Transcribed by & Rawmeatgang
Location: CH
A: I'm a nutritional scientist and author, and the way that I got into learning about what was good and what wasn't, health-wise, was being very sick. So I was born very sickly into a violent household which perpetuated more illness. I had a brother who was about 18 months older than I, and when I came home he was still in diapers and he was not happy about me taking all the attention away. So he would push me down on rusty rakes and nails, anything that would panic my mother, and I'd be sent to the doctor and get lots of penicillin shots and tetanus shots. And, you know, the thing is now they say a tetanus shot lasts about five years. Back then it was one year, but my mother was a nurse, so it was maybe every three months they worked, you know, that was her thinking. So I got lots of injections, so at 18 months old I got my third tetanus shot, and after about six penicillin shots the mercury went to my brain and caused autism. So I was unable to communicate. I didn't learn to read until I was 22 years old when I changed my diet, and I had to learn to basically function off like a parrot, teach it sound patterns, and it repeats them, and it will, you know, relate behavior to the sound patterns, and that's how I operated. And I always picked some lovely, nice, intelligent girl who was very sensitive to sit next to in school so I could cheat and copy all the hieroglyphs off, and, you know, transferring hieroglyphs, because that's what it was to me, they were just patterns that I wrote. Sometimes they weren't words, you know. So the teachers used to get very frustrated with me, and I was raised Catholic, so the nuns were pretty strict in those days. So I got lots of beating, yardsticks and rulers with blades on them that would just split me open, and some pretty nasty Franciscan priests that beat the hell out of me. And you have to understand that a lot of times if anybody said anything to me, I didn't know what they were saying. I had no way of communicating, interpreting what the words were.
However, I could read emotion, so I could respond with some kind of sound bit that I had learned, and sometimes it was totally inappropriate, sometimes it was very offensive, but I didn't know what it was, so I'd just repeat them. So I got in trouble a lot. Then I continued to get sicker and sicker as I got older. I used to keep a cold from three to five months at a time, and that would be filling up about five handkerchiefs a day, plus my pockets would get all wet, and I'd just keep collecting and collecting. By the time I hit twelve years old, I developed peritonitis, which is a perforated bleeding intestine, and they misdiagnosed it as appendicitis, and they went in to commit surgery, and they found the appendix in good shape, but they took it out anyway, just in case it caused any problems in the future, because you know the medical profession, they're almighty. They know everything, and if they don't know anything, it doesn't belong, but the appendix, what it does is, it's your library of disease and any chemical that's ever entered the body. So your analysis, your body takes any chemical into the body, it regulates it, it analyzes it, it will have a system of what to do if that chemical or bacteria or whatever it is enters the body again, it can handle it. If it's removed, your body has to do that every time something enters the body, every time. So the pancreas has a huge benefit. Tonsils they took out at three years old, just as a matter of repetition, because the tonsils are always getting congested in most children, because the tonsils are very overworked glands, especially since they started taking them out on a regular basis in the fifties. Why? Because of the industrial revolution of canned foods from World War II. People made billions of dollars, and Bush was one of the families that was involved in canned foods, and they made fortunes on all of this canned foods during World War II.
So what happened was, it caused a lot of metal poisoning. Even if you take a food, you've got iron, you've got traces of mercury and arsenic, all these metallic minerals in your food, once you cook it, you've fractionated the bonds. So that means every metal in that food is a free radical, and if there's enough fat in there, it can buffer the ill effects of it. But with everything defatted for the last thirty years, where do those poisons go? To the brain. Why? Because the brain operates on metallic metals, metallic minerals. Why? Because they transfer light and electricity, information. So most of the heavy metals that don't go to the hard bone, go to the brain and nervous system and store there. The tonsils are responsible for taking care of the brain. That's why children go through all this congestion and toxicity in the throat, sort of constantly having irritation and toxicity in those glands. If you remove them, what happens? The brain collects even more. And if you've ever done or seen an autopsy on how much metal is in a dissolved brain after death, it is extraordinary. And one of the laboratory tests that I did on a brain that was donated had 80,000 times the toxic amount of thallium and mercury. Thallium is a metal that's like lead in its softness, but it's almost as toxic as mercury. I had a patient die of cancer, and this is a woman who did pretty well on the diet for about a year and a half after she got the cancer, when she came to me. We got to provide the tumor of the breast to dissolve by 50%, but then she started going through a vomiting phase, and most cancer patients go through that. And she just couldn't stop vomiting, and it bruised her entire system. Cancer went to the lung and to the liver, even though we got it out of the breast by that time. So I had her vomit analyzed. The laboratory called me and said, somebody's poisoning this woman. She has 3,000 times the lethal dose of mercury in one vomit. And I said, nobody's poisoning her. She was a jewelry maker. And she was around that Bunsen burner pounding the metal and never used a mask.
So it just all absorbed into her lungs. What glands take care of the lungs? Lymph glands here and here, but majorly here. So all the pollution out there, that's why we have so much breast cancer these days, and that's what was the problem with her, but she went through that vomiting for six weeks before she died. And had she maybe had a little bit more weight, she probably would have made it. She got to about 30 pounds, her normal size, her normal thin size. It was about her size when she came to me. By the time she started going through that heavy detoxification, she was about 30 pounds heavier, but it was not enough to take care of her. So you have to consider all the metals and toxicity in the body. So during that period as I was growing up, I just kept more toxic and more toxic. During that period with the appendicitis, which was not an appendicitis, it was a peritonitis, I got injections every three hours of some kind of toxic injected into my system, until I was so bruised and so sore I couldn't take it anymore. I flung the hypodermic out of the nurse's hand and got really belligerent and they stopped. From then on it was downhill for me. I got huge, I got fat, they called me Fatty Arbuckle and my body was just going after the fat like crazy. Also it turned me diabetic. So they didn't start giving me insulin until I was 15 and a half, but from that period of 12 to 15, I became a candy thief. I went into, and I mean there was no way of stopping me. I had to have it and my parents didn't like you to have candy except for maybe a piece every few days, something like that, but I had to have it. So I would steal boxes of chocolate covered cherries and I'd go through an old box in about 20 minutes, 40 minutes max. Baby Ruth's Reese Cups, oh, I just couldn't stop. So I got very big and felt better, the bigger I got, the more mellow I got, and I liked that. It was okay.
But then I got very sick again at 15, then I started taking insulin, I also developed angina pectoris, which are muscle spasms in and around the heart. Usually I had about three to four heart attacks a week and some of them I would pass out and lie on the floor in the classroom and they just let me lie there for 10, 20 minutes until I woke up and go sit back down because they didn't know what to do with me. And because I couldn't communicate, I did not have good vocabulary, I could not explain what was going on. They had me tested for everything. And of course doctors don't know how to pick up anything until you're old and diseased. Then they can detect something, you know, but when you're young and diseased they can't tell because they're always looking to blame bacteria or some malignant gene and there's no such thing as a malignant gene, there may be a malstructured gene, but there's no malignant gene, it's a misnomer to call a malignant gene, it's just a misstructure, maybe you're missing one of the DNA or RNA structures in there. So the heart attacks were pretty bad and I've probably been through 300 heart attacks in my lifetime and never got near fatal with any of them. They did black me out, they did stop me from breathing and stop the blood flowing to my brain temporarily, but this is like a charley horse, you're usually gone within a minute, a minute and a half, two minutes max, and it takes about six minutes for the brain to be completely destroyed to where it's difficult to bring the brain back. So I never had a heart attack that lasted long enough to cause that kind of damage. In elderly people it's different, they've got a lifetime of toxicity. So I continued on through my miserable life, wishing I were dead every day, and I tried to commit suicide sometimes, I remember my mother saying words that made sense, you're going to get sick, you're going to get pneumonia. What that meant to me didn't mean a thing, but the sound pneumonia combined with her fear meant that I would get really sick.
So when I got wet in the winter, this is like Cincinnati at this point, if I got cold and wet I was going to get pneumonia and something deadly I could tell by her emotion. So I went by a little lake, and it was very, very cold and snowing, and I got in it. And I was freezing to death, and it was a couple of miles home, and I said this is going to do it. I didn't even get a cold, I get colds all the time, I didn't even get a cold. So all this other, all this bullshit, all this emotion, all this fear that was going on, everything was just so contradictory to life, because if you're autistic, you see the facts, you're not intelligent enough because you don't have the language to believe the bullshit, because the bullshit makes no sense, so you see what goes on in reality. So I realized, I don't know what to do, I'm sick, I don't want to live, no communication, so I didn't even know what the word suicide was, but I knew that I tried to take my life. And I tried other ways to do it, it just didn't work, of course if you don't know how to do it, nobody teaches you how to do it, there's no way to learn, since I was autistic. So by the time I was 16, I met a girl who was one of the smartest girls in the class, she was a senior, a year ahead of me, I mean she was a junior at the time that we met, and we could communicate without words. And she was really a sweet person, very understanding, very motherly, and certainly I needed that, and my mother was very, she grew up from a family of 13 children, and she raised most of them, so she was one of those, you know, let's do what we have to do, and no affection, and this girl gave me lots of affection, and I was an idiot, she was getting top honors in school, it was bizarre. So we got married, I was 16 years old, she was 17, with a child, you know, I was 17 years old, I was just 17 when my child was born, and I was going to school, cheating my way through school, because I had to do it, and then I had to work, support the family, so I was even more unhappy, this got to be grueling, this child was very sick, all the time, crying, I wasn't getting any sleep, my wife wasn't getting any sleep, the doctors weren't helping us, her parents, my parents, they weren't helping at all, and this poor baby was suffering, every night, all the time.
And just for a few hours a day, and it happened to be when I wasn't around, with his grandparents, that he was okay, that he would actually sleep, but we'd have to rock him all the time, just to keep him from crying. So, I was getting very unhappy, so I started drinking, I became an alcoholic, and staying away from home, going out, after work, you know, just partying, just like a typical idiot, and just drank, and drank, and drank, and smoked. I was smoking two packs of Lucky Strike non-filter a day, so they would give me that buzz, and the alcohol would calm me down, so then it went into bins of green to keep me awake, and coffee, I was drinking 11 cups a day, to keep me awake, a fifth of gin at night, to be able to go to sleep. And that's the way it was going. So I was a terrible husband, and a terrible father, didn't know how to get out of it, I still couldn't even spell the word "the", and have any comprehension about it, so, I developed an ulcer at 19 years old, I realized it when I started vomiting blood, and I'm not talking about little blood, I'm talking about cups of blood, so I went to the hospital, they found a huge ulcer. So they treated that with Maalox, you know, bottles of Maalox, I thought it was going to turn into a chalk factor, and it sure absorbs all that, you know, the hydrochloric acid, and also damages your ability to digest anything, and I was only eating donuts, and you know, other garbage, so I needed all the help I could get, so, you know, I did eat meat, you know, good steaks in the evening, you know, some eggs. So I was eating a fairly good meal once a day, but the rest of it was just cereal with lots of sugar on it, I mean, I loved Rice Krispies, and I could go through a box a day, but you know, Rice Krispies, they're already sugared, I put four heaping tablespoons of sugar in that, in a bowl of that. So I was just heavy with the toxicity, heavy with the sugars. So the tumor, I mean, the cancer developed a tumor right next to it, I mean, the ulcer developed a tumor right next to it, from the therapy. So they said, we're going to have to do a vagotomy pyloroplasty, we're going to have to go and cut out the tumor, sever the vagus nerves to the stomach, so you never again secrete hydrochloric acid, and that will put you in the category of an octogenarian, who never secretes hydrochloric acid, so you'll always be in danger of death from parasitical and bacterial invasion.
What all that meant, I didn't have a fucking clue, you know, here I am autistic, and this doctor is throwing that information at me. So, I didn't know what he was saying, just did what he said, went in, permitted the surgery, when I get out of the surgery, I couldn't eat anything. If I ate cooked meat, I would break out in pustulations the next day, we're talking about if I had a steak at 7 o'clock at night, by about 7 or 8 o'clock in the morning, I'd have pustulations that would be popping out everywhere from my knees to my head, even in my scalp. One person described me as looking like raw hamburger, could you imagine a hamburger walking, and that was me, very ugly and it was grotesque. I left my wife by that time, I was 19, I left my wife, gone to California where the weather was warmer, continued my drinking. That's when I had the surgery there. And then within a few months, the surgery, which is from here to here, keloid, it became tumorous, I'm talking, you know, sometimes as far as an inch and a quarter wide, up to three quarters of an inch high. So they decided, no, we've got to give you radiation therapy to prevent that from growing anymore, or else it might just take over your whole stomach, so basically the cancer metastasized to the stomach, to the tissue. So they gave me 10 weeks of very intense radiation therapy. Has anybody done pottery here at all, done pottery, you know, you take that nice soft clay and then you put it in an oven and you take it out and it's hard, it's a cup or it's a saucer, it's a statue. Well that's what radiation therapy did to my spine, it cauterized my spine, they gave me so much, so this was my movement after that, and if I wanted to sit down, sometimes it would take me a good five minutes to get in a chair, very painful. My whole back was in pain all the time. So, then, you know, I basically had to stop working at that point, couldn't function, then the radiation therapy gave me blood and bone cancer, multiple myeloma, so they said, okay, we're going to have to give you chemotherapy. Also right before they gave me, before I accepted the chemotherapy, all the bone around my teeth from the radiation therapy dissolved, so all my teeth were dangling, and if I bit down, even on my own teeth, I would bleed about a half a cup of blood at a time.
So they wanted to pull all my teeth. And I said, wait a minute, wait a minute, you want to pull my teeth, by this time, you know, I'm 21 years old, I've heard enough of the information, I know basically what's going on, and I've been around it so much, so when they said pull all of your teeth, I knew what they were talking about, although I could not break it down and explain how they told me in words, because I still was not able to use language. So I knew that, you know, I'm supposed to die within 3 months, very soon, a month, I can pretty much understand what a month was, because I could still count, I could communicate with numbers, and I was very good at that. They gave me a program, I got into a computer school, even though I couldn't read, write, or spell, they gave me a test that was based just on the ability to program, I wrote a program that usually takes several months to write in an hour, like all autistic children, I had that ability, so the teachers all understood my problem. So they got me placed in organizations like Time DC, which was the third largest trucking company in the world, and also Carte Blanche, which was a famous at the time credit card company, and I was able to write programs for them, I was a blithering idiot, but I was making a lot of money, but these teachers were helping me do all this, because they understood my problem. So I had all this money, I'm dying, I'm very ill, and they want to pull my teeth, so I'm going to have 3 months to live, and I'm going to suffer for 3 months just trying to heal from this, they had my teeth pulled, so they were full of it, I refused to do it. And then I did take the chemotherapy, and that lost all my hair, when it came back, it came back in grey patches, it caused psoriasis, I had sores that would completely cover my arms or legs or chest, they would not heal, they would seep, very, very uncomfortable, my back pain increased to the point where I couldn't sleep more than 15 minutes in any position without waking, so that's all I was able to sleep was 15 minutes at a time, so I was getting more and more irritable, more unhappy, and I was praying for my death everyday.
These two volunteers, I refused to go to a hospice, because again, I could not communicate properly, I always had to use this reserve of memorized sound bites to throw back at people, so there was no way I was going to go into a hospice and deal with people feeling that I was not communicating with them, because I didn't like them, and that's what a lot of people thought when I didn't answer or respond to them, they thought I didn't like them, I didn't look autistic, so they just thought I was a punk ass, you know, James Dean character, who just didn't answer people because he thought he was too good to answer people. So I used to get beat up a lot for that, and that's how I took care of that, by the time I hit sixth grade, I picked the biggest guy in the school and beat the piss out of him, you know, the first week in school, so they'd leave me all alone, and when I get into high school, I picked a guy who was 6'3", and I was only 5'6 at the time, and I got, you know, it's my skinny period after my fat period, so I was only like 118 pounds, and went after this guy that was 230 pounds, but being autistic, I knew what danger was, so I went for the throat, temples, all the time, so if I got them there, they didn't breathe, and then if they couldn't breathe, I had a good 35, 40 seconds to beat them until they couldn't move. So I was very good at it, because I was so instinctual, so that's how I had to protect myself. So I wasn't about to go into a hospice, and to deal with that, so I had this small house, two bedroom house I was renting in Beverly Hills, and two hospice volunteers came over twice a week, they cleaned the house, they prepared for me, they'd go shopping, do things for me, and one of them was only an 18-year-old boy, African-American boy, pretty bright, was making a fortune like at the time, 1969, you know, he was making like 80, 90 grand a year singing for the Ford Motor Company with this group, you know, called The Going Thing, and he brought me this little 82-page book, it was about 82 pages, about this woman who had reversed her uterine cancer by drinking a gallon of carrot juice a day.
I still couldn't read. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about, but I could get that he was telling me that there was information in this book that would save my life, and he kept pushing this carrot juice in my face, and I'd never drank carrot juice before, and I'd only had cooked carrots, and that made me instantly vomit. It's another thing when I was a child, anything could make me vomit, it was very difficult digesting. So my parents used to make me sit for an hour and a half to two hours a night, every night, to eat my food and get it down, so it got to be where I could take a teaspoon of milk and hold my breath, hold my taste buds, so I wouldn't vomit, and I would chew that, and then put the teaspoon of milk in my mouth so I could swallow it down, so I wouldn't vomit. Because if I'd vomit, they'd put more on my plate, and I'd have to eat it. So that's what went on every night, and if it were asparagus or Brussels sprouts, I could projectile, I could hit that wall from a vomit, and that's not, that's literal, I could hit that wall, and my body just didn't want it, but I had to eat it. So I drank this, took a few sips of this carrot juice, it was the first thing that tasted good to me in years, since the surgery. So that was about almost two years. So I began drinking the carrot juice, and all of a sudden it turned my mind around. I was actually, in about ten days, understood language. I thought, oh, this is a T, this is an H, this is an E, that's what that is, you know, and that structure means language, and that is what that structure means. So all of a sudden I could take a part of language where I could never do it, that I could remember in my life. So I was very excited, so I called this guy, this 18-year-old boy, and said, hey, would you take me to a bookstore, I need to borrow some money to do it, so he gave me $110, and back then, you could buy a good book for 95 cents.
I got a lot of books for $110, and they were all on nutrition except for one book, which my uncle was 11 years older than I, my mother's youngest brother, he said, you're a diehard Republican asshole. He said, you need to get some heart, get the book Siddhartha, it's small, and read it. So I don't know how many people know the story about Siddhartha as a normal guy who grows up and he becomes to a wealthy family, and he goes out and becomes a lech, and the prodigal son, and does everything bad, and comes back and becomes the most spiritual enlightened person in all of eternity, so-called. So that was the first book I read, and it did open my heart, and it did give me another consciousness because Cincinnati, Ohio, where I grew up mostly, they're really fascist there. Everything is about you do as we say, and we are right all the time. No matter what our consciousness is, this is the way it is, and it's, of course, the person comes last, money is first, and that's the way it is, that kind of consciousness. So it gave me a new lease on emotionality. I could be sensitive, I could be a lot of things that I wasn't before, and all the other books were on nutrition, and by the time I got through those books, I knew less than I had known just by being on my own, my own instincts, because everything contradicted everything else, so I didn't know what to believe. But this carrot juice was working, it was making me feel better, I could think. But then I had another, I got another few books after that, and one of them was Mind Over Matter. And I said, I've got that now, I've got Mind Over Matter, I can eat garbage, I can do anything, and I can get well. So I went back to my donuts and cigarettes and RC Cola, all that stuff, and autism came back within about nine days. And that was even more traumatic, because it was like turning a light switch, it's like, wait a minute, I knew that, where did it go? And then I lost the ability to communicate again. Didn't have much vocabulary, of course, I was building it by reading it.
So I went back to the carrot juice, and in about ten days, autism went away again. So about six months later, I did all the good stuff, and I said, I'm at that point again where it's Mind Over Matter, I'm developed now, I've got my brain and my psyche in good in tune, now I don't need to do all this stuff again that's goody two-shoes stuff. I can go to eat anything I want, I can drink beer, I can do anything. Sure enough, a week later, ten days later, I was in autism again. So I said, okay, you've been dumb, but you're not going to be stupid. So third time's a charm, I did that three times, there's a link here, it's like putting bad gas in an engine, it's not going to run right. So that's when I had that complete awareness that, okay, I'm going to watch what foods do to my body and other people's bodies, I'm going to watch their behavior, or what they eat, I'm going to watch my behavior, and that was in 1970, and I haven't stopped observing it since, and I documented it in two books there, so far, and I'm working on three others, and food is chemistry, and doctors and people who say that food is very little of what you are have no concept of reality. Take a child, a child is a complete reactive organism, they have not learned or been conditioned or beat into them that they have to behave a certain way no matter what. They will react to whatever they eat instantly. You can take bad sugar substance and give it to them, they'll go on rages for an hour or two, that are three, four times greater than if you gave them a natural fruit, but they both react in a sugar reaction in their brains and their systems. So they can't sleep, they get whiny, they get cranky, and watch out. In certain tribes, sugar is illegal, fruit is illegal to eat, like in the Maasai tribe, because of that reaction. They know it. They have no fat, they're the thinnest, strongest, healthiest, longest-living tribe in the world, and they only eat raw meat, raw dairy, that is their diet. They eat blood three months a year because they don't get enough milk when the calves are suckling on the cow.
So they'll take bamboo, shoots about this long, and they give them bevels, there's tremendous angle, and they take this huge slingshot and they'll shoot it right into the juggler vein of the bull. And you see the bull down there eating, and then he goes like some, just like a mosquito bit him, and goes right back to eating, he's got this huge bamboo in his neck, in his juggler vein. So they cork it, and then they'll take these bladders, and they'll fill it with half milk first, and then half blood, and they'll cork it back up. They'll bleed that bull for about five days, and it doesn't hurt the bull at all, and then they'll go to another bull for this three-month cycle, and they'll shake this milk and this blood up, and they'll drink it, and that's their extra nutrients. But they are very skinny, and they can afford to be skinny because they were raised very healthily, but it is illegal for them to eat fruit because it causes such a radical reaction in the body, demineralizes the body and defats the body, and they don't have a lot of fat in their diet like we do. So after I got a little better eating these raw foods, ate lots of raw dairy to help me get back together, I was drinking a quart of raw cream a day, and I started getting back a lot of cheese. I was a cheese fanatic, a raw cheese fanatic, helped mineralize my system, the bones came back all around my teeth, it settled so I didn't have to drink everything through a straw or drink it down from a cup. And at 27 years old, I felt I was in pretty good health, so I got on a bicycle and started traveling all around North America, all the way from Alaska down to the Yucatan, and I lived with four different tribes and lived with alligators, coyotes, anything I could to find out what the keys to health were, and I saw that no animal, wild, ever ate good cooked except for domesticated animals. None of them had ill health unless their environment had been poisoned or they were starving. There was a compassion among coyotes that are supposed to be vicious. No matter who didn't eat, the skinniest scrawny always got to eat first or the only one who got to eat. This is out of a pack of 11 coyotes, so they were all very concerned about each other. Every animal in the world seemed that man was the only one who had that tendency to I'm primary, foremost, and that's it.
So I saw that the consciousness, that survival of the fittest, which we were taught, exists out in nature, doesn't exist in nature unless you're in an African jungle, I mean an African desert where everything's starving, and then the whole mind and the heat and everything starts disturbing their systems, then nobody's rational. Or you feed them some kind of high meat and then they become crazy. By that I mean you take some rotten meat, you give any rotten meat to a carnivore, and it's the most delicious thing they can eat. It'll be the most foul-smelling garbage you could ever imagine, you'd be infested with anything and a wild animal would just go crazy over it. Because it is all pre-digested and very, very assimilable and they can tell it. For us it's repulsive, for them it's like candy and they will fight amongst themselves about it. So I learned all this stuff as I was traveling around and I stayed vegetarian, I would not eat meat. So I was into my six-and-a-half year after two-and-a-half years of bicycling all over and I happened to be in Alaska for my last trip and I was with the Eskimos and they had dug up, and the cancer of the bones was coming back pretty strongly, so if the temperatures dropped below 50 degrees I was paralyzed in pain until the temperature increased. I would just be in agony, excruciating agony. So the temperature, this was in early September in Alaska, so the temperature at night was definitely reaching below 50 degrees. So I was getting in pain and they had this big feast and they dug up these hides, unrolled them and the raunchiest smelling stuff in the world, it was black and it was green and it was white, had all these molds and funguses and worms and everything crawling in it. And it smelled so badly that I just wanted to vomit. So I couldn't get within five feet of it and the children were dancing, this was like candy to them and the adults are calm and they're all smiling and happy and I got a headache from the stench so bad.
And they told me it was meat that they had, carob that they had beaten, mixed with lard and then buried in this hide but I didn't know that meat got molds and things in it, I just thought meat just got worms and decomposed and that was that. So I didn't believe them because they had been telling me, all the poor tribes that I lived with told me that raw meat is what you need to eat. But I knew what cooked meat did to me, I broke out postulations and it continued all I tried, the last time I tried up to that point was when I was 24 years old and the next day I was a mess. So I was completely, I mean the wall was 30 inches thick for me getting through to eating any kind of meat, including raw. I had no vagus nerves so if I got a parasite that went to my brain I'd be an idiot again. So there was no way I was going to eat meat, I just wouldn't open my mind to it. But all four tribes, the Yaqui in Mexico, the Sioux in America, the Eskimo, the Inuit and then there was another tribe in Canada that I stayed with, all of them and also the Mayans in Central America, the bottom of Mexico, all said to eat raw meat, that would take care of my problem, but I just wasn't going to open for that. So here I am in Alaska with the Eskimos and they're telling me it's meat, meat doesn't turn those colors, what did I know? So they got me to eat about a ping pong ball sized amount and I had to stick two cotton balls with musk oil up my nose to get it past, to get close enough to eat it and the pain in my joints reduced tremendously. So I worked for 20 days trying to get out of them what herbs were in that mixture. They just kept saying raw meat and I didn't believe them because I just thought they wanted me to eat raw meat and it was just coercion.
So I was still pretty sick at that time, so instead of bicycling all the way from Alaska down because it was getting colder and colder and I couldn't take it, I threw my bicycle up on a freight train and bungeed it to the wall, to the hammock, put it across to the side so when the doors opened I could just swing this beautiful scenery path and a couple of times some railroad dicks came into the car with their guns loaded and also some border patrol people in Canada and Mexico and they take a look at me because at this time I was very natural, I went around in robes and I had a beard and long hair so I kind of looked like Jesus and I took full advantage of it and you'd see these guys come out of the train and they'd see me getting into a bicycle bungee to the wall and they'd say, stay out of sight. Usually I've seen them beat these people and take them off who jump these trains, they're pretty nasty people, so I was very fortunate. So I took a train all the way down to just below Palm Springs to die, I was going to fast myself to death because I just wasn't going to suffer like that anymore and I didn't see any way out and I was getting worse instead of better because I kept getting thinner. What I was eating, I'd get seven pounds of nuts a day and wake up a quarter of a pound lighter the next day so being a raw...
