasai and the Samburu who don't eat the, when they did need to process foods, you know, they're ultra skinny, tall, and fierce, and ferocious, and strong. I think the shortest Maasai is 6'8", 6'8". Women, those are little guys. The men are up to 7'10", 7'9", and I had one that was a very good friend. He played in that Schwarzenegger film, The Predator, Kevin Michael Hall. He was a good friend of mine. I hired him when I worked at the Aunt Tilly's health food store in 1977 and 78. He walked in and he had to bend down to get in the front door. And in the aisles, we had all of these plants hanging between the aisles of food and vitamins and supplements. So I'd get up there every week to take them down, to water them. It was a big chore. It took a whole man, one man person, a whole day, hours, all the day, eight hours, to take all of them down, water them and put them all up. So I thought, this guy. Because he was 7'3", 7'4". So he would just go up there and take them down and put them in the water and put them back up.
So it took him an hour to do the whole place. He didn't need a ladder. His brothers and sisters and his father were all painters. They never used ladders. Except the outdoor of the house. But all the indoors, they never used ladders. And he was one of the shorter ones. Very nice person. Very gentle. Very smart. And he jumped right on to this diet right away. When I mentioned raw meat and raw milk, he was right on it. Right on it. So I don't know where he is today. Maybe he went back to Africa. I don't know. So that's very, very, very important. The more you have on you, the fewer symptoms you will experience. The more fat you have, the less symptoms you will experience when you detoxify. If you detoxify and you don't have a lot of fat in your body, you will feel it. Because your body will start ripping fats out of your cells. They will suffer. They'll get hungry. They'll get bloated. They have headaches. Cellular headaches, just like we have on a massive scale. So the more fat you have, the easier it's going to be and the more protected you will be. So I encourage everybody to be fat for at least 7 years. I would like people to get fat indefinitely through the 40 years. As long as you're in a toxic society, still don't stay too slender. Don't get like the Maasai tribe because they lived in a non-toxic environment. There was no gasoline. There was no fumes. They lit a fire only to bake pottery or to sculpt some metal and they didn't use much metal. So they very rarely cook anything. Save your questions for the end. And if I don't cover it, then you can ask it if you write it down because you may not remember by the time it gets to the end. So, fats. Now, what kind of fats are the best? Well, we've already talked about our body's structure for animal fats. So, of course, dairy is going to be your easiest because it's already in liquid form. However, it still takes 6 to 10 hours to digest milk completely. But that's better than, faster than meats. Any meats will take you about 19 hours to digest to get to the bowels. And then that extra, the next 5 hours will be spent on digesting it to the point of E. coli to give your brain and nervous system the nutrients it needs. So, the milk gets to that stage in 6 hours. Even though it will still travel through your body, all those minerals and nutrients can stay in your system. And a lot of minerals in milk help pull out a lot of toxicity. Now, milk is one of the best nutrients you can drink because it is the highest in liquid minerals. A lot of people will say, oh, but we can get, what do they call that, minerals that are liquefied, colloidal silver. Now, basically that's a lot of minerals that are dissolved into a liquid that are so small that those molecules, those mineral molecules can enter a cell. But they are not bioactively coupled with vitamins, proteins, fats, or anything else. They are free radicals, free radical minerals. In milk, it is a liquid mineral nutrient-rich substance because when you take in those, you're not taking in one or two or five elements, you're taking in all of them in a smorgasbord. So when a cell opens to eat, it'll attract with its ions inside, it's got one to two ions inside every cell, and it opens and it attracts the ions in a network of a smorgasbord that's coming out.
It'll have massive amounts, it could have 80 to 90 substances in it, fats, everything, proteins, and it goes into the cell, the cell eats its smorgasbord, and it's happy. If you have salt, you're drinking water, what happens? You've got minerals which are isolated and are going to cause dehydration, going to cause all kinds of problems. So let's say I use I use a grain of salt. A grain of salt is going to bunch, so the sodium molecules are going to clump. And when they clump, they are very large, they aren't finite and they are small because it takes a lot of water to dissolve them. The more salt you eat, the more water you need. The more water you need, the more salt, the more minerals you need and most people take that as salt, so it's a vicious cycle. And when those molecules clump like that, when the cell goes to eat and it's expecting some big group of smorgasbord to come in, it's got like 4 or 5 molecules of salt that is the same size of 90 varieties of nutrients, so that can't even get into the cell. And what happens, it pulls the ions out of the cell, the cell can never eat again. So the cell, like a grape to a raisin shrivels, can never eat again and it will die. Two little bitty grains of salt will kill 2 million red blood cells. 2 million red blood cells can fit on the head of a pen, it's not many blood cells. But if you're using a salt shaker, how many are you destroying? A teaspoon every time you eat something? A teaspoon of blood? Over a long period of time, that's a lot of blood loss. That's like saying, okay, I'll blow up Los Angeles, figuring the population on the planet is 6 billion. Losing 13 million people in Los Angeles is nothing. If you look at it that way, it's nothing. But those red blood cells are a very important part of the body. So salt is a terrible thing to eat. Of course, the British made a lot of money because they knew that the more salt that they sold people, the more salt they took. They called it the Asia Company. It was a bunch of white people, a bunch of British people who owned this company called the Asia Company. They knew that the more salt that the British and people all over the world ate, the more tea they would drink. They made their fortune on teas from China. That's how they become one of the most powerful importers in the world, was from tea. They knew that the more salt, so they invaded India, took over the whole salt industry there, sell the salt all over, sell the tea, salt and tea, salt and tea. It was a mix, just kept having more and more fluids and they were rich as rich can be. The rate of consumption of tea was unheard of. Nobody drank tea until they brought the Chinese tea leaves in and started selling tea. The more salt, the more tea. They clocked it in towns. The more salt, the more people would drink and that means the more tea that they would have, because it was an easy substance to produce. Nobody was thinking, oh, milk, milk, let's drink more milk. No. You want something thinner, something that would dissolve that toxicity in the system called salt. The salt is a very rigid, complex, large molecule until it's broken down, because it's rock until it's broken down to a small substance, but it's a concentrated sodium that causes all kinds of imbalances.
Normally, when a cell eats, you've got no more than three molecules that are finite and tiny of sodium in that whole works, and that carries a little bit of H2O with it. When you eat water, you're only going to subtly absorb ten percent, and that ten percent causes dehydration of the cells. You do need a little bit of water, because you're so toxic, you need some kind of solvent in there to break some of that stuff down. I'm getting so clean now, I'll drink a cup of water every two to three weeks during the fall and winter. During the summer, I'll drink a cup a week, cup and a half a week, and that's all the water I drink. I drink milk when I'm thirsty, something with nutrients in it. I drink vegetable juice, something with nutrients along with the fluid. Then you can utilize all of that fluid. Of course, even if you're drinking milk and vegetable juice, if you're drinking it quickly, guzzling it, you're going to end up urinating a lot of it anyway, and you're going to cause dehydration in the system. So it's not good to guzzle, it's not good to drink a lot, it's always good to sip. You see a horse been running and running and running, takes a few licks out of the lake, and all these white people, all these humans are saying, oh, you've got to drink, you've got to drink. You know that you can lead a horse to water, but he's not going to drink it unless the horse needs it. And the horse is the greatest example of very little water is necessary. He can go out with a saddle on his back, can run hard, sweat like a horse you've heard, and drink very little water. I mean, compared to us, they may drink, you know, a quart of water a day, and yet they look like they're perspiring a gallon. Why? Because they're very efficient. If we started feeding horses cooked food, and that's the only animal we haven't done that to, because they don't want the horse to become inefficient. We use the horse as a worker, as a racer, and a show. And you can't feed them bad food, because they'll break down. They won't work hard, they won't look good, and this has been experimented with a long time. So the horse is the only one where you'll see that hasn't been screwed and surrounded except with medication, and they drink very little water. I said, I talked about an elephant earlier, a camel can drink 23 gallons of water, and an elephant can drink 50 gallons of water a month every 28 days and go without drinking. A camel can go 28 days on 24-25 gallons of water and never have to drink again. But those are the animals that are built to go through deserts, long periods without any kind of fluids, and they eat a lot of dried matter, a lot of dead substances, and they've been built for that, we are not. Water is not a substance for us. So, we're talking about the most digestibility, the most digestible fat and protein, even more so than milk, are eggs, raw eggs. They digest in 16-23 minutes. So, anybody who has a severe digestive problem, I put them on lots of eggs. And if they're very seriously ill and they're going to die within a few hours or a few days, almost nothing but eggs. A little butter and honey if it won't cause them to vomit. Take for example, it's in the recipe book, had an MD call me on a Thursday night, very late, it was like probably 10 o'clock, 10.30 my time and she was in Manor, Massachusetts. So, it had to be like 1 o'clock in the morning for her, 1.30.
And she said, I've got an emphysema patient that was diagnosed 7 years ago. She's mainly been on machines for the last 2 years in bedroom. She's going to die this weekend probably. She's that bad. Even with the machines working, she's not breathing well at all. And I said, well, you're calling me a little late, aren't you? And she said, well, you know, I'm an M.D. and we, a patient has to, we can't recommend anything alternative until the patient is at death's door or been on medical therapy for 10 years. And I said, that's the law? And she said, that's the law. So, you are all condemned if you go to a medical doctor to only get information that the pharmaceutical industry puts out. Nothing about alternatives. If it's an M.D. who does, he's a rogue and he's breaking the law. And I like that guy. I like him if he tells alternative stuff. But he's breaking the law and he could lose his practice very easily. So, I said, well, that's your conscience. The only thing I can recommend at this point, so she doesn't have to spend any time digesting, is get her lots of raw eggs, get her about 10, 15 dozen, put them at her bed table, and tell her to eat one as often as she can, as many as she can, the more the better. So, I got a call on Monday morning from a raspy-voiced woman. She says, it worked. What should I do now? I said, it worked. Who are you? She said, well, my doctor called you and you told her that I should eat lots of eggs. I ate 66 eggs in two days. She says, I'm out of bed, off the machines, what else do I do? Oh, you're that one. So, this is a woman who's going to die of emphysema that week, was out of the bed and off the machines from eating 66 eggs over 48 hours. And I said, just keep eating the eggs. Eating the eggs, add some raw meat if you can eat it and milk. Otherwise, you stick with eggs for a long time because your body can't afford to spend its energy digesting. You need to spend it healing. And I said, eggs alone will cause weight loss because they're digested and utilized so rapidly. So, you have to eat enough. If I don't want to lose weight, I have to eat at least 33 a day. If I eat 30 a day, I will lose a little bit of weight, just a little bit. If I eat 15 a day, I'll lose a half a pound a day. Eggs cause intense weight loss because all that protein is easily digestible and it goes in and starts pulling out old toxic fat out of the body. So, I don't give you that information for you to utilize that in women who want to be skinny because skinny is not your friend. Just take a look at Twiggy.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: She's got a lot more weight, but she's never been a happy woman. And most of the females that I know, I'm near the motion picture industry. I've got lots of women who have to say skinny because they're models. I got an email a month ago with this model in New York. She says, so happy to find your diet. She called them supermodels. She's a supermodel. And she just told me her name was Michelle. I don't keep up with supermodels, so I don't know who the hell they are. She says, we're all getting into your diet. My God, we can eat raw cream. We don't have to go puke after eating. We don't have to do all this bulimia stuff. But they still stay thin. But at least it's a better, healthier thin on the diet. But they're going to have a lot more emotional outbreaks and all of that. So let me give you a story about one woman who's an executive with ABC Films, who's a producer. She came to me about 49 years old. She just had a child a year before, and she went chronically fatigued. Single mother, high-powered executive in a film company. All of a sudden, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia. She couldn't move. She couldn't be happy. Nothing worked. Put her on the diet, became a superwoman. Had a child. Still worked. Nickelodeon. You know, all of these things as a high-powered producer. Working many hours a day. Doing everything. But no relationship. Because she stayed slim. So I kept telling her, you want a relationship, you've got to get funny and happy. I know you're charming, you're intelligent, you graduated top honors at Brown University, but why don't you have a relationship, if that's what you want? She says, oh, I guess there aren't the right men around. I said, wait a minute, you've had how many dates with how many people over the past years? What's the longest relationship you've had? Three months with her son's father. And I said, three months, that's a good average. I said, you're skinny, you're beautiful, you're intelligent, why can't you have a relationship? Doesn't make sense. Something wrong with this picture. Get fat. It took me seven and a half years to talk to her into getting fat. So she said, okay, I'll do it for a year and see what happens. So she got fat, and I mean she got fat. I would say she considered herself, I don't consider Renee fat, I consider her perfect, but she got a little under that size for help. Her charm, everything turned just like that guy's I told you about. She got a relationship with a guy that was 15 years younger than her that looked like an ex-Chippendale model, and he was doing her two times a day. There she is fat. That relationship lasted for six years, and you know when it ended? When she lost the weight. She became intense again. She was not relaxed. The guy flew the coop. It wasn't the same woman he had been with. All of a sudden she changed. So, and I've got other stories like that. One was even bigger. I mean this woman, a woman who was a musician, a composer, a director, and what else did she do? Oh, and a writer of films. And she even got an award for one of her films. And she developed meningitis, spinal and cerebral at the same time, while on the diet. And I said, you've got to see this through. Her husband, her ex-husband, was a high-powered what do you call it, casting director.
And he thought that I was full of shit and that I was killing people and all this by what I was doing. And she'd been on the diet about a year and a half. And she was very, very skinny, white, pale, sick all the time. Couldn't even take care of her work, much less her fifteen-year-old son. So while she was sick, I took full advantage. She ate anything, the amount, everything that I told her to. So at the end of that six weeks when she got through the meningitis, she was quite large. And I mean she looked like a Jewish pear, literally. Literally. She had to wear a tent, you know, as a dress. Fat just rippled. It looked disgusting and awful. I agree it did, but it made her healthier and happier. The best she ever was. And then when she took off about thirty pounds but still was about forty pounds overweight and got down to about Renee's size, she did meet a Chippendale model ten years younger than she. Did her twice a day. Until she stayed on that, she stayed with that heavy weight for three years. Soon as she got thin again, she got serious again. The relationship ended. So you have to really think about that fat consciousness. It's not a healthy state to be emotionally or anything. Some people don't need that fat to be happy. Some of them have a lot of hormones and they're hyperactive and they're crazy. That doesn't make them a good relationship. If they're around you a lot, they can be annoying. I'm not talking just about women. It's just those are the people I deal with the most about their weight. Men I can usually talk into getting fat pretty quickly. It's not a problem. For women, it's a chore. It's a challenge. So that's why I use them. But men can be even crazier than women. Because when men get crazy and they're skinny, they get violent. I knew a couple of women who got violent that were skinny, but mostly women do not get violent necessarily, physically violent. I had one throw a paint can at one of my patients, gouged their shin apart. So it can happen. But mostly it's with men, skinny men that go into that kind of physical violence. So I'm not picking on you skinny women. I I don't see many skinny women in here, just a few. Why are you looking behind you? And you're skinny, for help. You're perfect. You're pretty good. Just a little bit more. You're perfect. Perfect. Too thin there. You're okay. You're very good. You're getting too thin. Yes, you are. But you're a good woman. You're a good woman.