[audio cut]
A: So I thought, okay I'm going to eat this thing. So they had, when they caught it, they had one had held it by the head and another took it by the throat and they ripped it open to open the center so I was able to eat it and the first few bites came right back up and I was like okay, I've been here before, it's been an hour and a half since I've eaten this shit I hate. Here's this raw rabbit, I eat this thing, I said, but two days of pain would be easy, very easy, rather than fast myself from 40 to 60 days. So I picked up the rabbit and I just psyched myself for five minutes and I got into that place. I was back at the dinner table, you know, where my parents and everybody else is watching TV and I was sitting there looking at that awful plate of food and here I was with this rabbit. I said, okay, I can do it. So I started eating it, not taste, allowing my body to taste it, not feel it or anything. So I got it down and then after about 10, 15 bites it started tasting good. So I kept eating and eating and I ate about three pounds, three and a half pounds of this seven pound jackrabbit and the coyotes finished the rest. I went back to my campsite to die and I knew I was dying because I felt good and I knew what feeling good was like for a few moments in my life because I had died, I had had near death experiences three times, two times on the operating table and once with recreational drugs where my blood pressure dropped very low. So I knew what leaving the body was and feeling no pain and that's almost like I was feeling as I was walking back to my campsite, I knew I was dying because I was feeling pretty good. So I got back to this sleeping bag, went to sleep, but I woke up the next morning, I'm still there in my sleeping bag. Now to get out of the sleeping bag usually took two hours for the sun to beat on the sleeping bag before I was warm enough and in not enough pain to be able to get out of the sleeping bag. This time it was only 45 minutes to get out of the sleeping bag, pretty good, I still felt more energetic, I felt less pain all day long.
This went on for three days and I still didn't eat anything else except for three and a half pounds of rabbit, but it made me feel pretty good for that whole three days, better than I had felt the rest of my whole life. So I thought back to those tribes who said, this is it, raw meat is what you're supposed to eat. And I just, it was like I'd been told for the first time with an open mind that I said, I'm going to try it, I'm going to do it. It was just that moment of sidewinder rattlesnake, came right by me and I had seen the Indians walk over, put their foot on it, pick it up right in front of the rattler and snap the head off and peel it back and eat it. And in Mexico, snakes are considered the highest medicinal food you can get, because it's so high in calcium, because of all the thin bones and fish, but you can get snakes anywhere, you can't get fish anywhere in Mexico, unless you're on the coast. So automatically I went over and put my foot on this rattlesnake's head, picked it up right in front of the rattler, started spinning around and said, uh-oh, I've never done this before. What if he comes back and bites me? So I'm switching arms, going through this, my arms are getting sore and I don't know what to do. Finally I'd be so in pain in my shoulders, I said, okay, I'm either going to die or I'm going to eat him, one or the other. So the head came off, I peeled it back and a couple of cats from a neighboring farm came over and we all shared that snake and we ate it all day long and it was really delicious. So I started catching birds and chipmunks and whatever was in there, scorpions and tarantulas break off the poison gland and you eat it and there just wasn't enough food there. So I got on my bicycle and went down to the farms and made deals to milk their goats or their cows or shovel their manure, do whatever it took to exchange and get a lot of their food.
So I was eating chickens and eggs and dairy and cream and butter and all this delicious stuff and in five months I looked like a scaled down Arnold Schwarzenegger and I had never looked like that in my life, of course that was from hard labor and eating that way. So I felt pretty good, so I went back to Los Angeles to spread the word. Raw Meats. They said, out of your mind you're going to get a brain fluke and you'll be an idiot. I said, I've already been that and it's the only thing that's working. So I'm going to continue eating the raw meat. So here I am almost 60 years old, never got one fluke from eating meat, even if it had flukes in it. I've eaten pinworm infested salmon, if anybody saw the episode on Ripley's Believe It or Not, they've aired it 40 times, I had a beard and long hair at the time, but I ate meat up to a year and three months old, full of parasites, molds, black, white, red, gangrene, everything on it. Anybody seen that episode? Nobody's seen it.
Q: I've heard a lot about it.
A: Yeah?
Q: Yes.
A: And they've got a food inspector there that says, you can't eat this, you're going to die. And I had three other patients that ate it with me and they just got better. The only thing that can reverse chronic depression instantly, within like 10, 20 minutes of eating it. Believe it, people were taking five medications a day, 30, 40 years, gone, just by eating that high meat. Pretty incredible. And there are lots of tribes that do it besides the Eskimos. So here I am today to let you know that everything you've ever been told about cleanliness is wrong. Everything you hear about E. coli is wrong. Everything you hear about the parasites is wrong. All of this is incited by fear. It's like believing the worst horror story that's come out of Hollywood, and it's all fiction. Complete fiction. Parasites. You've heard about trichinosis, right? You come from that age, a couple of other people came from that age, trichinosis, worst thing you could ever get. Never eat pork unless it is very well done. Now you take a look at Joel Weinstock's work, Dr. Weinstock of Iowa University. He proved that giving his patients who had suffered inflammatory bowel syndrome for 10 to 30 years every day, anybody know what inflammatory bowel syndrome is? It's intestinal cramping from anything you eat that either causes diarrhea or vomiting. Every time you eat anything, your whole life, every day, all day long. He gave them trichinosis, and five out of six patients completely lost all symptoms within four days getting trichinosis. Whipworm from a pig. Proved that a pig who doesn't have whipworms is a sick pig. All humans used to have whipworms just like a pig, and he proved that to clean. E. coli, people for centuries have gone from wiping their butts to eating their food, touching and getting dirt. They say that tapeworm comes from dirt, and who has tapeworms doesn't live on sugars. Humans who live on sugars get tapeworms, because the tapeworm lives on the sugars in the intestines, not the protein. Of course, they will eat the protein if it's from sugars, and if persons only eat high carbohydrates like cereals, then it will eat all your protein. There is all kinds of misconceptions out there about what is healthy and what isn't, and it's not to your good benefit.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That is an absolute fiction, absolute fiction, but I'm going to get into that when we get into the workshop. This is the finish of the lecture, so I'm going to do a workshop after this. It's going to last about four and a half hours in it. I'm going to explain how the body works, how food works, what parasites truly are, virus, bacteria, fungus, how the body utilizes them and how they work with the body, and then how to eat effectively so that you get the most awareness and clarity throughout every day. Then you'll be able to go away from here with a good solid knowledge of how to put this into practice very quickly. If you have any kind of ailments or problems, just get into my first book in the remedy section and it tells you which foods will help you do that. We're going to end the lecture at this point, and any of those people who want to stay for the workshop who haven't signed up for it, see Sherry, it's $75, measly $75 for four and a half hours. Most workshops will cost you $125 to $300 for the day. The books are $30 a piece, if you want them. In the recipe book, there are 82 sauces that can be made three to five different ways each to put with your raw meats, so it can be all delicious just like you're used to. We're going to take a 15-minute break so people can eat, go to the restroom, and then we'll get started with the workshop. Thank you for coming everyone.
A: We'll just start right off by talking about the human body, just so you understand how it works. You've got three main systems in the body, circulatory systems. One is the blood, which you're all familiar with, and it's in a pipe. Next is the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is as complex as the bloodstream, it's even more complex because it has nodes and glands all over the system, next to the lacteal system, which is a gland network going to the intestines where it absorbs all of the nutrients, it's called lacteal because it's like milky, everything that's digested becomes like milk. Then when it gets into the lymph system, it can get as clear as mucus. The lymph system feeds every cell in the body, it's believed that the red and white blood cells don't get its main nutrients from the lymph, but it does, as it circulates through the intestines. Still, the lacteal system has pre-digested that food for those cells. Plus, the lymph system feeds the bone marrow where the red and white blood cells are born. The lymph system not only delivers food to every cell in the body, it also is responsible for removing all the waste products, and neutralizing toxins, so if your lymph system is clogged and congested, you're in trouble. The other circulatory system is the neurological system, and that's a transformation of information. Nothing nutritive about it, it just uses up nutrients. The blood, we know, transports oxygen, that's its main purpose. In emergency situations, it will double up as a nutrient transporter, but that's not very often, it's very rare that that happens. Those three systems are the main systems of the body, and the most important one to me is the lymphatic system. Now, you have your glands in the system, which create hormones to give you energy for different abilities.
Adrenals give you lots of physical energy, which can be utilized in strength. The thyroid, the pituitary, they all give you lots of energy for different things. Pituitary is usually growth, so your body can grow. The thyroid helps activity throughout the body, especially brain activity, so it regulates between the brain and the physical activity of the body. Each system reacts a little differently. Everything works in a balance. If anything is missing, there's an impairment, an impediment of functionality that could be the whole of you. Death doesn't come from the elimination of any of these, usually, unless it's the liver. But that's an organ. And then there's a problem, however, there is an impediment in the functionality and behavior. So the quality of life diminishes every time there is a gland malfunction. A lot of people go through, you know, they go slowly through life, getting more and more feeble. You've seen those people try to cross the street, and it takes them all day to get across the street. Those people have about 22% of their cells alive in their body, that's all. Getting ready to die, because once your body reaches about 22%, it cannot hold the rest of the body up. Can you imagine carrying 22 people, carrying 100 people? How long are they going to be able to do that? Not very long, so usually the end is pretty near when you get to 22% cellular life. And even our children are being born with only a small percentage of their cells alive, compared to... A child should be born with 95% of his body alive, and you will always have a 5% death rate going on in the body at any particular time. Everybody has that. If you're a hard laborer, hard worker, or an athlete, you may have 8% of cellular death in a day.
But we can keep up with that on a daily basis if we're eating the proper substances, if not, it doesn't work that way. We just get weaker and weaker very gradually every day. I'm sure some of you can remember times that I never had as a child when you felt incredibly powerful and incredibly vivacious and full of vitality, incredible things, I mean backflips and forward flips, you know, from the ground, like a gymnast, and then all of a sudden you're 50 years old and then see you do that, and you don't feel that way again. Why don't we feel that way again? Why is aging and deterioration synonymous? Because the body's breaking down. Let's take a look at the tribe in the Andes. They have a practice of kicking a ball for 200 miles once a year through the Andes mountains. We're talking high altitude, anywhere from 6,000 to 9,000 feet. Can you imagine 11 of you at a time in a spring line, the ball in front of you, and you're going at a pretty good pace, and you kick this ball and that person falls behind and you just keep rotating like that for 200 miles, 200 miles. 90-year-olds are doing it. 90-year-old in this, in our society, can luckily get through 18 holes of golf. Why? Because those tribes eat a lot of raw meat, and they aren't exposed to all the pollution. Pollution is the big factor that we have to deal with, and as I explained to you in the lecture section, a poison can be a high level of thallium, a metal compound that is highly poisonous, very concentrated. It's in diesel fuel, it's in a lot of pollution that's in the air, smoldering plants, it comes from all smelting. So if you're around a smelting factory, steel factory, tin factory, anything that smelts metal, you've got thallium, heavy doses of it, floating in the air, along with mercury, along with other lead, along with other compounds, and they let you believe that they're taking care of your health because they will have filters that will filter out the lead, but how about the thallium?
Thallium's more toxic than lead, and yet you don't hear anything about it because they don't want to spend the billions of dollars that it takes to make equipment to filter that out. Now this woman that I talked about who died of the cancer from the thallium, 3,000 times the amount from just one vomit, and she was vomiting that for six weeks. She didn't get all of that from working with metals, a lot of it came from pollution. Downtown Los Angeles, lots of diesel fuel, the system has to be able to be neutrified to take care of that. If you understand that each gland reacts with a different food and mineral balance, you'll find that you'll understand how one food can affect the body differently in different parts of the body, like I put it in my remedy section, and say, wait, I've had a lot of people say, wait, you know, one food can take care of that? Yeah, I didn't make this up, I observed it and watched it. One of the finest examples I can give you is a Swiss movie star, came to Los Angeles because she was dying of uterine cancer, she had been vegetarian for 24 years. Nobody could stop the bleeding, cauterized her, they grafted, they did everything to stop this uterus bleeding, nothing could stop it. So she came to America where there are better doctors, UCLA, USC, couldn't help her. So she was in a health food store, Erewhon in Hollywood, and she saw this guy, why she went up and asked him, I don't know, he's on my diet, and he said, well, you know, I'm no nutritionist, I'm just on this diet, and it's worked very well for me, and I was dying, and turned it around, so he gave her my number, so she called me, and she said, I'm a vegetarian, I've been a vegetarian for 23 years, I don't eat meat, I haven't eaten dairy, but I would consider eating dairy, can you help me? I said, well, I don't help vegetarians because that isn't the way I work, and I know my diet isn't vegetarian, it's just the opposite, it's all meat and all dairy, and no vegetation unless it's a little vegetable juice, and if you've been a vegetarian, you don't need vegetable juice, you know, maybe you need some fermented to clean you out. So I really can't help you, you need to go to someone who specializes in helping vegetarians, I said, but if you just want to stop the bleeding, drink 8 to 12 ounces of green or white cabbage juice, and that should take care of it within 24 hours.
If it were that easy, everybody would be doing it, bam, hung up the phone, get a call the next morning, I apologize for hanging up on you, but what you told me worked, it's the first time I've stopped bleeding in a year and a half, I'll do anything you say. I said, would you eat raw meat, she says, I'll do anything you say, so, she didn't bleed again, 3 months she didn't die, she ate meat, she did everything, she went from the skinny, frail, you know, thing that she came out of Auschwitz, to about, close to your size, just a little heavier, very good, she was happy, the light came back to her, she wasn't worried, and then all of a sudden, a group of, she got in with a group of vegetarians, and they told her that she was spiritually bankrupt, that her life was not going to be good, and she didn't continue that, and she bought it, she stopped, she started eating vegetarian again, and was dead in 2 weeks, started bleeding, thought it was her road to go to die, started bleeding after 2 weeks of eating vegetarian. The point of that was, the cabbage juice, that one food was enough to affect the blood, to allow it to coagulate properly, to clot, so that healing could happen, so that continual bleeding, hemophiliacs, 95% of them would be completely cured by drinking white cabbage juice on a daily basis, 2, 3 ounces only, they're put on medication, they're kept in bubbles, fine, just that one food can do it. Some of those need to have cheese with it because they're demineralized, so they need the extra minerals with it. Just those combinations can be the key, and they are just specific foods. Try to get the importance of a specific food to you. Specific foods are important, and they are chemical factories.
Medical profession took over, I mean the pharmaceutical houses took over the medical profession in the early 1900s, when Rockefeller and Carnegie started funding research. Almost all research up to that point, 90% of research was always done with food. Healing was always done with food, either herbs or a food. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, most of the healing therapies that he utilized was raw milk. He reversed emphysema, diabetes, juvenile diabetes, just by a strict raw milk diet. No other food, just raw milk. Lots of doctors were using different food therapies, but Carnegie and Rockefeller, being very greedy men, decided that they wanted to find and isolate an active factor in the food they caused. So they put it in a pill and sell it for five times what the food was worth. Great idea, great notion, but it only worked 20-22% max on the people that were given it. That left out the other 80% of the population, but do you think they cared? So they would sacrifice 80% of the population to fill their pockets with lots of money. That's the way it is today. The pharmaceutical industry runs the medical profession. The pharmaceutical industry writes the medical procedure manuals. Where do doctors go to get their therapy and their, how to proceed with a particular disease or ailment? Every one of those books was written by a pharmaceutical agency. And it always, always involves medication first, surgery second. Then radiation is the least advised. It's always pharmaceuticals first, chemotherapy. Some doctors believe that chemotherapy is more harmful than radiation, and they can't really see the damage that radiation does easily until it dissolves the bone like it did around my teeth and the rest of the body. So they think it's less harmful, but they're not paying attention. So, supporting the medical profession is really supporting the pharmaceutical houses. And if that's the way you want to go, I have no judgment about it. That's fine.
But I'm just here to offer you an alternative that has a lot more hope than 22% of you, or 22% of the cells in your body. The other 80% go. So, how do you feed these systems? How do we know what are the proper foods for us? Well, we take a look at the digestion tract. The mouth, salivary enzymes, lots of bacteria. The human has more bacteria in his mouth than a dog or a cat does. The human has more bacteria in his mouth than any other creature on this planet. All of that bacteria is good for meat digestion. The only contrary to that is that the human's mouth has ptyalin, the enzyme. Ptyalin is a carbohydrate-digesting enzyme. Horses have it. It helps break down sugars. It looks like we didn't have this for very long, and we may have developed it for the last 30,000 years of trying to be grain eaters. Like the North American Indians, if anybody's read the Coster excavations, Coster found that the American Indians in the Ohio Valley were mainly nomads. They were hunter-gatherers, mainly hunters. They tried every about 200 years, they would go to a certain area in this valley and try to be agriculturalists. They grew corn, they grew nuts, and they tried to base their diet on that with as much meat as they could get within the surrounding area. When you live in an area like that, you're going to exhaust the animals around pretty quickly within at least 100 years. What they would find is that these tribes would come and settle there for 75 to 150 years. They would start developing bone troubles, osteoporosis, gout, joint deterioration, arthritis and rheumatism, and then they would become nomadic again, and then they would drift off for 200 years. It's a continual cycle. It's like man wanted to be an agriculturalist and wanted to be healthy that way, but they could never adjust to it. Have we? How much disease is out there? How much disease are we suffering? We are the richest country in the world. We have the highest rate of cancer. We have the highest rate of all diseases.
I'm not just talking about dental caries. I'm not talking about some digestive problems and a little bone problem. I'm talking about major degenerative diseases, malfunctions and deterioration of glands, of nervous systems, MS, where people's nervous systems completely harden and their muscles deteriorate. Very painful, very ugly death. Lupus, where your connective tissue starts dissolving and degenerating. CJD, which is the nervous system melting and becoming like a sponge, which is called mad human disease like mad cows. So we have all these diseases. Why? We're the richest country in the world. We have the best technology. Why aren't things getting better? It's because we are believing the garbage that they're putting out there. Food's not all that important. It's all in your head. Yet they want to give us a pill. This is all important. Maybe you put that in your mouth and that's supposed to be a cure, yet the food you eat's no big deal. They train us to be stupid. Not dumb, stupid. They train us to ignore the truth, to first be ignorant and then stupid, to make ridiculous choices. We can change all that by following the digestive train. So we know that the mouth has a tremendous amount of bacteria that's best for animal matter, for breaking down animal matter. Then we get to the stomach and what is mainly there? Hydrochloric acid. What does hydrochloric acid break down? Proteins, meats, dairy. How much protein is in grain? Max 15%. Well, you mean we create all that hydrochloric acid to deal with a little bit of protein in a grain? Doesn't make sense, does it? Probably not. Let's say we eat nuts. Nuts are up to 20% protein. Still, no big deal. All that hydrochloric acid for 20% protein in a nut? No big deal. There's no other food. It's concentrated foods that are concentrated in protein except for meats and dairy.
Duodenum. Bile. Liver makes bile, dumps it into the duodenum. Or, it pumps the bile out continually, puts it in the gallbladder. The gallbladder doesn't make anything, it just holds the excess bile. Dumps it into the duodenum. Breaks down the fats. The liver takes it in, breaks it down, makes it into 60 varieties of cholesterols. A third of those cholesterols are used to clean the body. The body makes soaps of them. Another third of them are used to strengthen the body, protect it, and another third to give it energy. Energy. Athletes are told to eat carbohydrates, right? Quick food. Who's strong? The wrestlers. Are they skinny? No muscle? No. Every wrestler's fat. They've got 30% fat in their muscles. Sumo wrestlers. 50% minimum fat. 50% minimum fat. These are the heaviest, strongest men in the world, your sumo wrestlers. Because fat has two and a half times more energy for a carbohydrate, I mean for combustion, than a carbohydrate does. Two and a half times more energy release production. Fat's pretty important there. Let's say you have a very skinny body, and fat is your protector. And let's say your body is like an army of a thousand men. All of a sudden you have a flood, a pollution that comes in, and to defend yourself against that pollution you need 10,000 men, or 60,000 men. So a little fat isn't going to protect you, is it? In our society, we need a lot of fat, because there's pollution everywhere. In the air, in the food, everything. Your clothes. This is all very toxic stuff. It gets gases out all the time. You're getting phthalates. You're getting toxic material everywhere in your building, in your homes. If you're wearing synthetic clothes, you're breathing plastic. Plastic fibers all the time. Would you eat plastic? What makes you think that you could take a fiber of plastic and get it into your lungs and dissolve it, and all of a sudden it becomes this lightweight thing that is no problem to the body? What's plastic made of?
Q: Oil.
A: Mainly oil. Mainly vegetable oils that have been hydrogenated. And then bound with a polymer, which is an adhesive. What happens with polymers? If you breathe glue, what's going to happen to your nervous system? Has anybody known any glue sniffers? What happens to them? Like winos, their brains go. They'll be out taking ditches the rest of their life, mostly. Because they can't clean that stuff out of the brain and nerves. If you wear plastic clothing, just remember, it always lints. It's rolled into fibers that have lint. It rolls out. It doesn't matter if it's natural, unnatural, any fiber lints. If you breathe in that lint, you've got plastic fibers in your lungs. There you put a chemical solution that will have to be dissolved, and it's going to take on the same properties that it did while it was being made, formed. And how toxic is a polymer? If we were all exposed to one open bottle of polymer here for 48 hours, we'd all be hospitalized. So every time you inhale one of those fibers, and it gets into your sinuses or lungs or anywhere else, it has to be dissolved, and you're creating that chemical compound. Fat protects you. Well, what does your body do with it? It starts dissolving it, and it takes fat molecules and white blood cells, and it tries to surround it and stop it. It pulls minerals to help take it and dry it out, and then it'll try to eliminate it out of the body. Sometimes those get so hard and so clumped, they can't be removed from the body, so guess what happens? They store it in either the connective tissue or the lymphatic system. It's like constipation of the lymphatic system. Well, constipation of the lymphatic system, where there's no flush, there's no enema, there's no colonic to do. Fats are so important for removing and dissolving everything that's in the system.
So we're going to move down to the digestive tract. In the small intestines, you have all varieties of activity there. In there, we can be classified like the pig, an omnivore who can eat anything. So, but you still secrete hydrochloric acid throughout the small intestines. Lots of different bacterias. You've got the villi. According to what the food comes by and breaks along the villi, the villi analyzes it and knows what kinds of solutions to mix in there. Put the body easily and normally, there's always secreting hydrochloric acid throughout the small intestine. A lot of vegetarians will argue, well, we only have 15, I mean, the carnivores like the canine and the feline have 15 times the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach than we do. And they have a digestive tract that's only 10 times the length of the torso. I mean, 3 times the length of the torso. We have 12. But they don't consider that the small intestines, we produce that other 15 times in the small intestines. Gradually throughout. We handle the same foods, but just differently than they do. And you have to look at your carnivores. All of them have rudimentary adrenal glands. So they have to hunt fast and quick or they will die. We can go days hunting, trapping, things like that before we have to eat. They don't. They have a very limited time. That's why they chase their animals. That's why cats, who have even smaller adrenal activity, have to bat their prey around before they can kill and eat it. It has to have a tremendous amount of adrenaline in that cat or that cat won't be able to hunt the next time. So, a cat that lives in the wild and is exposed to the elements. A house cat doesn't need much adrenaline. Cats that live out in the wild, they need it. So we have all the hydrochloric acid in there. So, then when we get into the bowel, the main bacteria there, the main digestive nutrient is E. coli.
E. coli, that's a terrible thing. Oh my gosh, if you've got it anywhere near your butt, you better wash your hands with some kind of poison. But what does E. coli do? E. coli is your final stage of protein digestion. It's responsible for all of the concentrations of B vitamins and amino acids throughout your body. Look at people who do colonics. Their skin gets very thin. It also gets slightly translucent, and they start demineralizing, and everything gets very flabby if they're not very skinny. Depending upon what diet they're on. And everything just starts falling. And they're also usually very on the edge temperamental. Those E. coli are so important and this bizarre E. coli H57 or 157H7. I've been to a lot of laboratories and never seen one such fictitious thing. Even in animals who are diseased, I've never seen one of those so-called 157H7s. To me, it's a complete fabrication and fantasy that they use that one E. coli that's supposed to be some genetic mutation as the thing you have to be afraid of. And it's in everybody. I haven't found one. E. coli is your best friend. As I said in the lecture part of this, everybody, for millions and millions of years. We know Lucy's 4 million years old, so we know a man's been around for 4 million years, and he's been going from taking a crap and right into eating his food and never washing his hands. In Asia, I mean in Arabic countries, you wipe your butt with one hand and you shake with the other. And you handle your food with both hands. There's no epidemic of disease because of that. However, now with our invasion there in Iraq, they've got them using toilet paper that is being flushed into the streets. Is that sanitary? Toilet paper is the most toxic substance we produce on this planet. If anybody's lived near a paper factory or even a paper factory, you'll know. The incidence of brain cancer is 38% in the population. I lived on Jekyll Island, Georgia, 35 miles from a paper factory. If the wind blew toward that island, I had headaches for days. It just laid in the air. It was terrible.
And most of the people who lived around Brunswick and the area where the factory was are not very smart people. Their brains can't work under that kind of airborne pollution. Most of the people cannot survive that. Their bodies can't survive it. E. coli is a wonderful thing. I'll give you an example. A two-year-old girl was brought to me in constant 24-hour seizures. And I mean, when I saw her, it was like this the whole time that I saw her. The little girl started eating the raw diet, the seizures mitigated and mitigated. And I suggested that the child be given buffalo shit. Literally buffalo shit. No seizures. Not only in her, not only that little girl, and other children were brought to me the same way. Sometimes just butter and honey does it. But in most cases, the protein is not getting digested finitely enough to get into the nervous system. Antibiotics create that condition. Before that little girl was brought to me, she had spent two weeks, ten days to two weeks, in a hospital for pneumonia, getting tons of antibiotics. What do antibiotics destroy? Bacteria in the intestine, as well as every other bacteria. So this child, this infant was not getting the proteins necessary to stabilize and to make the nervous system well. The quickest way to build up that child's and any child's ability was to give that child shit to eat. Not human shit, but, you know, it probably would be better, but I can't find any humans who are even healthy enough. I'm not even healthy enough. So we use buffalo. And it works. It provides the E. coli to get the system building again. The University of Toronto, in association with the Hospital for Sick Children of Toronto, have been using the verotoxin produced by E. coli to shrink and dissolve human brain tumors in two to three days, including the vessels going to them.
The verotoxin from E. coli, that's the nasty thing, but they've been using it for 35 years. Why isn't it on the market? Not a big money maker yet. However, Yale has been using Salmonella to dissolve human brain tumors in laboratory tests for 15 years now. I gave a lecture at Yale about almost 20 years ago. Of the scientists and doctors who were there, they have all, all 35 of them, have been doing research on reversing disease with so-called pathogens. So they found that the Salmonella will go in and choke off the oxygen to a tumor and then eat the tumor. There's no money in that. You crack an egg, let it rot, stink, and then eat it. You've got lots of friendly bacteria. Does it harm you? I've only seen 5% of people who've eaten high eggs like that ever vomit. And it passes and they do fine. Yet it makes them happy and healthy. So is vomiting a problem? No. It doesn't create any kind of degenerative disease because it's always a repulsion of something toxic that dumps in the stomach. And the egg's never toxic even when it's rotten like that. So what does, Vion products, license, Yale to make attenuated Salmonella? They said, we want you to go in and make this Salmonella something we can sell. So we want you to make it so that Salmonella will choke off the oxygen to a tumor but does not eat the tumor then. Then we want to find some kind of solvent that we can inject into the tumor to dissolve it. And then we need another drug to go and neutralize that toxic chemical and that dissolution. So it's $8,000 for the attenuated Salmonella, $12,000 for the chemical to dissolve the tumor, and another $6,000 for the solution that's supposed to neutralize that toxicity. $26,000.
Hell, eat a rotten egg. Eat shit and live. Get back to what we're used to. We have spent millions of years, all animals have spent millions of years becoming symbiotic together because if the whole doesn't live, no part's going to live. And that's the way nature is based. Some animals eat large, smaller animals and it goes down. That's a normal chain. But the internal parasite is always going to work against you. That's its role. If you don't survive, it doesn't survive. That's why the trichinosis, this feared trichinosis, resolves problems. Now I've been so toxic over the years because of medical drugs that were given to me since I was a bare infant. In fact, probably since I was a fetus. My mother was a nurse and I was so poisoned in my system that no parasite would ever live in my body. Every test I got throughout my life, no parasites ever. Most people have parasites. 50% of the population is known to have parasites. I didn't have any and I was very, very sick. Constipated all my life. Even as a fruitarian, I was constipated. As a child, I went every three to five days and when I had a bowel movement, it was the size of a hard ball. By the time I hit 21 years old, my rectum was about an inch thick with scar tissue. Every time I had a bowel movement, I bled. Every time. Every time it was painful. When I went on to a fruitarian diet, sure, I was having a bowel movement every day, but it still would get very big at first and have to, you know, cause me to tear tissue, cause more scarring. All of a sudden, the first time last year, I got a parasite. I was in Vietnam and I was very hungry for some vegetable juice.
It's not the crazy good vegetable juice in Vietnam. It was Thailand, you get it juiced on the street. Celery, carrot, anything. A lot of things. Cucumbers. But in Cambodia and Vietnam, it wasn't. The only vegetable that was readily juiced on the street was sugar cane. Oh, high in sugar, sugar cane. But man, I was hungry. I was just obsessed with having some vegetable juice. So I had four ounces. No sugar reaction. Next day, I had eight ounces. No sugar reaction. I realized, wait a minute. To get the sugar, they have to boil the sugar cane from 450 degrees to 750 degrees, almost 800 degrees to get the cellulose to break down to become sugar. So this juice didn't have any sugar in it. It was like celery. So I thought, oh, this is great. So I was drinking like a quarter of it a day. No sugar reaction. I thought, oh, I was a sugar eater. Remember I told you about all the candy I ate? So I said, I'm going to do a detox. I'm going to take this sugar cane juice and detoxify it. What I do is ferment the foods that you've eaten so much of. And you eat that fermentation. So you've got fermentation bacteria and all kinds of other bacteria that are going to go in that are missing from your cooked food because your body's natural process is ecological.
[audio cut]
A: There is no nutrient to help you dissolve. There's no janitors. So I used fermented foods to do that. So I decided to ferment this sugar cane juice. And I let it ferment. And I let it get really strong. And I drank it. And I drank three cups in one day, which was probably not the smartest thing to do. A little gung-ho. I had hives from here to here, especially on my butt, right in here. Everywhere I had a lot of injections. And I had to use lots of sugars to bind them that time. So I had these huge welts, hives. They got sometimes up to about half of an inch high. And I knew that I couldn't scratch them because I'd be all scar tissue. I mean, sometimes one was this big all day. So I was, you know, I had some coconut oil. And after I'd put that on it, that would work for about an hour and a half. Then I would take refrigerated tomato, just kind of gently rub that for about 10-15 minutes. And then I would take, you know, sections of cucumber the next time and do that. So I just rotated these three things. So I went on for three days. I couldn't go out of the hotel room for three days in Hanoi with this going on. Fifth day. You know, finally on Thursday, I could bare it. I could go without scratching myself. I didn't scratch myself at all during that whole time. I just used those foods to soothe it. Sometimes I got into a bath, you know, with lots of tomatoes and smashed them. Like I say in the recipe, I mean in the remedy section, you know, the tomato in the bath and then you have yourself soothe the hives. So I was doing all of those things. So by the fifth day, they started scabbing, literally scabbing. So I found a laboratory in Hanoi and I took a scraping. Compounds that were in that were phenomenal. It was nice because that test here would cost me $22,000. There it only cost me $200.
So the compounds in there, there was penicillin, there was mercury, thimerosal, mercury, not from food, that comes from vaccines, and medical injection, penicillin, all of those things. There was old toxic sugar compounds, which I expected. And I mean we're talking about old crystallized ones. And we're going to get into vegetable oils when I get into that section about that. But there were all kinds of compounds that had nothing to do with anything that I had consumed for almost 30 years coming out of that. So those toxins stay in the body very, very long. All questions, if you have a question, write it down because I'm going to get some questions. Usually you'll get everything answered by the time we get to the questions. When I start taking questions and answering them, I'm going to get scientific. So the E. coli environment in the intestines is ultra important. All of the bacteria that naturally exists in food is all important. It's all a symbiotic relationship. It's been going on for hundreds of millions of years. And we would have never have made it out of the caveman era if they were a problem. Bacteria and parasites are not our problem. They are not our cause for disease. Because if it were, all these tribes that are now living very preeminently without toilet paper would be having gross problems. And a lot of people say, but what about the Hawaiians when the white man got there? What about these Brazilian tribes? Well, if you really know history, they were poisoned. They were putting formaldehyde and arsenic in their drinking water systems. And do you know what the two effects of those look like? Smallpox. You have the same skin reactions as smallpox. So they call it smallpox. But it has been for a long time a method of poisoning, a method of clandestine warfare to empower one nation with another's resources. It's been going on since the beginning of time. Shakespeare wrote about how many people were poisoned to gain access to thrones or villages or whatever it was.
And there was a writer who wrote a play called Savages in the early 70s. He was a British writer who was down in Brazil. And he was in the bars when these people would come in and give them poison and automatic weapons to go in and slaughter the natives. They call it the diamond industry. And the German jewel industry was very involved in that, paying these people $1,500 a week to go do this. You're talking about Brazilian people out of work in Brasilia getting $1,500 to go kill anybody. And they would go in and do this. And then they would have these skin rashes that looked like smallpox and then saying these people died of smallpox. Same thing happened in Hawaii. The same thing happened in the Aztecs and Mayans with the Spanish. It's all about how to overthrow easily. Poisoning is the best way to do it. So you poison before the influx of taking over their territory. Because then, by that time, those poisons are deep into the muds of the earth and not in the water system anymore. A couple hundred years and it gets down to the aqueduct and you'd be able to say, oh, they're going to pop out again. But most of them didn't. So you hear all these stories about white man Bob brought these diseases in that these natives were very strong. They were eating shit every day. They were eating high bacteria, high meat, living primitively, eating all kinds of fish that had been old and rotting. And you're going to worry about some white man bringing in a little bacteria that's going to take him over and kill him with disease? This is absolutely the biggest myth that can be created. And people buy it. People buy it. I was a very sick individual. And I exposed myself to the worst poisons you could believe. I mean, I was so starving at one point when I made this transition that I broke a fast. I was fasting in those days. And I broke a fast at night. I was going to wait until the morning. Stores were open and go buy food. But I had to break it at night. I was so hungry.
I got 41 days without eating. And I had a splitting headache and the hunger was so, I thought I was going to have to kill myself if I didn't go out. It was a Sunday night. Nothing was open. So what did I do? I went to a couple of grocery stores and went through the garbage and couldn't find any kind of meat or anything. Nothing that was raw. So I went to a fish market and I said, you know, let's go find something. So I went to a fish market and I found this beautiful piece of salmon in the dark. And it looked beautiful in the dark. And then when I got it home, on my bicycle, I got it home, it was undulating with pinworms. I mean, you could just see it, the pinworms just moving in and out of the flesh. And I ate it. And then I was paranoid the next day. What did I do? You know, what did I do? So I had my urine and feces and blood checked for 10 weeks. I didn't get one worm.
Q: How old were you?
A: That was in 1979. And I was very sick at the time. And I didn't get one parasite. I've done all kinds of things. If you see that, you know, that the Ridley's Believe It or Not episode, it was first aired on July 17, 2002. If you see that, and you see what I eat, you'll know that you shouldn't be afraid of anything after you see that. The only thing you should be afraid of is the poisons and pollution that's all out here. FDA has made a ruling that any utensil that comes into contact with raw meat has to have an antiseptic on it. That's a poison that's going to go into your meat every time they cut and slice. So when you go have somebody cut and slice meat for you, you tell them, I want that completely clean of any pesticide, any antiseptic. I want that rinsed off and you cut the meat, my meat, without any antiseptic on it. Only rinsed with water. And in the cutting board, hose that down, no antiseptic on it. And if your hose has antiseptic that's drained into it, then you just put it under the faucet. And you have to direct these people because that's the law now. That is the law.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Oh yeah, definitely. Because if you confront it with that's a poison, it's there to destroy bacteria. It's going to do the same thing to you in your body. And if they want to be responsible for the disease that comes from it, that's fine. And boy, do they do it for you right away when that comes. So, I mean, you can get to the point where if the manager comes over and says, I have your name, you're also part of that responsibility because you're the manager. So, you personally have taken an interest in poisoning me. So usually, they don't want to hear all that, so they're going to do it because they don't want other people hearing it either. So, they want to keep it quiet everywhere. So, they don't want commotion. So, I've never been refused, you know, when I start opening my mouth. So, it works. You've got to take care of yourself because nobody wants to hear it. And, you know, that so-called tsunami in Asia, I was just there on an Island in Phuket just 12 days before the tsunami. And they said, oh my God, you know, these poor natives in India and all this place, bacteria is going to wipe them out. Was there any epidemic? The only people who got sick were in the populated areas where the white man had all their pollution. Like in Phuket, still no big disease, but all those primitive areas in India and in Indonesia, all up to Burma, there's no mass disease and yet that's what they were claiming, the same thing as Avian Flu garbage. It is a myth. What they're doing in Asia when I was there, both in Vietnam and Cambodia and Thailand, was they're going into slaughtering all of these fowl farmers who are small farmers. They don't do it to the big ones. Here, this little farmer has got maybe a couple hundred chickens for eggs.
Without ever testing the animals, we're going to just slaughter them. Just slaughter the whole flock. And I did testing of 200 of those birds and not one of them had any kind of retrovirus. So it's just like they do here. They wipe out the little guy so that the big farmers can come in to agribusiness and do their thing. Same thing they do with the sheep here in this country. I knew several of those sheep farmers. Not one of their animals were tested and proved to have anything, but they slaughtered them. Our government did it. It is again about big bucks. Avian Flu. Let's take a good look at that. Okay, what is a virus? If you look at all the biology books and all the chemistry books, viruses are protein bodies structured together without life. They do not have any ability to function. They cannot do anything except dissolve. There's no reproduction. There's nothing. You take virus, you put it in a fertilized petri dish, not one multiplication. You add live cells to it and all of a sudden you have multiplication. So they say they are self-replicating. Can Tide Soap replicate? You have to really get down to the science. A lot of these scientists are so brilliant they are stupid. It is sad. Cells, when they cannot use a bacteria or a fungi or a parasite to help them clean waste products out of the body, which we have learned to do symbiotically for millions of years, the body uses a solvent process, virus. Protein bodies which will disassemble particular structures. So there are over 100 million viruses. And only a particular one or a few will come out at a particular time because if they all came out at once and you used all the soaps at once, it would completely dissolve the human body. And when some bodies are so toxic, that is what happens, like in the Ebola. But the Ebola is man-made. Just like the AIDS virus was man-made.
Dr. Strecker was hired. Dr. Strecker is a very well internationally known virologist who was hired by this insurance company in San Francisco to study AIDS because this insurance company was about to insure a company who had 60% of its employees were homosexual. This was in the early 80s. They wanted to know the deadliness or any kind of pathology that would be linked with AIDS. So he took an enzyme which normally fractionates a virus into its parts and so it can be studied. But every time he dropped the enzyme on this AIDS virus, it fractionated, broke in two. He realized after a thousand times, he said this has to be man-made because only spliced microbes can do this and only a virus that is spliced can do that. So he took the two opposite sides and bound them together and found that he had the lymphonomic virus of a sheep and the leukemic virus of a bovine. So he put the two names together in 15 different combinations. He was going to go to the universities that he thought would have been doing research on that back in the 60s. He happened to be in Los Angeles at the time so he went to UCLA's library, came up on the computer and the very first name he had come up with was the name in that computer. It had been created to incite cancer in laboratory animals so they could study cancer. So what happened? There were links to the War Department. So he called his brother, Dr. Cole's brother, who was a very well-known, famous attorney and said we've got something very suspicious here. It looks like AIDS was introduced by probably the military as a biological warfare experiment because it only cropped up in five major cities. So his brother started using the Freedom of Information Act, got some of the documentation together. He had to fight for it. He had to get a senator to help him. Once they got enough information, they were both dead. Neither of them were suicidal an hour before their so-called suicides. But they did get a book produced and it is published. I have it in the bibliography. It's called Bio-Attack Alert. It documents that.
It documents that there have been all kinds of experiments done on our population here in the United States. The worst was in Mississippi involving one million people who dropped out of airplanes, biological warfare, experimenting on them, and the amount of people who got very sick. Somewhere around a million people reported being sick. And there were more than a million people exposed. A million people got sick. And that report wasn't even released until two years ago. Canada was involved with the U.S. in doing it to some Canadian towns and border towns on the American and Canadian side. So we're pretty happy now with what the military thinks that they can do for national security. So, virus, get back to the whole point. Virus is not alive. It cannot reproduce. It is not self-replicating. It is a solvent. It will disassemble certain structures depending upon what the virus is. And if you have a hundred million viruses, you have to learn that they're very specific to disassembling a very specific tissue. So it could be just a specific part of the intracellular structure that needs to be dissolved or it could be a cell that completely, I mean a virus that completely dissolved the connected tissue within a cell, which means it would break down the whole cell. So the medical profession doesn't look at why this is happening. It just says this virus is doing this kind of damage. It doesn't look at it as this is what it has to do to disassemble, to reconstruct. It's like remodeling a house. You have to tear down a certain wall. You have to tear down a certain plumbing. You have to redo it. That's what virus do. But the bad part of that picture is, even though it's virus or natural, is that it's not the easiest way to clean anything. Bacteria and parasites and fungi eat their hosts. They will eat those parts. Like you see a crow and a vulture out there eating a dead carcass.
Now they didn't kill that carcass, but it is their responsibility on this planet to go eat it up so they can reduce it into feces that can form bacteria, which feeds the soil, which helps break down rock when it rains, and then plants eat it, so it's a big cycle of life. The animals in my laboratory experiments, go ahead and cough if you have to, it's getting that garbage out. In my laboratory experiments with animals who had parasites, and when I did these experiments, no animal was under 12 years old, and none over 16, and they were all sick. They all had parasites and we fed some of them dewormers, herbal dewormers, and then some of them pharmaceutical dewormers, and then one group, no dewormers. The ones who got the pharmaceutical dewormers, most of them died. The herbal dewormers, half of them died. The ones with no dewormers, only one died. That animal was 16 years old. But those animals who had the parasites who were on the raw diet, they were all put on a raw diet. So the ones that had no dewormers and had their parasites the longest, when we did autopsies on them when they finally died three to four years later, their intestines were absolutely clean as if they had been just born. The animals who killed the parasites early from the medical dewormers, when we did autopsies on them, after death, they were either black or brown in their innards. Like if it was a liver parasite, the liver was black. If it were a liver parasite on an animal that lived, we let the parasite grow in their livers, their liver was like a young, beautiful, brilliant, healthy liver. So we found that parasites eat about 100 times their weight in a 12 to 20 hour period, plus they only secrete or excrete 1% waste.
That means they take 100 pounds of food and you reduce it down to one, one pound feces. One pound feces from 100 pounds of waste. That's pretty extraordinary. Now the body only has to deal with 1% of a waste product when it had 100 times more. So I want parasites all I can. I want parasites. Give me parasites. Quickest way to get well. Quickest way to remodel the whole body. Bacteria is your next second, is your second preferability, or my second choice, because they can do about 50 times, the reduction is about 5%. So let's say in a 48 hour period they can eat 100 times their weight and reduce it into 5% feces. That's pretty good. Still better than we do. We eat about 7 pounds of food and we defecate about 3 quarters to a pound of feces a day. So bacteria is still better than we can do. So you have these bacteria and fungi, kind of the same way. It has a mycelium which is a liquid substance which goes down and dissolves and deteriorates, you know, connective tissue. It's like mushrooms. You know what a mushroom is? Mushroom is a flower of a mycelium. Mycelium is a milky fungus that goes through and eats dead roots under the ground. And when it finishes, it's not a mushroom. Spores go and when the rain comes and they go into the ground and if they find dead roots, whether it's from a tree or whatever, they can go to work. They found something to eat. Just like the crows and vultures fly around, they find something to eat. But they don't go around and attack something live. They go for degenerative tissue. That is their host. That's what they love. We have it in the body. Lots of it. And all kinds of it in the body because we are so toxic. So we want these parasites. We want the bacteria. We want the fungus to help break this stuff down. If we are so toxic that we can't have those, that if they eat the toxicity, they die, what's left? Virus.
And virus is just a salt. They will dissolve. What happens when we use the salt? Take a degreaser. Let's say you're on the floor of your garage. You've got all this grease and you take gunk. You put it down there. And then you mix it with water. And then what do you have? You have an entire gallon or two quarts of water that is just contaminated. And there's nothing to reduce it. Unless you put a calcium carbonate or something to absorb it. But you still have contamination that will poison anything comes in contact with it. So you have to bury it. Where do you bury it? Without destroying some other life form. That's the way virus works in the body. They are a solvent. They are not alive. They don't dissolve. They don't defecate by reducing volume. They just spread it out. They thin it out. So virus isn't the best way. It's the worst way to clean the body but it is the way that the body does it. Virus that are not alive. Now, how does it work intracellularly? How do they keep producing? Well, if a cell is structured badly, the virus will enter the RNA and DNA so it will keep reproducing until it's dissolved. So if you have 100,000 types of different tissue just within a cell and then a couple million types all throughout the body, each virus is different. And it is different from cell to cell. So what I'm getting at here is when you have a retrovirus means that the RNA and DNA has been altered. That's what a retrovirus is. Every freaking virus is a retrovirus unless it's man-made. Every virus is a retrovirus. So if they are blaming a monkey or a bird, guess what? If they are going to produce a vaccine to protect you, is that vaccine obsolete? It's obsolete within 48 hours of the change. 48 hours. So every vaccine for a flu, every vaccine for a virus that ever goes out on the market is an absolute joke. But there are billions of dollars in it. What's the TV hyping right now? Avian virus, get ready for it. We're making a vaccine.
Vaccine's already obsolete. 48 hours after it starts. 48 hours. It's going to take them 6 months to manufacture an avian virus and they're going to go around giving it to everyone because people are gullible enough to swallow the whole myth and they're going to take it. There were a couple of doctors and one consumer advocate back in 76 that realized it was a swine flu. Ida Honorof and Dr. McBean, MD. She said this is a hoax. Those two people filed a suit against Ford and the government for sponsoring the swine flu vaccine. The news industry at that time wasn't all owned by the big conglomerates. So it got on the news. So they had all of these reporters at the centers where they were giving all of these elderly people free vaccines sponsored by the government. 2300 people died in the first week within 3 days of receiving the vaccine. Guess what went into the vaults? Swine flu vaccine. Guess what stopped? Ford went on the TV and got his own vaccination after the suit. But when they started delivering it to the public, there were lots of problems because people were there watching. But mainly it reacts like a flu or pneumonia. So of course the doctors aren't going to blame vaccines because they'll be in for a lawsuit along with the pharmaceutical industry. But it stopped the swine flu. It didn't stop the swine flu that existed within the swines. It stopped the epidemic of us injecting all of these people with swine flu vaccines. So just remember the biggest hoax that's going on in our time is the whole virus mythology and vaccines. It's impossible to vaccinate anybody against a retrovirus. All viruses are retro.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: When a cell makes a virus, it's already altered its structure. It's done its job. So then it makes a different virus to start cleaning out other tissue or tissue outside of the cell that needs to be done. So it's always changing. It's never the same. When they make a virus that's specific, we leave one kind of virus and that's already extinct within 48 hours. Gone. That virus doesn't exist anymore. It's useless. It's useless anyway. But even in theory, it's stupid because there's no theory to support it. The only person I know who has any cognizance about it is Strecker. And you can download the Strecker memorandum which talks about the AIDS virus also being retrovirus if it were really a natural virus. But it isn't. It's been restructured. And for the bodies who got the vaccine and restructured that, it became something other than AIDS that was injected. But the people who can't restructure it, then it damages their systems. Now, the documentation that was got by that attorney and that senator showed that the military uses biological warfare on so-called an undesirable faction of the human population of the United States, homosexuals. So they went about analyzing what would give it to mainly homosexuals. So they found that in the 70s and 80s that homosexuals were using a tremendous amount of drugs that damaged the liver. So they found that 90% of all of the people in New York City, Houston, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, 90% of the people who were getting hepatitis were homosexuals from the drug use. So they decided to put it in the hepatitis B vaccine. And that's how it got to the homosexuals. That's why 10% of the people who were as heterosexuals got it. Because they were getting the hepatitis vaccine.
Every person that I knew that ever came to me with AIDS, and I know 60. I have only worked with 5. But the 60 that came to me all had that hepatitis vaccine. Not so coincidental. So, don't be afraid of good bacteria, natural bacteria, especially your butt bacteria. Even, what's that, those two guys that do the, you know, pull out the discs, you know, HBO, whatever it is. They have two names. They even, you know, they checked the butts of, you know, butt bacteria, you know, on like six individuals. And they had it analyzed and they show it. And they said there was less bacteria on the butt than there was on the hands or mouth of anybody. So it would be better to rub butts together than it would be to kiss each other. They just showed a picture of that, you know. And when you got that, they're showing these butts, you know, with that blurring that they do with, you know, graphics, you know, for censorship. And it's a very comical, but it's a true, you know, situation. Very little bacteria anywhere around the anus. And they use swabs. And they put it around the mouth and found, you know, like 2300 times the bacteria around the mouth and under the fingernails and fingers and the back of the palms and on the nose than there was at the rectum. So, all these people, you know, piss all over the urinals, you know, leave their defecation and urine all over in the toilet because they don't want to touch the handle. I mean, hello? But that's the way the consciousness is. So, you know, don't be afraid of natural bacteria. That's not our problem. Poisonous chemicals out there are. So, okay. Now, we've gone over the body pretty much enough for you to get an idea of how we function and what is, you know, suitable and what isn't.
So, let's get into food. First of all, the biggest hype out there, and 90% of what's in the stores is carbs. Most of it is grain, potatoes, chips, all kinds of. What time is it? I mean, I promised everybody a break after an hour and 45 minutes. We've got about another 15 minutes. So, carbs. Now, I went to the digestive track and, you know, I showed you that carbs are not a part of the human diet if you want a digest properly. I mean, people can sustain life on it. But how well? To what extent? I live in Asia quite a bit for the last two years, and those people live 90%, if they're, you know, out in the wild and they're so-called poor and they don't have farm animals, what are they supposed to do? And they live on grain, rice. 90% of the diet is rice. Unless they have their own farm animals in their garden. Those are the ones who have no problems, because then about 20% of their diet is meat, even though it's cooked to an extent. Unless they're upper tribes people, they can eat small. But those people have health problems. They're not health problems like we have. Their teeth degenerate, their bones degenerate, especially the women. There's not any fat in that society. They don't milk the cows to get cream and butter. So any kind of fat they get is right in the animal itself. And they don't feed, you know, fatty grain to the chicken, the ducks to get the fat full of, you know, really rich fat to help them take care of the toxicity of food. I guess I should have talked about that first. What does cooking do? Cooking alters the composition of food and it causes toxins that are produced. Even digesting food raw creates a certain amount of byproducts. But they're not toxic in our system normally because it's in a balance with bacteria and everything that takes care of those, eats them up, discharges them. The lymph system handles it easy and we perspire it or defecate it. But mostly toxicity comes out through perspiration to our skin. There are many varieties of toxins that are formed from cooking and I state them in the back of the recipe book.
And there are quite a variety of them and I have the terms. That's only about 33 that I name in there. And those are the only ones that have been studied and, you know, and followed. But there are probably somewhere around a thousand byproducts from cooking that haven't even been studied yet. And they're probably just as toxic as the other ones. But the one that was studied most is acrylamides. And acrylamides are a carbohydrate byproduct usually from, well, it's more advanced in fried foods. Chips, cereals, french fries are the worst. Donuts, the worst, highest in acrylamides. They are so high in acrylamides that a team of Swedish full professor scientists came out with a report three years ago and said we should outlaw all those, all chips, all cereals, and all french fries. Because what they found was in cancerous tissue, 60% of the composition of cancerous tissue was acrylamide. And potato chips were 15,000 times richer in acrylamides than the potato itself when eaten cooked. But when fried, 1,500, excuse me, 1,500 times more acrylamides. So frying was the bad thing to do. They wanted to outlaw it. They went right to the press with a report. This is after something like 11 or 12 years of studying, experimenting, coming up with a good science. Guess who came after them? You've got trillions of dollars in chips and cereals. They came right down to politicians and said, get rid of these guys quick. Say this research was done poorly. Get out your best scientists because these guys are going down. That's just what happened. Every one of them is no longer a full professor fired from their job and they're off teaching some grade school. These were all full professors, very bright individuals. And they were appalled when they saw it because they knew that the food industry knew. These tests were done back in the 50s. They knew. They know what's happening to you, but they don't care. I'll give you an example.
When I was bicycling throughout the country or North America in the 70s, I stopped in Oklahoma and this guy gave me some food and gave me a cabin to sleep in for the night. We were talking about raw foods and stuff like that. He was about 80 years old back then. He said that I worked for two very large companies. He says, I'm not going to give you their names because my family would be dead if this ever got out. He said they were two of the biggest food companies there are. They wanted to prove that cooking and processing destroyed the bacteria that creates disease going from the germ theory. He said, but what we found was just the opposite. The animals we fed the cooked foods their normal diet, they didn't get diseased. And those that they fed the cooked foods all got diseased. So after 20 years of this research, it was definite. They were hoping that it would change somewhere along the line. It never changed. So all of it was burned and destroyed. Burned. All of the evidence, all of that research, we're talking about billions and millions of dollars.
[audio cut]
A: ...go to the heart bone structure, make it brittle, or the brain. And when it detoxes, the membrane down the gums, tongue, your tongue should always be full of plaque for at least 20 years on the diet. Because you're going to discharge a lot of toxic calcium. Calcium destroyed at very, altered at very low temperatures. You look at the statistics on, and I put them in the, I think I put them in the recipe book. If not, you can find it on, where I give a chart of the absorption of minerals from pasteurizing raw milk. Pasteurization temperature only happens at 141 degrees for 20 seconds. It's always pasteurized, it's always cooked. Yet 50% of the calcium is rendered unassimilatable. So you imagine how much damage is done to calcium when the temperature goes above 140 degrees. So a lot of that calcium goes to the brain to help neutralize the toxicity and acidity created by the metallic minerals, which are very caustic. They're very acid-borne. Calcium is very alkalinizing, so it's fine, but then you've got rock. Then you've got rock in your brain. Those two come out together out of the tongue, or the gums. That's what creates all that plaque on your tongue and your gums. You should be thankful that it's stopping. And it will never, you'll never create more to be dumped as long as you're not eating cooked food. When you stop eating cooked foods, you're not adding to the garbage. You'll be eliminating everything that you should see come out is out forever. And then there will be an end to it. My teeth used to just completely plaque from all the chemotherapy that I had and all the medication. So my body was constantly dumping. My teeth were terrible, and yet most of these are my teeth, half most of them, or half of them are capped. But there's still my teeth underneath, except for this one. This is a bridge between these two calves, right here. So that's the only tooth that's missing there. So I was able to save my teeth by going on to this diet.