Q: I'm a good woman.
A: Yes, you are. But you're in a wheelchair, so it's okay. You don't need as much fat if you're physically up and active. Yeah, you're perfect. So, I mean, I don't have to worry about getting beat up too much in here, only two skinny women in here. So be happy with your fat. All of you women who have it, embrace it because it will protect you. Let me give you an example of why, how serious it goes. About usually every year I go to Asheville, North Carolina and that's a hippie community there. They have a group called, what is it, Earth Haven, yes, Earth Haven, in the Black Mountains. And it's supposed to be all this, you know, new age, environmentally conscious group. And 90% of them were long term vegetarians, we're talking 30 some years, 36 and 40 years for some of these. And I met every one of them on that property and nobody was happy. Not one of them was a happy person. There were some young ones that had some vitality, but they were young, so they had their hormones vibrating in them. And the only reason I got there is because one of them was so, he was about 38 years old, was so distressed with his chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia that he couldn't work, he couldn't be a part of the community, he couldn't do anything. And he found my diet, tried it, and in a year it turned him completely around. Everybody in Earth Haven would say, what are you doing? He wasn't going to tell them because part of their policy was, you can't, you cannot be there unless you're a vegetarian. You put all these years and this money into it, you know, for all this land that they bought. So, he kept it in the closet. And they saw the turnaround at the end of the year and they said, okay, whatever you want, no matter what it is, you can have it, you just have to share with us what you're doing. Because he would go off and eat other places. He wouldn't eat around anybody. So he told them, and boy, they went through a lot of stuff, you know, oh, but you said I could stay here, no matter what it was that I did. Yeah, but that, that's the ultimate. You can't do that. You can't be here. Yes, you can. Yes, I can. You told me that I could. Now you have to accept it. So about six months later, they brought me in. And when I got there, the younger community in it, half of them, 60% of them were already on my diet. They were raising pigs, chickens, cows, goats, they were drinking milk. They were doing all of that. And all of that part of the Earth Haven that did that were all happy and lively and spirited. You know, after that, just five, six months on the diet, doing those good things. And the ones who were diehard on the old way were very unhealthy and very unhappy still. Now 90% of them are on the diet. The other 10% have left. They still own the property, but they don't live there. So take a look at that. And when I was there the last time, the second to last time, all of those were hippie-looking people. This guy walked in and looked like he came right out of a motorcycle gang. Thick skin, drugs, lots of drug abuse, alcohol abuse. And I do his eyes and I say, it doesn't make any sense because he's like 52 years old. And I said, I can see by your skin that you've abused alcohol and drugs for at least 25 years. He said 30.
And I said, and you have very nice, clean, healthy organs and glands. Just a little bit of cirrhosis of the liver. And I said, it doesn't make sense to me. You're only like 30, 25, 30 pounds overweight. Doesn't make sense. You need a lot of fat to protect you. So you're a very few... strange person. Are you from this planet? And he said, no. He said, four months ago before I started on your diet, I was 300 pounds. He said, I've been 300 pounds since I was a kid, you know, a young teenager. And then when he got on the diet, he took all this weight off. Well, when he got rid of that fat, he got rid of all those poisons that had been protecting him from those poisons, from doing damage to his cells, to his organs and glands. So here, most of his damage only showed up in his skin. It was severe damage, but his inside looked pretty. You know, on the outside, maybe he was a three with that kind of, you know, tough skin and everything. But inside, he was like a nine, you know, because he had all of that fat to protect him all of those years through all of that abuse, alcohol, cocaine, crack cocaine, crystal meth, all of those things that he enjoyed for all those years. All of that fat protected him. That's how important fat is. So I keep stressing, don't go into mourning because you're fat. Enjoy it. Be happy what it's doing for you. Of course, a better quality of fat means you have to, your fat won't show as much. So the longer you're on the diet, the more the old swollen fat cells will be eliminated and the new fat cells will be smaller. So when I first, when I started eating the meats in the desert and off of the farms when I was eating, I swelled up, I mean my neck was huge, I swelled up all over, but felt so good. And I had, you know, 27, 30% maximum body fat. I was huge though. My waist was 38 inches, 39 inches. My chest was 47 inches. But this is just swelling with all this good fat because I was drinking a quart of carrot juice a day with a quart of raw cream with a bunch of raw eggs in it a day plus all the cheese, raw cheese that I had and meat three times, raw meat three times a week. So I was puffed up and big but felt good. For the first time in my life, I felt like I could exercise besides all the bicycling, that was a lot of exercise. But here I felt I could do it as a sport. So I began running. And even though I'd done all that bicycling, I couldn't run a half a block without getting winded. But I kept it up and each morning I would down a bunch of eggs and have the rest of the food later in the day and I went running every morning. Within a month I was up to a mile. Within two months I was up to five miles. Within a year I was up to 13 miles a day running barefoot over stones in the hard rain, cold as hell and running. And then when I'd stop running, it was three minutes and my heartbeat was normal and my breathing was relaxed and normal. Even while I was running, I was rhythmically breathing. I would make sure that it took me two to three, four seconds to inhale, hold it, exhale for the same amount of time. Those people were going [breathing fast], as they're going, I'm saying, wait a minute, you're pushing the lungs too hard. You're making them work very fast, but are they working efficiently?
So I would force myself, even while running, to take deeper breaths, to hold it, to utilize it and then go. So my lungs weren't going like this and then using up a lot of energy just on their movement. So I found that I could run faster than most people. They were clocking me. I was running backwards around Hollywood High School track and people couldn't get over it because I'd just be running and running like the Energizer Bunny, backwards, sideways. And I was running every which way just to get practice. And then on the days that I didn't run there, I went out to Venice Beach and ran all the way from Venice Beach Pier all the way up above Santa Monica Pier to that canyon, the Solstice Canyon, which is almost a five-mile stretch, and I was running in the soft sand. First time in my life I was able to do anything athletic for the intention of being athletic. Bicycling was a matter of survival when you live outdoors, so I didn't consider that sport. Then I started doing push-ups. I did 250 push-ups a day with my legs this high off the ground. And then I would do 50 push-ups to 75 push-ups against the wall, handstand push-ups a day. So I had a huge back, huge pectorals and all of this, and it was phenomenal because I was 30 years old. First time in my life I got to be sportive, so it was wonderful. And then I ate the poison mushroom and it all disintegrated in one day, just disintegrated in one day. And it took me six and a half years to recover, but I recovered. But I still, you know, that was something that was interesting to do then. I could probably do it again now, but it's not something I'm interested in doing. So you can always make even your daily activity of breathing very, very methodical. So you're being very efficient at it. If you're having trouble absorbing oxygen, if your lungs feel overtaxed, rhythmically breathe. I know when I was going through all of my cancer stuff, just to get through the pain, I would just concentrate on my breathing. And I would start off inhaling to the count of five, holding it to a count of five, exhaling to a count of five. And I would do that 10 hours a day just to get away from the pain. And it worked. It helped get away from the pain. I could go other places. I could rest without sleeping because I was only able to sleep 10 minutes at a time unless I was in a bathtub because of the pain. But breathing helped that. And it got to be after about five years of exercising and breathing that way, it got to be where I could inhale to the count of two minutes, hold it for a count of two minutes, and exhale to the count of about a minute and a half. So that was one breath every six minutes. Got my heart beat like the yogas down to 41, 40. My heart beat, my blood pressure way down. And I was fine. I wasn't very active, but I was fine. So these are a lot of things that you can do if you know how the body works. If you're having a breathing problem, never lie down. If you're having a breathing problem, your lungs are detoxifying, whether it's something you just inhaled or it's old stuff coming out through the lungs. If you're repairing your lungs, a lot of the muscles aren't working. So it's like shutting down a few lanes of a highway. So what happens if you lie down?
You have the gravity pushing your lungs shut and you don't have enough muscle tone and a glandular tone, organ tone, to hold those lungs open. So the gravity will push them shut. If you sleep sitting at a slant, the gravity is going to push your lungs open. So if you're going through a cold, a flu, pneumonia, you can't breathe well, don't lie down. It's the worst thing you could do. Sit up. Even if it's at an angle like this in one of those relaxed chairs, what do they call those leisure chairs that men like so much? It's one of those chairs. And the lungs will be pushed more open than closed. The more you're sitting, the more open they're going to be pushed, open. Because the lungs can't collapse this way, they can only collapse this way. So don't lie down. Okay, we'll get into the protein of the diet. We talked about the most digestible was the egg protein, then the milk protein, and then meat. Now, I found that in my experiments with animals and people, that if they eat raw meat, they seem to heal faster. To calm and relax the body, especially through some kind of accident or illness, dairy's more important than meat. So you'll see in my remedy section when I talk about colds and flus, I talk about eating maybe a little chicken or fish that day, but eating a lot of dairy and a lot of eggs. Because you need the things that digest the easiest. Meat does not digest quickly, it takes a lot of energy and a lot of bacterial activity, which most people don't have to digest it very well. But when you're eating a little bit of red meat, you do produce more growth hormones. Now if you were able to get milk right from the cow, fresh, without ever refrigerating it, yes you have the same growth hormone content that you do in meat. But meat can be chilled, can't be frozen, beef can be chilled, cannot be frozen, and it will still carry those growth hormones no matter how long you keep it in the refrigerator as long as it's not drying. If it's drying, you're losing it. Now frozen beef does not do that. In the animals that I fed frozen beef, I took the same beef, fed one group frozen, that same beef frozen, the other group non-frozen. The ones that ate it frozen developed skin disorders, all of them within six weeks, some of them within ten days. The worst one looked like he had scurvy. So I decided that, well, since it's a skin disorder, they're putting out a lot of poisons through their skin, and is that because of the acidity in the frozen meat, or is it just old toxins that are leaving their body? No matter what it was, it was a terrible way to detox, because these dogs were in pain, they were sore, they were chewing at themselves and bleeding, it was pretty bad. So I decided, well, I'm going to see if frozen butter has the same effect. I know that butter would revitalize their skin fairly quickly. So I gave one, and that's all I fed them, was raw butter, and the other group, frozen butter. The group that had it raw were all well, their skin condition was completely reversed in about three weeks. The ones that ate it frozen took almost five months to heal their conditions. So it was very, very slow. So when Sally Fallon and when those other people say that freezing meat and freezing butter and dairy does not damage it, they don't know what the hell they're talking about. I say, where are the experiments that prove that? And then they talk about the labial point, and that if it doesn't reach a certain temperature, the molecular structure doesn't change.
Well, you can have severe damage to a system without showing physical changes until it reaches the parts where it combusts, but you can have severe damage even up to the labial point. So, and in my experiments I proved that. And also it was in, I found something in, oh I forgot, I think it was Vilhjalmur Stefansson's work who lived with the Eskimos eating all raw, and lots of raw meat, and he found that red meat, frozen, there were problems, seal no, fish no, caribou, any of those animals that live in the Arctic, you can freeze their meat and it won't damage it. But our cows, that are mostly, you know, temperate climate creatures, if you freeze their meat there will be a problem, and it caused dry skin, also caused some kind of funguses. Now I didn't test some of the skin tissue because I had limited funds at that particular time, so I didn't check to see what types of funguses were coming out of those dogs' skin, but I'm sure they had to be involved in it. And whether it was directly from the frozen meat or not, the frozen meat did not allow them to detoxify properly. The animals who ate it raw, they were healthy, lively and spirited, so if they were detoxing as a result of the meat, it wasn't causing the effect that the frozen meat did. So I'd much rather people have something that creates a good healthy balance so that you can function, not like the dogs that got all dried out and damaged their skin. Now it's not likely it's going to happen because you're not going to eat just frozen meat, you're going to drink raw dairy, you're going to eat raw butter and stuff like that, but I'm saying if you want the ultimate quality food, don't freeze it. Frozen fish, as long as that fish is from a colder environment in the ocean, salmon, not trout, trout doesn't do well frozen, it's a fresh water fish, swordfish is fine frozen, tuna, all those will be okay frozen, I didn't see them create any kind of an ill effect with animals, but your red meat, your lamb, beef, goat, unless it's mountain goat, but your normal goats, all of that meat frozen will cause some deterioration of the animals that eat it. The only other good protein that I found is in coconuts, there's only 15% protein in coconuts, but it's still pretty utilized a lot, but the body mainly uses that protein to make virus, solvents, soaps. It's helped the Asians for so long eating a bad diet of 80% rice, can you imagine eating 80% rice, 10% vegetables and 10% meat, and they go out there and they work in those fields everyday? The amount of coconut cream they consume is astronomical. They cook with it, they eat it, they do everything with that coconut cream. When I'm in Asia, I watch these people who produce with the machines that I bought and bought to you guys, and you bought from me, those machines they'll be putting 5 gallons an hour out, and they supply all these Thai restaurants, and they'll come in and get 10, 15 gallon, 20 gallon buckets of this every week that they're using. Some of them like to get the fresh stuff everyday, so a restaurant will go through 10 gallons of it a day. And these aren't big, huge restaurants. You know, they'll serve a lot of people, but they're mainly Asian people, and they're eating all of this coconut cream, which helps stabilize them, and helps invigorate them, and helps a lot.