Had I not gone on to this diet, I'd be like my brothers. All of them have dentures. My father doesn't have dentures. He still has some of his own teeth at 90 years old. Why? He was raised on a farm with raw milk. My grandparents owned the dairy, 110 miles from here in Shelby. They delivered all the milk by Clydesdale horses on wagons all the way up to Chicago. Didn't deliver in Chicago, but right up to the border, all the way around, 110 miles around. So he grew up on good raw milk. He only had fresh food during that whole period. The only thing he ate that was really cooked any degree was bread. So he grew up stable. And then when he left the farm to go to Purdue, and all that good diet was good for him because he had been in the first hand computer while he was in college. He was so bright that he didn't like this problem that it took 35 minutes to solve. He didn't want to do that. So he created this little machine, this little hand computer that he could have the answer in five minutes while he was in college studying. He did this. But as he got further off into pasteurized dairy that was available normally around, he started getting very sick and he lived with, and he still lives, with the intestinal ulcers. He always has to be near a toilet. Can you imagine living for 70 years near a toilet because he's going to have diarrhea and bloody diarrhea? I got him to eat raw foods once and even raw meat and it all stopped. But then when he stopped having pain, then he went back to his cooked diet. It's his choice. He wants to live with his constipation, I mean his diarrhea. That's a choice. I don't have any judgment against it, certainly not something that I choose. But I didn't choose a lot of sickness to get here. In fact, I don't have to choose anything more either. I don't. I want to tell you also, leading to this, is that when I did that experiment with the sugar cane juice, fermented sugar cane juice, I also did it with milk right after that and I got a tapeworm.
I was eating all that sugar from, you know, the detoxification of the sugar cane juice and the extremely fermented milk that I did. I mean, when I popped the milk cap, the alcohol burned my nose so strong. So I got a tapeworm. It was a year ago. I've had a tapeworm. I didn't know about it until I saw little inch sections, you know, looked like a noodle, you know, flat kind of and about a quarter of an inch wide by an inch long section, I think. I've got a parasite. So I got all excited. I said, wow, I wonder what change I'm going to have now that I can finally have a parasite. You know, at 58 years old, I've got a parasite. This is great. So guess what? Remember, I told you I had constipation all through my life. For a year, I've not had constipation. I've got a tapeworm. Got a tapeworm. Once the tapeworm did its thing for about three months in my body, I shot him out 46 feet of him. One time, six weeks after I got it done, I got this craving for onion. So, and that's not me, you know, I like little bits of spices. I don't like a lot of spices. Most people would take half of an onion with a meal. I usually take a very thin slice, maybe half of that with a whole meat meal or two meat meals. So then I just ate a half of a red onion, you know, and I just craved it. And then all of a sudden, I had diarrhea the next morning, and 36 feet of this tapeworm came out. And I was heartbroken because I thought, oh no, I just forced him out by eating this onion. You know, so I was devastated. And then a week later, I see little segments of him pop up, you know, here and there in the feces. But, you know, then after three months, I didn't see him at all. And then when I started doing a lot of fermented milk again, about three months ago, those segments started reappearing again. But I was letting the fermented milk go really a longer time than normal. Because I was a heavy milk drinker as a child, I drank about somewhere from a half gallon to a gallon of pasteurized milk a day. So I know that's all part of my system, so I wanted to get enough of that bacteria to create that kind of detoxification.
And that's what tapeworms live on. Grain starch or, you know, it's been cooked. And also, you know, fermented, cauterized sugars from dairy. So it became active again. And I know that if I stopped eating that overly fermented dairy, that tapeworms would go away again, would go dormant. But the good thing is, I've had a year with no constipation. I've only had probably over that year lost only a tablespoon of blood. And it was usually a tablespoon to three a day of blood going to the restroom. So I've not had these big, you know, huge things. It's all been very small, very thin. I may have to go several times a day. I said I've only had to go once, but that's okay. It's nice. That tapeworm gave me a different life, a healthier condition in the intestine. It's just like those people who got the trichinosis. You know, they suffered every time they ate with cramps. Then all of a sudden you get trichinosis and had no problem? That's a miracle. That's nature's miracle. And yet we're thought to be afraid of all these parasites. Fat, fat, fat, get fat. So what I can say is get fat because when you start dumping those poisons, the fat will protect you. People who get fat have fewer symptoms when they're detoxifying. People who don't have excess fat suffer when they're having colds, flus, pneumonia. No matter what it is, they're weaker, they suffer. With all the toxicity that we have, who knows what degree of toxicity is in any of you. Let's say your body decided to go into cancer. Cancer's not a bad guy yet. Cancer is the body's system of storing temporarily dead cells that it cannot dissolve and eliminate. So the body builds tumors. It keeps these live cancer cells interspersed with all these dead cells because what does a cancer cell do? Let's just look at what a cancer cell does and decide whether it's good or bad. Cancer cell doesn't eat anything.
It causes no problem inside of the tumor. We know that malignant tumors though, where cancer cells exist, the body can grow its tumors very rapidly. That doesn't mean the cancer cells are that problem of cancer of the tumor growing. That's the problem of dead cells that are collected in the body. The body wants to harness them in a particular area. And you come to a point where too many cells are damaged and dead. But that cancer cell, what happens when it dies? It sets out a serum which dissolves all the dead cells around within about 50 dead cell layers. Thousands of dead cells are all instantly dissolved. That's why a malignant tumor can just disappear overnight or in 15 days or a month. A benign tumor with no cancer cells will never go away. Little by little the body's eating away from the outside. There's no veins, there's nothing going into that dead mass. Where your cancer cells, it dissolves. That means you can get rid of it. But can your body neutralize these acrid substances that remain? A solution of toxic, just dissolving mass? All of this waste product. It's like having a dam break. If you don't have high storage fat within the body. Like that woman I told you had 3,000 times the lethal amount of thallium in her vomit. One vomit. Start dissolving her entire tissue. Her lungs where she inhaled all that stuff. She did not have enough fat. She was probably your size. That's too thin when you're going into cancer. Cancer is a phase. It's a stage where the body's trying to isolate tumors, getting ready to dissolve them. Dr. Hardin B. Jones, Emeritus of Metaphysics of Physiology and Anatomy at Berkeley for almost 50 years, he studied cancer for all that time. He found that 76% of all the people who got cancer, if they didn't do anything, the cancer reversed on its own. It's like a flu or a cold. It comes and goes. Just let it run its course. He found that when he followed up on the cancer cases at Berkeley, that all those who received the cancer treatments, either surgery, chemo, or radiation, the average lifespan after diagnosis was 3 years.
Out of all of them. We're talking thousands. Tens of thousands of people. The ones who did not do any of the medical therapy whatsoever lived an average of 12.5 years after diagnosis. He went before Congress, before the California Senate, and he said, stop this chemo and radiation and surgery for cancer. This is the facts. Pharmaceutical industry and the medical industry came down and said all that stuff's not factual, you didn't follow them properly, all this stuff. But the facts were there. 12.5 years to 3 years. Is that so hard to look at? 12.5 years to 3 years. Every time a doctor will tell you you have cancer, you better do ours or you're going to shorten your life. Just the opposite. They will shorten your life.
Q: What's the doctor's name?
A: Hardin B. Jones.
Q: I know you said all the questions, but you said cancer...
A: Write it down. Write it down.
Q: Specific cancers.
A: Write it down.
Q: Okay.
A: So that will protect you. If this woman had had more fat on her, she might have survived that particular toxic period of dump, but she didn't. She didn't have it. Let me give you another example. I've got a martial artist who got on a diet about 3 years before this particular incident. He started having severe appendicitis. Severe. And he was a man who was so disciplined, and he teaches, and he has his own martial arts school, and he's disciplined and everything. But the pain was so severe and scared him so badly, he went into the hospital. They told him they had an appendix, and the appendicitis had probably already burst and was going to. They scared him into surgery. When he came out of surgery, they told him that his body had surrounded the entire appendix with fat, thick layer of fat that the doctor had never seen in his life and completely isolated all of the poison. His appendix probably would have healed itself and all the fat, the rest of all the poison, but the doctor scraped it all out and took the fat and the appendix. That's an example of what the body can do if it has the proper nutrients. And again, the body naturally used fat that he said was over an inch thick all around in a complete bubble around the appendix, the burst appendix. The body knew the appendix was going to burst because it had to have put that start of that fat mass at least six, seven months in advance to be that thick in a general area. That's what I don't know for sure. I would have to assume it may take three to six months for that kind of fat mass to gain in one area. The body may be able to magically do it in a week. I don't know. Some imagination I have. The point is the fat was the savior again.
His body had enough weight to do it. Not like his weight. That's normal weight. I like to stay at that for two and a half years. Then I'll lose the weight, but I never had to force my body to do it. The reason I said in the recipe book every six months to go through that weight gain and weight loss is because most of you ladies, some of you men, do not like to be overweight. You think that if you look at it on your body for over six months, you're never going to lose it. That's a big paranoia. If people get to see that they can lose it every six months after the fourth or fifth time, they say, I'm not worried about that fat anymore. It's no big threat to me. They may keep the weight on for two, two and a half years, which is best. You let it work for you, and then you take it off. That's what I do. I've seen it work for this. Gain the weight. Gain the weight and enjoy the fat because you only have to do it for maybe ten years and you should be that heavy, as heavy as you are. Ten years on this diet, you have to be that weight anymore. You can get down to this size after ten years. And then another ten years, you can get down to this size.
Q: What if you're an athlete and you want to gain the weight?
A: You can do it. It's very easy. I had a guy that came to me, 56 years old, been on the diet for two years, and he'd been, I mean skinny. Take 20 pounds off of him, that's how skinny he was. And he was that way all of his life. He was 56, a skinny, tall kid, 6'1". And he said, you know, I feel so good on this diet that all my intestinal problems have gone. I eat all the time, no problem digesting, no constipation, nothing. And he said, can I body build on this diet? I said, sure. Just every time you eat a meat meal and you need a pound twice a day, two pounds a day, eat a whole lubrication formula with each meat meal. And have half of it with the meat meal and the other half about ten, fifteen minutes after you finish the meat meal. And then work out after one of those meat meals. Two, three hours, whatever you want. So in two and a half, three months, you put four inches on his arms, six inches on his chest. They were accusing him of using steroids in Gold's gym. He says, no man, I'm telling you, raw meat, raw butter, raw eggs. They just didn't believe him. What do you think he's doing, Schwarzenegger? In Austria, all the athletes there eat raw meat and raw eggs as a natural part of their diet. They've been doing it since the 60s. It was in a magazine that a friend of mine showed me in the late 80s. One of the Olympic coaches admitted what they were eating. He was seven times Mr. Universe. Does he go around telling people he ate raw eggs and raw meat? The only actor that's got any gumption behind him is Mel Gibson. When he went on David Letterman, two and a half years ago, and David Letterman said, wait a minute, you were in Patriot, and you were all puffy and bloated and didn't look so well. He said, now you come out here right after you do what women want, what women think, whatever that was, and you're all spelt and bright red and colorful.
He said, well, when I did the Patriot, I was an alcoholic and not eating well. He said, well, what are you doing next? Did you really want to know? He said, yeah. He said, I eat all raw foods. Letterman said, you eat raw meat? He said, yeah, I eat raw meat. So do my children. He had five children at that time. Now he's six and all eat raw meat.
Q: He looks great.
A: Yeah, he looks good for him. He's nine years younger than I am, but he looks pretty good. For somebody who's an alcoholic, an abuser, he looks pretty good. He didn't come to me for the diet. One of his trainers told him about my book, and he got my book. So he's doing OK with it. He goes on and on from there. But he's the only one who's admitted it. Well, that actress, Hawk, just came out with her book, and she [unintelligible]. Yeah, she studied. She went to a nutritionist that I taught. She learned to eat raw food. I met her a couple of times. So there are a few people out there, but you just won't hear it. And if you have to do it in the closet, do it in the closet. Don't talk about it. If you want to share it, just tell people to go read the book. If you try to explain to people what you're doing, you're not going to have my experience to get through to them. They're going to think you're whacko. So I wrote the book to seduce people into opening their mind, and the story does that. It seduces you to emotionally opening up mentally. And it works 99% of the time. 9 people out of 10 open their minds, whether they do it or not, open their minds and don't judge people who do it or not. And only 1% think that the other 9 are whacko. Fat, fat, fat. I'm just going to keep saying it. Fat, fat, fat, fat, fat. I can't wait until I get into my fat back at the hotel. And like when I want to gain weight, I'll get heavy into my ice cream. I'm having a little bit more difficulty this time because since the tapeworm, the ice cream has a tendency to give me diarrhea. So it's difficult for me to eat the ice cream. So I have to eat it unfrozen. It's the freezing, for some reason. It drives my intestines crazy to have frozen. So I have to have it unfrozen. It's not quite the same. It's enjoyable. Going to bed with my stomach feels like it's calming. Oh, and another thing that happened after the tapeworm. You know that sensation when you have a food that's just so calming and nourishing in the body, which I didn't have after the severing of my vagus nerve?
After the tapeworm, I got it. Months after the tapeworm. I drank some milk and cream together. And I just had this feeling all coating my stomach in this wave of warmth and sensation that I used to experience as a child. All of a sudden it came back for the first time. Maybe those nerves are getting back together because of the old tapeworm. Or just the, you know, being on the diet that long, my body started to take care of this nerve damage from having it severed. But I'm getting better. I'm almost an old man. I'm getting better instead of unhealthy. Okay, timing. Timing of eating is important. Why? Because our bodies go through different cycles because we are so toxic. Animals out in the wild don't have to go on any routine to do that because they're not contaminated. So when we wake up in the morning, when we wake in the morning, the bloodstream is over-acidic. If you take a blood analysis, you will find that the concentration of acidic minerals is very high. That's not a good condition. It causes lethargy. At times, people have to go for chocolate or coffee to give them a boost in the morning. So we need to alkalinize the blood without over-alkalinizing the intestine. The intestine has to stay majorly acid to handle animal foods. If we eat whole vegetables, it causes all this alkalinity to break down and secrete in the small intestine, neutralizes hydrochloric acid. It changes the whole condition of the intestines. If you're eating cooked meat, eating a raw vegetable is the best thing you can do because the over-acidic meat from cooking will putrefy and not move through the intestine because it paralyzes the nerves in the intestines and causes peristalsis to not move ahead, manipulate the food all through. So if you eat a raw vegetable salad with cooked meat, it balances it out and moves it through. But when you're eating an all-raw diet, whole vegetables will over-alkalinize the intestines, prevent meat from being digested properly, and cause constipation or diarrhea without digestion. Neutralize most of the E. coli in the colon.
So to alkalinize the blood without alkalinizing the intestines, the vegetable juice, I mean the vegetable matter that we need has to be in juice form. So it's all absorbed by the time it hits the intestines. I mean the duodenum. So there's very little that ever drifts into the intestines. Maybe a little bit of parsley fiber, but it's not enough to cause a problem unless you filter your juice entirely. It's always better, unless you've been on the diet a long time, to let a little bit of that fiber in there. So that alkalinizes the blood. Also gets the body ready for digestion. Supplies a lot of vitamins and minerals and enzymes to get us ready for digestion. So 45 minutes to an hour later, a meat meal. Why a meat meal? Meat's kind of heavy. Who wants to eat raw meat in the morning? I like my cereal. I like my fried eggs and toast. But you have to take a look at what happens if you put the carbohydrate in the body early in the day. High advanced glycation end products, high acrylamides, high waste products. What happens with those waste products? That's all that sugary waste. The advanced glycation end products, sticky. It gets into the blood, nervous system, and lymph. What happens when the cells pass each other? They stick. Everything gets sticky. Nerve transmissions aren't proper. It gets sticky. Synapse misfires. Ganglions punch. Axions punch. Everything becomes slow. It's because everything is sticky and acid in their blood. So you alkalize with the juice and then you go for a meat meal because the body will make pyruvate. It has to make a sugar. If it makes it with pyruvate, from the glucagon to the glycogen, the waste product is nonexistent. It doesn't cause a stickiness in the nervous system, blood, or limb. So everything will function very well.
So it will not only make your brain function well, your whole body will function well. You'll deliver oxygen better. You'll deliver food to the rest of the body. You'll digest properly. And you'll be able to focus. That's a pretty tremendous thing in anybody's morning. Most people don't have that in the morning. If you have a carbohydrate, you're going to flush yourself right back into the cycle of foggy thinking, not getting a lot done, you won't be as productive. Don't take a couple of cups of coffee, a couple of cokes with caffeine in it, or some other acid to get your system overstimulated so the adrenaline wakes you up and the toxicity wakes you up. So you have the meat meal with fat. Always have fat with your meat because like I say, your body will make whatever food you're eating into all three elements that are needed in the body. Fats, protein, sugars. So if you're eating only protein, the body is going to make a certain amount into fat and a certain amount into blood sugar, into pyruvate. If you eat the fat with it, the body is going to make most of that meat, a little bit into pyruvate, and the rest is going to be used in protein for you to heal and regenerate cells. Reconstruct cells that are already alive and to divide cells that need reproducing. So always eat fat with your meat meals. Now I'm going to suggest that most of the time it's butter. People first get on this diet and after they've been on it for a while, they eat a lot of cream with their meat, it has the tendency to coat the meat and you don't digest as well. Cream is a very difficult fat to digest for most people. It's difficult because it's high in fluid. The liver has to use a lot of enzymes to make it into butter. It'll make some of that fat, some of that cream into nutrients that are to soothe the nervous system. And the only way we can get that particular cholesterol is from cream. But it's best not to have too much with your meat when you do it, when you have cream. So have only a little bit with your meat meal if you're going to have cream and make sure it's mostly butter that you have with your meat. And I would say at least three tablespoons if you're already overweight. If you're underweight like 90%, 99% of the people in here, then you need six, seven tablespoons of butter per meat meal. Sometimes I'll eat a whole, you know, cup. I'll eat, let's say, eight tablespoons of butter, one egg, about two tablespoons of lemon juice, and a tablespoon of honey. My lube formula. And that's all I'll eat of one meat meal. You have to be gaining weight.
Q: Is there excess butter?
A: There's no excess. Sometimes you'll see it in the urine if it's a little cloudy. But that usually means you're taking out some old, I always found a lot of LDL, old LDL crystallized fats that are discharging from the bladder and the kidney. So it's never wasted. Never wasted. The whole body will always utilize that. You have to realize that if you come from a cooked diet, which everybody has, onto a raw diet, more than half of the fats that you consume are going to go right through you after they've dissolved and ripped toxins out of your body. They're going to go out. So half the fats that you eat are all just going to pass through you. That means the other half you have to rebuild your system. You have to stabilize it and give you fuel. Then you're going to burn half of that. So there's very little fat that's going to stay in your body unless you're eating a tremendous amount, like me. I have to go through a pound every two days. Go incrementally upwards. When I'm in Asia, I have a pound every two days there and I never gain weight because I have no cream and I have no milk. I take my butter with me and I eat lots of coconut cream. Coconut cream won't put on weight for most people. For some people it will. So I encourage you to always eat lots of butter with your meat meal. If you have problems digesting it, then you have a lubrication formula where the lemon is with the butter and helps the liver to digest it. So, have your butter, eggs, some kind of fat with the meat meal. If you're at a place where you don't have butter, you have the meat, you have an egg with it or avocado or some kind of fat so you're not wasting your meat or burning it for fuel, except for very small amounts. Then, let several hours pass. This is a skeleton diet. You can drink milk in between, you can have honey in between, but the skeleton diet is next, calm the body. Let everything calm. Have a milkshake, that's where your cream comes in. Have anywhere from 3 to 6 ounces of milk, 1 to 4 ounces of cream, 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 to 6 eggs, depending on the size of the person that you are. That milkshake will relax the nervous system, will stabilize you for the rest of the day, will ground you.
Then, an hour and a half, two hours later, another vegetable juice. You've done a lot of digesting by this point, you've got rid of toxins from the toxins in the body. It seems like it's always going on, detoxing to a little extent all the time, so the blood, red blood cells, I mean red, the blood condition is going to get slightly acidic. So, we have another vegetable juice. It helps alkalinize the blood, without over-alkalinizing the stomach and intestines. Hour and a half, two hours, three hours later, usually won't be that long after vegetable juice. You have either another meat meal or your fruit meal. Now, there are people who have hypoglycemia, diabetes, where you need to eat three meat meals a day instead of two, because if the pancreas is in bad shape, you don't have the proper enzyme disassemblement to help you digest easily. So, you need to break your meat meal up into three meat meals, because, not because it's hard to digest meat, that's the easiest thing to digest on this diet. It's that the pancreas needs protein more often, if it has a problem. So, if you have to eat three meat meals a day, the second meat meal comes after the second juice. That may only be an hour. That's usually best, only an hour. Then, after that, you have a fruit meal. So, the people who are only having two meat meals a day, one first thing in the morning, one in the evening, that meal after that juice should be your fruit meal. Because fruit will cause high advanced glycation end products and that stickiness in the system, even if it's fresh fruit, if it's very ripe and high in sugar, it's going to create that problem. In Asia, the elderly, anybody over 25 only eats unripe fruit. Hard green mango. Everything's green that they eat. Green mango, green papaya. Nobody eats... Citrus. Completely green and unripe. So, it's not high in sugar. The kids nowadays are getting flooded by this garbage from TV. So, the younger ones are eating all this sugar. They're having all the dental problems. I went into the hospitals there and looked at the teenagers who had children.
I probably saw 127 of them from Bangkok to Vietnam. They were getting their stomachs looked at. And they all, I mean, 127 girls under 20 years old, 16 to 20 years old, who had a child, who had stretch marks that would look like plastic. They're getting all this plastic American food that's worse food than we get over here. Because all the garbage food that won't pass here gets sent over to these countries in Seoul. That includes at McDonald's. The worst of everything gets sent over here. And they're actually, a lot of that vegetable oil that you're using is actually coming out of the plastic on their stomachs. So, you see kids, young girls, having one baby and they have this distended stomach area that looks like they've had 15 children. And then they've been cauterized to stop some kind of bleeding. It's disgusting. It's terrible. Their mothers don't have that. I've seen the adults and they don't have that kind of condition. If the mother's had five or six children, sure, she's got a lot of some loose flesh, but she doesn't have those tremendous amount of scar tissue that these children do. The diet difference between now and the young generation and the older generation is night and day. Completely different. All this Americanized garbage Western food, European, whatever it is. All of it. And the elderly people who eat their normal diet who don't have that kind of condition going on. So, the elders don't eat any ripe fruit because they know it causes teeth degeneration. They know it will cause dementalization of the body. They know that if the sugar content's low, they won't have that problem. So, I encourage you not to eat ripe fruit. Eat green fruit. And always eat it with a fat because if it doesn't find fat, you better believe it's going to go for calcium first. That's going to lower your calcium level. That's going to cause your body to become over-acidic. It's going to demineralize your system. It's going to prevent bones from stabilizing. It's going to prevent you from replacing bone cells if you're losing bone cells. And everybody loses bone cells because of the metal toxicity in the environment and your diet. It gets into the heart bone. The bone discharges into the skin.
[audio cut]
A: Where's fluoride from? Fluoride is from manufacturing metals usually. Fluoride is so toxic that they can't even find ways to put it in particular storages. So, national security has figured a way to distribute all the fluoride from producing all of the military metal. Do you know how much military metal there is? Trillions and trillions of pounds produced every year in tanks, planes, guns, everything. Where does that fluoride go? It gets put in your water system as a benefit to your dental health. You know they used to experiment to prove that fluoride was good? And you know what the results were? Less dental decay. You know why? Because people had less teeth and their teeth were falling out. So they had less dental decay. If they let that apart, they had less teeth because people's teeth were falling out. They were losing their teeth. They were abscessing and falling out before they could decay from fluoride. So, all of this stuff is for to keep the machine going. The machine is going to break down and who is going to go with it? Everybody who gets diseases is going to go with it.If we look at the reports of animals that are fed cooked and raw foods like Pottengers cats, these studied for 10 years, 900 cats over a 10 year period, found that all the ones that were fed cooked foods had diseases. All the ones that ate raw foods had no diseases at all, lived congested in cages wonderfully together. Those that ate the worst foods, we put them into sections. Some were fed things like powdered milk and you know really overly processed foods. He says those we couldn't even put one or two to it. We had to put only one or two to a cage because they were killing each other. They were so hostile. Yet, the ones that were fed raw foods, we packed them into one cage and they were always happy. So, they also found that after the third generation, they became infertile, started becoming infertile. How much infertility is popping up now? I mean in the last 10 years, infertility is the big new business. Third generation.
What happened to the fourth with the cats and Howell with the rats? Howell did it with rats, same thing. Raw foods, no disease, cooked foods, all diseases. Every disease a man has. Fourth generation, all diseases started to break down. After the fifth, that was it. No reproduction. We all became extinct. It also showed that when they took the diseased animals and put them on good diets, the same raw diets the animals had before that didn't have disease, it took five generations for them to get optimally healthy again. Five generations for us means every cell has to be replaced in the body one time. That takes 7 to 7 and a half years. It's five times seven, almost 40 years. So, it takes 40 years for us to re-renovate the entire body. That's not bad, because you figure it took us 20, 21 years to build it, to finish it. Then to tear it down and rebuild it only takes 40 years. That's pretty good. The reason that the Howell and Pottenger said five generations, because once the animals reproduced, gave off their offspring, and the offspring became mature in a very short period of time, then they would kill that animal and do autopsy. So, they didn't get to fulfill their lives. But if we regenerate five times all the cells in our body, that's 40 years. Now, I've only been eating raw meat on a daily basis, it will be 23 years in December. I'm just over halfway, and I'm already satisfied. I can do things that I could never do as a child. I get healthier every day. Every day of time I go through a detoxification, I celebrate, because I'm that much stronger after that. I'm so full of poisons, though, some of the detoxes I go through are brutal. They may cripple. One time I was crippled for five days when I had spinal meningitis. It was very painful, but it only lasted five days. I used to suffer 365 days a year for three years, and then 366 days a year for that year, and that went on every year of my life, up until I started doing the raw meat. I did it every year, less days of detoxification.
Now I may spend only 30 days out of a year detoxifying. That's pretty phenomenal when I used to spend 365 to 366 days a year and suffer. And the detoxes get lighter, easier, and more joyful. Most of the other people who've gone through what I go through don't suffer like that. They'll get a pneumonia, they'll go to work. The only reason they may not go to work is because the other employees or the employees under them are afraid of them coughing and stuff like that around them, so they may not go to work for that reason. But they can still function with pneumonia. Okay, we're going to take that break now, so we have 10 to 15 minutes to eat, to do your excretions, and then we'll come back and start again.
A: We started this talk about foods, the carbohydrates, what they can do to cook, and what cooking does in general to foods, the toxicity it creates. And of course, if your body has to deal with toxicity, it has to use a lot of enzymes and vitamins just to deal with the toxicity. And we are born with a huge bank account, savings account. And if you eat cooked foods, we're constantly spending that savings account. Instead of using it for an injury or a particular time when we have to do a great deal of physical activity, that's when we get into that savings account. But on the diets, the SAD diet, the standard American diet out there, every day, every time somebody's eating something, it's spending their savings account. So by the time they get older age, there's no account left. It's been closed quite a while ago. And the only way to add to that bank account is to eat raw food. That's the only way you're going to get anything extra that you're not going to spend from your body. Every time you eat something cooked, the pancreas has to send out, it has to form hormones and send them out into the body to leach enzymes and vitamins and minerals and proteins and everything that's slightly uncontaminated from every cell in the body. So that's like the mafia going out with its thugs and taking a little bit of change from everybody on the streets to be delivered to Washington, D.C. to spend it for you. And that's basically how it goes. So if you eat raw foods, you won't be spending that savings account. It can be reserved for injury or under big times of physical exertion. Carbohydrates, like I say, burn very rapidly and there's lots of risk. Toxic byproducts, there's toxins. Columbia University found that in the human body, when the body uses carbohydrates as glycogen, that there is advanced glycation end product produced. And they found that in the human body it stores 70 to 90 percent. Listen to that. The byproduct, the garbage, the waste from carbohydrates stores 70 to 90 percent in the human body.
They say if you're a healthy person, 70 percent. If you're an unhealthy person, let's say with a damaged pancreas or kidney failure, 90 percent of it will store in your body. That's a tremendous amount of waste product. And if that is your major diet, guess what? You've collected a lot of advanced glycation end products. That doesn't also include the acrylamides and the rate that they store and all the other poisons. That's just looking at one natural byproduct of AGE, advanced glycation end products. When you eat a fruit, you produce carbohydrates that are formed into glycogen that have an end product, an advanced glycation end product. Even if they're raw, natural fruits. But your body can handle as much as is in a raw fruit, unless that's all your diet is. Then you're getting too much beyond what you can discard. So it stores and stores in the body. It's pretty well known that if the body is getting fed just a certain kind of food, let's say just grains. People are mainly eating grains. Well, we know that the body can form fats from the grains, acetones, and transfer them to the acetone. It can even utilize the fats and if the bacteria is high in the intestines and colon, it can manufacture more protein than normally exists by virtue of bacteria, E. coli. So the body can always do its best with whatever it gets. But what I'm talking about is what is ideal to reverse disease and to create an optimal state of functionality and, well, happy well-being. So, the body can take protein and make fats from it. It can make carbohydrates from it. And that's the best, cleanest carbohydrate that can be formed is from a protein. So what the body does is it takes the protein, forms it into pyruvate. The pyruvate then uses glucagon to make it into glycogen to run the nervous system and body. But the byproduct of advanced glycation end product is only 7% to 8% instead of 70% to 90%.
Your body can handle about 12% a year, I mean a day. You're only producing 7% to 8%. Obviously, meat and animal proteins are the way to go. Less toxicity is formed in the body, less nutrients have to be used to detoxify the system, and the highest rate of mental functionality comes from eating meats. And we'll get into times of the day and how that works after I talk about the foods. So, protein is also very necessary to restructure or rebuild cells and for reproduction of cells. The normal individual out there does not reproduce nerve cells after age 21. The medical profession says nerve cells can't be regenerated. That's it. Brain damage forever. Well, if that were so, my son would be a vegetable today or dead. He graduated college, did his thing, and he's fine. He's 40 years old now. That's my 40-year-old son. It scares me when I think about it. I'm an old man now. So, the brain will, and all the nerves, you know, the brain doesn't contain nerves, that's why you do brain surgery on somebody totally weak, because there's no pain there. There's no nerves in the brain. It's neurons. So, the neurons can reproduce, ganglia, synapse, all that can be reproduced as long as you're eating raw meat, is what I think. If you don't eat raw meat, for some reason, there's so much toxicity and the chemistry is so different that nerve cells and neurons cannot divide. That's how animal cells reproduce is they divide, they grow up, divide again, and grow up and keep going that way. And there's all kinds of theories about a cell can do that 50 times and then that's the end of it. So that cell can be linked 50 times to 50 times, it can no longer reproduce. But that's a theory that I've never seen, you know, proved in any kind of a laboratory or even a theoretical setting. So, it could be indefinite as far as I'm concerned. And the way I'm going at regenerating at almost 60 years old, to me, you know, I don't see it stopping. And I was nearly dead. I probably had only, you know, 30% of my body cells alive when I was 21 years old.
And now I've got 80% of my cells alive in my body. I still want to get up there where I'm only, you know, 5% dead cells, but that takes time. It takes a while to get there. So I've got another 17 years. Not too long when every day gets better. So, protein, the meat is so important. They say, you know, you get protein from nuts, you get protein from grains and stuff like that. In my experiments of working with animals and humans, animals are humans, yes, so animals, I found that the nuts don't supply a protein that's utilizable for cellular reproduction. Only raw meats can do that, and even dairy can't do it easily, even if it's raw, unless it's never been refrigerated. So, whenever I get milk when I can, like I was just in, you know, I was in [unintelligible], and I said, you know, I said to the woman who has the cows' milk, I said, bring two gallons of milk for me for my four days there, and don't refrigerate it. Get it warm out of the cow and just leave it out. Just put it in a dark area so it doesn't get bitter. And it was into kefir in a day and a half, and that's what I did. Easy. If you don't refrigerate the milk, all that, all the bacteria and all the life force in it stays very viable, and it will help regenerate cells almost as much as meat does, just like it does for an infant or a calf. But once it's been refrigerated, it reduces the ability, astronomically, for a human to grow that. Even a cow that's, a calf that's fed pasteurized dairy is usually a very weak calf, and if it survives five weeks, it's pretty lucky. So they're always giving it extra chemicals to boost it, because calves that are fed on only raw milk, I mean, pasteurized milk, die usually within the sixth week after birth. I mean, this is known. That's why they're spiking it with stuff. But there's still the FDA and USDA encouraging people. I just saw a statement, you know, last week that said, all farmers should know that they feed their calves pasteurized dairy. They're just trying to wipe out the little farmers, that's what they're trying to do. The only thing it can do? Bankrupt them, just hurt all diseased, and then what happens?
A big conglomerate is moving, and they dictate what the cows eat and what you eat. They can feed them all kinds of chemicals, medications, everything, and you have no choice, or else you starve to death. So the only way you're going to be saved from anything is to know people who have farms or have some land where you can grow things yourself. That's the big issue. Have some land that you can grow things on, if you want to survive in the next decades, because it's coming to that very quickly. Our rights to food are diminishing every week. And with all this disaster and everything, who gets all the money for relief? Because these big companies were getting the money to go in and take their garbage food, just like in the war time. Your troops eat only the rations you give them, that are produced by big manufacturers. That's basically the way it is. So if you want some rights, have some land, grow your own. Protein in the milk is better if it's raw. Reproduction of cells, cellular division, depends upon meat after you're 20 years old. It depends on under 20 years old, too. But at 20 years old, we stop producing much HGH, human growth hormone. That's usually the end of maturation, 20, 21. And what identifies that is the vast reduction in human growth hormone that's naturally produced by the pituitary and other cells in the body that produce growth hormone. So meat is the best thing that I've seen help facilitate that in my 28 years of eating raw meat. Although I've only been eating raw meat on a daily basis for 23 years, I've been eating raw meat for 28. The reason it took me so long to get to that point, because I became afraid after listening to all those people telling me, you're going to get a brain fluke, you're going to get some kind of disease. I knew it made me feel good, and I was impervious to the noise of people's fears for about three years. When I was eating it three times a week, I thought that maybe it was all that's necessary. But then after the poison mushroom, it practically destroyed my liver.
When I started eating meat on a daily basis in December of 82, I saw how much I progressed and how much quicker I progressed by eating meat on a daily basis. So I've been actually following and watching not only myself but other people eating meat, and regeneration and healing always progresses when people are eating meat at least twice a day, a pound a day, depending upon your size. You could probably use a pound and a half. I eat from one to three pounds a day. If I'm going through a sleepy period where I may sleep seven, eight hours a day for me that's a phenomenal amount of time to sleep. Ninety percent of healing happens in the sleep state. So I'm an opportunist. When I go into a sleep state, I double my meat. That means two pounds a day minimum. So that I can take full advantage of that sleep period. Because normally I sleep four and a half hours a day, five max. And I don't sleep all at one time. I may sleep two hours here, two and a half hours there, or three and a half hours here and an hour there. I don't need a lot of sleep.
Q: Do you feel good?
A: Pardon?
Q: Do you feel good?
A: Oh yeah. One time I went 21 days on an hour and a half sleep a day, ten minutes at a time. And I was suing the city of Los Angeles and the police department and federal court, and I'm not an attorney. But yet I did all the legal work myself. I had two stacks of legal breaches that I did and legal documentation this high. Two stacks that high. Did it all myself. I had 22 officers in that courtroom, tied up in that courtroom for 21 days. I had to travel from Malibu downtown. That was at least an hour, hour and ten minute trip. On my feet all day questioning these detectives and police and city officials. Then driving back home and then preparing for the next day. So I was only getting an hour and a half sleep a day. Sometimes it was right during the trial. I'd pick a time when I knew I had ten minutes to doze, and I ate right in front of the judge. I said, Judge, I've been diagnosed with diabetes. I have to eat my food all during court. There's nothing you can do to stop me. But I went, and after that 21 days, my normal sleep pattern, four and a half, five hours. No problem. Didn't lose any energy, and I was bright and wide awake for that whole thing.
Q: Did you win?
A: No, I did not win. You know why? The judge knows exactly what, all the right wrenches to throw in. And the worst one was he thought I was going to win like everybody else did. So when the jury left for deliberation and came back, there was a different juror on the jury. That juror had worked for the police department for ten years. Two of the jurors waited for me after the trial and said, Well, this person came on the jury, and she said if we didn't have this and didn't have this, then we could never find those policemen guilty. I mean, they have the smoking gun, and because they didn't see the smoke, all of a sudden they're not guilty. So these people were bamboozled by it. But I took it all the way up to the Supreme Court of California. I had 21 reasons that the judge had made errors during the trial, and six of them were as bad as that juror implantation. And the Supreme Court, the appellate court, and then the Supreme Court, didn't even respond to those six. Didn't even respond to them. All the other, you know, 15, they just threw them away. Like they were, oh, that wouldn't be enough to cause a mistrial. Those six were very important. Yes.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's that way all over. It's just not California. Just not California. So, no, but I won in that. See, I was doing a lot of research on Venice Beach because I was trying to reach... I was writing my book, and I needed to experiment on thousands of people instead of the hundreds that I've worked with. I wanted to see how my diet would work on a lot of people. And Venice Beach sees 10 million people a year. Back in those days, through the late 80s and early 90s. 10 million people a year cross Venice Beach. Second biggest tourist spot in California. Versus Disney. Disney World. So, I put a little table out there, and I put myself down as a psychic nutritionist. So, what I did was I would do, like, palm readings out there. And, you know, I'd get people with all kinds of diseases, and I'd talk them into doing the diet. And then they would come back with their results. And I mean, I had some big... I had the International Bank Manager of Bank of America, you know, changed his whole life. And he got rid of his disease. I am slightly psychic. I helped him get a castle in France for half of... I mean, for three quarters of a million dollars instead of a million and a half. But, you know, that's just flukes that happen to me sometimes, and I'm able to do that. So, I told him that if you offer this person six hundred and... I mean, seven hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars, they will take it. He said, wait a minute, they're asking a million and a half. And I said, just offer that. I think they'll take it. Offered it and took it. Just like that. So, he gave me a hundred dollars an answer. But, you know, I just use that to get people to do the diet, to find out about the diet and how it worked. So, I had over thirty-three hundred people in that six-year period come back to me and tell me their results so that I was able to incorporate them into the remedy section, you know, of the book.
So, I knew it would help a lot of people, because my limited experience of doing five hundred people over a fifteen-year period, or eighteen-year period, didn't, you know, I'm not comfortable, I wouldn't be comfortable with saying this is going to help so many people. It's going to help eighty percent of those who try it, or whatever. So, with that kind of experience with a lot of people, I was able to be secure in that it would help a lot of people, because the people on Venice Boulevard come from all walks of life, you know, who would come to this entertainment to see Venice Beach. So, I was very happy with that. I don't know how people like Jordan Rubin can be nutritionists for two or three years and put out a book and say, this is what works. I say, give me a break. I was there twenty-eight years before I even considered to publish a book. I mean, how do you know unless you've done it enough? It doesn't make any sense to me, but everybody's an expat out there with no experience, lots of thought processing and no experience. Everything in my book is from experience. It's not theoretical. It's what has worked. So, you can use it. I'm sure that you can use it. That's why it works so well with the people who do it. Okay, then fats. Fats, last but not least, is the most important nutrient we need in a toxic society. Like I said, the liver makes sixty varieties of cholesterols to do three main functions. One is to cleanse the body, the other is to give it energy, and the other is to protect and sustain it. Thirty different cholesterols minimum for each variety of those functions. Cholesterol is the best thing we can have. The higher your cholesterol, the better. I've got an Olympic gymnast, well, when she was ten years ago. She had about 327 cholesterol levels, LDL very high. She would get a flu about every six weeks, and it would knock her out, take weight off of her. She couldn't even work out for about a two, sometimes two and a half week period.
So, they were getting ready to kick her off the team, the Olympic team, because she would build up, she'd do better than anybody else, then she'd get sick, break down, and couldn't continue. So, then somebody suggested that she do my routine, so she came, gave her a diet. Cholesterol stayed at 327, but guess what? She didn't go into those detoxifications like that. She went on to win nicely. Now that's the same as she was, but she won nicely. 327 her levels stayed at, but here we're talking about she had good fats in her body. The body's always going to throw off toxic fats from toxicity in the system. When your body has good fats in it, it's going to remove the old toxic fats in the body. Now, what's a toxic fat? We know that cooked fats turn into a different kind of toxin, like, what do we call them? Come to me in a minute. Anyway, fats have a main toxin that are formed from cooking, lipid peroxide. They cause oxidization of the system. They are an oxidized fat, so they are putrid. So, they start putting off massive gases and chemicals. And you know that most of our cleaning compounds are all from oils. Every cleaning compound we have in this world has an oil base, usually petroleum based, which is mainly vegetable oil. Now, what happens with vegetable oils in the human body? How does that process in the system? An herbivore has a body temperature of about 91 degrees. Ours is 98.6. Does that have a difference in vegetable oils to animal oils? Well, I found in the laboratory that vegetable oil is used in the human cell. After 5, 10, 15 years depending upon the health of the individual, then it dries and crystallizes. When it's in an herbivore, who has a body temperature of 101 or thereabouts, it stays fluid all of their life. It does not crystallize and harden and dry. Everybody know what amber is? The stone amber? No, it's a tree fat. It's a stone.
That's what happens if those fats are kept at a temperature outside of the vegetation under 100 degrees. It dries and crystallizes and becomes stone. That's what's causing all your hardening of the arteries and heart. We didn't have all that 50 years ago before margarine came out. There was very little heart disease. There was very little MS. There was very little osteoporosis, I mean arteriosclerosis. Very little of that existed except in vegetarian communities. We had lots of vegetable oil. We had these margarine companies that were selling vegetable oils, hydrogenated vegetable oils, which is plastic, same electro-structured plastic, telling everybody that animal fats are causing hardening of the arteries and heart. It's just the opposite. The tribes that eat all cooked meat have no arteriosclerosis. They have no heart disease. Where did the myth come from? Selling product. They wanted to sell margarine. They wanted to sell safflower oil. Before that, I mean all we lived with was lard and animal fats, butter, lard and butter. That was it. Then all of a sudden this vegetable oil craze came from World War II. Now heart disease is the highest rate of disease, biggest killer. Animal fats stay fluid in the body even if they're cooked. The tribes that eat cooked meat and eat those fats cooked, the worst diseases they have are a little dental decay, osteoporosis and gout. A little bone loss, gout. This is their main problem. Arthritis and rheumatism because of the bone problem. They don't have any heart disease, no arteriosclerosis, no MS, nothing like that. Hardening comes from vegetable oil. Hydrogenating oils causes them to have the same molecular structure as plastic. That's how plastic was formed. Some guy was sitting with the oil being processed, fell asleep, woke up. Six hours later, the oil had been subjected to a whole different process than normal and he ended up with plastic. He got fired and he got in trouble. The liquid industry came out of it. Plastic is the number one industry in the world right now.
That's what you're eating when you're eating hydrogenated peanut oil, peanut butter, any kind of oil. You're eating plastic, molecular structure of plastic. Body cancer does that. And then it's going to crystallize and harden in your system because of your low body temperature. Not a good thing. Animal fats are good, protective, always stay solid in your body. They protect you, they give you the energy and they absorb everything. If you look at tests that say, where are toxins found in the body? Concentrations of toxins, wherever your fat is found, bone marrow, brain, glands, it's where most of the concentrations of fats, concentrations of poison. So, being overweight is a good thing, isn't it? Because you can absorb the poison. I'll give you an example. Two years ago, I was in Asheville, North Carolina. There was a group there forming a community called Earth Haven. And they're all naturally based people trying to recycle everything the so-called conscious way. Ninety-nine percent of them were all long-term vegetarian, getting very sick. We're talking 15 to 32 years of vegetarianism. Very sick people. One of them was so ill, he was only like 40 years old, so ill that his entire face was black around his eyes, gray skin, skinny as can be, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia means you ache everywhere. Chronic fatigue means he had no energy to get out of bed. So, he went on my diet. He got my book, did my diet. Six months later, this is a different man. Six months. All these other vegetarians looked at him and said, wow. So, 90% of those vegetarians went on my diet. I mean, they went from completely vegetation-based. They were raising their own pigs or goats, everything. All of a sudden in one year, the whole place changed, sprouted with these animals all over the place. So, after the third year going there, all of a sudden this very unusual-looking fellow walked in, probably 25 pounds overweight. Looked like he came right out of a motorcycle gang. Very thick skin. Looked like he had been doing drugs and alcohol for 25 to 30 years.
And I was supposed to read, you know, do the iridological, you know, investigation, analyzation, put him on a diet. And, you know, he just wasn't of this variety. He looked like he came out of a motorcycle gang. This is a far cry from these very conscious people who thought they were doing themselves good all this time on the vegetarian diet. So, I sat down with him, took a photograph of his iris and read them. And I said, you know, this doesn't make sense. I can tell you've done drugs and alcohol, abused them for about 25, 30 years. He admitted 30 years. And I said, but you don't have any of the internals, or you have very little of the internal scarring that normally exists. I don't see any cirrhosis of the liver. I don't see any breakdown of the kidneys. None of that. And you're probably in better health than most people that I see, you know, at 51, which he was at the time. So, I said, this doesn't make sense to me, with what you've done, what you've been through. And I said, you're only, you know, 25 pounds overweight and fat. He said, well, let me tell you about that. He said, three months ago before I went on your diet, I was 300 pounds. 300 pounds of fat is where all that toxin is stored in the system. He was well protected. Wasn't good fat, but it still went to the fat. So, when the fat went, the toxins went with it. Because the toxins were in the fat. If you don't have excess fat, where do the poisons go? Intracellular. They'll damage the system. Poisoning your system. What about that guy who went on record, you know, who was about 110 years ago? He went in front of a bunch of people, and he made this huge wager that he could drink a half a cup of arsenic, not eat anything after it, not vomit, and live. That guy made wagers with some very wealthy people, and he had good money. So, he ended up several million dollars. We're talking about late 1800s.
So, he drank a half a cup of arsenic. It was fine. On his deathbed, he gave the answer. He ate a cup of clay with oil. So, he knew the timing was exact. He knew that when he drank the arsenic, it would all be bound in the clay and the fat to protect him. You, everyday, breathe toxicity, and if you're underweight, you're not going to survive. Cells are going to be killed because it's going to go into the cells instead of fat to protect you. So, you should be happy about your weight. You should be happy about your weight. Everybody, you should get fatter, fatter, fatter. You're pretty good. Much fatter.
Q: Wouldn't that slow you down if you get fatter?
A: You need to slow down. Everybody needs to slow down.
Q: No, what I mean is like, normally, if you, wouldn't it cause you to be fat and unpopular, and just have shortness of breath, like if you're walking up the steps instead of getting in the elevator?
A: Oh, it might. It might. Most people, it doesn't matter that they're doing this kind of diet. If they're using raw fat, good fat, to do it, it usually doesn't cause that. When you have oxidized fats from cooking, and you have all the lipid peroxides floating in the blood, it takes a lot more oxygen to deal with that toxicity. If you're eating raw fats to put on the weight, it usually doesn't cause that problem. I've only seen it in about 2% of the population, and they were people that already had arteriosclerosis, or already had heart disease.
Q: Could you maintain your high weight?
A: I prefer you to wait. I'll write your question down until we get the question answered here. So, fats are very important. I encourage everybody to put on weight.
[audio cut]
A: ...use 5% carbohydrate to burn fat optimally in the citric acid cycle. That's all you need is 5% for good metabolism. For detoxification, you're going to need a little bit more fruit, but never more than 10% of your diet. If you're first going on the diet, I say never encourage detoxification. Only do 5% fruit. After you've been on it for a year, year and a half, then you can start increasing your fruit and causing detoxification. And that's good, but never over 10%. Leave it at 5% for a while. So, if you're eating, let's say this, it's a good time to eat your cream. Coconut cream is the best dissolver there is. Let's see if I've got a lid here. See this lid? It's a certain type of plated tin. This is a little bit less corrosive than tin, so it's harder to get it to rust. But I can take cream, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, any kind of pressed oil, flax oil, safflower oil, put it on this metal, and it'll take days to a week to start breaking down this metal. If I put coconut cream on here, in an hour it will turn gray. Coconut cream rips metal out of the body and dissolves it. So coconut cream is a very important part of our detoxification. It is a great cleanser. Did you know that 50 years ago, 90% of all soaps contained coconut. That was our major soap. Whether it was for our car, whether it was for our body, it was coconut. It was all coconut. Not anymore. Back in the old days, we used to render lard and clean with pig fat. That was our soap. But then it became coconut when we used boats and transportation and planes to get the coconut oil here. And now it's all from soybean, oil, anything that they can grow quickly and easily, get a lot of fat from it, and then sell it and make it easier so they don't have to worry about picking the coconuts, growing them, and all this stuff. What's fast, it's the easiest, and more lucrative is what they do. And all those soaps out there are toxic. The best internal body soap is the coconut cream.
That means taking a mature coconut with thick white meat inside, prying it out, putting it through a juicer to separate the pulp from the cream, the thick cream that will come out. That is the best thing for cleaning the body. So you have a, you know, like, say, you have some intestinal problems, and you're very bloated around the stomach, and you have to move through it very slowly. Anywhere from a half to a whole cup of green, it's hard pineapple as you can find, so it's white inside and not yellow. That means it's high in enzymes, low in sugar. Blend it with about one, two, three, four ounces of coconut cream, about a tablespoon of butter, about a tablespoon of dairy cream. Or if you don't want to detox like that, use all whipped cream. I like delicious whipped cream, but maybe a tablespoon of coconut cream and a little honey. And you can vary it. Make a custard in the afternoon with some papaya and egg and butter and honey. It thickens. Just by blending it, it thickens like custard.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: It's in both of those. Yeah, well, the papaya helps, yes, provide enzymes for the intestines. The pineapple helps cleanse the intestines of the debris that's causing a lot of complications. So you never know which it is, so you can do both, alternate one day to the other, the papaya or the pineapple, and then you'll facilitate the intestines for you. But let's say you have lots of heavy metals in the body. You could eat, you know, the coconut cream with berries. Berries help remove toxic heavy metals from the system. So you have the coconut cream with a little butter, a little dairy cream, and a little honey. That's your afternoon fruit meal. Or you could just sit down and you say, I don't want to cause any kind of detoxification, but I want to have a little, you know, fruit sugar, some carbohydrate to help burn the fats, so I have enough energy. So I'm going to sit down with a green pear and eat it with cheese and butter. Or an apple, a green apple. So it's just better, preferable to eat it green and to snack that way. There are other suggestions in the recipe for what we could be eating for the fruit meal. Then several hours later, another juice or not. If you're one of those people who has a sugar problem, diabetes, or hypoglycemia, or very overweight, this would be the time for another vegetable juice to get ready for your next meat meal. So you have another vegetable juice. Some people don't need another vegetable juice, so they go right into the next meat meal. Two or three hours after that fruit meal. Maybe three and a half hours. Then again, the fat with that meat meal should be predominantly butter. And honey will help you digest. Honey provides lots of enzymes. Then in the evening, either nothing or another milkshake or a couple of raw eggs. Two, six raw eggs and a tablespoon of honey and butter mixed together. Then if you're a person who doesn't have to wake to urinate during the night, set an alarm. It takes you 15 minutes to go to sleep. You set the alarm for five hours and 15 minutes.
Because if the body goes five hours without eating, all the protein is used in the blood. So the red blood cells become cannibalistic and eat other red blood cells. Even if you're 700 pounds. And the only people who are safe doing that are the Maasai, the Sabaruru, and the Fulani who grew up on raw food. Their red blood cells are all healthy, so eating their own red blood cells is not a problem for them. But for us, it's highly toxic. So you see people that go eight, ten hours of sleep and they wake up rotten. Like they didn't have any sleep. Blood is too acidic. The red blood cells have eaten each other. Very toxic condition. So if you wake up, say you've made a milkshake, and you drank half of it before you went to sleep. And then when you wake up after that five hours, you drink the other half of the milkshake. Or down a couple of raw eggs. Or some room temperature milk that has a little protein in it. It's got to be something protein. You just can't have cream or butter and honey. It's got to be more concentrated than protein. You can even have a meat meal. You know, have a half a cup of meat, go back to sleep, with a tablespoon of egg and honey or something like that. So when you wake up after, you know, when you wake up after your normal eight hours of sleep, if you get that much, you'll be bright and energetic. Let me give you an example. This fellow who was in his mid-40s, about 46 when he came to me, and he looked like he was an old man. He looked up like this. He just had no energy. He was sore and had severe fibromyalgia at the beginning. So he went on the diet. After three years, you know, standing up straight, you know, robust, feels good. He says to me, you know, he says, I just don't get it. I've done this diet for three years now, and I wake up and I don't get moving until it's 10 noon, 10 o'clock or noon. I said, John, how many seminars have you been to? And he said three. And I said, okay. What did I say about waking up after five hours? Are you doing that? No.
So that night he did it. The workshop was doing this like the next day. He was bright-eyed. That was his key. That was a big change for him. His red blood cells eating other red blood cells was way too toxic for him, even though he was on the diet, even though he was a hundred percent. He got up and ate some milkshake. I think he had one egg and two ounces of milk and I think he said an ounce of cream tonight. He drank that, went back to sleep, woke up, ready to go. That's all it took. Just that little alteration. So the body functions just like a machine. If there's one fluid that gets low, the oil gets low, it's going to get sluggish, doesn't have its fuel, it's not going to have its energy, vitality. So we have to consider everything that happens with the body. Water. What is that they say? Consume eight glasses a day or more? What does water do? Water, if you look in an archaeological book, a textbook, it lists solvents. The first solvent on the list is water. When it rains, it dissolves rock, plants eat. So know that when water goes into your body, it's going to dissolve toxicity in your system. It's going to dissolve non-toxicity, it's going to leach substances out of your body. How can you control H2O not to do that, to be exclusive to dissolve? You want to dissolve and leach out of the body what you want to leach. The only way that can happen is a coupling of many nutrients and it will never happen with water. Your foods, milk, 86% water. Meat, 55% water or 45% water depending upon how the animal grazes. Most of your food is water. Almost everything you eat and drink is predominantly water. Biologically bound with other nutrients. Let's say you've got a potassium molecule bound with a sodium molecule that have also harnessed a couple of pyruvate molecules, a vitamin D, a vitamin E. All that couples together and goes into a cell and that cell gets a smorgasbord of nutrients. When you have water H2O in there, it starts fractionating everything to where nothing is in a nice balance.