It isn't like milk, though. It doesn't do what milk does. Milk makes the bones stronger, it makes everything much stronger. Also, those Thais, like I said, eat insects. Live insects. I mean, there's quite a few of them in northern Thailand that wait for the cow patties, you know, from the water buffaloes. You know, they'll drop their cow patty, which should be this big. These are huge. And they'll mark it with a little bamboo shoot that's got a marking on it. That's their date, and they're dating it. And they know they'll come back in five days. They come back in five days because there's a beetle that looks like the Japanese beetle. These are rose bushes. That little beetle breeds its kids, its offspring, in the manure. Those offspring eat the manure and then turn into, you know, it's like they're very small beetles and they grow up as a larva and it becomes a bigger beetle. And then after five days, just like the fly, they'll fly away. So they come in the fifth day and start picking them out, right before they're going to fly, and they collect them. And they'll eat them while they're picking them. Live beetles. They'll just pop them in the mouth, you hear crunch, crack, crunch, crunch, crunch. It's like they're eating potato chips or something, you know? So then they'll go home and they'll stir-fry them in water and then stir-fry them for the last 30 seconds with coconut cream and then they'll eat it that way. So the coconut cream is barely getting cooked. And that's the way they thrive on their proteins, because they don't eat much meat at all. They're too poor. And there's not much, you know, when you've got a big civilization, they eat the meat quite quickly. So unless you can afford to have farms and you're feeding a whole family and if you're breeding more people than you are farm animals, then you're going to have a deficiency. But these Asians use this coconut cream and it really keeps them from deteriorating like we would deteriorate and they can farm all day long. It's incredible. On that little bit of meat and so much cooked rice, it still amazes me every time I see it. But they eat a lot of raw insects and a lot of them in the old days, the ones that are thirty years and younger, they've been indoctrinated with our present system. So they don't think anything like their parents. I mentioned neux dip to them and they go, what? Which means raw meat and thyme. And they say, you're crazy? You've got to get sick and get ill. I say, where do you hear that shit? Your parents ate that. And who told you it was bad for you that you're going to get sick and get diseased? Well that's what the doctors say. So it's infiltrating everywhere. So the coconut cream is a good protein source for detoxification in our particular bodies and systems, in the Caucasian. If you were raised like the Asians with coconut cream as a source to build the body, it would be different, but we haven't been raised that way. So anytime that I've seen coconut cream go into the body, it does not stabilize the system. Unless the person's been a vegetarian a long time and refused to eat dairy or eggs and meat, then the coconut cream will aid them in getting a little stronger.
But normally coconut cream and the protein in it is mainly used as a virus soap to dissolve toxicity in the system, along with all that fat. That fat is also mainly used for detoxification. Coconut cream will dissolve anything quicker than any other fat, even if it's olive oil or flax oil. Any kind of pressed oil is a fat that is made mainly as a solvent in the body, will break things down and eliminate toxicity throughout the system. It does not build tissue very easily. If you want an idea of that, if you look at the Italians like from Milan and that area who eat olive oil twice a day and a lot of it, they have higher tempers, they're more irritable. The people who frequent Italian restaurants and use high amounts of olive oil in there, they get, they're much more hyper, they're much more intense, they have triggers that go off easier, unless they're fat with cheeses, and then that'll buffer it some. So you have to be careful and understand that these pressed oils, the body mainly uses detoxificants, mainly to dissolve toxicity in the form of virus. Remember virus are not alive. These are not microbes that go around searching for something to eat. These are actually soaps that when they find what they dissolve, they will dissolve it. When it's attracted to what it dissolves, it automatically dissolves it. It's specific. There is nothing more specific than a virus. There are 300,000 varieties of virus just for a cell, because a virus will be created to dissolve one specific part of it's cells. So it's like we have a virus that will dissolve, let's say, the half of the upper layer of the meninges of the brain and nervous system. One virus to just that one little part. And that's still just one little part of that whole layer of meninges. Meninges is the layer of skin on the brain that has nerves. The brain has no nerves, they're neurons, so you see like in Hannibal, he's eating the guy's brain, his head's open, he's eating the guy's brain while he's talking, because the brain has no nerves. It doesn't feel anything, it's neurons, it's just information, electrical and chemical impulses that are transferring all throughout the brain. So there's no pain there. But in the meninges there are nerves and there are layers up to eleven layers of skin around the brain and the nervous system. And each layer is a little different. Each layer has different kinds of tissue that are specific, so a particular virus will go in there and clean out just that one tissue. And it's maybe just one percent of that whole layer of meningi. But it creates an ill reaction, you get headaches, you have all this detoxification out the mucous membranes because the body dumps it, mainly out the mucous membranes, maybe out the eyes, your eyes will turn red, they'll water, with the swelling in the brain, maybe some ear aches because we're dumping out the earwax too, and it'll be dumping out the head. It can even get down into the throat and even the lungs if it is of major detoxification. But normally it's small and specific. Viruses are soaps in a toxic body. Even animals that are domesticated are so toxic, we feed them the worst food in the world, besides all the care packages we send to Africa and all those places. Animals are fed the worst diets, especially dogs and cats. Kibble is one of the worst foods that you can feed anybody, and that's mainly what dogs get and cats get these days, kibble. So they're developing viruses too, and severe cancer is galore.
Fifty years ago, dogs and cats didn't even have cancer, not even domesticated cats, our dogs had cancer. Fifty years ago. And that's when they started making dog and cat food pretty heavily. I remember one of the first things, we had a dog, Duchess, and the first time that the canned food and the kibble came out in the cans, my mom was right there to buy it, and the dog seemed to get stupid, get dumb every day until it ran right under a truck barking at it, ran right under the wheels of the truck. This dog used to be smart five years before that, and then eating this garbage food, the dog got dumb, got stupid. So you have to take a look at that. I mean, when you've got your offspring already eating it from the parents, they're a little bit more acclimated to it and won't be as extreme, but the dogs and cats are getting cancer galore these days. I mean, people are spending tens of thousands of dollars on vet bills for their dogs and cats, and that was unheard of 50, 60 years ago. Unheard of. You only took a dog or a cat to a vet when it got run over, broken leg, or hit. That's all that ever you did with an animal. Now they're vaccinating them and all this stuff with just poisons and poisons, just like they're doing us. So they're getting the same diseases as man. So now dogs can eat bones. We can't. Eskimos, they get better teeth than we do. They chew on bones. They'll sit around at night, and they'll chew on bones and eat bones. I wish I had teeth that strong. If I ate a bone, you know, I mean, all my teeth would break or they could pass right up into my skull. But these guys sit around and eat bones. They eat bones. And they roll around on igloo floors naked, and they have sex on, you know, a hide that's this far off the ice. How can you relax when you've got a sheet of ice behind or under you? That's how healthy they are. So that's, you know, an advantage. We're not that healthy. We don't have that kind of teeth where we can eat bones. So milk, milk, milk is your best supplement for minerals. Any kind of dairy in its different forms will turn on different attributes. Dairy is an amazing substance. When it is cheese, it can act like a magnet and a sponge, pull toxins out of the body, even as it's in the mouth. You've heard about that, where they take oil and swish it around in the mouth, and then you can test the oil after that, and it has all these heavy metals, the toxins that are coming from the brain by swishing around the soil in the mouth, and then expectorating. Well it's true, the brain dumps most of its poisons out the gums. So when that comes out the gums, what does the body do? The body takes minerals from food, lots of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, all alkalinizing minerals, and they'll bind with these acidic chemicals that are coming down from the brain out the gums, causing plaque. That's what plaque is, a group of minerals that have joined together to harness other minerals, toxic minerals. When people are eating pasteurized dairy, and pasteurized and cooked foods, all of those minerals are cauterized so they don't have as much effect, because when you cauterize an alkalinizing mineral, it becomes impenetrable, just like firing clay. It's no longer penetrable in the same way. You put water with clay when it's dry, and it'll just absorb it right away, and all of a sudden you have a soft, living thing. Look at it under a microscope and you've got all these different shape-shifting organisms. I mean, really shape-shifting.
You can look at it one minute and it looks like an organism that's a worm, and the next minute you turn around and it looks like a cell, a human cell. It goes through all these shifts. Look at it under a microscope that way. When you cauterize your minerals in food, it makes them into glass a lot. It cauterizes them. It makes them sleek and sharp instead of soft, and being able to separate themselves and permeate just the way clay does. So with this clay, this clay-like factor being removed and you have this toxic glass-like substance that is now your minerals, when it takes on to those nasty ones, that plaque on your teeth is very, very hard. And it does not buffer the toxic heavy metals as well, the mercury, the thallium, the lead that comes from the brain, and it can eat through. It can deteriorate the whole network of that potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium and start burning right into your enamel on your tooth, the dentine. And what happens when that happens? Then you have bacteria that has to eat the dentine and dead tubule cells. And then the medical profession points at the teeth and says, look the bacteria is eating your cells in your tooth. Well, yeah, they're eating the damaged ones, but they're not causing the decay. All the damned injections that you gave me with the heavy metals that go into my brain are detoxing out my teeth, they're doing the damage. So bacteria is not causing the pain, not causing the problem, but you need to get rid of that plaque. Because none of you are built with many raw minerals. I mean, how many years have you been drinking raw milk? How many years have you been eating raw meats, raw cheese and stuff like that? You don't have any non-cauterized minerals in your body. So that plaque is going to do some damage, so you need to brush off that plaque. And the best thing to remove that plaque is coconut cream, fermented coconut cream. If you want to polish your teeth along with it, just have a little bit of clay in that coconut cream, and it makes a great toothpaste. I can't say it tastes like toothpaste manufactured, it doesn't taste minty or anything, but you can make it taste minty. If you juice a little mint and put it in there, you can make it like that, and that's okay. It won't harm you. But still, it'll be a natural toothpaste that way. And then you won't damage your teeth. But that plaque gets way up in there, and if you want to remove that plaque, it's easy to get a toothbrush way up in there, a few centimeters up into the gums. So the best thing is to get the most high-powered waterpik that you can, and put a little coconut cream, lemon juice, and vinegar together. Sift it through a cloth so you get all the particles out so it won't jam your toothpick, and then put a naturally sparkling mineral water in there. Naturally sparkling mineral water, in the digestive tract, it causes more nitrogen, in the blood it causes more oxygen. On a physical level, on an outside property, it has natural hydrogen peroxide. That's why if you use sparkling mineral water to clean something, a stain, it will take the stain off very quickly and easily. But if you don't rinse that sparkling water out of there, it will bleach your clothes. It will put a bleach spot, no matter what it's on. It could be tile. It will create a bleach spot, an untreated tile. It will bleach things because of the natural hydrogen peroxide activity that it has.
So it will help bleach your teeth while you're waterpiking and dissolving all this compound, this plaque that's deep in there, so you don't have to have that abrasive dentist go in there with a knife and scrape your teeth and cut your gums all to pieces every time they do it. So you don't have to have deep cleaning, but you should do that every 10 days if you don't want to end up at the dentist every 6 months to a year and a half getting that plaque scraped off deeply under the gums. Butter is the most digestible fat there is. It's the most penetrative. It will lubricate everything except the brain and nervous system. It takes care of the organs, the connective tissue, the skin, the bones, the bone marrow. Nothing is more needed as fat than butter. Butter is digested much easier. Like I said, cream is difficult to digest because the body, the liver, has to create a lot more cholesterols and a lot more different bioproducts to break down cream and it will make about a third of that cream into nutrients to feed the brain and nervous system. Then the other two thirds it will make it into butter and those fats go in and lubricate everything else in the body. So butter is the main nutrient that you need to have a lot of and it's very important in the human body to stabilize and balance it. Again, the nervous system needs that cream. For some people, the cream and the milk is enough as long as they're eating butter, lots of butter along with it. But why not enjoy some cream on the side, especially if you're having some upset or you're feeling nervous or you're feeling hyperactive or irritable, drink a half a cup of cream, it'll settle you down pretty quickly, relax you pretty quickly. That covers about all of the good fats. Anything else is cooked and you know what happens there. Hydrogenated fats are worse, they're plastic, like I said. Then we have to take a look at the carbohydrate side. We talked about the fats and the proteins. Now the carbohydrate side, now the athletes and all these coaches are now saying, you know, carbohydrates give you the quickest energy and it's the best thing to use. However, everybody that does that diet is burned out like McEnroe and all of them in their mid to late thirties, they're gone. They can't even play the sport anymore because it dries out the system. It creates a lot of advanced glycation end products and because they have to cook most of it, they have acrylamides and those acrylamides build up. And what have we found out about acrylamides? I mean, what is the regular population just finding out about acrylamides? They're highly carcinogenic. So New York City has outlawed certain kinds of fats and it's a joke. Now they're bringing in other toxic fats to get rid of acrylamide. It's an absurdity. Anytime you bake anything in oil, no matter what kind of oil it is, you're going to have acrylamides. So you're saying, well, it won't happen with this other kind of oil. Bullshit. It happens because this is bad. It will create acrylamides. And these Swedish scientists found, they did I think it was something like 12 years research. There were like 10 of them, 10 scientists. They were all full professors at a major university in Sweden. They found in all of their chemical analysis of cancer cells that the element that predominated in cancer cells that didn't predominate in other cells was acrylamides. Forty to sixty percent of a cancer cell was full of acrylamides.
It's pretty proof that it's carcinogenic. So that's what happens if you eat a lot of high carbohydrates, like cooked starches. You're going to have advanced glycation end products, you're going to have acrylamides, you're going to have a lot of other toxins that will form and we do not handle well. The human body doesn't handle well. Even the athletes who are high performance, probably the best specimens that we have, they come into this world with good health and then they're burned out in their late 30s. That's it, their career is over. Why? Because they're not eating properly. Go down to the Andes and the tribes in the Andes, you've got 90, 95 year old men doing the 100 to 200 mile kickball game in the Andes mountains at the top. What they do is they get 10 people per line or per worm they call it and the one in the front will kick the ball, he'll fall to the back and then they'll just keep running and the one that kicks the ball the next time goes to the back and they'll go 100 to 200 miles every year doing this sport. 95 year old men doing this sport. In this country, you know people who do the 100 mile run every year in this country, one to two bottles of aspirin to get through it. I've got one friend who was an actor, you know he made so much money like with one pineapple commercial he made $240,000 for two hours work because they ran that pineapple commercial for four years nationally. So on one job he made $250,000 so he could enjoy doing anything he wanted. So he wanted to run these 100 mile marathons yearly. He would take two bottles of aspirin, 100 per bottle and when he got through it and it was over, he couldn't go out of the house for three weeks. Because aspirin stops all proper, it breaks down all vitamin K and vitamin U in the system so you can bleed to death, you become a bleeder. And his skin would become like toilet paper, if I went like this to him, it would peel the skin away. So it took three weeks for him to get that slightly stabilized where he could start going to auditions or go out of the house again. He did it every year, for six years. And then he got so sick at the last one, couldn't do them anymore. That's the kind of sport people we have. In the Andes, we have these old people, don't know anything. They're out running, kicking a ball in the mountains, eight to ten thousand feet high, where the oxygen is low anyway. Yearly they do this. Carbohydrates are not a good thing. Those tribes that live in the Andes mainly live on meat and dairy, mainly meat. So that's the way to go to be healthier. Now carbohydrates do come into the equation. Now mostly we get carbohydrates in meat, you get carbohydrates in milk, sugar, we're getting carbohydrates. But if you want a little bit more to help you detox, and I don't usually like people to force detoxification, because they make you uncomfortable. I like the body to detox on its own, go into a cold or a flu when you want. But if you want to, you eat one piece of fruit a day, and a lot of that will turn into alcohol and be cleansing. And you always eat it with a fat so it doesn't rush into the body and become a lot of sugar generated fuel. Now that carbohydrate can be very necessary, starches can be very necessary in the human body.
And normally I don't say this, but like in the first write of this book, I told almost everybody, you know, if they had certain problems, they needed to eat cooked starch, cooked potatoes, you know, aired popcorn, something like that, with lots of raw butter, some other kind of fat with it. And it would bind with certain poisons in their body, like excessive adrenaline, toxic adrenaline, any kind of excessive hormone. It can stop and block. But I found that people were accumulating a lot of acrylamides and advanced glycations in their intestinal tract. So they would get well all over the body, but then the intestinal tract would still be declining. So then when I rewrote the book, seven years later, I put in there, I created the nut formula and somebody helped me create that, come up with that, the nut formula. Now nuts, when we digest them normally, mainly we digest the nuts as the starch. When I checked the feces and urine, like 99%, 6 to 99%, depending upon the nut, of the protein and fat passed right out of the body, feces and urine. The only thing that looked like it was absorbed about two thirds, depending upon the person's digestibility, was the starch in the nuts. So I realized that nuts were a good place to get it. However, when people were eating nuts, it was causing them imbalance because of the phytic acid in it. Phytic acid causes the inability to absorb certain minerals and that caused the inability to digest and absorb certain proteins and it's just like a chain reaction. So, I came up with a way to eat the nuts by mixing them with fat and eggs and honey to neutralize the phytic acid. Still don't digest much of the protein from the nuts or the fats, but at least that starch you get without being toxic and it doesn't cause an imbalance. So you eat the nut formula. Now that's important because like I say, you have excessive hormones and toxic adrenaline that can make you irritable. You also have other hormones that were created during trauma. So you got an upset. Your wife left you. Your girlfriend left you. Your husband left you. Your boyfriend left you. He left you with trauma. Or your father or your boyfriend beat you or your husband beat you. Or your wife's browbeat you, you know, rude and awful and nasty and hurt you and hurt you. Every time you go through a trauma like that, you create hormones. And any production like that has a waste product in the body. So you have all these toxins that store throughout the body. Now the woman who logged this was named Dr. Elora Van Winkle. And she did work for Millhauser Laboratory. It's called Millhauser, something like that. Laboratories at Columbia University in New York City. She was responsible for cataloging and explaining and studying every element, every chemical that's in the brain and nervous system of the human body. That was her life's work. She found this diet and embraced it. She was in her mid-70s. And she embraced this diet. She also interviewed all of those patients that I talked about, the 95% who reversed their cancers. She interviewed all of them and then she wrote this report at the bottom. Statistics on this diet are accurate in relationship to cancer. Well, she wrote a paper called The Biology of Emotions. And you can find it several places on the Internet.
She died a few years ago. She thought she was on my diet getting better and better. She was ultra-skinny, all that laboratory work, all that formaldehyde and chemicals she was exposed to. She was thinner than Twiggy when I met her. She got on the diet. She did very well for two years. And then somebody told her, got her thinking strangely that Instincto was a better diet. You only eat it when it smells good to you. So what are people going to eat? Sixty, seventy percent of what they're going to eat are fruits. Everybody likes sweet fruits. Just deteriorated the body and she was dead in a year on that diet. Because it just dissolves tissue, especially for somebody that thin. So it just removed her of any mineral composition that kept her together. But anyway she wrote a paper called the Biology of Emotions. And she showed that when a person got emotionally bent out of shape and they were just angry or upset and irritable for no reason, that the blood was high in those chemical byproducts from that trauma. So they were detoxifying that trauma all over again, those chemicals that were created during that trauma. And she has the chemical structure and everything. You can get two papers from her, the one that's very advanced and has all the chemistry and the one that was written for the layperson. Now her resolution in the paper, which I didn't agree with, is primal therapy. People know what primal therapy is?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, no. Primal therapy is when you scream and you take all of your hate out in a hateful way. You scream, you kick a pillow, you damage things. And this is primal therapy. That's not my primal therapy because if you're going to get there all over again, you're going to create more of those substances and it's going to keep going. You're going to be constantly angry. So I say do something creative. Create something positive. Sing, dance, paint. Spend that energy when you're feeling anxiety to channel into something that makes you happy instead of sad and unhappy. Excuse me, I'm going to suck an egg here. Tasteless but I like that feel. They usually have a garbage can in this room. So the nut formula helps remove those by-products so you don't suffer so much. I'm usually not this intense. I think it's those chemicals that were in that hotel room. I need the nut formula. I don't have any way to make it here. Can somebody make it to me and bring it to the hotel for me? Anyway, that binds with those toxic substances, with excessive adrenaline, excessive anything, any kind of hormone. It can help subdue if it's excessive in the body. I recommend that people have it once a week just to make sure that they don't move into that space. If you're already into that space or you move into that space, you could have one a day for two or three days in a row and then it will go away and subside. On a few people who are usually very hyper-kinetic, hyperactive, like let's say Joseph Mercola, anybody like that, he should be an athlete instead of a doctor. They need some cooked starch along with lots of butter to harness it because the nut starch isn't going to be enough for them. They have so much of that hormone pumping and become very irrational from it. And that cooked starch with the raw butter will lower. You're still going to have to deal with the excessive acrylamides and the advanced glycation products and that's going to make the brain and nervous system rather sticky. So they're not going to be as rational, not going to be as careful, not going to be methodical as they should be when they have that kind of substance running around in their blood. And I'm going to get into that a little bit further later. Well why not do it now. I don't like people to eat high-carbohydrate foods for the first 6-7 hours that they're awake because your body makes glycogen to run the nervous system in that first 6-7 hours. If you eat carbohydrates, you create a lot of advanced glycation end-products that make the blood, the neurological system, and the lymph very sticky. It causes misfiring of synapse, of ganglia, axons. It causes blood cells to get sticky and stick together and it doesn't flow properly, it clumps, all kinds of problems. So your brain, your nervous system, everything in your blood will not function. You won't use oxygen as well. You can run more and of course those poisons can create an adrenaline reaction like most athletes use it. It's the adrenaline that runs them. It's not the nutrients, the good fat. Because when you make a fat from an acetone, you make an acetone from a carbohydrate, it's a very poor burning one. It will burn one half the energy of a good raw fat that's made from fat, pure fat from an animal.
Even if it's coconut, it will still burn two and a half times the energy created by the same amount of protein or carbohydrate. The fat burns two and a half times more energy, creates two and a half times more energy. So let's take a weightlifter. Who's ever seen a thin, buffed weightlifter? It doesn't exist. They need all that fat. Your bodybuilders get very trim and refined. But even Arnold Schwarzenegger, when he was Mr. Universe seven times, any time he went into exhibit, he'd stop eating fat. He'd eat tons of fat, raw eggs, raw meat, like crazy. And most Austrian athletes do, up until the mid-90s. Then it changed. But up until then, 90% of your Austrian athletes ate raw meat and raw eggs on a daily basis. And he did. But when he would go to exhibit, he would go down and take all the fat off. He would go from lifting 350 pounds to lifting 275 pounds, because he didn't have the fat to give him the strength and energy while he was exhibiting. So you have to understand how important fat is. Take a look at your wrestlers. That's a phenomenal sport. It's all a show, because I guarantee you from being where I was, you can kill somebody like that, elbow in the throat, elbow at the temple, they're dead. So they're out there exhibiting. They're giving you a show. But take a look at what they do. They flip high up, their huge bodies slamming on top of one another. Can you imagine if that weren't fat in there protecting, buffering them, and giving them all that strength and all that resilience? They don't walk out of there with a lot of bruises. They have enough fat to protect them. It's a phony sport, because like I say, you can kill anybody fast, but it's the most incredible dance I have seen as far as sports. It takes gymnastics, it puts them on five times the level because they're dealing with blows and flips and all kinds of landing in odd, dangerous ways where you could break bones and damage yourself very badly. But they have all this incredible fat on them. And I mean they've got up to like 30% fat, anywhere from 24 to 30% fat, which is mainly what a woman should have normally. And a man, they say, should stay around 18% at maximum. Those who are displaying like Arnold Schwarzenegger in competition for bodybuilding, they get down to 7-10% fat. Very weakened position, very weakened state, very unhealthy state. And it would take Schwarzenegger several months to recuperate, just like all the other bodybuilders. So bodybuilders, it's not a place to go. If you're trying to get very thin and show all of your abs, you know, your new washboard. It's not a good place to go. Fats, normally, I used to think that the fats would bind with those chemical hormones, those excessive hormones. For some reason, they have a tendency to excite it. And that's why I went into the starch and the nut formula. And if the nut formula doesn't work, like I said, you need some cooked starch with some fat. That pretty much takes care of the food categories and what's good. In the We Want to Live, the entire two-thirds of the book is about remedies for foods, food combining that will affect a certain condition that you have. And if you've ever had that condition, you go through the book and you mark it. And then when you have that symptom again, you know right where to go and what to eat for that symptom. Because everybody, even though it isn't classified as a disease, everybody has all of those ailments, every one of them. Just because it's not a full-blown disease doesn't mean that you won't be helped by that remedy.
Usually you will, 85% of the time. I didn't put anything in there that didn't work any more than 80% of the time. But 90% of the remedies in there worked 85% of the time. That's a pretty high rate. And the better quality of the food you have, even the better quality that they worked, and they worked better and more often. Let's say you have a headache, a severe headache, and you have the headache formulas, and there are three of them in there. And it mitigates your headache by 85%. Hell, that's pretty good. Anybody can go around with a little bit of slight pain in their head. I mean, I start off this day with it, and within, what, 45 minutes out of the hotel room, the headache was gone. But I started off with the headache, and I was able to handle it because it was a little thing. And these remedies will mitigate. Sometimes they'll get rid of it all together, and many times they'll get rid of it all together. But if it at least mitigates it by 85%, hey, that's pretty good. Then you can get through the detox without too much discomfort, or mitigate the discomfort as much as possible. As far as eating schedule, it's a very important thing. I talked about not eating. I just started mentioning that not eating a lot of high carbohydrates until you've been up about six or seven hours. Because the body will make its glycogen in that first six, seven hours for the whole day, unless you binge on alcohol or a lot of fruit. Then it will disrupt the whole rhythm of the body in the day. If you follow my eating schedules on page 40 and 41 and 42, that section in the recipe book, you'll see that I have eating schedules. The first one is about eating meat three times a day. That's for diabetics, people who have sugar problems that need protein more often. So let's say you eat a pound of meat a day. It's about two and a half cups of meat a day. So you can break that up into thirds if you're eating it three times a day. If you're a hyperactive person or a mellow person, it's better to only eat two meat meals a day in the morning and the evening. So what I recommend is that if you have meat, let's say you have a juice first, you wake up with a lot of acidity in your blood. Blood can be too irritating to your system if that acridity is irritating the cell walls. It can cause lethargy, it can cause irritability, it can cause all kinds of problems. So you have a vegetable juice. Now vegetable juice, like I talked, we don't digest vegetation, it causes over-alkalinity, all the vegetation running through the digestive tract, but we need vitamins and enzymes and alkalinity, heavy doses of alkaline minerals every day to balance where we've been. If you're healthy, you don't need to eat vegetables or vegetable juice. Children under 16 rarely need vegetable juice or never. So you take the vegetable juice to alkalinize the blood a little bit to clean it up. The alkalizing minerals will go in there and attach to the toxic ones, neutralize them, and then you're more relaxed and happier and everything's better. That'll also stimulate digestion, because it supplies enzymes for digestion. Better activity, better everything. It'll raise the appetite. Then the next thing you have, 45 minutes later, hour later, you have a meat meal, your first meat meal. Now with that first meat meal, the body's going to make most of its glycogen. And when your body makes glycogen from protein from meat, there's very little advanced glycation in product. Maximum 8%.
We can handle 12% in any given day. So that's under what we produced. So we can handle meat being made in the glycogen and the glycogen being utilized in the brain nervous system without an accumulation of advanced glycation end products. No stickiness. So we stay focused and thinking and properly metabolizing throughout the day for the brain nervous system and lymphatic systems. Bloodstream. If you again sometime in the day sit down and eat a whole plate of fruit, you're going to throw it all off. It will change into glycogen. Your body will create it and everything will get sticky again and you won't be as focused and you'll be somewhat scattered. Always eat at least a tablespoon and a half of butter with every meat meal because you don't want the body using that meat meal for blood and I mean brain and nervous system fuel and fat fuel because the body will start making fat early in the day too and you don't want your meat to be utilized as a fat so you eat butter with it. Avocado, eggs, some other kind of fat so your body doesn't use that hard digestive process with digesting meat and you don't make it into a fat, an acetone or acetate to utilize as fuel, save that for the butter or whatever other fats you're going to have and it should be, you know, an animal fats preferable, olive oil of those, like I said, most of that will turn your meal into a detoxifier and that's okay for five meat meals a week, you know, out of your 14 meat meals or more, or 21 if you're eating 3 meat meals a day. So it's better to have a good animal fat with that meat meal so the body doesn't utilize that protein as a fat, as that kind of fuel, only the brain fuel we're interested in and that's a very complex chemical reaction anyway because your body has to use glucagon in conjunction with that pyruvate to make it into a glycogen, but it's a very clean fuel builder to run the brain and the nervous system cleanly. Then after you have that meat meal, you wait two or three hours and have a milkshake. This will soothe and calm the nervous system and the body. Two or three hours later, another vegetable juice and I talk about the quantities per your size in the recipe book. Then after that, you want a fruit meal, your only detoxification stimulating meal in a day. If you're an athlete, you could have a little bit more than that, you have probably two of those a day, but always have that with fat. Now if you're going to detoxify, the best detoxifier is fruit with coconut cream. And if you've got a particular problem, let's say you've got a congested lymphatic system and a very congested digestive tract that's full of hardened minerals inside the cell walls. So the cell walls, the walls of your intestines are pretty thick and rigid and don't produce mucous well, and it causes ulcers or irritation, you have inflammatory bowel syndrome, Crohn's, anything like that, what do you do? You'll have an animal fat instead of coconut cream with that pineapple. The pineapple will help break that down, the lymphatic congestion and the intestinal congestion. So you have pineapple with the fat. If you need to stabilize the system, it will be with an animal fat. If you want it to clean quicker, you have it with coconut cream. But anytime you have coconut cream, you want to have a little bit of animal fats, usually both, maybe half a teaspoon or a teaspoon of butter and a tablespoon of dairy cream along with your coconut cream, just to protect the body while it's detoxified.