So only eat water, drink water, little at a time, very little at a time. You will need some, everybody needs some water because it's like taking concentrated detergents. You can put them on something, you know, on dirt and it won't even break it down until you add water to it. Then all of a sudden it works. Your body needs a little extra water but you have to be careful about how you give it to it and how much you give to it at a time. So just be careful. During the winter, I drink one or two sips of water, that's about two tablespoons a day. Winter, the fall and winter with cold. Summer, I may drink up to two cups a day but always a few swigs at a time. I don't sit down and drink a glass of water, a few swigs at a time. Throughout the day I'm going to have it. Mainly I go for juices. I do my juices religiously even in the summer. I don't drink water. I prefer other types of juices. You can make a mixture of cucumber or tomato or a combination of cucumber and tomato. A little honey, a little cream, maybe a little lemon juice and you have that throughout the day when you get thirsty. Then you've got a lot of enzymes and vitamins active with that water so you're just not drinking water. The only time I do the water thing is when I'm in Asia and food is not easy while I'm traveling.
Q: Blend or juice?
A: Blend them. Unless you're an elderly person that gets a lot of the tomato seeds may cause, when people want to verticulize, the tomato seeds can cause a little bit of a problem. But that's in very few people. I only have probably two clients that can't eat... They have to have the seeds removed from the tomatoes before they can eat them. They're both in their 70s. That's usually not a problem. Water, just realize what water is. Water leaches, dissolves compounds. It does not deliver good nutrients to your cells, but it can help them dissolve some external garbage. So keep water to a minimum. Keep foods with water in them. Let that be your major nutrient. Now look at the aborigines in Australia. 140 degree desert. They don't drink water. They'll pull a root out of the ground, they grate it, and then they wring it and they drink that. Three ounces of water, four ounces of water a day from vegetable juice is all they drink. They know that if they drink water they're going to dry out. They're going to get hungry and they're going to break down. So they stay away from water. These are human beings that live in a desert and still will not drink water. So be careful about water. All right, is everybody oversatiated with too much information? Then we're going to get into questions and answers now. This is your chance if I'm missing something. Same thing, that's just water. I like carbonated water, like I said in the book, because I found that if you're using naturally carbonated water like Gerolsteiner, Pellegrino, San Pellegrino, Apollonaris, Ramlosa, Perrier, all of those that are naturally carbonated, there's more nitrogen in the digestive tract and more oxygen in the blood when that kind of water is consumed than just the water. So I'm always trying to get the greatest value out of everything. And also you'll almost only find those waters in glass. Perrier is now putting out plastic. Plastic leaches phthalates, and PCBs and other toxins. They claim it doesn't. That's a lie.
Q: I'm a carpenter. I work outside in the suburbs where it gets to be 98 degrees and you're just sweating buckets. What should I be preparing for that work?
A: Like I say, make a gallon of that cucumber or cucumber-tomato or tomato-and-lemon mixture, one of those. Have different ones.
Q: Just blend it and add it to the water?
A: No, no, no. Just drink those.
Q: Just drink those?
A: Yeah, as your fluid. And then maybe if you're doing that kind of labor, you're going to need probably three cups of just plain water in a day if you're doing that kind of work.
Q: Do you blend it like in a Vitamix?
A: A Vitamix is too fast. It oxidizes the food and they cook it. So like I said in both books, you get a blender, like the Osterizer is the best, and then screw the bottom. You get a quart or a half gallon with a small amount, screws right onto it, turn it upside down, blend it. Find the right size of jar for the amount of food that you're blending so oxygen doesn't go down into your food while you're blending. If it does, you're going to oxidize a third of your nutrients. So just after you're blending, you're going to destroy another third of your nutrients. If you're blending in the jar with a very little amount of air in there, you're not going to oxidize your nutrients.
Q: Do you peel the cucumber?
A: That's a good question. If you like to be horny and you like sex and you like to feel erect, peel the cucumber. Works for men and women that way. It acts like a Viagra. However, in my experiments with men and some women, the peel in about 40% of the people caused just the opposite. It was difficult to get that way, either clitoral or vaginal, I mean either clitoral or penile. So if you have to experiment and find out if you leave the peel on, if you have a problem sexually performing or having orgasm, then you want to stay away from the peel. So that has to be something you have to explore to find out. I know it makes me very mental if I have to leave it on. The peel, so it's a good way to control me. I eat the peel. Unless I have a girlfriend, then I won't eat that. I won't eat the peel.
Q: In the winter, when we don't get warm, how do you keep from getting cold when it comes from the house to home?
A: Well, you just have your car warm. Take it from your warm car to your warm house. Do the best you can.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Eggs should never be refrigerated. If you find that they're refrigerated, then just don't re-refrigerate them.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, they're usually sitting on the eggs. They leave those eggs only exposed to the cold for no more than an hour while they go out to feed. The eggs have to be in refrigeration for about six to eight hours before it destroys the bacteria, but they can reform again after about 12, 24 hours at room temperature. If you're getting your eggs from a store like this, find out when they get their eggs because the law says that they have to arrive at the store at a certain temperature. The egg farmers don't have to have these huge walk-ins to hold eggs. They can just be out. Even in the summer, they put them on refrigerated trucks so they don't have to go through the process of putting them through the walk-in, the walk-ins into the truck. So the law provides for them that the eggs arrive at a certain temperature like 47 degrees, 48 degrees. Depends on the state that you're in, California, it's 45 degrees. So it has to arrive at the store at 45 degrees. The store has no regulations about it has to get into storage right away. It's just that these people here will check the temperature occasionally to make sure it's that temperature, but they don't have to put it into cold storage immediately. If you know a day it's coming in, you know that it's only been refrigerated and cold for a few hours. So pick the eggs up on that day.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Mercury fillings, that's a far stretch from refrigeration too. Mercury fillings are horrendous, but be on the diet two and a half years before you have them removed. Because everybody who has them removed is going to go through a major mercury detoxification because all the mercury that's going up into that nerve is going to start dumping. Every tooth that the mercury is removed. So you better be on the diet for at least two and a half years before you do it.
Q: What are the symptoms of that?
A: Usually people get very sick headaches, vomiting, nausea, they go into chronic fatigue. I've seen a lot of ill effects from it.
Q: Do you recommend people get it out?
A: I recommend they get it out, absolutely. But after two and a half years, so you don't have those side effects. You're healthy enough to go through it.
Q: I got it out a couple of years ago now, but I've had a lot of headaches since then.
A: Yep. If you follow that, it's usually that. Mercury starts passing through and if you don't have the proper nutrients, that mercury is going to store everywhere, usually in the joints.
Q: My first question is about fats that you talked about.
A: Fasting?
Q: No, fats.
A: Fats.
Q: Fats. And it's protection against cancers. You weren't specific, you just said cancer in general. I was looking at some study that [unintelligible] and he had put a group of men who had prostate cancer on a low-fat diet and actually claimed the result of the study that there were reversal, that the PSA dropped and other things like that. So I'm wondering if the fats that you talked about in terms of certain types of cancer.
A: I'll just explain the reason.
Q: I'm sorry?
A: You don't have to qualify the question. I'll give you the answer.
Q: Yeah.
A: What he asked was, he said that fats will, you know, he referred to my statement about fats protecting you from cancer and other diseases. And yet, Dean Ornish did an experiment with people, men with prostate cancer and found that if you put them on a fat-free diet that the prostate would reverse in some circumstances. He doesn't count how many. And it only worked with probably 40% of the men. I know that test. I know that experiment. But it worked in 40% of the situations. Why? Like I said earlier, the body seeks fat to store poison. On a fat-free diet, the body's going to start ripping fats out of everywhere it can. So all of a sudden, the prostate started shrinking and the poisons went with the fat. They were stored in the prostate. So in 40% of those cases, the fats took the poisons with it and the prostate was able to shrink and heal. 60% of men didn't stop.
Q: Is it because there's any data to determine whether or not those people were fatter or had more body fat?
A: No. There was no separation from any of that. He had no consciousness about that. So no conclusion can come from that because he didn't give that information. Whether he kept it or not, I don't know. I'm sure in his records he had, this guy was this tall, had this frame and had this much weight, but he didn't give us that information. He had a particular idea of the test that he wanted the results, people to believe him. But then when you say to him, wait a minute, 40%? How many out of all those 40% reversed? What happened to the other 60%? So there's got to be other factors in it. Because if it was only the fat issue, then all of them, or at least 80% of them, would have reversed their prostate cancer. But that didn't happen. Yes?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: He's talking about contagious. He was at a military school as a child and everybody got to chickenpox at once. So he's wondering, how can that not be contagious? Well, is the sun rising every day a contagious thing? The rooster sits and crows every time the sun's going to come up. The rooster crowing calls the sun to rise. No. So you have to look at coincidences. When the body goes into chickenpox, it's usually at a certain age. Not everybody got it. But maybe 40% of the population. And that's all that I've ever seen. No more than 40% of the children get chickenpox at the same time. Others get it at other times. But many children get it at the same time because that is the age that that particular nerve detoxifies in the skin. It's like an early version of herpes. It's a neurological plate detoxification. It's either the blood platelets detoxifying metal or the nerve endings in the skin discharging metal.And it will happen at a certain age normally. So that's why that occurred.
Q: So you're saying that the healthy children in the healthy tribes, they don't get chickenpox?
A: Correct. No. Chickenpox is unknown in those tribes. Disease is unknown in those three tribes. No, four tribes. Maasai, Samnuru, Fulani, and the Inuit.
Q: And the Eskimos?
A: It depends. The Eskimos live our age, but they're under very strenuous conditions. They eat an awful lot of frozen food. You see them fishing, they'll pull up a fish and it's frozen by the time it reaches their mouth. It means they're eating popsicles a lot. A lot of enzymes are destroyed. So unlike the other raw food tribes, they live about 105, 110 at the most. The other tribes, 140, 150 years old. And that's what we should be living. We should be living seven times the time that it takes us to finish maturation. All creatures live seven times the time it takes them to finish maturation. So let's say a dog finishes maturation about two and a half, two and three quarters years old. So you should live to 18 to 20 years old. Cat, same thing. But I've seen cats live up to 26 years old. But if they're on a good raw diet, their maturation is slower. We should be living to 147 years old. It's 21 years.
Q: How about people that have hepatitis C?
A: Hepatitis is not the disease. The disease is the toxicity in the liver that is so toxic, like I said, it causes a virus. All herpes are virus. There's no bacterial herpes. It's always such a toxic condition that the herpes is the last ditch effort to bring that liver back to life. That's why herpes is not reversible because they keep poisoning the liver. They keep taking antibiotics and chemotherapy for hepatitis. They're trying to kill something that's not alive. Virus is not alive. You can't kill it. It's ridiculous.
Q: Pretty much doing the raw diet would help somebody with that condition.
A: I've had probably 200 cases of hepatitis completely reversed. The liver's in great condition after about six years on the diet.
Q: What do you do around the holidays with family that are not supportive of your regimen or whatnot? Or if you're invited out to go eat to a restaurant or meet with friends, do you just bring your own food? And also, these are the airports. When you travel through the airport, they're not willing to do some of these manual checks. Occasionally, an inspector is willing to manually check your food, but 80% of the time, they won't do that.
A: Well, right now, it's a little trouble. Even I can't get it through because of the new scares that are going on. But up to a month ago, it was only for about a six-month period where they got really nasty, and I had to go through an hour of dance with them to get them to do it and threaten to sue them and call their bosses and their bosses' bosses all the way up to Washington, D.C. And I had that all worked out. So it worked for me 99% of the time. But over the last three weeks, they're getting tough again. So I only take enough to chow down before I get on the plane to get me to the other end, and I have all kinds of lovely people with the food for me at the other end.
Q: So you take enough to chow down?
A: Right before I get on the plane. I make them watch me eat the raw eggs in front of them. And you talk about salmonella afraid. These people, they say, if you don't get out of here and eat those, we're going to call the police. I say, call the police. Police come and say, you can't eat that here. I said, I paid my ticket here. I'm allowed on this property, and I can eat anything I want. You have to prove to me that this is dangerous. Prove to me that this egg is dangerous. If you can't do that, you take me to court, and you think that I'm going to be found guilty for eating a raw egg? That it's a crime?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, I eat it all before I go through. I eat it right there where they've been put. They don't allow me to go. If they won't hand-check it, I make them watch me eat a half a dozen to a dozen eggs right in front of them, and then down a half a quart...
Q: Can you [unintelligible]?
A: Oh, sometimes I ask. They just freak out. They freak out. But I discipline them that way. Also open their minds. Most people won't do what I do to make them wake up, but I will do it. I'm not sure that any of you can back up what you do. I can.
Q: How about family and friends?
A: Family and friends, that's very easy now. I tell them I have allergies. If I eat that food, I'm going to get sick. You want to be responsible for me getting sick. Let me tell you, when you say allergies are responsible for you getting sick, what is it you said you wanted? You want me to get you some raw meat and I cook it? Okay. That's what I get now. They will give me anything I want, but usually I'll take it so they don't have to bother, because they never get exactly what I want. I just take my own.
Q: What about if you go on a longer flight, like eight, ten hour flights? What do you do then?
A: Usually when I go to Asia, it's easy. I go to China Airlines or Japan Airlines, and I explain it to one of their supervisors, and they take the food, they have it hand-checked, then they give it to a dock worker, a loader, personally to deliver it to them at the plane, and then they give it to me. One time, one China Airlines supervisor was so strong, he went through, up to TSA, and he says, you hand-check this. He says, you hand-check this. This man's got a doctor's note. His food is his medicine. You hand-check this. Well, they did. They did what he told them to, because ultimately, your airline has power. So if you want to go put pressure on your airline first, you can do that. Your odds of getting through TSA are better. Yes?
Q: You were talking about prices for labs before. Did you get $200 in Hanoi?
A: Oh, it was $200 in Hanoi and $2,200 here in the States.
Q: And why is it so expensive?
A: I don't know. That was relatively cheap, actually. I had to go to Kansas to get that one, to a laboratory in Kansas to get that price. You want $2,800, $3,200 to do that kind of a toxicity test. See if they check for bacteria. That's normal for them. $600, $700, $800. But when I went in to check for all kinds of contamination, I want to know what chemical, what chemical combinations there are. Like one girl, she and her boyfriend went on the diet. Here's a guy, you can go to a website called, and they have one of my patients, Jeff Slay. Skinny as skinny can be. Looked like an Auschwitz victim. Went to the doctors for two years, and they said he was in perfect health. Poor guy's deteriorating to skin and bone. And he's 15 pounds lighter than that picture. Terrible. Went on the diet, five months later, he's robust, and you see the next picture of him. You know, you feel stocky and all this. You know, red and glistening and colorful and happy.
Q: Looks like a college student who just got back from Florida.
A: Yeah, and the other one, he looks like he's 50 years old and getting ready to die.
Q: Yeah.
A: He was only 30 years old at that time. And he and his wife went to a sushi bar, and she came home and started vomiting. He called me and said, do you think it was the fish? And I said, well, if you happen to think to save the vomit, you can find out which it was vomiting, whether it was the fish or something chemical in the vomit, you know, the dumps under his stomach that caused the vomit. So he said, I did save it. So I said, now find a laboratory, which one to analyze. It was $2,200 to analyze that for any kind of chemical and any kind of heavy matter to do all those tests. So he spent the money, and he came back with the amount of compounds were phenomenal. Most of them were medication. One looked like it was almost identical to the date rape drug, since maybe somebody had given his girlfriend before he went with her, you know, while she was in high school or college, gave her the date rape drug. So these kind of compounds were very high volume of that vomit. Very little bacteria, very little fish was in that vomit. And the, what else, oh, and a high concentration of lipids. Again, that's there to protect. What do you think saved that woman from that 3,000 times, 3,000 times the lethal dose of thallium in her stomach? What prevented that from killing her, you know, right then, two months before she died? What prevented that? All of the lipids, the fats that were surrounding and impounding kept it from killing her. The fats are so important. Okay.
Q: I started eating raw eggs. My wife decided she was going to try it. She started eating some raw eggs, and she ate the same eggs that I ate out of the same carton. And she started vomiting. And until now, now I know, she, so she freaked her out. She thought the eggs were rotten. And I kept explaining to her that I ate the same eggs, and I even cracked them, and I ate them raw right in front of her. I said, there's nothing wrong with these things. You know, and I've never, I never had any kind of gain like 30-something pounds. But I was worried about it until I talked to Sherry. I heard you today again. But yeah, now I guess, it was like the first time she started eating raw.
A: Probably she had so many toxins in her liver, her pancreas, that when she got the liquidized protein and the fats that were so available from the egg, her body just decided to get rid of those poisons very quickly. That means that they were getting ready to do some pretty severe damage. If she had had that vomit analyzed, she would have seen the toxicity and concentration. She was sick for a couple of days. Pretty bad stuff. But if she wanted to spend the $2,200, she would have found out by now.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I wouldn't trust anything from Florida. We've got a military base in Jacksonville, and the sailors brag to all the girls in the area that they dump the nuclear waste wherever they go, all through the Gulf, everywhere. Because the military tells them that it's really not toxic, but it's just people believe it. And the sailors believe the bull, and they go around bragging about it. So I don't trust anything from the Gulf. Of course, you've got all those tankers that are going to the canal, Panama Canal. They're dumping their toxicity into that canal. So it's like I don't trust lakes and I don't trust the Gulf. The rest of the ocean is only 4 to 8 percent polluted, but the Gulf and lakes and rivers are 35 to 40 percent polluted.
Q: I have a question about cholesterol. You mentioned earlier that lots of cholesterol is with volume, but you didn't make any distinction between LDL and HDL.
A: I said the LDL is considered the bad toxicity, but it still should be high, very high, because you're removing all that LDL that's stored in the body from the bad fats that you've been eating.
Q: Did you have any ratio between the HDL and the LDL?
A: The LDL is always going to be under the HDL. It still should be very high. I've seen LDL as high as 197. No problem. I've never seen LDL higher than 197. The highest cholesterol content I've seen is 719.
Q: With no ill effects?
A: No ill effects.
Q: Did he eat cooked foods?
A: No, this wasn't cooked.
Q: When and how did you find out about iridology?
A: Oh, that's a long story. I was introduced to it when I was in the early stages of my learning about diet, because I was looking for an analytical tool. I started studying iridology probably in 1969, when I started becoming aware of it.
Q: So you knew it was going to be a tool in examining patients?
A: Like I say, I didn't realize it was a factual tool until an IUD went to her uterus, and I saw that blood spot in her eye. That's what convinced me. Then I started doing it wholeheartedly. That was 19...
[audio cut]
A: ...reactive. Olive oil, flax oil, any kind of oil, almond oil, no matter what it is, they are almost all solvent oriented. Coconut oil, if it's oil, not cream, is the same thing. It is there to dissolve heavy fat compounds out of your body. I like coconut cream because it's got water-soluble fats as well as oil-soluble fats. Coconut oil and all the pressed oils are only oil-soluble, and they only mix with oil something else. So it helps break down oil-based toxicity out of the body. Any kind of mineral stone that may present itself or develop can be better dissolved with the oils. However, most of the toxins and the solids that stay in the body are better dissolved by coconut cream because the coconut cream has both the water-soluble and the fat-soluble fats within it. More water-soluble than oil-soluble because the body is about 80% water-soluble fats rather than oil-soluble.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That is a good substitute, yeah. But this oil has only become available in the last eight months because it's made in the Philippines and they used to make it at 118 degrees. I got them to come down to 96 degrees. It's the only one available. I have another one made in Thailand, but they only make them enough for us in Los Angeles for our buyer's group there. Let me finish. So that particular oil, you have to go to and you search their coconut oil. And then when you find their varieties of coconut oil, it's the Philippine fermented coconut oil.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: As long as you keep it out of the refrigerator and in a dark cupboard probably and the house is not hot, probably it will stay non-caustic for about three months. After that, it will become caustic and do things like this. Start ripping up scar tissue and causing skin eruptions on some people. And on me, as soon as the coconut gets to that point, starts doing this, I no longer use it facially or on my skin. I will eat it. But this just happened yesterday. So.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Oh, I would eat it at any point. To me, it never goes bad as far as eating it. Yes. But as far as putting it on my skin, they have to be fresher because my skin is a little bit too sensitive from the chemotherapy. It's still in my tissues. It's still discharging. Yes.
Q: How is it that some people, like cancer patients, after chemotherapy or radiation, they survive and the therapy itself seems to work?
A: Seventeen percent. Is that a good ratio?
Q: No.
A: Seventeen percent live over five years.
Q: But with side effects as well. So do they survive?
A: Only seven percent live beyond ten years. Not too good.
Q: So they're going to die for sure in that period of time or there's a good chance, right?
A: What? If you have cancer?
Q: Even if they survive the chemotherapy, they're going to die eventually. Sooner than their...
A: Because their body is more poisoned and cancer is very likely to return. You know, metastasize. I survived. I'm the only person who's had multiple myeloma, lymphoma, cancer of the lymph, and stomach cancer and survived more than three months. For me, it's been 38 years. Why? Because I took care of myself. I decided to do something radically different. I changed everything. And it was that, let me tell you, sucking down a quart of raw cream a day was heaven for me. And that pulled me out of it. You had a question?
Q: Yeah, can you speak about the clay that you talked about adding to...
A: Yeah. Like I said in the second book, the clay should be mixed with water. And the best clay that I found is not the bentonite clay that I mentioned in the first edition of this book, because I found that they were molten metals, molten mercury, molten lead, because it was from a volcanic ash. So I searched for three years and I found a company that produces a clay or they mine a clay from an old hot spring bed in California in the Mojave Desert. The point in which they mine it has never gone over 92 degrees. So all the phosphorus, everything is contained. Phosphorus is damaged at 98 degrees. It's how early it's damaged. Potassium, about 112 degrees. So that's when those minerals are altered. And those are some of the minerals that if you have them in their natural form, they are not cauterized to the point that your body has to use calcium for everything. Right now, in our cooked food environment, calcium is used to deacidify an acidic system. It's used for so many things to bind with poison. So there's a very high need for calcium. And the calcium used in ways that it doesn't have to be. If you have good potassium and phosphorus in the body, but it cannot be heated over certain temperatures. That's how they tell whether milk has been pasteurized or not. If the phosphorus has altered at 141 degrees, you can see it. You can see phosphorus altered at 98 degrees. And that's what they do by a flip board to tell whether milk has been properly pasteurized or not properly according to their standards. You'll find that the phosphorus molecule has a certain density and appearance. So, this particular clay has all of those minerals available without the cauterization that is involved. And it doesn't have any molten lead or molten mercury or thallium or any of that in it. And that's called terramin. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. And you can find it at They have some that's very fine. It's very fine. I may have but I don't think I did. I probably put products in there. Manufacturers change. It's still in the book. So, I usually refrain from it.
I put Perrier in there because how can you damage Perrier except the poison by not rinsing out the cleaning fluids which they did once when they got caught. So, They have a very fine silk clay that is for facials. And then there's nutritional clay that's a little bit grainier. You get the nutritional clay. T-E-R-R-A-M-I-N. And when you get it, take a half a cup, like four ounces of the clay with four ounces of good mineral water, not carbonated. If you're going to use carbonated water, shake the carbon out. Carbon destroys enzymes, I mean bacteria. So, you don't want to destroy the bacteria in the clay, the soil bacteria. Clay is the only substance, the only dirt or earth that is alive. See the changing microbes that are actually part of the dirt. They're like shaking the itty microbe, the meaty form that there is. And when you soak it in the water, it brings it back to life. So, keep it fluid like that. Keep it liquid to a paste. If it starts getting too dry, just add more water to it. Add like a quarter to a half a teaspoon a day. Mix it up in your mouth. You know, put it on your tongue, mix it up in your mouth with either milk or juice and swallow it. There are some people that have such dryness in their intestines that if they don't mix it and it gets into their intestines, it might stick. And it will cause clay to form and not break off easily. And it could cause a clot in the intestines. I've never experienced it, but I've heard about it. I know nobody who's had it happen to them, but I've talked with naturopaths that used to recommend clay that had that problem. And of course, most people just mixed it while it was still dry in something and drank it. Of course, if it's too dry, it's going to stick easily to something that it might pass through or attach. And if mucous isn't being formed properly in a particular part of the intestines, it's going to latch onto the colon wall or the small intestinal wall and build up. Did you have a question?
Q: Yes. If we had a choice between frozen pastured meat or fresh supermarket meat, which would you choose?
A: I would go for the fresh. The reason is, she asked a preference. What I would have, if I were to choose between pastured frozen meat and fresh regular store-bought meat, I'd choose fresh. My laboratory experiments that I did with just regular supermarket meat, there was no disease that caused degenerative tissue. There was some vomiting. There was some diarrhea once in a while, but there was no active disease. When I put a group of animals on the frozen meat, they all developed a skin disorder. Some of them got scurvy. So I'd choose that that isn't frozen. Now, I lived on mad cow meat off and on for three and a half years when I was in Paris. Because I'd go to Paris three months out of the year, a month at a time. And in Paris, I could only get meat. You know, there were no butcher shops in Paris. All around, there were butcher markets all over the place. Butcherias, you know. But in Paris, Carrefour, a supermarket. You know, it's like a safe way here. So, that's what I ate. And it wasn't until my girlfriend dumped me, because I wouldn't marry her there, perhaps. I stopped going to Paris. On the flight home, I'm looking in this magazine, and it said that care for supermarkets had been selling the mad cow, you know, for the last ten years. And I wasn't affected by it.
Q: I have another question.
A: And I always eat extra fat with my meat, so it protects me.
Q: I believe in your first book, you said that you wouldn't see people who had had chemo or radiation.
A: No, I said in that group that I had, those two of them, 242 people, I refused to take but I think there were two who had chemo and radiation. But I worked with people with chemo and radiation at the time. Surgery.
Q: And then, another question. How do you feel about Amish, quality of Amish dairy products?
A: They're better than most in the American, you know, regular old standard American dairy products. Let me give you an example. I've got relatives in Minnesota who claim to be organic dairy men. And they're selling their milk to companies that distribute organic milk, all those pasteurized. And this relative of mine shoots them up with vitamin C, uses all kinds of so-called supplements, which are really chemicals. Just like anything else, he calls it organic. And it's not. The Amish, to even think that way, it's almost impossible.
Q: I have a question about children's vaccinations.
A: That's the deadliest thing you can do to anybody.
Q: How do they cause different diseases? Like, let's say somebody gets sick with autism. Does it mean that the toxins from the vaccination accumulate in the brain?
A: Yes. It's like they did with me. In 96% of the vaccines out there, including for children, they have thimerosal, liquid mercury, and aluminum. Now, mercury, we know that if you go to Calgary University in Canada, and you order their DVD on mercury's reaction to neuron activity, you'll see they photograph time lapse. You see these neurons growing. They drop a 2% solution of thimerosal mercury, and all of a sudden just start disintegrating. Neurons disintegrate.