Sometimes you're not looking to detoxify, you want to stay relaxed, and you just want more energy, you could have whipped cream and your fruit. It would be very nice. Or you could have something like, we all have had antibiotics, and to kill all those fungus that grow wildly, and let me tell you, you don't kill a fungus at pasteurization. That just subdues it for a long period. Just like in plastic, no matter, they cooked it to 500 degrees, the molds would still come out, they had to be poisoned. So in the human body, it's the same way. Any kind of antibiotic you've had, any penicillin, it's still growing in your body. And the only way you can kill it, naturally, is this formula. You have 4-5 tablespoons, 4-6 depending on your size, tablespoons of lime juice, equal amount of coconut cream, equal amount of honey, 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Blend that all together. Put a tablespoon of dairy cream in it, 1-2 tablespoons of dairy, you have to put the butter in it. Blend that all together and put it with a couple of ounces, 2-4 ounces depending on your size, of sparkling mineral water. After you've blended that all together, you pour that into the mineral water. It acts as a natural antibiotic and an antiseptic, remember what I said about lime juice. So it will go in there and start destroying, now it will destroy the good stuff if you eat too often, eat it too often. If you're in a terrible state with fungus all over the body breaking out, hives, athletes foot, heavy yeast infections, you can have it 2 days in a row or every other day for about a week, but then cut it down to 1 day a week, 2 days a week max until it settles. It's always best to go through your fungus, your yeast infection, just do the things that mitigate it so you can go through your day without, with the itching, you want to put your hands between your crotch because of the itching, men who have jock itch, same thing, that's a fungus in the crotch area. So you can destroy it by drinking that formula enough, but you don't want to eliminate entirely because it's getting rid of sugar damaged cells, yeasts are getting rid of sugar damaged cells. They're eating up those sugar damaged cells that don't function well anymore, that don't do any good for you anymore. So you don't want to end that, you just want to be able to tolerate it, and we are so toxic it's not easy to do, so I created that formula to help you get through it, to mitigate it if you have to. Usually just putting coconut cream on that area, maybe sporting a little kefir or yogurt, and the women who have yeast infections will, you know, soothe that whole area and reduce the itching, but not the yeast infection which is cleaning the system. So it's always better to do that, but it's still if you can't control the itching and it's so bad, then you can use that lime juice formula to help mitigate the situation. Otherwise I created that formula mainly to get rid of fungus from vaccines, from antibiotics, including penicillin, because they do live in everybody's body, and they are usually what is created before vaccines were very heavy, before they started injecting children before a year old.
Now they're doing it a day old, or right when they're born giving them hepatitis B, but it used to be they wouldn't give a child a vaccine till he was a year old, but they would give him antibiotics and penicillin as soon as they were born, or sometime in that first year, two or five years that they're born, and that creates a lot of intestinal problems. 90% of the Crohn's disease that I'd seen, and the IBS inflammatory bowel syndrome, has been created from penicillin. Penicillin, the greatest thing since the wheel, right? For the pharmaceutical industry, but not for the human race, because it destroys the intestinal tract, destroys intestinal bacteria. That penicillin mold, and almost every other antibiotic that we have, is a mold that is familiar in birds that eat lots of grains. They can harness it, they can handle it. It is their detoxification on a fungal level. But in the human body, we don't handle it well, so it grows and grows in us, especially since it's been sterilized before it enters us. It's a very toxic substance and a radical mold. So after you have your fruit meal, if you're a diabetic or someone who has a serious blood sugar problem, then before you have that fruit meal, you'd have another meat meal about an hour after your second juice. Then you'd have your fruit meal. Then two or three hours after that fruit meal, you'd have another vegetable juice, smaller quantity now because you need less alkalinization as you get throughout the day. Then an hour, hour and a half later, your second or third meat meal, depending on if you're having two or three meat meals in a day. And then before you go to bed, some milk or another milkshake, half of a milkshake. And then during the night, milk or some milkshake during the middle of the night, maybe some eggs. The reason I say during the middle of the night, if you don't awaken during the night, you'd better set an alarm. Because if you go five hours without eating, the protein level bottoms out, especially in our society now with, the Maasai, Samburu, Fulani and Eskimo, you know, no problem, they can go a day without eating. And they can eat their own red blood cells without a problem. But the red blood cells become cannibalistic after five hours of no food. They start eating themselves, each other, not themselves, but each other, to get the protein in the body. So let's say you're sleeping eight hours. So three hours, your red blood cells are eating the others. You could lose five tablespoons of blood in that amount of time. You're gonna wake up anemia, with anemia, a low-grade anemia. It's temporary, but it's solid in there. So how are you gonna get functioning for the day if you've got anemia? Blood, full-blown blood anemia. Coffee, something with caffeine in it, right? How many people couldn't move in the day without caffeine? A ton of people. That's why all those coffee houses, Starbucks, skyrocketing all over the world, because all this toxic food that everybody's eating, it's not good, and then they don't eat, of course, during the night. And when you're on a toxin, your body's full of toxins, you better eat during the night, because you have to have a lot of protein to deal with the toxicity that's in the body, that's always moving around in the system.
So let's say you set your alarm for five hours, you eat something like milk or some eggs or some milkshake, and you go back to sleep. But let's say you're a hyperactive person, you can't go back to sleep after five hours when you eat. So set your alarm for three hours, you're still going to be too tired, eat, you're going to go right back to sleep, so you sleep three hours, and then five hours, and then you're up and eating, you have your vegetable juice. So that's the way to handle it. Now the importance of that is pretty strong, let me give you an example. For three years I'd go to Nevada City, and this one person, John there, I mean he's only like 46, 47 years old, and he's like this, long-term vegetarian. He's like an old man. So he's on the diet, you know, two and a half, almost three years later, he's all husky and built, you know, not skinny anymore, and feeling all this energy, he says to me, you know, it's 10 o'clock noon before I have any energy, you know, I have to force myself to eat, I have to force myself to do anything. I said, are you eating during the night? He's been to how many workshops? That little detail missed him every time. So that night, he woke up during the night and had it. Guess what happened when he woke up in the morning? Lots of energy. Because he wasn't becoming anemic. And that anemia, for him, was traumatic, was a big, big factor. So that was the final thread that he needed to put his health completely together. It's that one little element. And that one little element may not dawn on you until you've done this for a long time on what elements are most important for your health. And I tell people, you read my books two times a year. If you really want to be educated about your health and your diet and be inspired to think about your body, you read those books twice a year, at least once a year, each of them. Come to the workshops, because I have people that read the books. I had students when I used to teach, they would say, every time I read the book, I get as much out of it with the sixteenth reading as I did with the first, because I've got thirty-some years of experience in each of these books. And I pack it. I'm not repetitious in the books. I put it out cleanly, so you're not getting the same information on every page, once you get out of the story that is. So when you go through there, there's so much information to absorb and to assimilate, you're not going to get it all. It could take thirty years to get out of these books what I put into it. Do it. The workshops, people come to them every time I give them. I give them here in Chicago twice a year. Everybody who attends them repeatedly says, I get as much information out of them as the first time. More keys to better my health. So I'll be coming out with a DVD of this workshop so you won't have to come here and attend it. You buy the DVDs and you watch it as often as you like and you get other people to watch it. Just don't reproduce it. I guarantee you my publisher will be after you.
Q: When's it coming out?
A: I'm not sure. You know who's editing it, me. Getting time to edit, it's taxing. So then after you have your fruit meal, like I said, you have the juice and you have your meat meal, then you have some more dairy before you go to bed and something during the night. And that should settle you and make sure you're more efficient than you ever thought about being. If you have trouble, if you have high irritability, high anxiety, don't eat much red meat. Make it a small part of your diet. Eat fish and fowl. And if you find fowl that's mainly fed, like, I don't know if you get it here, Rosie chicken. The brand Rosie, they call themselves organic. And you know how organic they are? They're just about as organic as Whole Foods. They feed their chicken to 85% soy. Remember, birds cannot eat soy without it being processed. It will kill them to eat it raw. Cows, goats, sheep, they can eat raw soy. They're built for it. But there's enzymes in the soy that will kill a human and all birds. All birds. So birds, if they're being fed soy, it had to have been heavily processed. And they say, oh, but it was raised organic. Well shit, would you soak your apple in kerosene before you ate it for six hours? Would you? Would you eat an apple that had been soaking in kerosene for six hours? No. Then you don't want to eat soy. Because that's basically what has happened. They've got a kerosene derivative that the FDA labels food quality. That's like saying hydrogen peroxide food grade. Who are you kidding? It will kill you. And it kills parts of your body. So it does the same thing as antiseptics and antibiotics do. They poison your system, drive adrenaline into your system, and you think you're healthier. It stops the detoxification, excites your adrenal glands. But hell, you could take cocaine, do the same thing. Take speed, do the same thing. I did it for years. But down at the end of the road, what happens? You pay the piper. You've destroyed a lot of organic tissue in doing so. So, not a very favorable thing to do. So the soy, when they call it organic, I called them and I said, wait a minute, soy you have to treat chemically and you have to heat process it to feed it to chickens. So how can you call that organic when the soy is no longer organic even though it was raised organic? Well, the FDA allows us to call it that. I said, don't you have a scruple? Don't you have a conscience? This is business. This is business. Business is more important than anything that happens to you on a physiological level and you have to believe that. There is not one person out there, even young, who sells his, what do you call those oils? What does he call them? Essential oils. Those essential oils are distilled. Normally they are distilled anywhere from 350 degrees to 450 degrees. He takes his and distills it at 257 degrees. So those oils are very destructive. They are distilled. They are a chemical structure at that point. A cell doesn't have the choice to say, I don't want that oil. It penetrates just like kerosene or gasoline right into your cells. You are breathing it. Aromatherapy is a toxic substance. You see these people that put it on their skin and do these for long periods. Their skin starts getting translucent and very sore and irritable. They start getting chemical sensitivities.
Now you take a look at a lot of these people. A lot of these people are very, very sick. They don't have an oil that helps them break down and create virus to break down substances. So it's working to do that. So many things will improve, but the actual integrity of a cell will not improve. The function of the body may improve, but the cell starts breaking down. And what happens in the long term? Everything is too sensitive. You're overly sensitive. You become chemically sensitive. So you have to be careful with anybody who's selling anything other than food. It's all processed, chemically processed. And a lot of these companies say, oh our vitamins and enzymes are all natural. Oh did you make them? No. Okay. What did the chemical company tell you? You told them you wanted this from a food and that from a food. Can they do it? Sure they can do it. But they're a chemical company. They're selling chemicals. They're going to make you a product because that's what they're in the business to do. And they're going to lie to you. Because anytime you take a substance and you have to fractionate it, you have to pull out substances that are concentrated or not concentrated and concentrate them, it takes a chemical activity to do it. Electromagnetic current, a radiation level, or heat process to manufacture them. So these people who are selling them are purposely stupid. They're purposely ignorant. They're ignoring the actual chemical process. And saying, oh, it's all from food. Okay, where did the laboratory buy that food? Oh, well if you investigate it, they got that bran from, what's that, Uncle Ben's Rice. So you got the bran there, it's already been treated with chemicals. They're not going to treat it with chemicals. It's already treated with chemicals. They're just going to dissolve it in a solution. Well, what solution is that? Well, it's one the FDA says is edible. So, that doesn't make it edible. It's still a chemical poison. It can dissolve and break down a matter. The only solutions, the only natural things that I know that can break down and dissolve matter are citrus fats, I mean citrus juices, vinegar, and lemon juice. You know how long that takes? Weeks, months. They need it fast. They need it six hours. Six hours. So you're going to use a kerosene derivative that the USDA and the FDA will label food grade. No more food grade than gasoline is. Diluted gasoline. Just because I dilute gasoline a hundred times, let's say I've got two ounces of gasoline and I dilute it by two liters. Put two liters of water in it. Is that gasoline edible? No, it won't kill you, but it certainly is going to harm you. It's going to do some damage. That's what's in all of this stuff. So anybody tells you they have a natural supplement, it is a lie. It is all a lie. And it starts at the laboratories who are producing it for the people who want it. Most of your vitamin E, 99% of your vitamin E is guess what? Film developing fluid from Kodak and Fuji. Film developing chemical. They paid millions and millions of dollars for research to take that byproduct chemical and make it into a substance that would be non-toxic.
Didn't happen. So they had to put it in these stainless steel drums, put it in these thick underground caves that the walls had to be anywhere from six to twelve feet concrete thick. Stainless steel drums where it wouldn't leak into our atmosphere. Hundreds of millions of dollars every year. Hundreds of millions of dollars. Property, building, containing, maintaining the property on which those containers remain. So one of the scientists say, hey this is 72% like vitamin E. The molecular structure is 72% like vitamin E. D-alpha-tocopherol. Let's just call it alpha-tocopherol and sell it as vitamin E. Even the natural vitamin E that you get, maybe one to five units per 100 units is from soy or corn. The rest of it's Fuji and Kodak. And these laboratories don't tell the chemical companies that are making these, I mean the vitamin companies that are making it for the whole truth. Oh yeah, we made it from soy and we made it from corn. They don't ask how much of it is that and how did you do that? Do you know how much corn they'd have to utilize and usurp to get even a little bit of vitamin E in it? You know how little vitamin E is in corn and soy? They'd have to take fields and fields and fields to get all the bottles of vitamin E. And what would they do with all that waste? Well, that's where these chemical companies go. They go to the soy manufacturers, take the waste product that's already been chemically treated with how many things and all the cooking, all the heat processing, and then they use another chemical to draw out the vitamin E and sell that to you as a natural vitamin E. So, you don't believe these people. They are lying to you. That toxicity gets into your body. Of course, it's going to make you feel better because it's going to be so poisonous, the body's going to stop doing the detoxification that it was doing that was causing you problems. It was not allowing you to function because you were so toxic in a particular area or in a particular system. Plus, it's going to boost the adrenaline in the body just like cocaine, caffeine, all of those will do. So, you get this false high. Cocaine will do that. Cigarettes will do that. Coffee will do that. It's the same thing. These vitamin supplements are toxic. They are effective in reducing symptoms, but they're not making you better. You're going to pay the piper someday in time. I had my first proof that that was, that happened. I got a patient who developed a huge tumor, two on his neck in the past four years. Sent the tumor to the laboratory, had it analyzed, and it was full of all of these supplements that he had taken for 30 years. First tumor that I saw that I had analyzed that didn't have some kind of lead or mercury or thallium complex in it. It wasn't from some chemically derived direct substance of toxicity. No matter what it could have been. This was built on lots of concentrated mineral supplements that just built up two tumors from that, fast growing. I'm telling you that they are made with chemical substances. And this guy stayed thin all of those years, very skinny. So where did it store in his body?