Q: Where was that at?
A: Calgary University. The aluminum is a high-proton substance, high magnetic. You wouldn't think it is. Yet, what happens is, if you put it in an area of highly electron-charged substance, it neutralizes it. It takes all the electric field out of it. Yet, you can't get it magnetically to stick to anything. It won't stick to a magnet, but yet it has that property. So, it destroys the zeta potential. The zeta potential is the ability for nutrients to stay suspended in a fluid. So, you have nutrients traveling in your blood serum, nutrients traveling in your neurological fluid, nutrients traveling in your lymphatic system. Aluminum gets in there, all the nutrients drop. So, it's taking gravity away. It's taking the electron's ability and all the gravity is all that's left. Everything just drops. That gets into the brain, two of them together. You've got a case of Alzheimer's and neurological disintegration.
Q: How is it that in some people, let's say Alzheimer's, but it develops when they're 90 or 85, it doesn't...
A: It doesn't get to those brain centers, it causes a problem. You have to remember, we only use about 5% of our brain. Did you ever see that movie, Defending Your Life? It talks about everybody on Earth being a small brain. They use only about 3% of their brains. Up there on the station, they use anywhere from 37 to 51% of their brains. It's a very funny comedy written by Albert Brooks. You've got to see that if you want to have a laugh. The brains of people on humans are very, very toxic and very little used. You have to realize we have the biggest brains on this planet. Why do we have the biggest brains? Because the brain is the major storage of toxicity. It had to keep growing to fulfill its ability to store all the garbage and still function. Einstein was said to have used, when he looked for brain activity, he was only said to have used 10% of his brain. The rest of the brain is a garbage dump.
Q: What if you're fat?
A: No, the body will store it in other places, except for metallic metals. If you're inhaling, some of those are going into the brain. If you have enough fat in your mucous membranes, that will protect it from getting through, if you have enough mucous membranes.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Mineral supplements are fine for chickens. They eat dirt all day long. If they're in a coop and not eating dirt, they're not getting the normal minerals that they get. They're not getting all the soil bacteria. Them getting a mineral supplement is good, as long as it's not from a chemical byproduct of some kind of industrial development or food production. If it's just mined from the earth, it's a good combination of minerals, those chickens will do very well. The problem with feeding chickens and the eggs and the chicken meat and fowl meat, is that they're feeding chickens soy. Chickens can't eat raw soy, no more than humans can. If humans eat raw soy, they will die. If a chicken eats raw soy, any kind of bird eats raw soy, it will kill them. Cooked soy is different. Fermented soy is different. It destroys that enzyme. When they process soy for feed for chickens and other fowl, they process it chemically. It's like putting your peaches in kerosene for two hours. Would you eat it?
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's what he thinks. It doesn't happen at all. In fact, chickens become cannibalistic if they don't get meat. We had a chicken farm. 500, 300 chickens. We'd always throw the meat out once a week so they wouldn't kill each other. If they didn't get meat, they'd start eating each other. That farmer is a new farmer. He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Q: Because he doesn't feed raw meat scraps, he probably does have that situation because there is a deficiency for that protein. Second question. We try to do the best we can with the foods that are available to us. Honey. It's not difficult to necessarily find a farmer who will work with you to get you one if you need honey. But a lot of the farmers will feed their bees sugar and water or some kind of syrup to get them through. What kind of reactions or harm does honey from bees that are fed sugar and water do to us?
A: Well, what the bees do, some of your beekeepers are very greedy people. It's cheaper to feed them sugar byproducts like syrup they can buy cheap from some manufacturer who's got some byproduct of sugar cane production or molasses production. Makes a syrup for these bee farmers. I mean, these food manufacturers have every way in the world to say that their byproduct is food for some creature on earth. So they can sell a product and make money. And that's the way it goes. So they get these beekeepers believing that the sugar doesn't do the bees any damage. So if they feed them that, they can use all the honey. So the bees have to eat the sugar, syrup, corn syrup, or whatever it is through the winter to survive. If you've ever been near a hive, when those bees start swarming, they're much more unruly and much unhappier. By the time the season is over and they've eaten enough of the fresh honey, the nectar, for themselves and clean themselves out, not a big problem. But a little bit of that toxicity is going to be in the honey because when they collect the nectar, they swallow it. And they produce an enzyme reaction that's like insulin. And it converts 90% of the carbohydrate into enzymes for digesting and utilizing proteins and fats. So a little bit of that toxicity is going to be in the honey and it might cause some people a little skin reaction or a little sneezing or something like that. But still the body can handle it if you're eating enough fat. And the benefits of having the honey with the enzymatic activity is more important than that little toxicity. It's like eating the meat. It's not going to be perfect. If it's a little toxic, you have to live with it. But it's better than doing worse. We do the best we can. So I'm saying, if you have farms and you can run them the way you want, boy, everybody's going to be happier.
We're letting these big conglomerates take over our food chain and they will determine, just this week, we stopped a movement by the USDA and FDA from lowering our organic standards to 25% toxicity. Right now it's at 5%. Two years ago they tried to raise it, or three years ago, they tried to raise it to 15%. Bush and his gang wrote in 25% inorganic toxic matter can be in food and still call it organic. What's that all about? It's because they want to get into the organic business because it gets three, four times the price. But they don't want to do the work. They want their crappy food. They want to make a quick buck fast, just like Bush getting into the office. He's raided the till everywhere. His family owns the military, I mean, gun manufacturing, tank manufacturing. So he has created trillions of dollars because they also make bombs, the Carlisle Group. So he has put trillions of dollars into their little cobbles. Every bomb he drops he makes a million dollars. How many bombs? They're still dropping bombs. He's going to milk it until the day he gets out of office. He's going to keep feeding his pocket. And that's the way companies are doing the same thing. They're going to take every dollar they can from you and they're going to steal it and poison you at the same time. The only people who can stop it is you. And we stopped them from putting it in just this week. That doesn't mean it's not going to get through when it gets through the Senate. It's going to go back and be rewritten and they're going to reduce it to 20 percent. Say, well, we reduced it by 5 percent. But still, you have to understand, it's at 5 percent right now and they kick it up. They're going to try to push as much as they can in.
Q: So it went through, right? So it went through?
A: Pardon?
Q: So it went through, right? So it's still 5 percent or it didn't?
A: It didn't get through.
Q: It didn't get through?
A: But just this week we stopped it. This week we, yeah, it was on Thursday, it was stopped. It was rejected because of all the calls that the House of Representatives got. So the bill is going to the Senate to be rewritten. We know what that means. We fought that last one for a year and a half before they let go. Stopped trying to push it through. Push it at it again.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Yeah, but calls aren't like a letter or an email. A call is worth, they say, 50 people. A letter is worth 100 to 200 people.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: No, your lobbyists, your lobbyists say it. They know. It is. Your lobbyists know it. They're paid to know it. And I got it from a lobbyist. Yes?
Q: Would you recommend taking out the [unintelligible]?
A: No. They don't gas out. Your mouth doesn't get hot to do that.
Q: Are those toxic in my body?
A: Well, if the nerve were to get acidic enough, it would eat a little bit away, but it's 2,000 times less toxic than the mercury filling.
Q: I guess if we're mixing fluoride.
A: Pardon?
Q: The composite joint, the plain fluoride and not the clear one.
A: Yeah, but it doesn't leach like that. The leaching is not like it is with the mouth. There's a minimal amount and your body can handle it easily if you're eating properly. Yes?
Q: I have a curious question. Have you ever been harassed by PETA or any of those kind of groups? If you have, how did you deal with them?
A: Well, usually people that come after me, vegetarian groups that come after me, they foam at the mouth. And when I went to San Diego, I had a whole group. They said, you're a renegade. You're a fruitarian. Now you're talking about all this meat. And I sat there very calmly and I let them practically yell at me for an hour and a half. And then I held up a mirror because I knew I was going to get into this. I was born ahead of time. So I held up a mirror and I said, you say that your diet makes you calm and my diet makes me violent. I want you to take a look at my mouth. There's no foam, there's no white crust around here. And I want you to take a look at my demeanor and I want you to take a look at yours. Every one of them had foam around the mouth. And they were seizing like this. And I said, you tell me who's right. They walked away and never bothered me again. Never bothered me again. I said, I'm not here to be a little thorn in your back. I'm here to tell the truth, what my experience has been. And if that offends you, I'm sorry, but that's reality. I'm not going to close my mind on an ideal like I used to because ideologically vegetarianism was a better concept because there was no killing of animals. And when the medical profession came after me, the California legal, the Attorney General's office came after me. California Attorney General's office. And when you have the Attorney General's office come after you, they're coming after you with big guns. They're coming after me for practicing medicine without a license. Now they can't charge you with that unless somebody's made a complaint in writing. So I said, well, who's made this complaint? Well, we can't give out that information because I said, well, they were talking to me very nastily. And I said, just pause for a minute. You took an oath of office to protect and maintain the Constitution of the United States. Is that correct? Yes. And I said, according to my understanding, it's innocent until proven guilty.
Is that correct? Of course that's correct. And I said, then why are you talking to me as if I'm guilty? You want to ask me questions? Do it civilly and kindly. I'll give you the answers. But if you're going to talk to me as if I'm a hardened criminal that you should pick from someone murdering somebody, I'm not going to react to it that way. I won't talk to you. This is my job, and this is how we do it. And I said, OK, then you do it with my attorney. You don't do it with me. And if you want to get together and have a meeting, it'll be in my attorney's office, and we'll videotape it. And you've been warned. So let me tell you, we came to the meeting. I had my girlfriend videotape it, and they were all very nice and sweet. In fact, the MD who was supposed to come and run the interview never showed up. Medical examiner in the state of California, never showed up. And he said, OK, you're being accused of practicing medicine without a license. I said, OK, you're going to have to show me the plate. You can black out the name or whatever it is. But if they said that I prescribed medicine, they don't know what they're talking about because I'm against medicine. I don't diagnose because disease is not only disease, it's contamination of the body. So I analyze for toxicity. So I don't diagnose disease. I don't recommend medication. I'm against medication. So how can I be practicing medicine? Well, you're going around telling people that these talks that you're giving, to eat chicken, and that's dangerous. I said, since when is chicken medication? Isn't the charge wrong? Shouldn't you be saying that we're in Nazi Germany and that I'm not allowed to talk about things because it's against what you think is right? And I said, well, it's just practicing medicine without a license. OK, well, that's not the right charge, but you're endangering people. There was some doctor's and nurse's son who got very sick from eating your chicken. I said, was his vomit analyzed? Or his diarrhea analyzed?
No, we have no records of that. I said, what kind of legal documentation do you have to prove that? How do you know it was the chicken that caused his vomit or diarrhea? Did he ever have vomit or diarrhea when he ate raw chicken, I mean cooked chicken? All these questions couldn't be answered, and you know everybody has diarrhea and vomit, no matter what diet they're on. But on this diet, it's only about 8 to 12%. On a regular SAD diet, the average diarrhea and vomit out there is 20% of the population. So I would say that, gee, raw meat, raw chicken, raw bacteria, it reduces the cases and incidents of vomit and diarrhea. So they never got in touch with me again. Let me finish with another one before I get into something else. We have a buyer's co-op in Los Angeles. Probably got 250 members that are every week. And it's only open two days a week. The health department got a report. Some ex-boyfriend of one of the girls who was a member works at a coffee shop which is on the other side of the block where we make our food available. So he put in a report that we were selling food without proper, you know, without proper health procedures, you know, cleaning this and all of that, like they have to do in their coffee shop. They waited every day for about four days outside the gate because they didn't know what day we opened. So they've been waiting. So on this Wednesday, when we do open, they waited from 9 o'clock in the morning until noon. And we opened the buyer's club at noon. And everywhere it says post no trespassing. So one of the people who sets up the food and helps sell it, you know, press the gate to open and this guy walked in. No trespassers. A health county official walked in. So he's throwing his weight around saying you can't do this, you can't do that, you know, and four people told him he was trespassing and this was only for members only and he was not allowed on the property. He refused to go.
So he cited them for improper, you know, everything, you know, food handling. So they called me and they said, you know, we are waiting to call the police. I said you should have said, okay, call the police. You're trespassing. That's the only law that's broken. Get off the property. Don't be intimidated by these people because they're telling you a lie. The only person breaking the law is him being on the property. There's no trespassing. You haven't broken any law. He has to prove that you're breaking the law. And there's nothing he can prove without proper analysis and actual observation and he wasn't there allowed to do it because all of the selling and everything stopped as soon as he walked in. So it was like two hours before it started going again after they talked to me. And I said, man, that citation you got, it's toilet paper. Forget about it. So I sat down and I wrote a letter. It said, I'm the one who's handling anything that happens in this cooperative and it's called Rawesome Cooperative and our member agreement is that we reject all health department regulations for food. We don't want any antiseptic. We want all the bacteria and parasites that we wanted on it. And everybody who belongs to the co-op signs it. So I sent them a copy of that and I told them that they have no jurisdiction and if they wanted to continue to harass us, the first charge would be trespassing by your official. He was asked to leave by four people and there are seven witnesses. So I guess this should resolve your dispute with us because we have none with you because you've run out of your jurisdiction. Never heard from them again in the last five months. Just have to know how to handle it.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Because it's not public. They handle public. This is a private co-op. Members co-op. And we want everything they don't want. And that's declared.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Good luck. Don't go for cleaning. It's very easy. I think I put it in the new version. If you want to clean the plaque off your teeth, you take the Gerolsteiner water. It's got the highest carbon in it. In fact, the carbon is so heavy in the well. In a natural spring where you have carbonation, you've got the water level here and you've got the carbon here. So there are two layers, water and carbon gas. They shoot them both into the bottle at the same time. Gerolsteiner is so high in carbon dioxide that they have to shoot something like only 20% gas into their water. They are selling their extra gas to Perrier and some of the others whose tables are very low in gas. Gerolsteiner is the highest. So it helps dissolve plaque. If you put a little vinegar and a little lemon juice with it and put it in a waterpik and you do it every day for about 10 days, it dissolves the plaque and the gums and everything. So you don't have to have that scraping. It will damage your dentine. So when heavy metals come out of your brain, it will damage the dentine more and cause gum deterioration and more dental deterioration and decay. So that's all you have to do for that. How I get out of the medical profession is I go to Mexico to handle dentists. And I've got dentists there who will do anything I want. They do everything I want. They don't deviate from it at all. But here in this country, it's fascist. This is not a free country.
Q: I've got a young daughter that has eight cavities. Do I get them filled up?
A: If you put her on a good diet, children, I've seen under 22 years old, can regenerate cavities on this diet. Teeth regenerate and get rid of the cavities.
Q: So the holes would heal?
A: Yeah, the holes would heal. Is she over 7? Does she have a second teeth?
Q: One of them is a second tooth.
A: And she only has to think about one of them to regenerate. If she's on a good diet, the next teeth are going to come in fine. Unless she had lots of vaccines, some of that mercury went anywhere around the brain and dumps out the teeth. She still could have a problem.
Q: Well, in school she's had all but one set so far.
A: So she's had about, let's see, Chicago is what, 96 vaccines altogether? And they'll shoot nine, seven to nine at a time, sometimes even 11 with one shot. So they really do it. So, you know, I've seen lots of children's cavities fill in. One at 22, that's the oldest test. Nobody over 22 has refilled their cavities naturally.
Q: Okay, so since I'm well over 22 and I've got cavities, I should get them filled?
A: Fill them.
Q: Okay.
A: If they're causing you abscesses and problems and pain, fill them.
Q: If they're not, don't worry about it?
A: Don't worry about it. I mean, you know, it depends on how much tooth is eaten away. If they're going to break on you, then you want to fill them.
Q: Do they have to fill away certain portions of the tooth?
A: Yeah, if they want to hold, they've got to make a pocket so they'll do it a little bit larger than the cavity itself.
Q: How bad would that hurt?
A: Pardon?
Q: How bad will that hurt?
A: I had 18 teeth drilled on in a two-day period, four hours one morning, four hours the next morning, with no novocaine. They have all my mercury removed in 1978.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Lots and lots of cheese and cream and butter and milk and meat. That's normal diet, nothing different. Just remember, the pain comes when the bit gets hot. When I had mine done in 1978, they did not have injected water with the bit. Now, I think every dentist has a jet of water while they're drilling. So there's no problem, no pain unless he's hitting a nerve directly. And they drilled around, three of my teeth they had to drill around the nerve. So I had a few moments of intense pain, but it's gone in a flash. If I had to deal with a novocaine, I would deal with detoxifications and abscesses for months from one injection. So it's easier for me to deal with the momentary pain than it is for elongated detoxification and symptoms of nerve toxicity from the novocaine or xylocaine. So you started to ask?
Q: Does the amalgam tattoo cause problems?
A: The amalgam tattoo is mercury in the nerve and in the tooth. The body's going to detoxify, it's in the nerve and it's in the tooth. And that tooth's not alive and the nerve's not well and into it, it's not going to matter. What the body's going to do, usually what they call the tubules, the nerve feeds out and the tubules go out. So it's like always discharging nutrients out. So the teeth should always regenerate from inside out. There's so much pollution coming from...
[audio cut]
Q: Just eat that deer meat while it's fine out there.
A: Absolutely.
Q: Just because of what the deer may eat, there's a lot of corn and stuff up there.
A: I wouldn't worry about it. So a friend of mine shot one in his backyard up in Nevada City, California, and he did it right before I was supposed to take a nap. So I was going to get my girlfriend to Reno. I was going to drive to Reno to pick her at a certain time. So this is my nap time, and I hadn't seen her in about two months. We were going to have a good time together. Because they had never butchered a deer before or butchered anything before. So I had to butcher this whole deer by myself. And she was a big female, and lice, you know, and fleas all over her head and everywhere. But that's a natural process for them. That's the way they live. They live with those fleas and those lice, and it isn't a big thing to them. And ticks everywhere, and that's all part of them. It doesn't bother them. So I butchered this thing. It took me three hours to butcher the whole thing. We cut the brain, you know. I mean, that was getting the brain out of it. Usually somebody who does it frequently can do a deer in about an hour and ten minutes. It took me three hours by the time I got the brain out of the skull and everything. So I made this big gallon pot of, you know, glandular shake like I put in the recipe book. And I downed about a quart of that, and everybody else was sharing it. So I was off to pick up my girlfriend. I was charged. I didn't sleep until 5.30 that morning, and we went all night. It was great stuff. So, yeah, I ate it. And I ate that meat for up to a year. I kept some of it in a jar without opening it. And a year later, no odor to it at all. Wild deer, very fresh.
Q: I was going to say, a few weeks back a friend of mine had deer hit right outside her house. Before anyone could come take it, she hurried up and brought it inside. We ate the whole thing. And it's funny what you last said. I had it for about a week and a half before I ate mine, and I ate it all raw. And I smelled it, and it smelled so fresh, like it was just killed earlier that day. Something about the deer meat.
A: It's wild. I think it's wild. There are more herbs. There are more everything. And they eat a lot of different foods. They may travel and eat a thousand different foods. And when you've got cows in stalls, they're only eating two foods, two or three or five foods. That's it. So they're going to get the variety. Now for us humans, variety only means eating meat. And all the tribes eat the same meat all the time. And they stay very healthy. So for us, simplicity is perfect. Herbivore, it's not. They need to get out and eat a lot of different herbs. Herbs and grass.
Q: What do you feel about grass fed?
A: Well, that is a big dispute that goes on, and there's a lot of people who claim to know something that have never been out in the field with the cows. And that includes Weston Price. That includes Sally Fallon. That includes all these people we're talking about. Grass fed must be because of the high three and six omegas. If you're eating cooked food, of course you're going to need more three omegas, six omegas, because you're eating toxicity. So you need more of those. Yet she advocates eating cooked food, where you need more of those. If you're eating raw, you don't need that kind of concentration. Also, if an animal has more fat on it, it's more beneficial for the animal and us. Animals who are fed grains have more fat. They have better coats. They are healthier animals. The cows that I was raised with, my grandparents' farm, these cows were huge and so healthy. We grew our own organic corn, and these cows lived on corn. And the sheep and the ducks and the chickens all got corn. And it was raw organic corn, and it was wonderful, fabulous, delicious. Everything was great. Cows naturally in the fields, they say, they don't eat grain. They won't eat fresh green grain as it's growing on a grass. As soon as it dries and hits that ground, that's the first thing they're sucking right off the ground, the dirt with that grain. And they will eat lots of it. They will not eat green grain, but they love dry grain. Put them in a corn field, watch what they go for. They won't touch any of the fresh corn on the stalk, any corn cob that's down there, dry corn, and they eat it. They won't eat fresh grain because it causes a lot of alcohol in their system and disturbs their digestion. They bloat, they get gassy, they get sick. But dry grain, they have no trouble. These people who are talking about, oh, it's because of the, you know, you get more omegas, and, you know, it's richer and more nutritious. It's just from one perspective. I prefer fattier meat, happier cows, healthier cows. And out in the wild, they're eating grain all the time. Grasses, everything puts out seed. And as soon as it's dry, they eat it.
Q: Are they feeding them soy also?
A: You know, corn, cows eat soy fine, raw soy. It's fine for cows. Cows can handle that and do very well with it. Yeah, it's a great thing for cows. But not for chickens, not for any kind of birds, not for humans.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That would add to it definitely. But the main reason for the mad cow is they take dewormers, which is a highly neurological poison, and they put it all down the spine of the cow. Poisons the spine of the cow. Poisons the brain.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: Well, they don't want to blame the pharmaceutical industry. They're the ones who produce it. The pharmaceutical industry is the biggest, besides military, the biggest industries in the world. They make on, let's say, a pill costing about probably 50 cents a hundred to make. If you include all their research and everything, let's say it costs them 50 cents a pill. They charge $2,000 to $4,000 a card, a markup. And they're allowed to do it. They don't let you go out and pick it for higher wages. But, boy, the government won't. But they'll let them overcharge everything. And that started with Reagan. Reagan did that. Reagan cut the feet out of the unions. Even when he was the president of SAG, screen actors, he cut the feet right off. Okay, I think we're all done. We have one more over here, and then we've got to end it.
Q: You've made a lot of parallels between gaining weight and being healthy. Would an ideal, like, ultimate goal of this guy be eventually getting to a point where he wouldn't need all that extra fat because he didn't have all that fat?
A: Yeah, 40 years. 40 years. But most people don't need to, you know, like these two lovely ladies. They need that weight right now, and they may need it only for 10 years altogether. Then they can bring it down to, let's say, this lady's size or this lady's size, you know. And then another, you know, 5 or 10 years, bring it down even more.
Q: I mean, you sound pretty happy, but does it happen naturally? Like, your body detoxifies and you tend to gain weight?
A: Well, when it detoxifies on its own, I try to eat as much as I can eat to maintain as much weight, but it comes off. But then when I'm off of it, I force myself to gain weight, and I force myself to gain weight. It's not a natural thing. I force it.
Q: Even after the 40-year period, would it be a good idea to be a little pumped as long as you're going to be living in a polluted environment like Chicago?
A: I would say so, absolutely. You know, I'd always be rather protected than not.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: I can't understand you.
Q: Once I'm on the raw diet, let's say, and I'm pulling the toxicity into my bloodstream, can that recirculate into my brain?
A: Not if you have enough blood fat. It won't do it. It'll dump into the intestines. Okay, that's it, folks. I'm going to do mini readings right now. What I do is I'll look at the hands, see how the glandular activity is working. Look at some of the blood flow, maybe the lymphatic congestion, and I give people an idea of what they can eat to do a little bit better if they want to get started on the diet. Then Sunday, Monday, and some of Tuesday, I'll be doing full consults where I photograph the irises, and then I analyze the condition of the body and give you the exact diet that I suggest for you. And that's $300. No, it'll be at the hotel. I'm going to wait.
Q: We are Homestead Studio Suites. From here, okay, you take onward going west, one street past Route 83. That's called past Gwenele Drive. On the right, going north on past Gwenele, and the hotel is maybe three-quarters of a mile off the road on the right.
Q: Same length in April this year, right?
Q: Same length.
A: Yeah, we've been there for the last three years.
Q: What room now? Which room?
A: 211.
Q: 211.
Q: Aren't you staying here?
Q: Yeah. I'll stay. Quite a few people were staying.
Q: I'll stay in there too.
Q: I said, will you stay?
Q: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Q: You go to Priceline and you get it for like $29 a night.
A: Yeah?
Q: Priceline, you can get it for that? Yeah, that's the rating you got on
Q: Wow. $29 a night.
Q: Yeah. You got like a whole kitchen.
A: Let me have both arms. What I need from everyone is I need silence, and I need people when they come up here to let their hands go limp. So if I move my hands, they would just fall. Okay? The left ovary is in pretty good shape, a little hardening. The left adrenal gland is in pretty good shape, very relaxed. The left side of the pancreas is about 70% hardened, so that's not good. Left thyroid is okay, parathyroid just so-so, tonsil area very poor. The right ovary is pretty weak, very protein deficient. The right adrenal gland is very relaxed, a little protein deficient, but it's okay. The right side of the pancreas is about 60% hardened, so you've got a pancreatic problem, you've got blood sugar problems. The right thyroid is in very good shape, parathyroid is okay, tonsil area very poor. Red blood cell count looks very good, pretty healthy red blood cells. Looks like you have some spinal damage on the left lower side of your spine. Lots of throat damage. Looks like you're developing a little thrombosis. Your veins are getting very full and full of liquid and they're swelling. It's not too far advanced, but it's moving there. Lots of metals in the brain. I would say that most of your glands are working okay, but your pancreas is not. Normally you're a person who would eat number two of the diet, which is two meat meals a day, but with your pancreatic problem you need to eat three. You might go one day, two, one day, three, and alternate back and forth for it to keep your balance. That particular dietary plan is on page 41 and 42 of the recipe book. It's meal eating schedule one and two, just alternate them. Coconut cream is going to be very helpful to you because you have metals all over the body. A lot of heavy metals like lead, mercury, and even lots of aluminum. It's suppressing your energy level, suppressing a lot of things. You need berries and you need coconut cream to help remove all of that as much as possible, as soon as possible. Meat, I'm going to suggest about at least a pound of meat a day. For a while, 75% red meat and 25% white meat. The majority of that should be seafood. Wild ocean caught fish is what I suggest, except for oysters and clams and scallops. They can be farmed because farming them means that they just fence off an area of the ocean.
They're not feeding them garbage and waste like they do in farmed fish that are inland. Oysters and clams and scallops and shrimp are okay. Farmed. I recommend your juice be 80% celery, 5% zucchini, and 5% parsley. You've got a lot of enzyme loss, so I'm going to recommend that you do about 8 tablespoons of honey a day. Once in a while, green pears would be good for you. It doesn't look like you're demineralizing too much, but if you start cleaning out that metals, you might lose a little bit more minerals. You might want to have a little cheese with everything else you eat. Maybe a tablespoon or half a tablespoon with almost everything you eat, just to keep the mineral balance a little higher. Also, to help your liver digest a lot of metals in the liver, to digest the meat a little bit better, if you have the moisturizing lubrication formula, which is on page 146 of the recipe book. I don't remember what page I put it on, the new version of the other book. It's the one with the lemon, butter, egg, and honey, just to help you digest a little bit better. I suggest that you have maybe one a day, and have a quarter of it with each meat meal, and then a quarter of it right before you go to sleep.