Didn't have fat to defend itself. So all this stuff drove him into cancer. He's somebody I couldn't reverse. The diet didn't reverse him. He's one of the five percent that the diet couldn't reverse. And his problem was 30 years of supplements. He was clean everywhere else, but 30 years of supplements. Tumors, huge tumors. Okay folks, that's it. We're going to get into a little bit of Q&A, only 15 minutes. We may have to go to the hotel to do some of the mini consults, because they're going to kick us out of here at 9 o'clock. Yes.
Q: What room number are you in?
A: 252.
Q: What hotel?
A: Homestead. Yes.
Q: I don't know if you have a question, something you might want to add about the word raw nowadays, and how people may not know that there's no regulation, so would you like to say something?
A: Well yeah, like a lot of the cheeses that you will find, all the cheeses that you will find in the stores, they'll say raw, they aren't raw. They're heated from 137 up to pasteurization temperature, almost to pasteurization temperature.
Q: Even European?
A: Even European. Some of them. Most of the French won't. Most of the French will be fine. But some of them are even going that route. They're heating them, pasteurizing, or near pasteurization. If they call it pasteurized, if they pasteurize it, they can't call it raw, but they can get all the way up to 157 degrees and call it raw, and it isn't. So we have to get our cheese from, you know, Amish farmers that will make it for us, you know, that's truly raw, that it never goes over 105 degrees. Yes?
Q: I found it true of many products, even honeys, a lot of honeys.
A: Oh, honeys are notorious that way. And that can't go over 93 degrees.
Q: Well, that's almost the same as natural nowadays.
A: But you have to say unheated or cold packed. Say unheated or cold packed.
Q: Use your list.
A: Yeah. Well, I've got a list of products that are safe. Yes?
Q: What about, could you comment on the use of colostrum, and also whether or not you feel that chiropractic is a good adjunct to your diet.
A: What is an adjunct?
Q: Chiropractic, just to keep the spine so that the nerves are working right.
A: I benefited greatly with my back problems from chiropractors. Yeah, absolutely. But what I suggest is, but what I suggest is that when you go to, before you go to a chiropractor, you get into a hot bath for 30 minutes, put hot water bottles along your spine while you're in bed for 30 minutes. Because when you go to a chiropractor, you're out because you've got tendons and muscles that are real tight, and they're taking the vertebraes that are normally like this, and you can see the nerves that come through and go all the way around, disperse throughout the body, have space. When you're out, everything's tight and pinching on those nerves, causing back problems and all kinds of sorts of problems. So he can snap them back in, but what's going to happen? 10 minutes later, an hour later, you're out again. So you've got to relax and make sure everything is stretched out and loose, so it's not going to go out right away again.
Q: My particular chiropractor, I don't think he's the only one, uses a lot of heat treatment and those electrical treatments, which I was questioning, and also the massaging and the exercises and things like that to get you loosened up ahead of time.
A: I think that's a terrible way to do it. It bruises the tissue, the electromagnetic fields damage the cellular structure of cells. You use hot water bottles, you use a hot bath, you know, with some milk or something in it to neutralize the chemicals in the water. You relax your body, take a hot bottle with you, keep a jacket on, warm hot water bottle at your tummy or at your sides while you're driving there. When you get there, you're going to be very relaxed.
Q: So what was it you said you put in the bath?
A: Pardon?
Q: What was it that you put in the bath?
A: I always suggest that if you've got municipal water, you put one to one and a half cups of milk in the water, raw milk in the water, two heaping tablespoons of sea salt, sun-dried sea salt, about three tablespoons of vinegar, raw apple cider vinegar, and if you want your skin to be really nice, then you put two to three tablespoons of coconut cream in it. And what? Colostrum? Colostrum is, does everybody know what colostrum is? Colostrum is the milk that a female mammalian makes for the first three to five days that its offspring is born. It's butter fat rather than cream fat. Remember cream fat is very difficult to digest. It takes all human babies five days to develop the ability to digest cream, to start manufacturing that kind of bile. So you notice in the colostrum it's much yellower, that fat is butter fat rather than cream fat.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, it is, but leaky gut, the best thing to do for someone with leaky gut is to not eat anything that's going to use up the digestive tract. Eggs, eggs, egg, egg diet. Yes?
Q: It seems to me like a lot of the undrugged grass fed meat that's available is frozen. What would you say if you had to choose between frozen healthy meat and fresh supermarket meat? Which one would be better to eat?
A: I would trade off.
Q: You can't have a good supply of...
A: I would trade off. Sometimes I'd do the meat that's not grass fed, sometimes I'd eat the frozen grass fed. I would trade off because I know I'm going to get deficient eating one of the same, the only one. So I'll trade off. And I've done that. When I was in France, I ate mad cow meat for three years. I had a girlfriend that lived in Paris, so she would spend three months here, a month at a time. I'd spend three months there, a month at a time. So I ate out of carrefour supermarkets. And my last trip, she got rid of me because I wouldn't marry her. So my last trip home, I read in the magazine that, and this is all during that mad cow issue, that last trip, it said that carrefour supermarkets had been buying that mad cow from England. And I'd been eating it three years. I don't have a problem. And I started that, that was 93 to 96. But I didn't eat the brain or the nervous system of that animal, where those particular nutrients are toxic, where, you know, the nerves are disintegrating, turning into mush. You know, I ate the muscle meat, you know, so it all depends on what you eat. So I did okay. I also always ate butter with that meat meal, so if there's any toxicity in it, I was going to have enough to take care of it. Okay? Yes?
Q: I've got two questions. The first one is, what's, how good is the fertilized egg as opposed to the unfertilized egg?
A: Well, I said in my book, fertilized egg, all the time in the first writing, because at that time there was no free-range eggs. Okay? There was just fertile and those that were not fertile. So the only way you know they weren't stuck in a small cage, if they were out getting laid by a rooster. And if you, and they had to be out of a small cage to get laid before they did their laying of the eggs. So if they were fertile, you know they weren't in little bitty cages. They were at least in a cage, you know, that was, even if it were concrete. And they can say, cage-free eggs, and they can be in a room that's, you know, from here to there to here, and still in a big cage, but they can call it cage-free if it's not in a cage like this. But still, that's a chicken that's running around and that's not isolated and diseased in those little bitty cages. But your pastured egg, I mean your pastured chicken, those are the chickens that are best. They're running around eating insects and all kinds of things that are normal in their diet.
Q: Does the fertilization add anything to the nutrition, though? I heard that it does.
A: There was a huge article that came out about a week ago about the potency of sperm. They found that they could take sperm and use it as a stem cell, and then they could use it to conform into any other cell, like an embryo cell. But most men don't mind jerking off and giving their sperm away, so they're thinking about using that as a stem cell. So the sperm is a very concentrated nutrient that causes great expansion and development, hormonally, physically, everything. So of course an egg that is impregnated with that sperm is going to be a much more bioactive egg.
Q: So it's preferable.
A: Absolutely preferable.
Q: What does one do for fiber in your diet?
A: You don't need fiber. That's a myth. I said, forget everything you ever hear. I had seven bowel movements yesterday, and the only thing I've eaten in the last week is meat and milk. I didn't even eat any fruit this week. I had some cheese. There's no fiber in that, right? Why did I have seven bowel movements yesterday? Most of the time I just have one, two a day. I don't eat fiber. I don't eat any kind of fiber. So it's a myth. Again, it's a myth to sell you something. What happens when all of these companies had all this bran, the bran from processing grains needed to get rid of it? It was costing them fortunes to biodegrade it, to put it into compost piles, to turn it into fertilizer. They wanted a quicker way to get rid of it. So people aren't eating fiber. Nutrient deficient garbage. It'll rip fats out of your body, make you crap well, but they're gonna rip all the fats out of your body. That's what bran does. Sure, it's gonna help you move. You can't digest it. Body's gonna infuse fat into it and mucus into it, and you're gonna have a bowel movement. If you're eating cooked food, you're not gonna have much movement at all. So you have to eat some raw food to get things moving. But if you're only eating raw foods, you're gonna move. There's fecal matter.
Q: Is eating raw pork okay?
A: Eating raw pork is good. It's wonderful. I love pork. I'll eat pork many times a year, four or five times a year. When I eat it, I eat a lot of it. I really like it. I get my pork from an Amish farmer. I was with him when I was in D.C. doing the lobbying. He was two hours away. The group of us went out to his farm and got a load of milk, unrefrigerated, gallons of it. Got the cheese and got everything else, saw his pigs, saw the chickens running around eating these maggots and this rotten meat, all full of feathers and friendly to each other. It was amazing, not pecking each other because they don't have enough protein, they don't have enough animal product. Chickens are scavengers. They eat a lot of animal products. Everything was good and the pigs were happy. They were eating all of the discarded milk, the stuff that got a little too fermented to turn it into good kefir or yogurt. They got all of that discarded stuff and man they loved it and he even would soak, he would germinate or decompose, he'd put his oats that he fed the pigs, he would put that in this fermented dairy to break it down so they'd digest more of it. These are beautiful, happy pigs and they don't stink like other pigs. So yes, I eat pork.
Q: I wanted to ask about vaccines. I thought I heard you say that a cell accepts a vaccine to do a detox, but then I also thought I heard you say that you cannot catch a virus, but what I don't understand is if you put a bunch of kids in a playroom and one of them has chicken pox, or you give those kids a bad vaccine, they're going to catch chicken pox.
A: They don't catch it, it's injected into them.
Q: What if they're all sucking on the same toy and one child has chicken pox and the others don't? Aren't they going to catch it? I mean, I got it from my brother. What happened?
A: You're in the same household, you're eating the same garbage, you're going to have the same detox at the same time because it's climatic. It's like the rooster crows and the sun comes up. Does the rooster cause the sun to come up? That's what you're saying. Your proximity to somebody else didn't cause you to get a virus.
Q: What if you get a bad vaccine?
A: You're getting it injected into you. You're getting viruses injected into you. Expect... All of the people who got polio for that first year that they kept, and it's here in my book on, I think it's Appendix D, in We Want to Live, it talks about the records they kept on the first year after polio. Polio vaccine became mandatory in 1958. They kept records through 59. Three states and one county, the county of Los Angeles. The rates of polio skyrocketed up to 470-some percent increase in polio, and they were all people who had been vaccinated at least three times. They're injecting you with polio along with a lot of poisons, what do you think you're going to get? It's insane to think that an injection of poisons is going to prevent you from getting anything. All it's going to do is poison your system and make you worse. Okay, just one or two last questions.
Q: One, could you comment on Gerolsteiner and the plastic and what waters to use?
A: Just give me one at a time. Okay, water. She's asking about Gerolsteiner, which is my favorite, because in the naturally sparkling waters you have an aqua table, which is the water, and you have the gas, the carbon dioxide that's in the well. So they put two tubes down and they shoot them both into the bottle at the same time. Water in a well is not carbonated. The natural gas in there, they're combined but not together. When they shoot them together in the bottle, it creates the naturally sparkling water. Coca-Cola and the other water companies that add carbon dioxide to it is from a laboratory, all your sodas. Even soda water for alcoholic beverages, that's an unnatural, chemically derived carbon dioxide. It is not natural. Now I suggest that if anybody's going to drink water, that's the one to drink. It gives you some natural hydrogen peroxide, it increases nitrogen in the intestines which helps digestibility, it helps neutralize a lot of alkalinity and other toxins that could interfere with digestion, it increases the oxygen in the blood. Gerolsteiner was bought up by another company and they're putting everything in plastic. I won't drink Gerolsteiner anymore, so I'll go for something like San Pellegrino, San Faustino, Perrier, Ramlösa, Apollinaris, any one of those. Now if it says carbonation added, yeah, if it's naturally carbonated, like those ones that I named, that's shooting the gas from the well into its water table. So that's still natural, it's not a chemically derived one. Okay, one more person, need more questions? Okay, go ahead.
Q: And the other part was, there was one question about marinating fish that it shouldn't be marinated for a certain number of hours.
A: Well if you marinate everything in lemon juice, you're going to cause way too much alcohol and over-acidity. So you have to limit either the time that something is marinating in lemon juice or the amount of lemon juice in which you're marinating it.
Q: What about lime juice?
A: Lime juice is an antibacterial, you should rarely use it for marinating.
Q: So how do you know how much juice or how much time to marinate it?
A: Let's say if it's something like shrimp, you can marinate it for about, oh, 24 hours. But then you want to rinse it in good water, just to rinse off the excess lime juice. Now you can do that with anything, but if you leave it in softer fish, it's going to start turning into a soup, and that's too much lemon. So I recommend that you marinate for no more than two to six hours. And then you pour off the excess lemon juice. And you can let the lemon juice that's already into it, marinate for 24 hours if you want. But you don't let that lemon juice stand in those, in that fish, that soft fish, for more than about four hours. Six hours maximum, depending upon the fish.
Q: Can you explain what that does to the protein?
A: Well it'll turn it into a fuel. You end up just using it as a fuel, or detoxifier. Not in something that will rebuild your nervous system or any part of your body. Yes?
Q: [unintelligible] Where did you study, and I can see you've had a lot of like, the microbiology or whatever, you know, the different things, anatomy and so on. Where did you get all that? Did you go to formal school, or did you just learn it from books, or?
A: No, I just read, you know, somebody would give me a line, and I would say, aha, doesn't make any sense. So then I would read their research, follow the research that they used the research on, and just looked at the chemistry of it, and learned the chemistry that way. Pardon?
Q: What about autism?
A: Pardon?
Q: What about autism? What kind of results have you had with autism in children?