Q: Thank you.
A: You're very welcome. Is that it? No, not at all. I was going to say, I've got a lot of full consults, that means.
Q: Should I take my stuff off?
A: No, it's fine. What is your name?
Q: Amy.
A: Amy, hi Amy. Just let them go limp, they're good. You are fat deficient. The left ovary is about 40% hardened, becoming cirrhosed. The left adrenal gland is in good shape, relaxes well too. The left side of the pancreas is about 80% hardened, not good. The left thyroid is okay, parathyroid is pretty good. The tonsil area is okay. That's pretty good. Do you have your tonsils?
Q: No, yes I do.
A: That's pretty good. You have some scarring here, and that scarring usually comes when they're removed. But the mound is so high, it looks like you have tonsils. The right ovary is in pretty good shape. The right adrenal gland is in pretty good shape. The right side of the pancreas is about 50% hardened. So all together, you only have about 25% of the pancreas working. And that's not good. Because that puts you in blood sugar problems and even moving toward diabetes. The right thyroid is okay, parathyroid is pretty good. Tonsil area is okay over here. Very poor circulation in the small intestines. And in the right shoulder area here, all on the left, circulation problems everywhere. Lots of lymphatic congestion. See all these white spots everywhere? Your lymphatic system is almost solid. You need to take hot baths. I explain the baths for lymphatic detoxification in the new book. So do that. And eat that formula with pineapple before you get into the bath. You definitely have to do 45 minutes of walking. I don't care if it's like a snail. So you get out of that bath, you know, 45 minutes to an hour and a half. In there, you're going to feel like a wet noodle. You know, a limp noodle. Just get out, sit down slowly, dry up, bundle up, long underwear, get out and take a walk. You have to melt that lymphatic congestion down. Because that's going to start aging you very rapidly. It's already started almost the entire intestinal tract on your left side, small intestines. And, you know, from there it will go fast because it causes everything else to dry up quickly. So lymphatic congestion has to be moved rapidly, soon. Everything else looks like it's going to respond quicker. But that lymphatic system, the lymph system feeds every cell in the body. And it removes all the toxicity. So if that's not working well, the whole system can break down. Even though the rest of it is genetically pre-sound. Now, I usually don't go into this, but since you have such a strong bone for creativity, you have to go beyond the creativity of having the children. If you don't do something creative, it's unlikely you're going to be a happy person. I don't care if it's decorating. I don't care if it's making your kids colorful like you've done here. I don't care what it is, just realize you're creating something. Because if you don't do that, you're going to be a very unhappy person. For somebody like this, that's almost as important as the diet.
That kind of perspective usually means that you're never going to like what you did yesterday. And you can't be hard on yourself like that. You have such an active, creative mind that you always like to have change. That means that every day, it's a new you. So you don't judge what happened yesterday. It was a perfect you, perfect exactly what you did back then. So you can't judge yesterday by today's standards. You just have to be happy that you're that creative. Otherwise, you're going to take it out on everybody around you. They are not going to be as active and creative as you. That might seem boring, but that's for you, not for them. If you take your creativity, you won't be on their case. That's for your food. You need a lot of the lubrication formulas. I know you probably won't like this, but you need to gain 25 pounds. To reverse that condition. Just to reverse that condition. Pardon?
Q: Isn't it the moisturization?
A: Yeah, moisturization, yes. See in the book I call Moisturizing Lubrication, Moisturizing for Women, Lubrication for Men. Meat, you have signs of anemia, so I'm going to say 80 to 90% red meat, 10 to 20% chicken, fowl, fish, whatever you like. For the other 20%. Lemon is going to be very helpful for you. But don't have it with red meat, unless you've already mixed it in a sauce before you put it with the red meat. You should definitely not drink your milk cold. It does, it's going to get in casein, it's going to get into your system and cause irritability, anxiety. Follow dietary eating schedule one out of the, I mean two, two meat meals a day out of the recipe book. I'm going to suggest that you eat 12 ounces of cabbage juice, white cabbage juice, with about 4 tablespoons of cheese once every 10 days. You're starting to create internal ulcers, and that will reverse that trend. Once every 10 days. I mean you could do it as much as twice in a 10 day period, but no less than once every 10 days. The problem if you do too much of the cabbage juice with cheese, it's going to escalate the sexual desire. If you have kids, you're not going to be able to entertain yourself that much. You may not want it more than that. I mean it gets the people most unlikely, that particular combination. This doesn't just work on men, women, it works on men too. Cucumbers gives hard erections. The cabbage with the cheese stimulates sexuality. What is he writing down there?
A: You also have a lot of bile in the system. The bile's been used in place of fat to bind to poisons. So I'm going to recommend two days a week, you have 10 ounces of carrot juice, with 2 ounces of coconut cream, and 2 ounces of dairy cream, and 1 tablespoon of honey. And 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. If you don't like the lemon juice in that drink, then have the lemon juice somewhere in between the drink. Okay? That'll get you started. I was calling the other guy Scott, I was going to call you Scott. Okay Kevin. Alright, well you shouldn't have to worry, this guy's over sexed anyway. Okay Kevin, those are hard-working genitals. A little hardened though, this one's got some very hard tissue in it. It's about 25% hardened. The left adrenal gland also has quite a bit of hardened tissue in it. It's functioning. The left side of the pancreas is about 50% hardened. So you're on the road for hardening of the body all over. Right thyroid, good shape, parathyroid's excellent shape. Tonsil area, pretty hardened. You don't have your tonsils?
Q: No, I do.
A: You have some kind of chemical that's yellow. Did you ever take a sulfa drug?
Q: What kind of drug?
A: Sulfa. Any kind of sulfur-based drug for kidneys, urination?
Q: I did steroids, so I don't know what that is.
A: Oh, that is sulfur. And how long did you do the steroids?
Q: Two, three years.
A: That's probably what's caused all the hardening of the body, because everywhere there's hardening, there's a yellow cast to it. The right testes also have some hardening in it. So, yeah, you may need to cabbage it. Even though they're very overly sexed, usually that much of it now causes a very high sexual appetite. When it gets hardened, it lowers that production. The right adrenal gland is also pretty hardened. The right side of the pancreas is pretty hardened. Right thyroid is okay, a little hardened. Parathyroid's a little hardened, but okay. Tonsil area over here is a little bit better. Adenoid seems to be okay. You have tremendous lymphatic congestion on the left side of your body and some on the right. Not as bad as your wife's, but you still need to do the baths. You need to take the baths to get rid of the fats, the vegetable oils that harden with all these steroid compounds, because it's solidified in your system. That looks like it could lead to MS, the way it's moving. MS is a hardening of the nerve tissue, which causes muscle atrophy and atrophy of everything. Right now, your ability to heal is compromised by a lot of chemicals in your body. You're going to need probably a cup of honey a day to help stimulate and dissolve some of that. Also, I forgot to tell all those people will be unhappy that they missed it. I got a cut, and I put honey on it around my eye, and I noticed that it took the wrinkles away pretty rapidly. So I started experimenting with other people, putting honey with, you know, honey was too thick and it wouldn't spread on easily, so you used water in some cases. It didn't work. But when they used their saliva, put saliva on the area first, then get a little honey in there, more saliva, and rub it in those areas thinly. And if it feels sticky, you just kind of rub it in. If it won't, put a little bit more saliva to get it to work in. And women have, just from like six applications, have reduced 20% of their lines on their face.
So if you use it in combination with oil like I did, you see it breaks down the scar tissue in the thickness so thickly that you have rashes as it discharges through the face. Some of these even crystallized as they were coming out. And I looked at it, it crystallized under a microscope, and it was tetracycline. And I only took tetracycline for a year when I was a teenager after having impetigo. You know, I was 14, 15 years old. And it stored around my eyes all that time, probably in the eye socket bone tissue there. Because antibiotics and molds like to live where cartilage is, so it's probably here and here, you know, the jawbone. And I used to have TMJ, and now I don't from this diet. Meat, slight tendency toward over acidity. So just red meat at a time could cause you to be irritable or anxious. So I'm going to recommend that you always eat red meat with your white meat. I mean white meat with your red meat. Also I'm going to suggest that you either have white meat with your red meat at every meal because both of you have that same tendency. Yours is a little bit more dramatic. So I'm going to suggest that you eat about anywhere from 50% to 60% red meat, 40% to 50% white meat. And probably 20% of that should be the white meat. You know, 20% of that, 40% to 50% should be seafood. Okay. Pineapple would help you, again, with those baths on days. Let's say if you had the pineapple drink for the baths every other day, even when you're not taking baths, that's good. I'm going to recommend for you getting some cocoa beans, which is chocolate. And I didn't experiment enough with it before the book came out. So email me at to get the recipe for making natural chocolate. Okay. And I'd like you to make that with whipped cream.
Q: Okay.
A: You know, and have it with some cheese and some orange. Okay. To help clear out some of that toxicity. You could do the same carrot juice, coconut cream, dairy cream, and honey that your wife does.
Q: Okay.
A: A little bit more if you want, but the same quantity would be about right. And I suggest that you put hot water bottles, you know, at your sides of your spine while you're sleeping pretty frequently. Because some of that contamination has gotten into your spine. And it starts hardening your spine the way it's doing a lot of your glands, especially the glands down in here. You're going to be very stiff. It could cause disintegration of the spinal cord.
Q: I am very stiff, man. I've got a lot of arthritis in my hips and stuff.
A: Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Down here you're already solidified.
Q: And you know, all the weight I gained was right here.
A: It's got to be here first. So remember, you've got to have the fat on your waist first. Look at babies. You know, they've always got a big belly because it's got to go there first and then be distributed. So it has to go here first. And it usually means that you'll keep a big waist. It could be 20 years before you don't have to have a big waist and you're spreading, you know, the fat out evenly quickly. So live with that big waist. Be a beer belly looking and be happy with it. Because you'll be healthier and happier.
Q: Okay.
A: Fat and happy. Remember that expression. It is so true. Unless somebody judges their fatness, their obesity.
Q: Thank you for the lecture.
A: You're welcome.
Q: Take care.
A: Good seeing you.
Q: Yeah, man. I'll see you at the hotel probably.
A: All right.
Q: All right. Thank you.
A: You're very welcome, Kevin.
Q: How do you say it?
A: Aajonus. You're Rudy.
Q: Yeah, I'm Rudy.
A: Yeah. Do you have your tape recorder going or someone going to write for you?
Q: It's on the right.
A: Okay. Okay, Rudy. Limply. Got to drop it. Yeah, this is limp. That's deep breaths. Good. Okay. The right testes is very, I mean, left testes is very hardened. Probably 80% or more. The right adrenal gland is about 50% hardened. The last two people are the highest rate of hardening I've found in there in a long time. The right side of the pancreas and left side of the pancreas is about 80% hardened, so that's not working so well. Left thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is excellent. The tonsil area is okay. Do you have your tonsils? Yes. So I just wanted to make sure that wasn't the lymph and it was your tonsils. Relax. Okay. Right testes is about 50% hardened. The right adrenal gland is about 70% hardened. The right side of the pancreas is about 80% hardened, so you're moving toward diabetes. The right thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is pretty good. Tonsil area pretty even and okay over here. No scarring, as a matter of fact, like he has on the left side. Your gallbladder is just full of metals. The tube between the liver and gallbladder is full of heavy metals. Your chest is full of heavy metals, especially the right bronchioles and the upper lobe of the right lung. Lots in your throat. Lots of metals in and around your heart, all down the chest cavity on your left side, all the way down into your leg. Tons of heavy metals in your brain. You still have very good healing and recuperative ability on the right side of your body. On the left, it's becoming impaired. I would suggest about 60% to 80% red meat, that gives you a lot of latitude, and 20% to 40% white meat. You should do a lot of it with seafood to help you. I had a woman who grew up under the London Airport, and she had as much heavy metals as some of my lathe operators have. She was very metal toxic and with a lot of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. She was only like 33 years old.
Q: I breathed metal because I was a machinist for a long time. I'm not doing that right now, but I went into computers.
A: Machinist, there you go. I suggested that she have one cup of red meat with three oysters twice a day. When she returned in a year, all of her chronic fatigue was gone. It usually takes five, six years to break it with that kind of metal poisoning. She removed as much metal in one year as most people lose with that kind of contamination in about five years. Oysters are incredible. You could have a cup and a half of red meat with four oysters twice a day. She's not as big a person as you are. She's only 5'5 and about 134 pounds. You're a much bigger person. You can use more. Lots of coconut cream can really help you, especially with your ancestry. The African races are 10,000 years ahead of us because they've only been eating the heavily toxic food for about 50 years. Even as slaves, even when I was a child in the 50s, there was still slavery. It was just economic slavery. They still had colored-headed drink here, separate toilets and everything. When I used to go through Alabama, where my mother's side is from, in Georgia and all that area, we used to see the African Americans out eating all this raw food in the fields as they're pulling the corn or the cotton, no matter what it was. They were eating this raw food still in the fields because they didn't have time to cook it. Take it with them to the fields. They have a much better, even though the slavery was not good moralistically, it certainly preserved their health better than ours. That's why there's so much more African American athletes that are so much better than us Whiteys and any other race because they are still so close to that basic, non-cooked diet that the African tribes use. I'm going to still suggest about eight tablespoons of honey or a little bit more a day for you. Throughout the day, like a tablespoon eight times a day. It can be in something or not. You need lots of butter, of course. Some cream is going to be very helpful when that metal poisoning comes out. Fruits for you would be unsweet melons. It would be very good. It will help the hormone content for some reason. The hormone reaction in melons is better for you than other fruits. If you get a really ripe melon, just don't eat the heart of it. Eat out from the rind. As unripe as you can get it, it's better.
Q: Mangoes.
A: Your digestion can help a little bit, especially the left side. Again, green and tart if you're going to do that. Not the greatest fruit for you, but once in a while okay.
Q: What about apples?
A: Apples, not a good fruit for you. Melons, pineapples sometimes, pears sometimes. Especially the white inside, very white and hard. Very green on the outside. Papaya, very good for you. I'd stick with those for at least a couple of years, exclusively.
Q: There's a fruit that I really like. Persimmon.
A: Yeah, persimmon, yeah. If you eat it unripe, with slightly alamy, it's fine.
[audio cut]
A: Mine's been flowing for about ten days and I love it. Thickest, hardest mucus I've ever seen. Yeah, amazing. I never knew anybody could produce mucus that thick, ever. Great. But I just spent $8,000 on laboratory experimenting, so I wasn't going to test this mucus. How much honey are you having?
Q: Probably six tablespoons a day.
A: Pretty good. You could probably do seven, maybe seven and a half, just to up it a little bit. Are you having the lube formula?
Q: A little bit. Sometimes I forget to do that.
A: You can't. That's the key to that. You could have the whole combination but not the last number. How long is it going to take you to open it?
Q: I'm worried about my nerves. I have, like, all of a sudden, you know, I'll sleep, like I was even ten minutes here. It's like for some reason or another I get very tired and there's nothing I can do.
A: That's the pancreas.
Q: And then all of a sudden my body really fits.
A: That's just the way to do it. That's the hardened pancreas.
Q: Oh, really?
A: It's a sugar problem. So you just might need to eat an egg more often.
Q: I've been trying.
A: But, you know, that's going to be a while before that corrects itself. Don't worry about that. I used to do it all the time. Yeah, falling asleep and waking up.
Q: It's even like for 15 minutes. It's like I can't. It's very embarrassing because it has nothing to do with what you're saying. It's just all of a sudden my body's like it just shuts down.
A: It has to sleep. It has to take a nap.
Q: And there's no warning. I mean, that's what's horrible. Like when you try to explain about trying to go to work, I'm like, but I sometimes fall asleep and there's no warning.
A: Just tell them you have that sleeping sickness where, you know, every hour you're going to doze for a few minutes.
Q: Well, sometimes it's like I have to lay down for about an hour.
A: Well, that's good. You usually only have those once a day, right?
Q: Yeah.
A: Yeah, that's fine. But you stick that whole water bottle between your legs pretty often because this area's got a lot of blockage.
Q: I heard that my lymph in that blockage is blocked.
A: Everywhere.
Q: It's blocked.
A: Everywhere. That's why you're taking the hot baths and doing the pineapple mixture. You'll see all this white splotching everywhere. That's all lymphatic congestion everywhere in your body.
Q: And that's what the hot baths are supposed to do.
A: Melt that toxicity, get it moving, and the pineapple with the coconut cream and the other fats get in there after you've melted it. And then, you know, while you're taking the bath, while it melts it, it's getting into the intestines, moving into the lymph system. So when it's time to take a walk, you've got it moving into the lymph system. So when the body cools down, that lymph doesn't harden as much as it did. So each time it gets better. Finally, until you start moving that garbage out, perspiring it through the skin in the hot bath and in the walk. Okay?
Q: Thank you.
A: You're welcome. And you're eating, what's the ratio of meat?
Q: Well, it was all red, and then I've been eating a little later because of my cough. I've been going for poultry. I've been eating more poultry. It's probably like, I don't know, I'm probably not eating enough. I've probably eaten a pound of red and a half a pound of white.
A: A day?
Q: Mm-hmm.
A: That's good. That's excellent.
Q: I mean, sometimes I'll only go a pound. It's hard for me to, I don't know why. Like I said, I can eat more eggs than I can meat. It's just, I'm, I don't know.
A: So you're saying you're eating over a pound of meat a day? Altogether, right?
Q: Yeah. I have to force myself. Sometimes I don't even feel like eating at all.
A: You can skip a day once in a while.
Q: Shove it down. But what I find really great is I couldn't eat, you know, I swallowed all this poison, and I couldn't eat any cooked food at all. Like if I ate cooked food, I'd fall over in pain. And now, I can't, I mean, not once in a while. It's like if I go out for a meal, like with my family and everything, and I have to eat cooked food. But it's, like, I can do it without falling over.
A: Good. You're getting better. That doesn't mean you should practice it.
Q: No, no. And then I ate one piece of chocolate. It was the most amazing thing. I mean, usually, it's like I thought I was going to be in a lot of pain. It was just one of those little tiny, little, you know. And all of a sudden, I started coughing. I coughed for about an hour and a half. And then I realized my pancreas can't digest it or something. The enzymes.
A: Well, you got theobromine and caffeine in it.
Q: The what?
A: Theobromine and caffeine. They're both nerve irritants.
Q: Actually, I think my nervous system is still switching. You can't tell, though, about, like, scar tissue or anything?
A: Only by the irises.
Q: And you have to literally?
A: You have to blow it up.
Q: I know we said last time, and you said there was, like, 100 times as much scar tissue. But I didn't... You know, I did an MRI, and I'm not even sure.
A: MRI is going to make you sicker. High radiation and all that. But MRI doesn't detect life. It just detects solid matter, that's all.
Q: Right. If there was a tumor.
A: It's not going to tell you how much of your body is alive.
Q: Right, same thing with, like, a CT scan.
A: None of them are good. One's high radiation, one's high magnetic field. You're welcome. Okay. Let me grab an egg, or else I'm going to go on... Your name isn't Alex, is it? You look like Alex.
[audio cut]
A: Hi. What's your name again?
Q: Susan.
A: Susan. Okay. Left ovary is about 40% hardened. The left adrenal gland is in pretty good shape. The left side of the pancreas is about 80% hardened. Good. Thyroid, left thyroid is okay. Parathyroid is excellent. Tonsil area looks okay. Well, you have lymphatic activity. You have the scar. So that area is okay. The right side, the right ovary is about 30% hardened. No, 25%. The right adrenal gland is about 50% hardened. Right side of the pancreas, probably 80% hardened. So you're moving toward severe sugar problems. Right thyroid is excellent. Parathyroid is wonderful. Tonsil area, very poor. You do have some lymphatic activity, but that doesn't look so good. The area is drying out pretty badly on the right side of your throat. Almost look like you're, you know, like you could develop cancer of the throat.
Q: I know, there's scar tissue.
A: I'm not looking at that. I'm looking at the color. And they're both the same on both sides and color. So I'm going to suggest that you take the saliva and put it on your neck with honey every night. Okay. Got to dissolve this because it looks like it's moving to be basal cell cancer of the throat. You know, I'm not an M.D. diagnosing it. But that's what I've seen with people who've had throat cancers. And I've only seen that with people who have throat cancers. So you may already have it. If you don't know it, that's even good. If you don't know it, just take care of it. And putting that honey on with saliva, with water, it doesn't work, only with saliva. It doesn't have to be thick. And these glands in here need it the most, right in here. So the actual thyroid doesn't look like it's, you know, really involved in itself. It doesn't have to be the thyroid here. Parathyroids look like they might be involved. So I'll look from here to here on both sides.
Q: Okay.
A: Even if you do it on your chin, an area here, it will be absorbed down into these glands. You have a tremendous amount of metal in the gallbladder. It's a very toxic area.
Q: [unintelligible]
A: That's why. They ripped it out and left mercury there. They probably swabbed it with thimerosal, you know, puricomomophilic mercury, liquid mercury. So now you've got mercury all over that area. You've got a hole. You know, there's dead tissue in it, but yours is actually gone. That's where the gallbladder is supposed to be. And yours is a dark hole. Liver, you know, poor circulation, got a lot of broken veins in it. So it looks like you're probably deficient in vitamin K and vitamin U. Might start developing, because of this, spider veins and varicose veins. I'm going to suggest that you have about eight ounces of cabbage juice with two tablespoons of coconut cream and one tablespoon of dairy cream and one tablespoon of butter. And I'd like you to have a tablespoon of cheese. Mix that together to try to get this, because it looks like you've got ulcerations in the liver, like you've got internal bleeding in the liver. So that will reverse that, usually within about probably the third time of doing it. So do it, probably do it every other day for six days. And then after that, do it twice a week, so do it every four days after that. Then after about six weeks, once a week should be fine. So you mix it up together? Well, the cheese, you're going to have to eat that and drink it. Lymphatic baths are going to be pretty important for you. So in the new book, it talks about how to do lymphatic baths. You need the pineapple, the coconut cream, that whole mixture to help that dissolve. Also, you have a lot of bile throughout the body. Even though you've maintained a lot of weight, the bile is still usually just flush. Were you thin as a child?
Q: No.
A: Odd that the bile got distributed. So you could have about eight ounces of carrot juice a week with the same mixture that you have with the cabbage, you know, in ounces. Well, you could do two ounces of the coconut cream and one ounce of the cow's cream with the carrot juice and a tablespoon of lemon juice and honey if you like. It's not all that important. Is that eight ounces of it? Eight ounces of the carrot juice, two ounces of coconut cream, one ounce of dairy cream, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of honey if you want.
Q: I did have a kidney problem, six or seven.
A: When you were six or seven?
Q: Right. They kept taking me to the hospital outpatient. I don't remember anything else.
A: Well, you've got about a third dead tissue in the left kidney and about 50% of the kidney is dead on the right side. So that's still pretty functional. The right kidney was most affected by the treatment process.
Q: Is there any suggestion for the kidneys that you can do to improve it?
A: Usually just doing the diet takes care of that. There's nothing special for the kidneys. Celery juice is very helpful for that. Cucumber is helpful. Kidney seems to be able to revive anything as long as it gets them, as long as we eat the meat, the raw meat. And as far as the meat goes, there's a slight sign of anemia, so I'm going to suggest about 80% red meat and 20% white meat. And if you have tendency toward irritability, eat the two together. It's the same ratio. If not, if you're eating just red meat, then make sure you at least eat one egg or two with the raw meat.
Q: Drink it in a shake or no?
A: If you're having the eggs with the meat, no. You'll block digestion. Your digestion isn't good enough. Peaches are good. Make sure they're green. Pears are good, green. Melons, good, especially honeydew, unripe. As hard as you can get it. And you should definitely eat a pound of meat a day altogether. Okay. Pardon?
Q: 50-50 [unintelligible]?
A: Yeah. Oh, vegetable, normal vegetable juice?
Q: You said 80% red.
A: 80% red, 20% white. Vegetable juice, besides the carrot juice and the cabbage. 10% parsley. And 5% celery and 5% zucchini.
Q: Question. This is the first time I've known about any of this, so I haven't, of course, started or done any.
A: Have you read the book yet?
Q: I haven't read the book. Oh, well, almost that much of it. I'm up to where you're painting the house. I'm not worried too much about the raw dairy products. Then I can probably handle a raw egg if it's not a smoothie. It's going to take a whole bit of time along with the raw meat. If I throw a bit of meat on, it's as rare as I can stand it, as opposed to cooking it.
A: Well, if you have to work your way toward it, you know, do what you have to do.
Q: Okay. Okay. Since eating the raw egg is not something I can handle right now, is there any other thing I can do with the meat?
A: Well, that's just if you're eating red meat without white meat, with it like fish with it or chicken with it. But if you want to get your eggs, put them in a milkshake. That's fine.
Q: Okay.
A: I was just saying if you didn't want to eat white meat, you know, some kind of fowl or seafood with your red meat, you could always add a couple of eggs, one or two eggs, to make up for the white meat so it doesn't make you irritable.
Q: Okay. Can I try the eggs with the smoothie?
A: No. No, not if it's with the meat. So I suggest you just eat the meat, you know, just eat white meat every time you eat red meat.
Q: Okay.
A: I mean, if you want to make a milkshake, you're going to get away with drinking about two ounces of it with a meat meal right after the meat meal, but no more than that.
Q: Okay. Thank you.
Q: Can you juice the zucchini? I tried. It takes like 20 minutes to juice it. It's very hard to juice.
A: You alternate all the foods?
Q: Yeah.
A: Like carrots or anything?
Q: Yeah.
A: What I do is I cut it in quarters.
Q: Yeah, that's what I do, too.
A: Yeah, and then put one in, and I put it in with the celery.
Q: It's very hard to juice, though. It's harder than cucumber.
A: Yeah, but if you put it with the celery while it's going in the celery at the same time, you know, usually I'll put it in right after I put parsley in by itself. Then I'll put that in because the parsley is dry.
Q: Or by the end, right, at the very end.
A: No, no, I do it all the way along. If you save the zucchini and put it all at the same time, it's going to jam up the machine.
Q: What I do, I always look at the measuring cup, you know, to get the right amount of celery, carrot, and zucchini. So if I alternate, I won't be able to tell how much and what I put in.
A: Well, if you know, if you say, okay, it took this much to make that much, then you remember how much it is, and then you don't have to measure it each time. That's the way I do it.
Q: Because I have to have like 11 ounces of zucchini, so that's pretty much, you know.
A: Well, you realize how much, you know, it takes to get, you know, 11 ounces. And you use that much zucchini, but you don't put it all at the same time.
Q: Yeah, it's just sometimes it's very small, skinny, and sometimes it's fat and very big, and it's hard to tell.
A: By weight, you can tell. So, you know, you weigh how much zucchini you have. You get your 11 ounces, and then what zucchini you have left, weigh that, subtract it from what. So you know what the weight of zucchini takes to make 11 ounces. And then it's easy. Then you don't have to worry about, you know, measuring it each time. You know how much weight it takes.
Q: Do you peel the vegetables first?
A: Unless it's, you know, unless you have a cucumber that you're giving it to your man and you want him to be erect. He's the one that's affected by that, you don't want to give him. You don't want to juice the cucumber with the peel on it. You want to peel it first.
Q: Does it matter if you use the large carrots or the big carrots?
A: Babies are sweeter.
Q: Okay. Thank you.