A: Well, it depends on how far advanced the autism is, and how long it is before the person comes to me. It depends. I've got one woman who was basically, you know, a 40-some-year-old woman who was catatonic. Kathy, you know her. And when she came, I was giving a lecture at a synagogue in Los Angeles, and this woman walked up to me, I mean, she looked like a raccoon, black, eyes all around, and she couldn't really talk. She was very impaired on that level. So she has reversed, I'd say, 75% of it. But her emotional correlation is, and she's on the diet like nine years, but she went from catatonic to now you can't shut her up. And she's a powerhouse. I mean, she's Ron Paul activist. She's incredible. Here's a woman who couldn't function, her mother had to do everything for her. She couldn't move, she couldn't cook, she couldn't do anything. And now, her mother doesn't run her, she runs her mother, she takes care of her mother, she runs everything. And she has all of these, you know, leading chemtrails, motions against, a whole movement against chemtrails, organizes, you know, demonstrations. And now with this Ron Paul, she's in there, you know, pushing Ron Paul, getting people to gather, getting people to come to see him. And this was an autistic person who was non-functional. But she's still on that emotional level. She doesn't have that communication center quite together. So it all depends on... Children, It's usually two to three years and they're normal.
Q: So you have had definite success?
A: Oh yes, definitely. Yeah.
Q: With the pictures before and after and all that stuff to show it.
A: You don't know how protective mothers are in that situation. You don't know how protective mothers are. You have to understand, when they come to me, they're going against the medical profession and they're going to get their children taken away. Only one time I've had the doctor support what I did because I had a child that was like this at 11 years old. No, he was 13 and like this. And he was like a little skinny chicken. And he was going to be that way and probably die in a few years, the doctor said. So I put him on the diet and I worked with the mother weekly. This child gained 60 pounds after two years. He was talking. He could use his right hand to take a cassette and put it into his cassette player. His toes that were all bunched up like this, like his hands, are all relaxed and stretched now. He's starting to walk. I wasn't allowed to take any pictures until two years after the doctor saw the results and the doctor said, we don't know what the reversal is, the chemistry doesn't show differently, but he's improving so whatever you're doing, are you doing something different? So they told him, I had him eating buffalo shit, I mean literally eating buffalo shit to help his E. coli, because E. coli wouldn't work for him because he had neurological damage. And this was all from vaccines when he was an infant. So here the guy is 50% normal, but the parents would never allow me to take it because they could have taken the child away and then the child would have been just a vegetable until he died. Now he's more functional. It depends on how severe the case is and no parent is going to let me document it because their children will be taken away. Literally the children will be taken away. Almost happened right here. She's fighting it in court and looks like she's winning. First one.
Q: And my son was diagnosed with autism and I pulled him out of school last year. He was 15. The opposing counsel was saying, you know, the school was doing a great job, and I don't know what the heck, why is the mother doing this? Well, we hired another psychologist. We got up there and we had to do two days for two hours and said, you know, I read somewhere that the mother's not doing any homeschooling. Well, she's not. I suggest she keep doing what she's doing. Because I brought him up to a sixth grade reading level in seven months. And I was gone last week and came home. He's his brother. And I was just amazed at this child. He's just gaining so much in terms of his verbal expression. Keep telling him, he says, you got to do your eggs. So and I don't... My lawyer says we're not going to... You know, the diet is not the issue. You've got the medical. I was stupid enough to take them to a regular doctor for a wellness check. I think I said one single thing like this... A wellness check, a blood test, the kids that don't eat any vegetables at all. You know where they came out on their blood test? Right down the middle.
A: Right. Everything was normal.
Q: We have the documentation. And you know, then the guy that said, well, no, the court appointed psychologist said, well, after really going back and forth with my lawyer for a long time, he said, I'm not worried about it on a physical level. I'm just worried about it on an emotional level. But he has no baseline. He did no emotional testing on either of them. So guess what? He's blowing hot air. And what affects emotions? Physiology.
A: Yes, absolutely.
Q: And food.
A: Yes. You're welcome.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, like I said in the book, I said, if you've got a child or anybody who's reacting to milk, you give them two to four ounces a day only. And after about three months, it'll work itself out because it's not an allergy to the milk. It's what the body is pulling out of the system with that calcium and the other minerals. So it's not an allergy to that milk normally. I only find one out of a thousand who has truly the symptoms of allergies that continue even if they're having two, four ounces of milk a day for a year and a half. They still don't handle the milk well. But that's only one out of a thousand people who are already diagnosed as lactose intolerant to pasteurized milk.
Q: What do you do in those very rare cases?
A: Well, then I give them lots of butter and cheese. They just don't have fresh milk.
Q: What about the butter oil?
A: Well, that is really not important unless you're eating a lot of cooked food. But they make it the way I like it now. I mean, they made it for me three years ago. They brought the temperature down to 96 degrees.
Q: Are you using their fish oil again?
A: Their fish oil isn't... You mean green pastures?
Q: Yeah.
A: They made the cod liver oil just the way I wanted it. Took them two years to make it. And then they found that it would only last six months. So they could only sell it six months of the year. And this company doesn't want to just make money six months of the year. So now they're looking at other ways to do it.
Q: So the skate liver oil and the fermented cod liver oil are the ones that you liked, but now they're having trouble with supply?
A: Yeah, that's it. With the cod liver oil. It was only one product, and they didn't put it out on the market.
Q: Well, they've got skate liver oil.
Q: But the skate liver oil was not made using the same process of fermentation?
A: No, it's not the same. They're using heat.
Q: Oh, okay.
Q: The only way you get a truly raw oil is by fermenting those cod livers, which breaks open the cells and releases the oils, and they centrifuge.
A: Let me tell you, you can make the oil very easily. I took seal that I got from – you can only have seal, you can only eat seal if you're a native Eskimo. Well, I've got some native Eskimos that are on the diet. So we have an Eskimo that hunts and kills it in Alaska, sends it to his tribe member in Los Angeles, and then I butcher it, and then we all pay $40 a pound, very expensive stuff. But I bought a lot of it because the seal meat is so concentrated. It tastes like cooked sirloin. It is dark black almost, and it tastes like it's cooked, very delicious. But one quarter cup of that is so concentrated, it's like one and a half to two cups of other kinds of meat. So it goes a long way with a little. So I kept some to make some seal oil. So I had about a third of a cup of seal, and I let it sit in the refrigerator to ferment slowly. So the oil leaves, and the oil compounds. It like grows. So I've got three quarters of a cup of oil from three ounces of meat. And that oil, it's very, you know, it's what they would call rancid. It's very fermented and very potent, so I can only have a little at a time. But it's very effective.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, right, yeah. But you can take any fish and do that. You just close it off into a tie jar and let it sit until the oil separates. Cod liver oil, cod is full of those oils. Some fish aren't. They don't separate that same way.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No. Yeah, yeah. The liver will be a lot more bitter because it will have bile to digest the fats better. But any fat will work. In fact, I use that seal oil like, you know, we use snake oil. And when I had some really bad, bad pain, when I got back I did some running just to see if I could run. And I hurt it. So I just put it, coated it on there. Two hours, the pain was gone. Just like that. Just like that. Gone. The pain was gone. Yes?
Q: What if your issue is cheese? You have an allergy to cheese. And I don't know if it's the cheese itself or maybe the mold in the cheese.
A: I don't know anybody that's allergic to cheese. The raw cheese. Have you had the raw cheese?
Q: No. All I know is that it started at two years old. Before that I could have it. And my mother would grate the Parmesan cheese.
A: Yeah. Parmesan cheese is very, very processed in this country. It's not a natural cheese at all. It's very chemically made and derived.
Q: Even 38 years ago?
A: Even 38 years ago. As of 1947, that's when it started. It was heavy. They started dictating it was law to pasteurize. 1947. The year I was born they said, let's get Aajonus first. Yeah.
Q: If you had to pinpoint the worst foods, [unintelligible].
A: Boiled in oil. Chips. Donuts. French fries. Those are the worst foods. Stay away from those like the plague. But, you know, you could have had an allergy to the casein, the cauterized casein, the cauterized any of those minerals in there, the fractionated and destructured swollen proteins, many things that you could have been allergic to in the processed cheese, including the chemicals to make parmesan. Thirty-eight years ago wasn't that long ago. And let me tell you, cheese, when they started making American cheese in the 50s, you know, that orange stuff they sell as, you know, great American cheese, it's not all cheese. It's not all dairy. It's a lot of chemicals. And then in the late 70s and mid to late 70s, they started making ice cream with styrofoam. Because remember, styrofoam is made from hydrogenated vegetable oils, okay? So it's a process of plastic. So they start, since it was from vegetable oil source, you can eat it. And basically they were hydrogenating it and turning it into plastic. So people were eating styrofoam in their ice cream. Ben and Jerry's kind of put a weight, a sinker on that. Because it said, we're all dairy, we're not vegetable oils, we're not hydrogenated vegetable oils, we're all dairy. Pasteurized, of course, but still it was all dairy. And we had Brockmire's, which is the same way. But it's still out there. A lot of that ice cream from Seal Test and all of them, it's styrofoam.
Q: What about Breyer's?
A: Breyer's is more natural, yeah. It still has some chemicals in it. Breyer's has some chemicals, not completely non-chemically produced. So there we have it, folks. What time is it? It is, whoo, it is 8.45. Okay, so we've got 15 minutes to get out of here. Now how many people are going to get mini-consults?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: You can't? Okay. Well, I have time to do one here. Okay. Okay. So we only had a few, right? Two? Three. Okay, thank you.
Q: Thank you very much.
A: You're welcome. Okay. Hey there, young man.
Q: I know it's kind of sudden, but all of a sudden right near the end of the thing, I started feeling like there's like this sliver right here.
A: Uh-huh.
Q: There isn't anything.
A: Well, there may be something. There may be something in there. I've got a little tweezers you can use to pick at it.
Q: Hey there.
A: Hey there, guy.
Q: I'm going to get you at the end of the day.
[audio cut]
A: Okay. Left ovary is about 60% [unintelligible]. The left adrenal gland is about 20% protein deficient. Left thyroid would be okay. Parathyroid would be okay also. The tonsil area is very poor. [unintelligible] The right ovary is about 30% of [unintelligible]. The right side of the pancreas is about 40% alive. I've still got you. [unintelligible] Very poor circulation into the digestive tract, especially in the right side. Poor circulation into the liver. Poor circulation on the left side of your spine. Your kidneys are almost disintegrated from the water. The left side is deteriorating more from the water than the right side of the [unintelligible]. [unintelligible] Everybody wants the people to get well overnight. So everything is all about do this in excess, do that in excess. It's not right. I would say no more than a third of your meat should be red meat.
Q: Really?
A: Two thirds should be fowl or fish, seafood.
Q: Okay, because I love red meat and I do eat it quite a bit.
A: Yeah, but it's going to make you irritable and acidic because of all that. I have no idea what you're talking about! Okay, so those things will irritate you, especially the fish. And when you eat the red meat, never eat it alone. Eat it with eggs or with some fowl or fish.
Q: Really? Okay, okay.
A: That way you won't get into that acidity. Well, that's okay, just take some more eggs with you. Get some more eggs while you're here before you go eat the steak. I love oysters. Oysters will help you get well and use lines that water [unintelligible] and your body quicker.
Q: That's fascinating because that was one of the few other things on the food sensitivity test that I was sensitive to. And you weren't supposed to have them. And I hardly ever eat them and I love them. I thought it was really strange.
A: It's not like, they process those proteins chemically and heat-wise to separate them. So it's not the food really, it's just the protein they're putting in. I'd say stay away from fruit.
Q: And I don't feel well when I eat fruit.
A: If I were you I'd just live on dairy, some meat, and lots of eggs. Very simple.
Q: Good, thank you very much.
A: You're welcome.
Q: Who's next, Sherry?
A: Well, she has too much water right now. She can have a little green juice once in a while. Not too much, maybe once a day if you want.
Q: It's weird because I feel like having water, I constantly feel thirsty, but it doesn't quite cut the thirst.
A: That's right, it never will, it'll make you more thirsty. So you sip on milk, don't guzzle milk, guzzle milk, guzzle milk.
Q: I used to drink like a gallon of water and I'm always thirsty.
A: Yep, and always peeing. What's your name?
Q: Jessica.
A: Jessica, hi Jessica. Cold too, mineral deficient. Well have eggs and, I mean cheese and honey together. I would say probably three tablespoons two times a day with three teaspoons of honey. So it's tablespoons for the cheese, teaspoons for the honey.
Q: A lot of times I have trouble eating a lot of honey at a time.
A: But you're eating it with cheese in the mouth together. So it's not going to react.
Q: Is it better with the cheese than the butter?
A: And always have your honey mixed in something.
Q: Is it better with the cheese than the butter then?
A: You won't digest the minerals quite as well. You have enough fat on your body. Perfect. Just let your body use the fats that's already in your body with that. Unless you have constipation. You have constipation from eating that much cheese, usually with the honey you won't have that problem. But you can always add just a little bit of coconut cream. And that will keep you from getting constipated.
Q: Also I've been out of breath for probably the last two hours here. Out of breath a little bit, just my heart's fluttering and stuff.
A: Let everything go limp. Okay, the left ovary is about 60-70% scar tissue. The left adrenal gland is good. The left side of the pancreas is about 55% alive. That's good. Left thyroid is a little weak. Parathyroid is good. Tonsil area is fair. Relax. The right ovary...
Q: I don't want to interrupt anything, but our store gets closed in five minutes.
A: Okay, we'll be out in five minutes.
Q: I don't know if anyone has any purchases to make tonight, but now would be the time.
A: I think everybody went down at the break and bought.
Q: Okay, cool.
A: Thank you. It's about probably 40% scar tissue. The right ovary...
Q: What's that from?
A: Could be from anything. You take birth control pills or it could be antibiotics, could be toxicity, could be from inhaling something, could be from anything, relax. The right adrenal gland has probably 20% scar tissue. The right side of the pancreas is about 35% alive, full of scar tissue. The right thyroid is in good shape. Parathyroid is in pretty good shape. Tonsil area is in pretty good shape. You got all this white splotching everywhere. That's lymphatic congestion. Splotching everywhere. You need to get into the book, We Want to Live. The baths. You just keep those up. You're having a pineapple drink. Keep that up every three to four days. It will take time. Usually it takes three months to take a [unintelligible]. Three months of doing them two times. On the other days you can still take 30-35 minute baths to help perspire. The days that you're not having the hour to an hour and a half.
Q: Do you always have to do a walk with it?
A: On the long ones, yes. But the other days if you did a 30-35 minute, you'd be helping the body get rid of the lymphatic congestion and gunk that's deposited in the connective tissue out of the body.
Q: And I don't have to have a drink with that?
A: No, just with the very long bath. You're just getting it out of the connective tissue with a short bath. Very poor circulation in the intestines. So I suggest that you basically go on an egg diet for almost six months, eating 30-35 eggs a day. And have maybe a glass of milk before you go to bed and a cup of milk during the night, room temperature.
Q: And what about the cheese and the honey?
A: Well, the cheese and the honey, you're going to have a little bit of that throughout the day, you know, just twice a day, just to get your body re-mineralized. But eggs, other than that, lots of eggs.
Q: Why?
A: Well, you're just not digesting almost anything properly. So you need some nutrients that's going to be digested right here where it's still good and red and active, and then so your body can not spend its time digesting in the rest of your intestine. So it doesn't have to work, it'll just get the nutrients from the egg to heal itself, so that you can strengthen those intestines again.
Q: And then two glasses of milk?
A: One before you go to bed and one during the night. And I would keep that diet for six months, minimum.
Q: And then what?
A: Well, you're probably going to lose a little weight from it, which I'm not happy about, but you can always put good weight on later. But you need, you're in rock in a hard place with this digestion track. It's pretty bad.
Q: And do you think after that I should stick to chicken?
A: Well, it's hard to tell from here. I would say that you look like you're pretty acidic, so you should have a lower amount of red meat than white. You carry the weight of somebody who's not really an athlete, that's not hyperactive. But that just could be because you're not digesting well. So you have to tell me, were you an athlete? Okay. Then you're a person who can eat more red meat, but I wouldn't go over 50%, and so you bring the acidic level down. Bring the acidic level down, then you can eat more red meat.
Q: Goats or cows?
A: Pardon?
Q: Goats or cows.
A: She can eat goats. She has the weight.
Q: Or a cow?
A: Or a cow. Or a cow's fine.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: How old are you?
Q: 23, actually.
A: Having a green drink is fine. Two or three times a day. Definitely. You have that acidic nature, too. Even though that if, sometimes with this condition, your heart may race after drinking vegetable juice first thing in the morning, mix an egg with it. And then you won't have that effect.
Q: Yeah, it'll help all my, like, soreness. [unintelligible]
A: It'll help everything. Well, that's digestive problems. You're not digesting anything properly.
Q: So I'm not getting much.
A: You're not getting nutrients. So the eggs are going to be your key to rebalancing everything.
Q: The hot baths.
A: The hot baths, yep. But if you lose 20 pounds, you don't want to take the baths until you put the weight on again. Okay? The long baths. You can still take the 30, 35 minute baths every day if you want. But don't do those lymphatic baths if you've lost 20 pounds. You wait until you put on more weight before you do it again. Okay?
Q: Thank you.
A: You're welcome. Okay, that's all we can do here.
[audio cut]
A: How are you? Good. Okay. Relax your hand. Just let them fall limp into my hand. Good. Left testis is in good shape. Left adrenal gland, a little protein deficient, about 30%. Left side of the pancreas is about 75% active. Left thyroid is good, parathyroid is poor, tonsil area very poor. Relax. Relax. Right testis is about 25% protein deficient. Right adrenal gland is about 30% protein deficient. The right side of his pancreas is only about 30% active. The right thyroid is very good, parathyroid is okay, tonsil area fair. Lots of lymphatic congestion for a child. He's got bile all over the body. It's very caustic and acrid in the system. If he doesn't get rid of that, he could have MS at a very young age. Because that bile is to digest fats and it's eating his tissues. And that could cause nerve damage. He needs to eat raw cream, raw butter, raw coconut cream to help dissolve it and neutralize it. Carrot juice. I wouldn't do the lymphatic baths until he has a better fat content. I would wait about probably nine months so he's on a good diet. He's been on it long enough so there won't be any danger in there. He's got all these tars along his spine. Somebody smoke?
Q: Not in our family.
A: Did you smoke?
Q: When?
A: Any time in your life.
Q: I was around smoke a lot. My father smoked.
A: Oh, there you go. Well, you just transferred it into him because it's all along his spine on both sides. Pretty heavy. That's probably one of his main problems since he was a child. Well, there's nothing you can do about it for a while. Maybe next year you can get some green tobacco, juice it, ferment it, and then put a few drops and some carrot juice every couple of days and he'll start breaking it down, removing it. He does need some pineapple to help break that down, so mixing about a quarter of a cup of pineapple with about two ounces, which is four tablespoons, of carrot juice. And about, no, no, no, this would be about probably twice a week only, maybe every three to four days. And about half of a kiwi. Blend that all together with a teaspoon of honey and one-half tablespoons, maybe just teaspoons of regular dairy cream, and then have that once, about every three to four days. Meatwise doesn't look, because of all this bile, it's just going to make him irritable, so he needs to be on heavy milk, you know, drink at least a quart and a half a day, you know, just milk, milk, milk, milk, milk. You have to treat him like a baby all over again. Well, he can have some fish probably, you know, two days a week only, but he needs to drink milk. He needs all those, and cheese he can eat also. He needs, he could eat some eggs, but his digestion doesn't look very good, you know. So, and some of the color texture there shows that he's got penicillin or some kind of antibiotic in his intestines.
Q: He never had any.
A: Passed it from you, you know. It's all the way up in his throat, all the way down to his rectum. It's growing, so. Penicillin doesn't belong in the human environment. It belongs with birds, you know, in the fowl community. And they grow that mold on grains and then sterilize it. And when they give it to us, when it activates, our body doesn't have any way to control it easily. So it just grows and grows. At least it's not in his brain, and a lot of people I find it in the brain, especially children, so it's good that it's not affecting his brain. But he has a lot of lymphatic congestion in his brain. Also, you're a perfectionist, you know. And also you're very creative. You've got a mind that just thinks in all kinds of different ways. So if you want people to make you happy, to change all the time, you'll never be happy, okay? Your mind works in different ways than other people. They're not going to keep up with your changes. So if you try to make other people adapt to your thinking and the way your mind works, you're going to be unhappy and nobody's going to like you, okay? So you just use something you create today like a piece of art, whatever you do, whatever you're creative about. Don't judge it as harshly tomorrow because your vision tomorrow, what you see, what you want to create tomorrow is going to be different than yesterday. But yesterday's was good, okay? So look at it that way. Then you won't be so self-critical, okay? So just lots of milk and honey, cream, butter, and honey.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Milk all day long, just like a baby just sucks milk all day long. If he's drinking a lot of milk, well, you can give him, like I said, fish once in a while. You need to give him that pineapple drink, you know, fish twice a week, pineapple drink, but if he's drinking a lot of milk, he's not going to be so hungry.
Q: The milkshakes?
A: Yeah, those are good, but more milk by itself. He just needs all those minerals to help. You know, in about probably 12 months, he'll be able to start eating more, but right now he needs all those minerals from the milk to bind with all that acrid bile that he has spread.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, you know, like I said, you can give him about six ounces of carrot juice, you know, make it a half a cup of carrot juice, and then an ounce of coconut cream, an ounce of dairy cream, and that, and one egg.
Q: And you'd mix all that together?
A: Yeah, and you could give him that once a day. The pineapple thing, that only happens once every three to four days.
Q: Oh, so what am I giving him once a day?
A: This, the carrot juice mixture.
Q: Everything but the pineapple?
A: There's no pineapple in that. Right, everything but the pineapple. Yeah, right.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: If he wants honey in it, that's okay, but he probably won't like it with the honey in it, but you can check him and see. Okay. If he wants it once in a while, he can, because he probably will need, because of all that accurate solution, he'll need something to bind with it, probably rice would be a little better. I'm not sure he'll handle potato very well, cooked potato with his intestinal tract. Also, feed that mold. And I don't want to give him the formula to get rid of the mold right now. If he needs it once a day, but I doubt if he'll need it maybe every three, four days. Okay? Thank you. You're welcome. Thank you, young man. Hey, God, you look like my cousin. It's scary. Bob Klatt, oh, my God, when he was your age. Okay, let me see both your hands. Let them go limp. Left testis is about 40% scar tissue. Did you have an accident?
Q: No.
A: I don't know why that scar tissue is there. Left adrenal gland is in good shape. Left side of the pancreas is in very good shape. Left thyroid is good, parathyroid fair. Tonsil area are pretty good. Relax. Right testis is in good shape. Right adrenal gland is about 25% protein deficient. The right side of the pancreas is about 60% active. Right thyroid is poor, parathyroid is poor. Tonsil area are poor. All the glands on the right side are not doing so well. Even the thymus. This looks like it's water damage. Do you drink a lot of water?
Q: I used to. I still do kind of.
A: It's just eating away. Water dissolves things when it rains. It dissolves rock so plants can eat. So you can imagine what to do in the human body. Until 1960, nobody drank water. You had three sips a day. Nobody drank water. Then they started bottling water. They got doctors to say drink eight glasses a day. It's been going on ever since. People get more dissolved. What it's doing is dissolving this part of your body. Drink milk. Something that has nutrients. You have terrible lymphatic congestion also. Your red blood cell count is pretty good. Your red blood cells don't hold oxygen well. That could be because of the water though. Somewhat mineral deficient because of that. Eat cheese little amounts all day long with everything you eat. If you get constipated from it, eat a little coconut cream with it or some butter. So you don't get constipated.
Q: I like cheese.
A: Good. Twice a day eat some with a little honey. The honey and the cheese in your mouth together. That way you'll digest it. Otherwise the cheese acts like a sponge. Pulls the poisons out and passes out into the feces. And you do need a lot. He's also got a lot of bile throughout the system. So he needs that carrot juice mixture also. But six ounces at a time instead of four.
Q: You told us [unintelligible].
A: No, six all together. It would be six ounces of mixture all together. But it will be four ounces of carrot juice in it. For him, yeah. And then let's say three tablespoons of coconut cream and two tablespoons of dairy cream. Yes.
Q: Eggs [unintelligible].
A: Eggs as much as you like. You have very poor circulation into your gallbladder. This lymphatic congestion is pretty bad. But I suggest that you put on about 10 pounds before you start taking hot baths to melt it out. Because otherwise it will just start disintegrating your connective tissue. You don't have enough protective fats in there. He also has a little bit of mold, but it looks like tetracycline mold. So did you take tetracycline? Yeah.
Q: I was given something when I lost a child.
A: Okay. Well, he could have about... As a child, did you have acne?
Q: No.
A: They used to give, back when you were a child, they used to give tetracycline as the main, you know, so... Yeah. So it looks like you just passed him on him, unless you got tetracycline. Was he given tetracycline? Antibiotic?
Q: He was on antibiotics a couple times as a child.
A: Oh, then that's probably what they gave him. So to destroy his mold, you can go ahead and give him this once a week. Four tablespoons of lime juice.
Q: Tablespoons?
A: Yes. One tablespoon of lemon juice. Three tablespoons of coconut cream. One tablespoon of dairy cream. Four tablespoons of honey. Blend that all together. And then add it to about two ounces of sparkling water. It's going to fizzle up like a, you know, like a float. And it's going to taste really good, but I don't want you to drink it down fast. I don't care how good it tastes. Because then you'll just urinate it out. I need it to permeate the areas all throughout your body where all that mold is growing. Okay? Over at least a 12-minute period. You can stretch it out to, you know, 15, 20 minutes if you want. But not under 12 minutes. And lots of milk. Both of these guys need lots of milk. Meat-wise, I would say you need to consume about a quart and a half a day. Because you're going to eat other things. Meat-wise, let me see your eyes. Meat-wise, I would suggest about 30% red meat and 70% fowl, fish, seafood. Because he has all this bile too, it's very accurate. If he has a lot of red meats, he's going to be irritable.
Q: So do we need to eat a lot of meat a day, though, just a little bit?
A: No, I would say probably a cup a day.
Q: So drinking a quart and a half of milk will not be enough liquid? And I won't have to have any?
A: No, I said it's a minimum.
Q: Oh, okay.
A: Minimum, yeah.
Q: And I won't have to drink any water?
A: Correct. I drink probably, during the fall and winter, a cup a month.
Q: Okay.
A: During the spring and summer, I'll drink about a cup a week.
Q: Okay.
A: But I consume two and a half quarts of milk a day as my liquid. But it's got minerals in it, so it's got nutrition in it. I'm not a plant. I don't eat rock. So water doesn't satisfy me. Also, I have a little bit of a vitamin D deficiency, even though I can see you get sunshine, because the fats weren't good in your skin. But when you start eating this good food and get out in the sun, you'll be able to absorb it and utilize it more. Once in a while, I think when that bile comes out, you're going to get some sores. Doctors might say, oh, it looks like maybe pre-skin cancer. Ignore it. Put a little coconut cream on it and ignore it. The reason you get cold easily is because you're mineral deficient. The cheese should take care of that. Cheese and honey together will take care of that.
Q: Okay.
A: So if you want your brain to really work well, you might have your meat meal early in the morning, first thing in the morning before you go to school or anything. That way your brain will be a little bit more focused and take milk and drink it with you all day.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Anything he wants. Well, he doesn't seem, are you hyperactive normally?
Q: He and I are a little high-strung.
A: I'd prefer you eat the nut formula. Try that maybe once a week, once every five days. It should be enough. If you feel too anxious and the nut formula doesn't temper that, then have some cooked starch. But the nut formula, your system is a lot healthier than your younger brother. I don't think you need as much cooked starch.
Q: He was vaccinated as a child. They were not, my two younger ones were not. They've never had antibiotics.
A: Well, he's stored it and handled it somewhere, but I wouldn't be able to tell where unless I did his eyes. But he seems to be able to temper it okay. But if you have them on soy, that's one of the main problems.
Q: Well, yeah, I had a lot of soy.
Q: When I found out he had a milk allergy, I didn't know any better. We had soy for a while, then I found out, and I was like, what have I done?
Q: And then they went to rice milk.
Q: And then we got goat's milk.
A: Rice milk is a little bit better than, no, it's even better. But goat's milk for you wouldn't be good.
Q: No goat's milk?
A: Not for him. Yeah, he's too thin. Goat's milk has a lot of adrenal hormone precursors, so it keeps somebody who's thin too thin.
Q: We have Nigerian goats that have more butterfat in them.
A: Usually still doesn't... The hormones make him more active, intense. Yeah. He's okay. I mean, he's got a little bit more weight on him, but still it's better unless the child is chubby. You know, they should have cow's milk instead because they'll never put on enough fat to keep up with it. Well, if you want him to be able to get into the bath sooner, you know, do the lymphatic baths, it would be better. Yeah. Okay?
Q: Okay. Thank you.
A: You're very welcome. What is your name?
Q: Jacob.
A: Jacob. Nice to meet you, Jacob.
Q: Good to meet you.